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The Most Bike Friendly U.S. Cities

From college co-eds to young professionals, almost everyone is discovering the appeal of riding a bicycle. Not only do bikes provide you with tons of exercise, but they also are more affordable than cars, and lower maintenance. Plus, they help to protect the environment.

It’s no wonder that more and more cities are starting to cater to cyclists. If you live in the urban jungle or are planning to move there anytime soon and love to be on a bicycle, here are just a few of the most bike friendly cities in the United States:

Portland, Oregon

Portland laid the groundwork for its biking infrastructure more than two decades ago. Since then, it has built upon itself and has become a mecca for urban cyclists. In fact, Portland boasts 48 kilometers of low-traffic biking routes and more than 280 kilometers of biking lanes. Also, the League of American Bicyclists named the city the very first platinum-level bike friendly community in 2008. There are also more than 2,100 races, rides, and other types of cycling events held in Portland every year.

Boulder, Colorado

Almost 100 percent of Boulder’s city streets are open to bikers, making it one of the best cities for cyclists in the world. There are also more than 600 kilometers of unofficial biking routes throughout the city, as well as the famous Valmont Bicycle Park, which boasts 182,000 square meters of land featuring dirt jumps, trails, and more.

Madison, Wisconsin

Although the harsh winters here deter many cyclists, Madison is a biker’s paradise during the spring, fall, and summer. And, the city has a separate crew of street workers that are dedicated to solely clearing the biking paths during the winter months, keeping cyclists safe.

Philadelphia, PA

Not only does Philadelphia offer bike shares, the city has also reinvented itself as a welcomed urban landscape for cyclists. They have added miles and miles of biking lanes throughout the entire city, making it easier than ever for bikers to safely navigate busy city streets.

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco has the highest population of biking commuters in the United States, with a population of more than 500,000. Despite the hilly environment, cyclists love riding around the City by the Bay.

Austin, Texas

Austin has the ideal climate for biking all year round, and many cyclists are taking advantage of the gorgeous weather. The city is also catering more to riders now more than ever by adding more bike lanes, re-striping or paving new streets, and reducing auto lanes to accommodate more biking lanes.

Chicago, Illinois

The Windy City offers more than 188 kilometers of on-street bike lanes and over 48 kilometer of shared lanes. Overall, Chicago’s bikeway network sprawls more than 560 kilometers. What’s more, Chicago also has Bicycling Ambassadors, whose job it is to teach drivers to safely interact with riders.

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