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Bikes for Tall People
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EVRYjourney 24"
EVRYjourney 24"
Find Your Perfect Match
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EVRYjourney 250W
EVRYjourney 250W
Learn more about Bikes for Tall People
Bikes for Tall People
Is there anything worse than trying to ride a bike built for someone a foot shorter than you? We vote no. Not only is riding a bike that’s too small for you bad for your back, but it’s less efficient and you won’t be motivated to get out on the road. Luckily, sixthreezero has bikes for tall guys and gals so you can be comfortable and safe while you get your ride on.
Finding the Right Fit
Seats can be adjusted on most bicycles, but frames are not as easily changed to meet your needs. It’s better to choose a bike that is built for someone of your size. Thanks to the Body Fit tool on sixthreezero, you can find a bike that is meant for someone as tall as you. Just enter your height and weight in the tool, and you’ll see exactly which bikes we recommend.
Customize your Ride
OK, so you’ve selected one of our bikes for tall riders and you’re ready to buy it. But wait, there’s more! You can also choose a bigger (wider) seat to accommodate your large stature and get customized tires as well. Creating a custom bike is easy and it guarantees that your new bike will be comfortable when it arrives.
Finding the best bike for tall guys and gals is simple around here. Just shop men’s bikes or shop women’s bikes, and then use the Body Fit tool to make sure your new bike will work for you. Once you’re on the road, your height will be an asset – you can better keep an eye on obstacles from your vantage point.
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