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Bikes for Winter
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EVRYjourney 24"
EVRYjourney 24"
EVRYjourney 250W
EVRYjourney 250W
Learn more about Bikes for Winter
Bikes for Winter
Staying active during the winter months could help you avoid getting a case of the blues, and there’s no better way to do it than hopping on your bike. Traversing across shoveled bike lanes or sidewalks can be just as fun as biking in the summer – if not a bit more thrilling. In order to stay safe on roads and trails where patches of ice can appear suddenly, choose one of our winter bikes with hearty tires and a frame that can handle anything.
Custom Bikes Fit for Winter
Our bikes built for winter range from 1- to 21-speed types, so they can handle a variety of terrain. Whether you want a short, stocky bike that can handle city commutes in any weather or a taller frame with room for a basket on the back, you can find the best winter bike on sixthreezero.
Tires That Track
Our bikes can be customized to your needs, including the tires. You may choose one set of tires for your easy summer jaunts and a set with thicker tread to give you better traction over snow and ice. A winter road bike with the right tires gives you more options of terrain to ride on. Regular tires may limit you to riding in well-cleared areas, but winter tires mean you can adventure into the park.
When you’re ready to shop men’s bikes or shop women’s bikes, sixthreezero has your back. You can use our Body Fit tool to find a bike that works for your height and weight, and upgrade your tires so they’re winter ready. Then, gear up in your warm clothes and get out there!
Do you want to find new and exciting places to take your bike on an adventure? There are so many destinations you’ve never heard of. Join our Journey Club to uncover new biking locations around the world.