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3 Game-Changing Electric Trikes Reviewed by a Pro: E Tricycles Review & Recommendation

Today, we're going to review three of the top electric trikes on the market. Stick around to see them.

Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry, and today we are going to review three of the top electric tricycles on the market. But before we get into it, hit that subscribe button below. Stay in touch with us here at Sixthreezero. Be the first to know about all the new content we're putting out, giveaways we do, and of course, new product releases.

All right, right here I have three of the top three electric trikes on the market: the Easy Transit Folding E-Trike from Sixthreezero, the EVRYJourney E-Rickshaw from Sixthreezero, and the EVRYJourney Electric Trike. All three of these products are linked in the description below. If you want to get more info, check out the links there to see them on their product pages. In addition to that, there are more videos about each of these products on our YouTube channel where you can see more riding, more info, more test rides, and other people riding all three of these trikes on our channel. Go ahead and check those out.

All right, if you're in the market for an electric trike, it's not a one-size-fits-all market. I see a lot of companies out there. They come out with one electric trike and they think that is going to be suitable for all riders. Well, not the case. There are different ways to set up your trike. There are different battery ranges, there are different powers, and there's also foldability that exists. So I've got three of the top trikes here. I'm going to walk you through a detailed review and description of each trike and explain to you what the best use case of each one of these e-trikes for adults and seniors is good for.

Okay, let's start over here with our Foldable Electric Trike, the Easy Transit. I want to add just one more caveat before we dive in. There are going to be more videos on the YouTube channel about each of these, so if you want to get more specific info and also more videos of riders taking these out for rides, check them out on the YouTube channel or follow the links in the description below.

Okay, the Easy Transit. This is a cool foldable electric trike. What makes it unique is the 16-inch tires. I don't think there's any other e-trike on the market that has 16-inch foldable or 16-inch tires and is foldable. What's cool about the 16-inch tires is two things. One, it makes this very maneuverable and what that equates to is this is an indoor-outdoor e-trike. You can use this indoors and outdoors. With the very small tires, again, it can take tight corners, and navigate in tight spaces, and if you check out our YouTube channel, we have videos taking this into stores and also onto an elevator and it's easy to navigate with the small tires.

In addition, it creates a very low step-over height. So mounting and dismounting is very simple and easy to get on, and once you're on, you have these ape hanger handlebars that come into your body, which allow the rider to sit upright providing a comfortable ride. And you've got very easily adjustable handlebars here where you can pull this up or down for your desired height. Just clamp that down. And in addition to that, you can also tilt the handlebars in and out by loosening a bolt up here with an Allen key.

While you're up here, we can show you as well, that you have seven speeds here and these seven speeds are going to be used just like a normal bicycle. You can shift up or down. One thing I'd also like to mention is we've added the mirrors here aftermarket, but you can put the mirrors on if you want. They don't come standard with this e-trike. You have your seven gears here that you can use like a normal bike. So if you don't want to use electricity and you want the added gears, you have those here.

On your left hand is where you have your controls for the display and the pedal-assist. You have up and down here. This e-trike has five levels of pedal assist, one, two, three, four, and five. Five giving you the most output, one giving you the least. So when you pedal, if you're in level one, you'll get the first level of assistance all the way up to five.

If you see right here by my thumb, this is a throttle. The cool thing about this is you can use this trike as a mobility device, and if you want, just use the throttle to get around. You can turn the electric motor on. You don't have to even pedal, you just use the throttle. And again, check out the other videos on our YouTube channel if you want to see that in action.

As we come up here too, I'll just show you quick, you're going to hold this button down right here and the screen is going to turn on and this is where I have all your info, which is a nice display. You can easily see it. You've got your odometer, your pedal-assist level, your speed, and your battery life, and you can shift up and down like so and you would be off and running. Turn that off quickly.

Some other cool features. You have a front and a rear basket on this folding e-trike. You can see the front basket, and the rear basket as well. So you've got a lot of cargo space to bring things with you, pick up groceries, you name it. You can lift this right here, put that down. And you've got a 750-watt front hub motor mixed with the 10.4 amp-hour battery. So you're going to be able to accomplish up to 50 miles of riding depending on how you use the pedal-assist and the throttle and the 750-watt motor is going to be very powerful. You're going to be able to get uphills, and riders up to 350 pounds. It's going to help you get uphill.

The top speed is capped at 15 miles an hour for safety, but that 750 watts is going to give you that power, like I said, to get up hills and to navigate certain terrains. So you're going to be able to take this out on hard-pack trails or pavement and also indoors. And again, check out our YouTube channel for some cool videos.

One other thing I forgot to mention, this also has a reverse feature on here as well. This red button here, if you flip that this way, now you can go in reverse and you can back this in and out of very tight spaces. You can back out of elevators. So if you pull into an elevator, you can reverse out of the elevator. That's a cool feature. Or if you're just on a trail and you end up in a precarious situation, you can put it in reverse as well.

All right. One thing I want to show you too is on the seat post here, you've got double-adjustable seat heights right here. So this e-trike can accommodate riders 4'9" up to 6'4". You can see here, that you can raise this seat all the way, clamp that down, and then you can come up here, raise this seat. There is a line, don't go above that, but you can see how high you can get that seat up if you need to.

Of course, the one feature I still haven't mentioned yet is the folding capability. You just unlock right here and from there, the bike will fold in half. And again, if you want to see a complete video on the folding of it, and we put this in the back of a hatchback car, you can see that. So it folds there. It also folds right here on the handlebars and you bring those down. It is very compact, easy to transport in an SUV hatchback and of course an RV as well.

This trike, I like it for a few different things. One is short-range riding. Zero to five miles around communities, pavement, on pavement, and neighborhoods. I also like it for indoor-outdoor usage. So if you're going to go indoors-outdoors into stores, offices, shopping centers, I like it. I also like it for transporting, camping, or anywhere else you want to go because you can fold it, and bring it with you.

I would say ideally, this e-trike is not great for longer rides, so 10 miles or more. You could do it, but it wouldn't be my top choice. If you're going to do more long trails, straight, longer trail riding, I think I've got another better option there that's more in the cruising sector. But again, zero to five miles, easy to turn, easy to navigate, and folds up for storage purposes and transportation purposes. The foldable 750-watt E-Trike from Sixthreezero.

All right, now let's leave this big one for last here, and let's move over to the EVRYJourney 250-watt. So now we're at a 250-watt front hub motor, 10.4 amp-hour battery. A lot of similar features to the first one in terms of you've got five levels of pedal-assist. You also have a throttle here. You also can get up to about 50 miles per ride depending on the usage. Also, the weight of the rider, the usage of the throttle, and the pedal assist. Also, the weight of the rider.

This is a great trike for cruising. You want to go around town, you want to navigate to the beach, at the beach, things like that. It's very comfortable. Let me show you. It's designed like a cruiser. You've got that ergonomic upright riding position. The bars curve into your body so you don't have to lean forward at all. And if you come up here to the handlebars, I want to show you that you still have seven speeds. This is a twist throttle, and we've got 26-inch tires on this, so it's going to roll a little bit smoother and faster. And right here, you've got your display. You can turn that on. And the same features, just a smaller display, a little bit more incognito. There's your miles per hour, your pedal-assist level, and your odometer right there. And here's your throttle right here as well, again, located by your thumb. I'll go ahead and turn that off. And here's your twist shifter for the seven speeds.

I like this, like I said, for trail riding and cruising. Nice, comfortable position, and it rolls great with the 26-inch tires. So if you want to take on rides, again, zero to five is fine, but if you want to go like zero to 15 miles, it's a great trike for it. And the 250 watts of power is going to be good for generally flat-riding, around-town, pavement riding. You can do hard-pack trails. Now, serious hills, this isn't going to be a great option with a 250-watt motor, but the benefit of the 250-watt motor is it's a nice gradual motor and it gives you enough power in most scenarios, and it's very, very smooth as well.

A big cargo basket in the rear as well. Groceries, bring things with you, you name it, you've got the space back there to do it. You've also got a quick-release seat here. Handlebars are adjustable so you can adjust everything perfectly to your body if you need to.

You've got the front and rear hand brakes here. The one difference is you do have disc brakes on the 750-watt Easy Transit. You've got a front caliper brake here and a hub brake on the rear here. For the 250-watt motor, that level of braking will be more than sufficient. That's why I recommend it for flat-ground riding. Again, you can do minor hills. The lighter the rider you are, like under 200 pounds, this will do fine on hills. Above 200 pounds, if you want to take on big hills on an e-trike, this probably isn't the e-trike for you.

So cruising, zero to 15 miles, long trails, paths, you name it, great, great option. I like the EVRYJourney e-trike for that.

All right, now finally, the big kahuna. Last but not least, the Sixthreezero Electric Rickshaw. This is a super cool e-trike that has a passenger seat on the back. This trike can hold up to 600 pounds, specifically, 350 pounds on the rear seat here. You've got to step up here for your passengers. You have a seat belt right here and you could fit up to three children and up to two adults. And again, I recommend checking out the other videos on our YouTube channel. We've got lots of riding videos that detail the specs.

This is a 750-watt front hub motor. You can see how beefy this motor is in the front here. This can take you up to speeds of 20 miles an hour. It also can transport up to 600 pounds. The heavier the load, you may not be able to rely on the throttle. You may have to switch to pedal-assist mode, but it can do it. I have ridden this many times, and again, you can check out the videos. This thing's very powerful, very fun.

You can take on hills with this e-trike if you're a single rider. You can also remove the seat back here. We have a basket option that you can replace the seat with. So if you just want this powerful trike and you're doing rides by yourself, you can buy it and get the basket as an option or you can install and swap as you see fit. Totally up to you.

You've got a 21 amp-hour battery. You can see how large this battery is. That's going to, again, do up to 50 miles. It's going to depend on the load that you're bringing with you as well. The heavier the load, the more quickly you will drain the battery. Also, the more hills you're doing, the more you're using your throttle, but that's a very big battery. You'll still be able to get up to 50 miles.

You've got that same ergonomic comfort riding position. You've also got the seven speeds on this one as well. And if you want to come up here, I'll just show you quickly. You also have a parking brake right here, which is nice. So again, same thing. You're going to hold this button down. Now everything turns on. You've got your pedal assist. You've got a running clock of how long you've been riding. You've got your distance, your outside temperature, your motor watt output, and of course, your battery life. Right here, your pedal-assist levels, you've got a horn, and you've got your throttle over here as well. This thing is a lot of fun.

The other thing too is on the front here, you've got a front suspension fork. You can see right there as I push down, it goes up and down. That's nice to absorb your ride and just make it a little bit easier on your body. So if you have any back pain or things like that, it's nice to have that front suspension fork. And I did forget to mention that the folding e-trike also has a front suspension fork as well, so another nice feature on there.

You've got your seat back here. You can put your passengers on here. A little bit difficult to see, but right here, we have a basket under here as well. So you can transport passengers and put things in here. If you're going to the pool, going around town, you name it and go ahead and put it right here and go ahead and close that up. That's great. Put things under there, put groceries under there, and take it with you. Sixthreezero is also working on a lot of cool add-on features that are going to be able to be added to this Rickshaw Trike.

One last thing I want to add is these four-inch wide tires and it's 20-inch tall by four-inch wide in the rear and 24-inch by four-inch in the front. So great for off-road, hard-packed trails. Again, with passengers, depending on the trail, it may be difficult if it's not a very hard-packed trail, but if you want to take this off-road by yourself, I've done it. I've got a video of it on the YouTube channel. The four-inch wide tires are going to grip the ground and cushion it, and even for normal around-town rides, the four-inches are nice because it's going to keep the bike more balanced, absorb a lot of the shock, and just make for an overall more comfortable and safer ride.

Last thing too, you got a light on here, and I believe you have a light on the foldable e-trike as well.

So this one, obviously the e-rickshaw is good for a couple of things. One, bringing passengers. If you'd like to ride with someone, if you have a child that has special needs, it's a great option for that. If you have a loved one or someone else you just want to take rides with and you want to swap out who's driving, you can do that, or if you have a partner who no longer has the ability to ride a bike, this is a great option.

As a single rider, this is also great if you're looking for a beefier trike. Also, if you're a heavier rider, 300, or 350 pounds, a great option that you can get up hills with because you have that 750-watt motor there. So if you need something more powerful or if you do like to do hard-pack trails, this is great with the four-inch wide tires.

That sums it up. My review of these three e-trikes and what they are good for, the Foldable Easy Transit, the E-Rickshaw from Sixthreezero, and of course, the EVRYJourney E-Trike, the 250-watt front hub motor.

If you have any questions at all about any three of these, please put them in the comments below or reach out to us, at, or call us at (310) 982-2877. All three bikes are linked in the description below so you can go ahead and check that out. And don't forget, at Sixthreezero, we have a 30-day test ride on your e-bike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. Also, for all three of these bikes, we're going to warranty for a year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we're going to take care of it to ensure that you can keep riding.

Lastly, we have a Facebook pedalers group and an app. Join the Facebook pedalers group called Sixthreezero Pedalers. Talk to existing riders before you purchase. Ask them questions about their e-trike. Then once you have your e-trike, post in the group, make friends, and of course, track your rides on the app. It is a lot of fun.

Thanks for sticking around, and don't forget: it's your journey or experience, enjoy the ride.


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