E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle Rickshaw 2025 w/ Hitch Attachment & Hydraulic Brakes
EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle Rickshaw 2025 w/ Hitch Attachment & Hydraulic Brakes
Easy Transit750WFolding Electric Trike
Easy Transit750WFolding Electric Trike
Simple Glide 500W Recumbent E Trike
Simple Glide 500W Recumbent E Trike
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EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle
EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle
Simple Step Thru FAT Tire3 Wheel Electric Bike
Simple Step Thru FAT Tire3 Wheel Electric Bike
sixthreezero Fat Tire 750w Reverse ETrike
sixthreezero Fat Tire 750w Reverse ETrike
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Simple Glide Fat Tire 750W Recumbent E Trike w/ Footrest
Simple Glide Fat Tire 750W Recumbent E Trike w/ Footrest
sixthreezero Two Front Wheel Electric Bike
sixthreezero Two Front Wheel Electric Bike
sixthreezero Two Front Wheel 2025 750w Electric Bike w/ Hydraulic Brakes
sixthreezero Two Front Wheel 2025 750w Electric Bike w/ Hydraulic Brakes
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Relaxed Body750 watt Electric Tricycle
Relaxed Body750 watt Electric Tricycle
sixthreezero ANYterrain Stabilized 4 Wheel Electric Bike
sixthreezero ANYterrain Stabilized 4 Wheel Electric Bike
EVRYjourney Electric Trike Tandem 750w
EVRYjourney Electric Trike Tandem 750w
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EVRYjourney Electric Rickshaw 1000w Mid Drive
EVRYjourney Electric Rickshaw 1000w Mid Drive
Learn more about Electric Tricycles
Remember the days when you wanted to graduate past your little Red Flyer tricycle to a big kid’s bike? With an electric trike, you have done just that. The tricycle still bears the classic-looking handlebars, brakes pulleys, and frame, but you get an upgrade to adult speeds. The frame is still lightweight, allowing you to mount it with ease. There is also generally enough space between the back tires for a basket to carry your gym bag or groceries. The battery power behind your excursions should last anywhere from two to four years, so long as you keep it well-maintained.
More and more adults and seniors are choosing ebikes with three wheels. The added stability of 3 wheels makes trikes for adults a safe option for senior riders that may not be able to balance as well as they used to. E tricycles are getting more riders back on bicycles after many years of being off bikes. There are many choices now for tricycles for adults, different tire sizes, motor sizes, brake types and also battery sizes.
For many adults, purchasing an electric tricycle is an upgrade on the classic childhood bike. The motor-assisted drivetrain brings speed and stability to an adult tricycle, making it an extremely popular choice for those who love to get out and go without all the sweat of pedaling or fear of falling. The electric tricycle adds more power to your pedal stroke, though you feel as it you aren’t pedaling at all with the extra energy behind each burst. The motor handles the load easily, and the added support of the third wheel won’t leave you feeling pushed or pulled by the motor. Choosing an electric tricycle also depends on your range of mobility. For example, someone with a disability may need a recumbent e-trike. Someone with more range of mobility could ride a traditional electric trike and be sitting upright. There is truly an e-trike for everyone.
There may be certain features you want with your tricycle, but there are also certain features you need for your intended use. A quiet but speed-producing motor, a lightweight frame and a pleasing look are generally all people consider, but there are a few other things to look for. The top speed for the typical 600-750-watt brushless motor can produce speeds between 10-20 miles per hour. A motor that extends to 1200 watts can get you up between 20-30 mph. The speed control on a tricycle is often a twist-throttle building into the handlebar or is connected through a thumb-driven throttle. A twist throttle is usually more manageable at higher speeds and on bumpy roads. Higher-end models can come with an LCD display to indicate batter usage and life, as well as give you information about your speed. Distance driven depends on your engine size, speed and miles driven, though you should expect between 20-40 miles per battery charge. The main features of an electric trike are the motor, battery, lcd display, frame, basket, tires, brakes, and seat.
E-Trikes for sale typically can have three different motor sizes. Either 250 watt, 500 watt or 750 watt. Anything larger than 750 watts wouldn't be street legal in the US. There are also several different locations the motors can be mounted on e trikes. The three locations for an e tricycle motor is on the front wheel, mid drive mounted and also there are some rear mounted motors on three wheel ebikes. The size of the motor you need for your electric trike depends on the type of riding you plan to do on your e-trike. A 750 watt 3 wheeled e bike will great for carrying heavy loads and tackling big hills. If you are a rider over 250lbs, a 750 watt motor may be the best option if you will also be riding up a lot of hills on your rides. A 750 watt motor will be able to hit top speeds of 20mph with just using the throttle and 28mph when using the pedal assist. Not all trikes will come equipped with a throttle, if that is a feature you'd like on your electric trike bike make sure to check the specs before purchasing. All three wheel e bikes will come with pedal assist. When you start pedaling the motor will turn on and give assistance during the ride. When the rider stops pedaling the motor will stop assisting. All trikes that have an electric motor will come with pedal assist, usually five levels.
A 500 watt electric tricycle will also be able to achieve the same speeds on flat ground, but won't perform as well with heavy loads. If you plan to frequently ride up hill and your weight is over 250lbs, then a 500 watt etrike may not be the right choice. Riders under 250lbs will have more than enough power with a 500-watt motor. If you plan to primarily ride on flat ground a 500 watt motor will be more than enough power for all rides. If your primary objective is to have the motor give you some assistance while pedaling, but you still want to give your legs a workout, then 500 watts would be perfect.
250 watt e-tricycles are great for path and street riding around neighborhoods and communities. This size e trike is perfect for the rider that just wants some assistance but still enjoys the work of pedaling. An electric trike for adults or seniors with this size motor will have a stop speed of 15 miles per hour. This will still feel fast on a three wheeled bike and will be great for flat ground riding. Usually 250 watt tricycles will have a front hub motor. Opting for this size motor on your trike will save you some money and it will still be enough power for most rides.
The motor on electric tricycles are usually mounted in three possible locations. Either inside the front wheel, in the middle of frame by the crank, or in the rear. Each motor location has different pros and cons. Front hub e-trike motors are great because they provide great power but are also very easily replaceable. If your motor were to ever break, you can simply buy a new front wheel with the motor in the inside of the hub. It will plug into the cable and you'll be off and riding again.
Mid drive mounted motors have a lot of torque, but trikes with this type of motor location are typically more expensive. If you are going to ride up a lot of hills or pull very heavy loads then a mid-drive mounted motor is a great option. The extra torque may not be worth the extra dollars though, you'll have to make that choice. Consider the typically routes you will ride on your tricycle and also how much weight will usually be on the adult tricycle during rides.
Finally, there are rear mounted motors on e tricycles. These will perform nearly the same as a front hub motor. The challenge with a rear mounted motor is placing it will be more challenging than replacing a motor inside the front hub. But the power will be good and they will function great. They may be more costly than a front hub motor etrike but less expensive than a mid-drive mounted one.
If you are keen on riding Etrikes, you must be aware that the electric tricycle motor size comes in different types. Moreover, these types of motors bring their own benefits in power, efficiency, and handling. As a result, they help you ride better on various roads. So, here are a few types of motors you should know about.
Mid-Drive Motors: It is located near the pedals of the trike. They power the pedals directly, making them efficient and great for hills. They also use the trike’s gears to help you get the best performance.
Chain-Driven Motors: These types of motors use a chain to transfer power to the rear wheel. Moreover, they are effective but bit as common in trikes.
Belt-Driven Motors: Instead of chain, Belt-Driven Motors use a belt to transform power. Hence, they are quieter and need less upkeep compared to chain-driven motors.
Geared Hub Motors: They have internal gears, which help with torgue and efficiency at low speeds. As a result, they are useful for trikes that need extra power for starting and climbing hills.
Direct-Driven Hub Motors: It does not have gears and provides a simple power transfer. Due to this reason, they are usually quieter and more reliable but might not be as efficient at low speeds.
Choosing the right motor for your Etrike is important for a great riding experience. So, learning about the different motors will help you to make a smart choice while buying an electric bike.
Knowing about motor size on an Electric Trike will help you achieve the best performance. Each size affects how fast you can go, how far you can travel, and how comfortable you are. So, here are some electric tricycle motor sizes you should know about.
250 Watts Motor: This motor size is good for easy and flat riding in the city. Moreover, it is great for casual rides and short trips. Thus, it is perfect if you don’t need a lot of power.
500 Watts Motor: Good for everyday rides, small hills, and city travels. Furthermore, it offers a nice mix of power and efficiency. Not only this, it gives a bit of more power and handles different types of terrain better.
750 Watts Motor: It is stronger and faster, making this motor good for steep hills and more difficult rides. Apart from this, 750 Watts Motor provides better acceleration and can handle more varied types of surfaces.
1,000 Watts Motor: It’s a very powerful motor that is perfect for tough terrain and fast speeds. Besides, this motor is great for heavy use and challenging rides, including steep hills.
1500+ Watts Motor: This motor is powerful for the most demanding and most difficult rides. Moreover, it can handle very steep hills and rough surfaces. As a result, it is ideal for high-performing riding requirements.
Picking up the right motor size on an Electric Trike makes a big difference. Furthermore, it will also help you to enjoy a better ride, with the right speed and distance as per your riding requirements.
The lithium-ion batteries on electric trike bikes play a big part in the price. The bigger the battery the more expensive the electric tricycle for sale will be. There are other factors that dictate the cost of the e trike as well, including the brand of battery. Samsung and LG both make electric bike batteries but they will be more expensive than non brand name batteries. The size of battery you need for your three wheel ebike depends on the distance you plan to ride and also the terrain you will be riding. If you can match the battery size to your desired riding habits you'll prevent yourself from over spending on your etrike purchase. Also, fat tire etrikes require larger lithium batteries because they will drain the battery quicker. If you plan to ride hills frequently, opt for a larger battery. If you are over 250lbs, opt for a larger battery also. If you are under 250lbs and plan to do most flat ground riding you'll do just fine with a smaller battery.
Batteries on e-trikes should be easily removable so you can bring them inside to charge if you so choose. Also, you can reduce the weight of your adult etrike by taking off the battery if you'd like to ride manually without any electric assist. A key will lock the battery to the frame of the tricycle to ensure no one can steal the battery when your bike is unattanded.
Throttles are a common feature on electric tricycles. There are two types of ebike throttle, a thumb throttle or a twist throttle. The thumb throttle works like a gas pedal in a car, the harder you push it the fast the etrike goes. The difference is the ebike throttle you press with your thumb, not your foot. A twist throttle on an etricycle works just like a throttle on a motorcycle. The rider twists their wrist back and that engages the motor. The more the rider twists their wrist the more power the motor gives the rider. Having a throttle on your 3 wheeler ebike is a lot of fun and can be quite beneficial in many situations. Using the throttle to get moving is simple and easy. It helps to get all three wheels rolling and then if you'd like you can start pedaling. Also, using the throttle to navigate in tight spaces is great, you can decide how little or how much power you give the trike by pushing or twisting the throttle. The throttle can repl
The pedal assist on e trikes for adults is a really great feature. If you have the motor turned on and in an assist level higher at one or above when you start pedaling the motor will turn on and give you assistance as you pedal. Generally there are five levels on pedal assist on an electric tricycle. One gives you the least amount of assistance and five gives you the most assistance. You can easily change pedal assist levels while you are stopped or while you are pedaling. You can start from a complete stop in any pedal assist level you choose. However, it is recommended to start in a lower assistance level so to be prepared for the jolt the motor will give. You can also ride your 3 wheel bike without the motor on. You turn the electric off completely and pedal with no assistance if you choose. Many riders prefer to use some combination of the pedal assistance, throttle and no motor at all on rides. For the hills keep the pedal assist in level five, on flat ground turn it down to maybe level one or two. Then if you are looking to really work hard, turn the motor off completely and give your body a workout.
Different types of LCD displays exist on electric trikes. Some have large center mounted displays and others have smaller, sleek displays located closer to the grips. The display won't have an impact on the performance of your three wheeled electric bicycle but it can offer some beneficial features. The lcd display on your electric three wheeled bike will tell you how much battery you have left, what level of pedal assist you are in and how many miles you've traveled.
Whether a large or small display, generally the info displayed will be the same. It's really a choice of what kind of display you like and where you prefer it is mounted. Sometimes the display on the tricycle will also tell you your power output, the weather, and also indicate if the light on the bike is turned on or off. Large, glass displays can sometimes shatter easier, which is something to consider when choosing your etrike. Remember, the performance of the trike is more important than the display. The LCD Display is simply there to give you information about the performance of your e tricycle for adults and seniors.
The pricing of adult e tricycles can vary greatly depending on the features of the trike. Prices can start as low as $1,000 and go as high as $5,000 plus. The price depends mainly on the battery size, motor size, and frame design. Fat tire trikes with big motors and batteries will be more costly. Electric tricycle rickshaws that can carry passengers will have the highest price tag for a 3 wheel bike. Remember when shopping for an electric tricycle for adults to check over the specs and ensure you'll be paying for the specs that you absolutely need. There are very unique three wheel bikes in the market and those usually carry a higher price tag. The more unique the frame and style generally the more expensive your tricycle will be. There are etrikes with specially seats that can provide ergonomic seating positions. Remember, choose your features wisely so you don't pay for the features you don't need. Sixthreezero has affordable E-Trikes on sale now.
Tricycles for adults come with many different tire sizes. Common tire sizes are 16", 20", 24" & 26". A 26" adult tricycle used to be one of the most common sizes for trikes, until recently. Now there is a vast selection of adult trikes in a wide array of tire sizes. A large diameter wheel on a trike will be better for longer rides if the rider prefers to pedal. The larger tire will roll easier and build momentum easier during rides. Smaller tires will require the rider to pedal much fast to keep the trike moving. If you plan to always use the throttle or a very high level of pedal assist at all times, the tire size won't have a huge impact on your rides. But if you like to ride long distances and enjoy pedal with a low level or pedal assist than a tire at least 20" in diameter is recommended. Smaller tires will also provide a lower step over height. This can be beneficial if mounting or dismounting your etrike is something you are concerned about. The lower to the ground the frame is the easier it will be to get on and off. This is a feature many seniors prefer on their tricycle and what makes small tire tricycles some of the best for seniors.
In addition to the diameter size, e tricycle tires also come in varying widths. Ranging from approximately 2" to 4" in width. The same is true for the width, the wider the tire is the harder they will be to pedal under your own power. If you find enjoyment in pedaling, opting for a medium range thick tire is probably best. Two inches wide is a great width for trikes, they are thick enough to balance the tire but also narrow enough to still allow the tires roll easy and smooth. Four inch wide etrike tires are great for going off road. The extra width can roll over any bumps whether on the road or off road. Also, the added width does mean more rubber contacting the road, which will mean more balance. You'll have to decide when buying an etrike what will best suit your etricycle riding needs.
The brakes on your adult etrike are one of the most important features. Obviously having the proper braking power is absolutely imperative to enjoying a safe ride on your adult trike. Most etrikes will come with mechanical disc brakes on both the front and rear. Mechanical disc brakes operate by pulling the level on the handlebars with your hand, which pulls a cable connected to a brake pad on the rotor of either the front or rear wheel. Pull the level will pull the cable to close the brake pads down on the rotor thus engaging the brakes and stopping the tricycle. These type of brakes are very powerful, easy to use and don't require a ton of maintenance. If you are logging a lot of miles, the brake pads can wear down but they are easily replaceable for not very much money.
Lower powered trikes can also have mechanical rim brakes. These type of brakes are still activated by pull a brake lever on the handlebar, but instead of braking on a rotor they brake on the rim of the adult trike. These type of brakes will be well suited for 250 watt or less tricycles. The advantage is they are much simpler to adjust on your own. The pads will generally last a little longer also since they are typically much thicker than the brake pads on disc brakes. You'll save money by opting for rim brakes versus disc brakes, make sure to choose what is best for your riding and your pocket book.
Lastly are hydraulic disc brakes, which provide the most responsive, powerful braking of all brake types. These will always be the most expensive type of etrike brakes and potentially require the most maintenance. Hydraulic brakes will need to have the lines bled yearly or every two years depending on how frequently you ride. Most e trikes won't require hydraulic brakes but if you plan to do a lot of hilly riding and frequently travel at speeds of close to 20mph then hydraulic brakes may be a good option for you. Again, consider the consider the cost against the type of riding you plan to do.
Folding electric trikes are great if you plan to transport your tricycle frequently or you have limited storage at your home. Generally foldable e trikes can fold in half, the pedals can fold and the handlebars can fold down as well. When folded, this type of tricycle can be taken in a hatchback car, pickup truck, or rv. This can be convenient if your favorite bike path is car trip away and out of riding distance. Foldable tricycles generally have similar features as a non folding trike, the only added benefit is that they will fold. You won't find folding etrikes with fat tires, it defeats the purpose of the trike folding up compact. The goal of a foldable electric tricycle is to have it fold small and compact. Generally they will have 20" wheels or smaller to ensure when folded they can easily be transported or store. If smaller wheels are not your preference then stay way from foldable electric trikes for adults.
Many adult tricycle riders prefer a large seat often times with a backrest. Don't fret if your adult trike doesn't come with your preferred seat, you can always change it. All seats are universal so you can shop for the seat that will best suit your needs. Since seats are easily changeable it's most important to shop for your trike with the other specs at the forefront of your mind. If you find a tricycle and love everything but the seat, just remember the seat can always be changed later.
Many people like riding a three wheel bicycle because they want to have ample storage to take things with them on rides and also to go shopping on rides. Many tricycles feature a rear basket and generally it is larger than any size basket that can fit on a standard two wheel bike. Another fun activity is to bring your pet with you on trike rides. This is why many riders prefer having 3 wheels, because it will stay balanced and it will be easy to bring your furry friend with you. Also a front basket can be mounted on many tricycles as well. Depending on what you want to bring with you on rides it's nice to have both a front and rear basket. Sixthreezero offers 3 wheel electric bikes with both a rear basket and front basket options. Also, there are many different accessory options available like bags that can be mounted to the frame. These bags are great for carrying small items like keys, wallet and phones. The beauty is you can customize your sixthreezero tricycle to suit your riding needs.
Ensuring your back, arms, shoulders and wrists are relaxed when going for a trike ride is very important. Seniors looking for a trike bike want something that will keep them in an ergonomic riding position. This will ensure reduced pain in joints when during and after rides. Having a tricycle that can easily be adjusted is very important. Riders need to adjust elements of the bike to find the best position for their body. sixthreezero trikes have four custom adjustment points, two on the handlebars and two on the seat. These custom adjustment points on the tricycle make finding the right sitting and riding position for your body quick and easy. Seniors will really enjoy this, as arthritis or past surgeries may have greatly reduced the range of motion in certain body parts. Finding the right position for your body is essential to maximum not only your comfort but also performance.
Steering a trike is much different from steering a two wheel bicycle. This is something that may take some getting used if you've never ridden a three wheel bicycle before. On a two wheel bike riders need to lean in order to get the bike to turn, and the rider leans into the turn. On an electric trike when you turn, you want shift your body weight in the opposite direct of the turn. This will keep all three wheels safely planted on the pavement. The other important thing to know is you need to turn the handlebars in order to turn. On a standard bicycle leaning is enough to start gently turning the bike. On a tricycle leaning won't turn the trike, you must turn the handlebars in order to get it moving in the direction you want. The important thing is to be patient and practice. The more you practice on your tricycle the easier riding will become.
Before you ride a cruiser e trike, you must check a few things to ensure your safety and comfort. So, the following section will allow you to ensure that everything is ready and you can enjoy a great ride.
First of all, you need to make sure the tires have enough air. This is mainly because low tire pressure will make your cruiser e trike harder to ride and may also cause damage. Well, you can use a gauge device to check the tire’s air pressure and add air to it, if necessary. This will further help you to ride safely and smoothly.
You should also test all the brakes before every ride. You can do it by squeezing the brake levers and checking if they quickly and effectively stop the trike. But if the brakes don't work well or feel loose, you should tighten them or ask an expert to check them. Properly working brakes are important in maintaining your safety.
You need to look at the wheels as well and make sure they are secure and not at all damaged. Then check if the seat is in the right position. After that, ensure the handlebars are not loose. This will further allow the rider to ensure that the trike is safe to ride.
You must check the battery as well before starting to ride your comfortable electric trike. Make sure it’s fully charged so you don’t run out of power. If the battery is low, it can stop the trike from working, especially on longer rides. Charging it fully will help avoid this problem.
Make sure that the digital display showcases all the necessary information like speed, distance, and battery level. But if the display is not working properly, you might not get important information like battery power is low or how fast you are going. So, it is important to make sure it is working before you ride.
By doing these simple checks, you can enjoy a safe and fun ride on your comfortable electric trike. Have a great time riding around your tricycle and enjoy your adventures!
When you are looking for a comfortable electric trike, you must be wondering about its advantages. So, here are some of the top advantages that you cannot ignore.
Gentle On Knees: Riding this E-Trike is gentler on your knees and joints than activities like running. Moreover, it's also a good choice if you have joint problems.
Helps With Weight: Riding a cruiser e trike will help you to lose weight and keep a healthy weight as well.
Cardiovascular Exercise: Biking is great for your heart health as well. Moreover, it helps improve your heart health and makes you feel more energetic.
Go and buy a comfortable electric trike if you think these advantages fulfill your riding and comfort requirements.
When you mount a sixthreezero electric trike, you are free to let your body relax while you ride down the road. The frames are ergonomically designed to keep you in a riding position that is tension-free on all your major joints. The entire body gets involved when riding a bike, yet with an electric trike, your wrists, neck, knees, shoulders, and ankles don’t have to strain to keep balance or power the wheels forward. Sixthreezero offers an easy to step through frame and tires that are large about to absorb the bumps of the road yet small enough to make for a smooth glide. The design also incorporates the ever-so-important storage, with a rear basket housed between the rear two tires that is big enough to hold a backpack, sack of groceries or picnic supplies.
sixthreezero has different models of electric trike. They are the EVRYjourney 250 watt, EZ Transit Foldable E Trike, EVRYjourney E Bike Rickshaw, Two Front Wheel Folding E Trike, Simple Step Thru Fat Tire E Trike and Simple Glide 500 watt Recumbent E Trike. Each etrike is different and offers something different for each rider. Here's a breakdown of each electric tricycle and what type of rider each is suited for.
EVRYjourney 250 watt electric tricycle - This is a great 3 wheel ebike for cruising. The 26" tires roll smooth and easy on pavement. This three wheel bike has a large cargo basket in the rear great for transporting groceries or your favorite furry friend. Perfect for around the community and town rides. The electric assistance can make rides as easy as you want them to be. A great tricycle for both seniors and adults.
EZ Transit 750 watt Foldable E Trike - This is a transportable easy to ride 3 wheel electric bike trike. It's easy to fold up and put in the back of a hatchback or SUV. But it doesn't lack power, with the 750 watt front hub motor this folding electric tricycle can power riders up 300lbs up hills and around town.
EVRYjourney E Bike Rickshaw - This is the ultimate ebike for bringing passengers. It has a back bench seat that can support passengers up to 300lbs. It has a front hub motor that is 750 watt. It can propel riders up to 20mph by either pressing the thumb throttle or by pedaling. It's a great way bring riders along for the ride, especially friends or loved ones who may not be able to ride on their own. This is a great electric tricycle for two people. It is also a great e-trike for three people. Many bike riders use this electric tricycle as a electric trike for people with disabilities.
Two Front Wheel Electric Trike - The Two Front Wheel E Trike, also called a reverse tricycle, has two wheels in front and one wheel in the back. It turns and steers more like a standard two wheel bicycle, but balances like a 3 wheel bike. It's great for riders that want a tricycle that's more nimble. It has a 750 watt rear hub motor that is powerful and can be used in either pedal assist or with a throttle.
Simple Step Thru Fat Tire Electric Tricycle - This is a fat tire tricycle that has 4" wide tires that balance safely on all ground. It can be used both on pavement and off road. It features a large cargo basket for transporting items. The frame is a very low step through making mounting and dismounting very simple and easy.
Simple Glide 500 watt Recumbent E Trike - This is the ultimate comfort tricycle. It has an office chair style seat with a backrest that gives great support. Your arms can rest on the arm rests as you cruise around town. A great option for riders who may suffer from physical limitations. It's easy to get on and off and extremely comfortable when you are seated and riding. It has a lot of power with it's 500 watt front hub motor. The battery can provide a range of up to 50 miles a ride on a single charge.
The team at sixthreezero wants you to be in love with your tricycle and all it has to offer. Because they believe you will love it, they offer a forever warranty on their bikes and trikes. This warrant goes so far as replacing your purchase with a new one if a part can’t be fixed. You can find all this information and order your own electric tricycle at sixthreezero.com.
Browse all of our electric trikes for sale, there is a perfect electric tricycle for all riders.
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