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60+ Seniors: These 3 Electric Tricycles Are A MUST SEE! E Tricycles That are Safe & Balance!

Updated On: July 5, 2023

Hey everyone. I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry, and today I'm going to show you three electric trikes all seniors over 60 should know about. Stick around.

All right, so today I'm going to show you three electric trikes all seniors over 60 should know about. And I have my two riders, Jack, 74, and Maria, 63 who are going to demo some of these trikes and show you the three trikes you really should know about if you're in the market and you're over the age of 60. But before we get into it, hit subscribe, and stay in touch with us here at Sixthreezero. Be the first to know about all the new content we're putting out, giveaways we do, and of course, info about new product releases.

All right, let's say you're getting back into bike riding or e-biking, or let's say you had a tricycle and now you're in the market for an electric trike. There are lots of different variations out there, different wheel sizes, tire thicknesses, and also sizes of frames. And you can see I've got three different electric trikes here, the Sixthreezero foldable Easy Transit trike, the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney trike, and the Rickshaw, the e-Rickshaw, with a seat on the back tricycle as well.

And today we're going to have our riders over the age of 60 demo these, and each one of these is good for a different reason and different purposes. And so we'll kind of walk you through each one of them and have them go on a little demo ride for you and show you them. And I'll walk you through all the features as well.

Okay, so starting here on the left-hand side, we have our foldable e-trike. This is our 750-watt front hub motor, Easy Transit, and a foldable electric trike. What's cool about this is it folds with a quick switch of the frame right here, you can fold it in half. Now, this is great if you need to put it in the back of a car, a hatchback, an SUV, or an RV, or you need to store it somewhere compact in a house, it's going to fold up. Want to see more details on that, check out our other videos.

The other cool feature that's super unique you don't see in the marketplace is 12-inch wheels. So these 12-inch wheels make the step-over height very, very low, easy to get on and off in mount and dismount. And we're going to have Maria and Jack show you. And Maria's 5' 4" and Jack's 6' 1", we're going to show you how easily adjustable it is to the various heights as well.

In addition to that, you've got the throttle up here, pedal assist levels one through five. This thing's got a lot of power for small wheels. And I think you may see the small wheels and think, "Oh, it's not going to move very well." But we're going to show you the other benefit of the small wheels, other than the low center of gravity, is that this thing's nimble, easy to turn, and really safe. It's a lot of fun to ride.

You've got the front and rear disc brakes, front and rear baskets, 10.4 amp-hour battery. So you're going to get anywhere from 15 to 50 miles of range. The rider's weight is going to have a big impact on that, on the range you get, and also on how you're using the throttle or the pedal assist. Cool feature as well, it has a reverse option. We'll demo that for you. Also has seven speeds that you can ride like a normal tricycle, like a normal bike, that is not correlated to the motor at all. So if you want a pedal without the pedal assist or you've got some hills, you need to downshift into first gear, you have that option as well. And you can see the front and rear fenders and top speed on this going to be, so top speeds on these two are all going to be limited to 15 miles an hour. We do that for safety purposes. But with the 750 watts of power, the beauty is it's going to get you up hills a little bit easier, and it's going to power riders 350 pounds. So if you need more power, you've got the 750 watts in this little, little foldable trike.

All right, Maria, if you want to demonstrate first here, let's go ahead and just get the seat, I think, adjusted for your height. So the seat also has a double seat post. So you can see here you've got one, two. So that gives you a bigger range of heights that you can adjust for. So let's go ahead and bring this down. I can't remember where we had it, maybe somewhere around there. Go ahead and step on. Oh, feels good?

Maria: Yeah.

Dustin: Okay.

Maria: Feels really good.

Dustin: All right. And you can go ahead and power it on. So you power it on right here, Maria's ridden it before, by pushing the button, and now it comes on. She's only in the pedal assist one. If you want to just go ahead and make a little loop for us and just cut back in front of these bikes and come around again. And there you go. You can see the pedal assist kick in. Cool. Stay on this side if you can. Yep, there you go. You can go out there too. Oh, yeah. So you can see how easy it is to turn. The small wheels are super nimble and easy to turn. And if you want, hit the throttle and then watch how she accelerates. Ooh. You can go make one more loop. So that's really powerful.

So the Easy Transit is great if you're going to bring it with you places, great if you want something small, easy to get onto, but still super powerful. Just a really fun, around-the-neighborhood, around-town, foldable trike, that's so easy to take with you.

Jack, you want to go for your ride now? So Jack's 6' 1", and I'll show you. So again, we've got this double-seat post. We can bring that up really quickly and easily for him. The other thing is the handlebars can be tilted forward or backward. Good there?

Jack: Yeah.

Dustin: We can bring these up though too, if I was demonstrating for them, these can come up higher, but you like them down here, right?

Jack: Either way.

Dustin: Try that. Grab on there.

Jack: Yeah, that's good.

Dustin: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I brought them a little closer to your body. So you can see it looks comfortable on him. Feel comfortable?

Jack: Really good. Yeah, like a couch. Here we go.

Dustin: You can see the power is no issue even for Jack's height. All right. And now if you've never ridden a trike before, there is a little bit of getting used to and a difference between a regular bike. How did it feel, good?

Jack: Good. Yeah. Tight radius.

Dustin: Yeah. All right, let's move on to option number two here, which is our Sixthreezero EVRYJourney. This one has a 26-inch wheel. So what I like about the Easy Transit, it's a little more nimble if you're in tight spaces or shorter rides. Now that EVRYjourney has 26-inch wheels, now they're taller. What I like about this one, is if you're going to do longer rides, straightaway rides, through parks, or longer distances, having the 26-inch wheels is going to be better because it's going to be less pedaling per rotation of the tire. So you want to open it up and go for a 2, 3, 4, or 10-mile ride. I like having bigger tires. And they're thicker, but they're not super thick, so they're going to roll easier than something like the 4-inch tires here. But they're going to keep you balanced. They're going to provide shock absorption. It's a lot of fun.

Now, this is a 250-watt front hub motor. We've decreased the motor from the Easy Transit. Again, this is a good cruising tricycle. You still can go with the throttle only up to 15 miles an hour, but again, through the park, and longer rides, the 250 watts is going to be more than enough. And you have the same options with the pedal assist and the throttle. Same size battery, 15 to 50 miles on average. Again, check out our YouTube channel, I did a video on this where I got over 20 miles just using the throttle. So it depends on how you're riding and where you're riding.

But again, a little bigger trike and better for the longer rides, with more rotation on the tires, something you can pedal, and get speeds going on. Maria, do you want to hop on this one? I'll go ahead and move this one to the back of the line or over here. All right, let's see. So this one should be powered on right here. There you go. And go ahead and take her for a little spin.

Now this one's going to feel a little bit different than the last one. Now a little bit, you can see a little bit differently. Still good ergonomic back position, and again, I just like this one for longer rides, easier to pedal if you want to do more pedaling and more pedal assist, it's a good option. All right. Maria's a pro, she's logged a lot of hours on the EVRYjourney e-trike. Now, do you feel a difference between this one and that one?

Maria: Slightly, yes. But they're both smooth and comfortable to ride.

Dustin: What is the difference you feel?

Maria: I feel like this one has a little more stability, I think, because it's wider and has bigger wheels. I think they feel a little more stable if that's an issue for people. But both seem extremely safe.

Dustin: Yeah. The other one's a little zippier too. So that's important to know, what do you want? What do you need? Maria's, I think, on the lighter side of riders. So I think a less powerful motor will also suit her body type just fine. We'll see what Jack thinks. So, Jack, you want to hop on now and we'll see what your thought is. And actually, that seat is probably more Jack's height, but you made it work.

Maria: It was still comfortable.

Dustin: Yeah, we can go a little higher if you need it.

Jack: Yeah, maybe a little higher.

Dustin: Okay. Let me see. Okay, let me clamp that in for you. I got it. Just want to make sure that's all the way in. There you go.

Maria: I think it felt a little pokey.

Dustin: All right. What do you think?

Jack: I love it.

Dustin: All right. Now, do you feel a difference between these two?

Jack: Yeah. Actually, I find them both about the same stability. It's just I notice that I'm higher up, but honestly about the same.

Dustin: So you felt a little lower on that one?

Jack: Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Definitely.

Dustin: So yeah, if you want to be a little lower center of gravity, obviously the smaller trike is better for that.

All right, let's move on to our final trike now. This is our Rickshaw, which you can remove from the seat. These are the 4-inch tires. Now, there are other trikes in the market that have 4-inch tires. This is a much bigger trike. Now, this is obviously to bring some passengers. We'll have them demonstrate too after they get comfortable. They've never ridden this trike before. It's going to take the most getting used to. But you've got 4-inch wide tires. You've got a 24-inch tire in the front, and 20-inch tires in the rear. This is a 750-watt front hub motor. Kind of like the first one, except this is even bigger, more torque, more power, same wattage, but more torque, more power, because you have to be able to get going with the riders on here, and a huge 21 amp-hour power battery.

So it's going to give you about that same range that I've mentioned before. The difference is you're going to be draining more power, obviously, if you're bringing bigger loads. So this is setup to have people on the back and to carry more weight. Now, if you don't carry more weight, you get 25 to 60 miles of range out of this because the battery is massive. Now you are dragging more weight just with more rubber on the ground with the size of these tires. But it's super powerful.

Now, the same thing, five levels of pedal assist throttle, and you have your seven speeds. This thing's a lot of fun. So one thing I'll say is when you get on here if you want to use the throttle, it's actually on your right hand for this one. So it's a little bit different. Whoever wants to give it a shot first, come on and jump on. Are you ready?

Maria: I hope so.

Dustin: Let me go ahead and clear these out so we have a nice little runway here. Alrighty. Okay, you got the same front and rear disc brakes. You have two disc brakes in the rear. Okay, so you're all set. You're in pedal assist two. Let's put it in one, and go ahead and give it a shot. Pretty easy to ride, huh?

Maria: It's very easy to ride. I'm surprised. Feels really good.

Dustin: Okay, let's try this now, Jack, Do you want to go ahead and get on the back?

Jack: Yeah.

Maria: Hop on, Jack.

Dustin: And you can go ahead and put the seatbelt on just for precautionary reasons.

Maria: Safety first.

Dustin: We can loosen it if you need. And whatever you do, just don't go down here at all.

Maria: I won't do that.

Dustin: And you can hit the throttle too. So Jack's 6' 1", Maria's 5' 4". Easy, right?

Maria: It's easy.

Dustin: And they've never ridden this before.

Jack: You can get used to this.

Dustin: It's kind of fun, right?

Maria: This is so fun.

Dustin: And then, Maria, when you come back, just use the throttle. There we go. Want to switch places now?

Maria: Yes.

Dustin: Well actually here, we'll let Jack ride without you there.

Maria: Okay.

Dustin: Just to get used to it. Go ahead and buckle this so we don't drag. So if you're looking for, I mean, the cool thing, like I said, you can see how easy it was for Maria to ride without Jack on the back too. So you can take this, you could do hard-pack trails without a passenger, and even with a passenger, quite honestly. Do you want the seat higher?

Jack: No, I'm good.

Dustin: Okay. What do you think?

Jack: I like it. I like the brakes too. I can even tell the difference.

Dustin: So actually, the brakes on the Easy Transit and this one are the same disc brakes. It could just be a matter of our tuning, so we can always tune them a little bit better. But the same brakes, it's the Tektro on the 750. On the 250, we use a caliper brake, which is enough for the stopping power. But on these, on the Easy Transit with 750 watts and the Rickshaw, you need a disc brake.

So Maria, if you want to go ahead and hop on the back. All right. Just keep it under 50 with the passenger there. I mean, you don't even really notice someone back there, do you?

Jack: No.

Dustin: All right. Bring her in for a landing. So you like this one, huh?

Jack: I love it. This one's great.

Dustin: Is it? It's amazing how easy it is to steer, right? You'd think of how it looks bigger, it'd be more difficult?

Jack: No, it's easy.

Dustin: Yeah. No, it's a lot of fun. Yeah. So the Rickshaw's great. If you have a loved one, maybe that can't physically ride as much as you could and you want to bring them with you on rides, that's a great option. This can do up to 500 pounds. I would say between the two of you guys we're somewhere in the 300-pound range combined. Yeah, but I've had more weight on there and you don't even really notice. That's what's so beautiful about it because of the powerful motor.

So there we have it. There are three e-trikes that I think all seniors should know about. We have the Sixthreezero e-Rickshaw, 750 watts, the foldable Easy Transit, and the EVRYjourney, 250 watts. If you have any questions about any three of these bikes, please comment below or email us at or call us at (310) 982-2877. Find all three of these on our website.

If you're in the market and you don't know what e-trike or bike is right for you, take our proprietary body fit quiz, and answer a few questions about your body and your life. We'll recommend the perfect e-trike or e-bike for you. In addition, you have 30 days to test-ride it. If you don't love it, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that one-year warranty on everything, if anything goes wrong in a year, we'll take care of it. Lastly, be a part of our community, our Facebook Pedalers group, and download our app. Great place to connect with our existing riders prior to purchasing. Ask them questions, and see how they like their bikes. Then once you have your bike, post in the group, make friends, and track your rides on the app. It's a ton of fun. So thank you for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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