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Best 7 Speed Electric Adult Tricycles


Jason C

Updated On: June 16, 2023

Are you looking for a stylish and affordable electric tricycle that meets all your needs on the road?

Electric adult tricycles offer an exciting and fun way to get around. With their comfy seats and powerful batteries, these trikes can take you anywhere in no time! But how do you know which one is best suited for your ride?

In this article, we break down our favorite 7-speed electric adult tricycles. So, whether you’re looking for something affordable or higher-end, there’s something here for everyone.

These are the best 7-speed electric adult tricycles:

  • EVRYjourney E-Trike
  • EUNORAU Folding Electric Trike
  • BINTELLI Trio Electric Trike
  • Pfautec Combo E-Trike
  • Pffif Combo Electric Tricycle
  • Sun Seeker e-Delta Recumbent Trike
  • Anywhere Trike Electric Adult Tricycle

You're in the right place if you want to compare these electric tricycles. And let's jump on in to explore what makes the EVRYJOURNEY E-Trike such a fantastic choice first.

EVRYjourney E-Trike

EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

The EVRYjourney 250W Tricycle is billed as the most comfortable and versatile electric tricycle around. Here are some fast facts and features about it:

  • Price - $1,540
  • Distance - 18-40 Miles
  • Speed - 15 mph
  • Ultra-comfortable ergonomic frame
  • Thumb throttle
  • Wide tires
  • LCD display
  • Highly customizable
  • Synthetic leather grips
  • Up to 300lbs

The EVRYjourney 250W Tricycle was also made especially for people with knee and back pain. Let's explore why that's important.

EVRYjourney 250W Tricycle: Made for Comfort

Electric tricycles like the EVRYjourney E-Trike offer riders with back pain or knee pain an experience of comfort. With its compact design, multi-speed motor, and adjustable seat positioning, the EVRYjourney E-Trike can provide relief not only to their legs but also to their spine.

Additionally, its compact frame reduces the amount of stretching and bending that can further aggravate existing physical conditions. Its built-in suspension system helps insulate it from terrain bumps, allowing for a smoother ride on any surface.

The EVRYjourney E-Trike was created to feature an ergonomic riding position. This not only makes navigation easier, but it also relieves pressure on their back and joints while riding. This electric tricycle is an ideal option for anyone looking for a convenient alternative to reduce joint pain in their lower body.

Wider Tires and the EVRYjourney E-Trike

The EVRYjourney E-Trike features tires that provide an additional level of safety and maneuverability. The tires are slightly wider than usual, which provides a number of benefits.

Wider tires on an electric tricycle are truly a game-changer when it comes to safety and control. They offer more stability when cornering and braking, as well as allowing for a smoother ride overall.

With wider tires, a rider is better able to handle potholes and more challenging terrain. This means greater confidence in both calm and affected environments. Furthermore, with wider tires, you are able to reduce your risk of punctures or tire blowouts due to uneven surfaces or debris. This added layer of security will bring peace of mind so that riders can travel with an assurance that their trike is fit for the journey.

EUNORAU Folding Electric Trike

The EUNORAU Folding Electric Trike is fast, reliable, and has a focus on safety. It also has an amazing feature: It folds, hence the name. Here are some fast facts and features about it:

  • Price - $2,499
  • Distance - 30+ Miles
  • Folds
  • Integrated Headlight
  • Integrated Brake tail light
  • Up to 440 lbs

Safety first! With an integrated headlight and brake tail light, you can be sure you're doing your part so other motorists see you, especially at night. Let's examine why this is important in greater detail.

EUNORAU Folding Electric Trike: Made for Safety

Electric tricycles provide a safer method of transportation when you can see what's in front of you at night. The addition of an integrated headlight and brake tail light, therefore, increases the level of safety.

Not only does this brighten the rider’s field of vision, but it also ensures that they are being seen by others on the road. Both features allow riders to react quickly if necessary and provide a total sense of security as they travel. The built-in lights of the EUNORAU Folding Electric Trike help others notice you easier, even in lower visibility conditions.

Benefits of a Folding E-Trike

Electric tricycles are becoming increasingly popular. And e-trikes that have the ability to fold have added benefits.

There are several benefits to these folding electric tricycles like the EUNORAU Folding Electric Trike. These benefits include:

  • They require less storage space
  • They are easier to transport
  • They are often lightweight

The EUNORAU Folding Electric Trike is perfect for riders or those who want to take it on vacation or on a train (or both!). If it is important for you that your electric tricycle can be stored conveniently and/or easily transported from place to place, then a folding electric tricycle is worth serious consideration.

BINTELLI Trio Electric Trike

We believe the BINTELLI Trio Electric Trike is great for new electric tricycle riders. That's because this trike features a turn assist, making it easy for riders to maneuver. Here are some fast facts and features about the BINTELLI Trio Electric Trike:

  • Price - $2,199
  • Distance - 10-15 miles
  • Turn assist
  • Front and rear baskets
  • Charge time - 4-6 hours
  • Up to 300 lbs

We want to explain more in detail why this is the perfect electric trike for riders looking for storage space.

BINTELLI Trio Electric Trike and Storage Space 

A 7-speed electric trike like the BINTELLI Trio Electric Trike offers many advantages. One major advantage is that it features both front and rear baskets.

Not only are both compartments great for carrying goods, but they also make the process of transportation easier and more efficient. Due to their larger cargo capacities, they can easily hold bulkier items that would be difficult to transport on a traditional bike.

Additionally, the tricycle design makes it much safer than using a regular bike while navigating busy streets or crowded areas due to its improved stability. The increased stability of the BINTELLI turn assist is also beneficial in carrying heavier items since there is less risk of injury or damage as the goods are transported. 

With an electric tricycle that features both front and rear baskets, riders have the convenience of more storage space by choosing the BINTELLI Trio Electric Trike.

Pfautec Combo E-Trike 

The Pfautec Combo E-Trike boasts a powerful, 500W battery that lasts for longer rides. Features and fast facts of this e-Trike include: 

  • Price - $6,200
  • Free lifetime support
  • High handlebars
  • Large rear basket
  • Wide saddle

The Pfautec Combo E-Trike is a 7-speed bike that was built to last. That's why they offer free lifetime support. Let's examine the benefits of that more in detail next.

Pfautec Combo E-Trike and Lifetime Support 

A company is confident of its product when they offer lifetime support. And that's exactly what you'll get if you choose the Pfautec Combo E-Trike. 

Not only does this mean that all of your inquiries and questions can be answered by experts, but it also means access to essential repairs and maintenance should you ever need them. 

This kind of straightforward service makes planning for larger-scale repairs and regular check-ups much easier to organize, giving you more freedom and control when it comes to running your e-Trike. With quality aftercare services guaranteed, there's never been a better time to invest in an electric tricycle such as the Pfautec Combo E-Trike.

EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle


EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


Pffif Combo Electric Tricycle

The Pffif Combo Electric Tricycle is the perfect choice for riders who want to travel longer distances. Case in point: the maximum distance of this electric tricycle is 37.3 miles. We'll talk about this more later. But first, let's learn some fast facts about this e-tricycle:

  • Price - $4,399
  • Distance - 37.3 miles
  • Rear basket
  • Front and rear lights
  • Charge time - 4 hours

Front and rear brake lights are a fantastic safety feature the Pffif Combo Electric Tricycle has. And we talked about the benefits of brake lights earlier. Now, we're going to learn more about the benefits of an electric tricycle that can travel longer distances.

Pffif Combo Electric Tricycle: Made for Longer Distances

Electric tricycles—especially those that can travel far on a full charge—are a great mode of transportation.

Having a long-lasting battery means that riders no longer have to keep persistent tabs on their remaining power. This gives them the freedom to explore without having something nagging at the back of their mind. With the Pffif Combo Electric Tricycle, commuters no longer have to worry about running out of power halfway through their commute.

Additionally, 4 hours isn't that long to charge an electric tricycle that can travel so far. That's a powerful battery! So even if you're traveling, you can get a stronger charge in less time. Therefore, the Pffif Combo Electric Tricycle is perfect for riders who want a powerful battery that lasts for a longer period of time.

Sun Seeker e-Delta Recumbent Trike

The Sun Seeker e-Delta Recumbent Trike is one of the most interesting-looking trikes. With this one, the rider is sitting with their legs stretched out in front of them, instead of underneath them. Some fast facts about this tricycle include:

  • Price - $4,429.99
  • Speed - 15 mph
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • Distance - 30 miles
  • Self-diagnosis
  • Weight limit - 300 lbs
  • Mesh-back saddle
  • Padded bottom

This trike also features spare bottle mounts on both the seat frame and the handlebars. This is the perfect trike for warmer weather, especially due to its mesh-back saddle. Let's explore that next.

Sun Seeker e-Delta Recumbent Trike: The Mesh Back-Saddle

On those hot days when you need a transportation solution, an electrical, 3-wheel bike with a mesh saddle could be the answer to your problem. And the Sun Seeker e-Delta Recumbent Trike is the answer.

Mesh saddles incorporate air circulation and temperature regulation, which will help keep riders cool while they’re out and about in the heat. Not only do these saddles help keep you comfortable as you pedal away, but they also provide optimal support for riders’ backsides, helping them stay healthier for longer.

The breathable material and ergonomic design of mesh saddles make it easy for riders to enjoy the outdoors and travel from one place to another without having to worry about overheating. When it comes to staying cool on hot days, the Sun Seeker e-Delta Recumbent Trike—with its mesh saddle—is definitely the way to go.

Anywhere Trike Electric Adult Tricycle

The Anywhere Trike Electric Adult Tricycle is jam-packed with features. This adult electric tricycle also has a powerful battery, safety features, and cargo space. Some fast facts and features include:

  • Price - $1,331.85
  • Speed - 14.5 mph
  • Distance - 20 miles
  • Smart charger
  • LCD Display
  • Thumb-assist throttle
  • Suspension springs
  • Comprehensive warranties
  • Weight limit - 400 lbs

The Anywhere Trike Electric Adult Tricycle has an LED display that provides information whenever you need it. Let's look more into that next.

Anywhere Trike Electric Adult Tricycle: The LCD Display

The Anywhere Trike Electric Adult Tricycle features a Big Stone C300S LCD. This LCD shows the rider the following types of information in real-time:

  • Speed
  • Range
  • Battery capacity

An LCD display on an electric tricycle can be extremely useful in providing riders with key information about their journey. With an LCD, tricyclists can:

  • Accurately calculate the range they will have available to travel
  • See an up-to-date indication of remaining battery capacity for efficient planning
  • Monitor their current speed for safety reasons

The Anywhere Trike Electric Adult Tricycle is the perfect option for riders who want as much information as possible as they ride.

EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle


EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


Choosing the Best 7-Speed Electric Adult Tricycles

When shopping for an electric tricycle, comparing different models is the best way to make a wise purchase. So we hope this information has been helpful to you.

Taking the time to research and compare features, battery life, power, design, and cost will help you discover which 3-wheel electric bike offers features that meet your needs. You'll want to think about whether you prefer ample cargo space, a powerful battery, or a comfortable seat. Many of these electric tricycles combine these features.

Once you have a good idea of what features are important to you, it will be much easier to determine which tricycle is best suited for your lifestyle. By carefully examining the varying specifications of several models, you can save yourself time and money while finding an ideal fit for your needs.

We hope that, by now, you've made your choice and have found the perfect 7-speed electric adult tricycle for you. Happy riding!

EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle


EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy



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