E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: July 24, 2024
I'm going to show you an awesome bike for handicapped adults. Hey, everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry, and today I'm going to show you the EvryJourney Electric Rickshaw, which is an awesome bike for handicapped adults. All right, so this is the EvryJourney Electric Rickshaw. It's a 750-watt electric trike, has a 750-watt front hub motor, and this 21 amp hour Samsung battery, which can give you a range of up to 50 miles if you use the electric, and top speeds of 16 miles an hour. Now, the electric motor here has a throttle that you can press and not pedal at all, or you've got five levels of assistance that can assist you while you pedal. So the cool thing is, is that you have an adult who's handicapped and they can't ride on their own. You can put them on this back passenger seat and this has a 300-pound weight capacity and you have a seatbelt back here as well. Now I'm 5'10 and 230 pounds. I can sit comfortably. We've had two adults back here that are 6'5 and 6'4 sitting together. If you don't believe me, check out our YouTube channel. You'll see it on there. It happened. You can also get up to three children on the back here, but for one adult, it's very, very comfortable. So again, if you have a handicapped rider who hasn't been able to get out, enjoy a bike ride, feel the wind in their face. Now you can be the driver and they can ride on the back. You can transport them around a community, into town, you name it. It's so much fun.
Also, if you pop into our Facebook group called sixthreezero pedalers you can connect with other riders that are already utilizing this trike for that very purpose. They may have a handicapped loved one, and there are a lot of riders out there experiencing it. Now, you've also got this large footrest back here where they can plant their feet. You can also check out videos on our website if you follow the link in the description. I'll show you how other riders with handicapped passengers have accessorized and equipped it with netting and things like that. Also, a three-point harness is an option if you need to keep them strapped in as well. And you've got these four-inch wide tires which keep it very stable on the ground. So you don't have to worry about tipping and taking turns and quartering is very simple. Like I said, check out the other videos where I'm riding with 300 pounds on the back and you can see how easily I can still corner and steer. And you've got front and rear disc brakes here that stop on a dime. You've also got a seven-speed derailleur, so you have seven gears. If you need to climb some hills, you can put it in gear one. If you want to go faster on flat ground, you put it in gear seven. Now, the gears are not related to the motor. However, they do work in unison. So if you are running in the highest level of pedal assist, you want to run probably in the highest gear as well to match your pedal cadence with the assistance. If that's all new lingo to you, you can also watch our channel. And again, I've got lots of details going over everything on this electric trike.
So I've truly witnessed many riders with handicapped family or friends that have bought this it's changed their life. If you have any other questions about it at all, please reach out to us at theteam@sixthreezero.com, or call us at 310-982-2877. In addition to that, we have a test ride of your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back. No questions asked. No money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we take care of its parts and labor. Lastly, as I said, join our Facebook group, sixthreezero Pedalers, before you purchase so you can ask existing riders about their experience. Then when you have yours, post photos in the group, and make friends. It's a lot of fun. And lastly, download our app to track your rides and post on there as well. You can compete on the leaderboard and connect with other riders—so much fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.