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Best Ebike for over 55 Communities


Melissa C.

Updated On: June 15, 2023


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Shopping for a bike at any age can be overwhelming and challenging. Seeing all the options could make your head spin. If you are shopping for a new bike once you reach age 55 or older—especially an e-bike, which gives bike shopping a new twist—the plot thickens even more. But it thickens in a great way, since it provides more options to people searching for the right bike to support their needs while getting older.

According to America's Health Rankings, more than 56 million Americans are aged 65 and older in 2022, and Generation X is quickly catching up, with many of the generation's 65.2 million members in their 50s. Baby Boomers and GenXers strive to enjoy good health in their senior years, fighting against chronic disease and loneliness.


Starting a bicycling regimen is a wonderful way to stave off disease, illness, boredom, and loneliness at any age, so it's certainly good for anyone approaching age 55.

Fortunately, bike manufacturers understand the importance of serving over 55 communities with the increasing prevalence of high-quality e-bikes, or electric bicycles. These bikes that toggle the line between human-powered and battery-powered have become popular with every generation for various reasons, but you might understand why the e-bike is a winner for seniors and near-seniors.

If you plan to buy an e-bike to stay fit and active as you get older, keep reading to find out our top picks for you to consider.

1. SixThreeZero AroundtheBlock 500W

AroundtheBlock Women's 500W

AroundtheBlock Women's 500W

From $999.99$1849.99

We chose the AroundtheBlock 500W as one of our favorites because it features a fairly low step-thru frame, making it easier for men to mount and dismount than the men's specific model. The bar is also low enough for women with a good range of leg motion and flexibility. However, if you are a woman or a man with stiff hips or limited mobility, you can find lower step-thru options at SixThreeZero.

This stylish e-bike is fun and moves along at a pretty quick clip with the 500-watt motor. More importantly, the 500-watt motor offers plenty of assistance, reducing your work output greatly, especially if you want to travel a longer distance or run into multiple hills.

Here are some top details about this electric cruiser.

  • Speeds up to 15 mph using the full electric option and 24 mph using pedal assistance.
  • Traveling distance of 15 miles using the full electric mode and 15-30 miles using pedal assist.
  • Prompt stopping ability with front and rear disc hand brakes.
  • Ideal for older riders thanks to a comfort-focused ergonomic frame design that allows for an upright and relaxed riding position.

2. Rad Power Bikes RadCity 5 Plus ST

The RadCity 5 Plus ST is a reliable and capable commuter e-bike that features easy handling, perfect for seniors in an urban setting. This e-bike features a relatively low step-thru frame at 21 inches, making it workable for men and women.

The 750-watt motor offers more power to help you conquer hills, rather than making it up and over without exhaustion.

The RadCity has something for everyone: power, support, utility, and comfort.

Here are some specs to give you a better idea of what the RadCity 5 Plus ST offers:

  • Allows for 50 miles of distance per charge
  • Features a semi-integrated battery that blends in with the e-bike's frame
  • Carries up to 60 pounds of cargo

3. Blix Sol Eclipse 

The Blix Sol Eclipse offers an excellent blend of power, style, and utility for busy and active 55+ riders. The low step-thru frame on this cruiser is perfect for anyone suffering from flexibility issues, and the 750-watt motor makes the biggest grades easy for you. And the comfort factor is on point too, thanks to the lightweight frame and upright positioning, which is distinct and noticeable on this sharp-looking cruiser.

Let's look at some additional specs and features the Blix Sol Eclipse offers buyers: 

  • Weighs 56 pounds, making it relatively lightweight
  • Rolls along on its own, even without motor assist 
  • Rides 26-27 miles on a single charge

4. SixThreeZero Simple Step-Thru 500W

sixthreezero Simple Step-Thru 7-Speed 500W Electric Bicycle

The low step-thru bar on our Simple Step-Thru 500W makes mounting and dismounting a breeze, regardless of your flexibility. The lowest possible step-thru bar on this e-bike means you barely need to lift your foot to board this safe and sporty e-bike. Fortunately, you don't have to sacrifice power for safety because it also features plenty of power for leisure, fitness, and commuter-style riding.

The four-inch forward positioning of the pedals helps ensure better flexibility, making it easy for you to put your feet flatly on the ground when at a stop sign, stoplight, or your destination.

Here are some of our favorite specs on the Simple Step-Thru 500W: 

  • Ultra-low step-thru frame
  • Simple but powerful 500-watt electric motor 
  • Travel distance of 20-40 miles using pedal assist feature

5. EVRYjourney 250W Tricycle

EVRYjourney 250W Electric Tricycle

We love this e-tricylcle, or e-trike, for older cycling fans who want to ride comfortably and safely without sacrificing a fantastic time on the bike path or city streets. The EVRYJourney 250W Tricycle is ideal if you have any balance concerns or anticipate any in the coming years. The great news is that staying active on your e-trike can help you stay fit to counter or hold off any potential aging concerns.

Like most e-trikes, the EVRYJourney features a low step-thru frame on the solid electric tricycle. The third wheel instantly offers unmatched stability for unsteady riders and anyone who wants to ride without worry.

Here are some top features and details you should know about this great-looking and easy-riding e-trike:

  • The 250-watt motor offers full-electric and pedal-assist modes, reaching 15 mph and 28 mph, respectively. 
  • Travel 18-40 miles on a battery charge in electric mode and 20-60 miles using pedal-assist.
  • Comfortably fits riders from 5 feet to 6 feet, four inches tall. 
  • It includes a roomy folding basket, allowing you to stow groceries and other items during daily errands and outings with friends in your cycling community. 

SixThreeZero Can Help You Find Your New E-Bike

We believe the best place to buy your e-bike is from a seller with a robust warranty policy and excellent customer service from a passionate sales team who love their work and want you to love your e-bike. SixThreeZero offers those benefits and more.

Our team wants to help you find the best e-bike to keep you active, safe, and happy on the road or bike path.

Contact us to learn more about our e-bikes and how we can help make the experience as easy as possible so you can ride your bike with comfort, pleasure, and peace of mind.

EVRYjourney 250W Women's


EVRYjourney 250W Women's



Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

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