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Best Electric Tricycles for a Retirement Community | 3 Wheel EBike for Over 55 Senior Communities

Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry and today I'm going to show you the best electric tricycles to get around a retirement community. Stick around.

All right, so today I'm going to show you the best electric tricycles to get around a retirement community. But before I do, hit that subscribe button below. Stay in touch with us here at sixthreezero. Be the first to know about all the new content we're putting out, giveaways we do, and of course, new product releases. All right, let's say you live in a retirement community or an over-55 community and you're looking for the best possible way to get around from the pool to the tennis courts, to the pickleball courts. In a lot of these communities, a car isn't necessarily the most practical method of transportation for various reasons. One, most of the things in your community may only be a maximum of a mile away or two miles away and you just want to ride down to the pool, get some fresh air. You can also get some exercise in the process.

I think that's great. I see a lot of golf carts out there today, electric golf carts people use as mobility devices within their communities, and I think that's great as well. The thing that I think is the best form of transportation in a retirement community is an electric tricycle. The reason I say that is, number one, you're going to be able to bring things with you, and number two, you're going to get exercise, and number three, and you can see right here with our e-rickshaw tricycle, you can still bring passengers with you while getting exercise if you so choose. So that's really, really cool. Now behind me, I've got three electric trikes that I think are three of the best options that exist as transportation within a retirement community. So let's go through them right now.

Now starting our number one is the sixthreezero Easy Transit folding 750-watt electric tricycle. And before I get into this too much, all three of these trikes will be linked in the description below, so you can check that out and navigate over to the sixthreezero website to give them a look. Now, different purposes and reasons for each electric trike, and I'll walk you through each of them as we go through. This is a great electric tricycle, with 750 watts of power. The beauty of this is how small and compact it is. You can see it comes with the front and the rear basket. So going to the pool, going to the bocce ball court, going to the pickleball court. Again, you can lift this, put things in here, put your tennis racket in here, tennis balls, pickleball, you name it, put it in there. Or if you're going to a book club or doing anything at the community center, throw that in here. This will keep your water bottle in there as well. So that's really, really cool.

The other benefit of this is how low the step-over height is and how easy it is to mount and dismount on this e-bike. As you can see here it also has a double seat post, so it has a very, very large range from about 4'9" all the way up to about 6'2". Now, in addition to that, you have this adjustable handlebar as well that can go up and down and accommodate the various heights of riders. So again, 4'9" to 6'2". The other cool thing about this is, as I've said, it folds up. So if you have limited space in your house, in your condo and you need to store it, you can go ahead and fold that like this, and this folds in half right here, and so that makes storing just that much easier like that and then also putting it back. Now, the other benefit of this is you could transport it in your car. You could even put this in the back of a golf cart and transport it throughout the community if you should want to do that. Go ahead and lock that in like this.

So that is an option as well. Now, a 750-watt motor too, so you're going to be able to take on hills. It's going to power riders up to 400 pounds. And it also has a reverse option, so that's a cool feature. Now the other thing too, on our YouTube channel, we have a playlist titled Electric Tricycles. You can find so many more videos about all of these electric tricycles right here. We have various ages riding these, different terrains riding them. You can see us getting out and test riding these, different riders test riding it, different weights of riders testing it. So you can check out the playlist on our channel. You'll find all those videos in there as well.

So you have a reverse option here as well. So you can put the reverse on, go in reverse. It has pedal assist levels one through five, so when you pedal, it'll assist you. It also has a full throttle option, so when you push the throttle, you can just use the throttle if you so choose. So if you're going around the community, the beauty is that this is more than just a tricycle. You have the electric. This is a personal mobility device, so you can use it with the throttle only, or you can pedal it without any electric assist, totally up to you. Or use the pedal assist so you can still get exercise. Cool thing too has a seven-speed derailleur here. So you have seven gears to work through when you're riding this like a normal bike or in pedal assist.

So again, keep getting exercise, you can ride it throughout the community. If you get tired, use the throttle to come home, that's awesome. You also have a huge display right here, which is going to show you your speed, your battery power and your averages, your distance, all those things like that. It's really, really cool. Also, you have disc brakes, which are going to stop on a dime for complete safety. Make sure you're safe and you can stop. If you have any other hills in your community or things like that, this is a great option.

The other cool thing about this is that this could be your personal mobility device. So if you're located close to stores, grocery stores, things like that, and you want to ride this throughout the community, ride this into the banquet hall, the community hall, anywhere like that, nowadays, there are things called other power-driven mobility devices. So it's not just scooters and things like that people are taking places. Your electric trike can double as your indoor and outdoor transportation. Want to ride it into your house and navigate through your house? This thing is very nimble, very small. Again, about the same size as a lot of electric scooters out there. If you want to ride it out of the community and into stores, do your grocery shopping, and bring it home, this is a great, great option for that because of how nimble and easy to steer it is.

Also, these have 16-inch wheels, so just keep them lower to the ground, easier to mount, and again, very nimble, lower center of gravity, so you don't have to worry about being up high. This is the best option if you're looking for something indoor and outdoor, you can take it into businesses, take it into stores and have it be your cruiser throughout the community.

Now moving on to the EVRYjourney, 250-watt electric tricycle. I would call this your cruising trike. So if you want to go and go on rides for one, two, three, four, five miles, this has bigger tires which it's going to roll a little bit easier. It's going to be less work to have to get the wheels moving. Once you're moving, it's going to roll easily. Good for longer distances. If you want to cruise on some paths and get some exercise, this is beautiful. Now, this is a 250-watt hub motor. Little bit less power than the folding e-trike here. The reason for that, this is more of a cruiser. Max speeds of about 15 miles an hour and nice and easy throttle. It has the same features where it has the pedal assist and it also has the throttle. You can also ride this as a normal trike as well because it has a seven-speed derailleur here.

So again, want to get out, you do daily rides of four, let's say one, two, three, four, five, 10, 20 miles. This is good for that. And it's going to be great, especially if you want to pedal because of the bigger tires and how easy it's going to roll. Pedaling is going to be easier, and once you get the momentum going, you're going to be cruising around. It's so much fun. Got your display up here. And again on this one too, max speed of 16 miles an hour. So we've regulated the speeds on a lot of these. Range, you're going to be talking about the same between the two of these. It's going to be anywhere from 15 to 50 miles. Now, it's a big range because it depends on the weight of the rider, depending on how you're using your trike. Is it going to be throttle, or is it going to be pedal assist? All of those factors play into how much range you get out of your rides.

Okay, so moving on from the EVRYjourney 250 watt to our last e-rickshaw 750 watt. Now, this is a little bit of a bigger trike. You can see it has a 20-inch by four-inch fat tire rear wheel and a 24-inch by four-inch front fat tire. Now, the cool thing is it's set lower in the back, which is great because you have passengers on here. This is 750 watts, very powerful. Also, a huge 21-amp hour battery. So the range on this is going to be, I mean, up to 50 miles as well. It can be longer if you don't have passengers. You have passengers, you're going to drain the battery faster. This can go up to 20 miles an hour. So the cool thing about this electric rickshaw is to take passengers with you. So if you have a loved one or friends, instead of opting for a golf cart, take this. Someone can drive, and someone can sit in the back.

And again, check out our YouTube channel. We have lots of videos showing adult passengers here and cruising around. This is so much fun for the community. If you have a doubles partner you want to pick up and ride down to with to play pickleball, to play tennis, shuffleboard, you name it, put them on the back and both of you can get exercise and swap out. So it's really fun in that regard. Also, maybe if you have a loved one that just doesn't have the mobility that you have, but you still want to get out and get exercise together, they can sit on the back, and you can drive. You can see back here, we have a seatbelt so they can safely be strapped in and not have to worry about falling out. There's a step-up pedal here, or step-up platform where they can step onto and get on.

This also has disc brakes. It stops nicely, very, very safely. You have a bell here on the front as well to let people in the community know you're coming. The other cool thing about this in particular versus a golf cart, is parking in the bicycle parking. You're not going to need a golf cart spot or a car spot. So it's just going to be a little more versatile. Or you can have this in addition to your golf cart, the choice is totally up to you. But three great electric tricycle options for a retirement community to get around to do your activities, to keep your body moving. That's the most important thing. So you don't just have to opt for the golf cart as the main mode of transportation throughout the community.

So if you have any questions at all about any of these electric trikes behind me, again, they're linked below in the description of our website. Comment below. You can also email at or call us at (310) 982-2877. And if you're in the market for an electric trike, you don't know what you're looking for, navigate to our website and take our proprietary body fit quiz. Answer a few questions about your body and your life, and we'll recommend the perfect electric trike for you. Also, we have a test ride on your e-trike policy for the first 30 days. If you don't love it for the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket.

In addition to that, we have a community of thousands of riders. Join our Facebook Pedalers group and talk to existing riders in advance of purchasing. See how they like their e-trike. Ask them questions, and then once you have yours, post in the group, make friends in the Facebook Pedalers group, and also track your rides on our app. Great place to also connect with other riders. So thank you for sticking around, and don't forget it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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