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Best Electric Tricycles for Heavy Riders | Heavier Riders Demonstrated ETrike Riding

Hey everyone, I'm Dustin, and today we're going to show you electric tri-cycles for heavier riders. Stick around.

Okay. So, today we are going to show you electric tri-cycles that are suited for heavier riders. Behind me, we have riders from 250 pounds up to 400 pounds, and we're going to show you how our tricycle, our sixthreezero Evryjourney electric tricycle performs with them riding. We get a lot of questions and people at home that wants to see different varying weights, and how our bikes will perform.

You could also check out our channel. We just did another video with our electric bikes. So right now though, we're going to do our tricycles. And actually, has anyone here ridden a tricycle in their adult life? We have one person, and they all just rode electric bikes for the first time in our previous video. So, I'm assuming you've never ridden an electric tricycle?

Adam: Correct. They're not electric tricycles.

Dustin 1: The one thing I will say before we get started is these are different. They feel different, they steer differently. So, we'll do the same process. We'll get up and running, and I'll instruct you, and show you how they work, but it is definitely a different experience to ride an electric tricycle or a tricycle versus a bike.

And if you're new to an electric tricycle or getting back into biking and you've chosen a tricycle for your cycling, go ahead and check out our YouTube channel. We have instructional videos on how to ride a trike, proper ways to turn, and things like that. Although, you're going to hear me also instructing all of our riders today.

So, I will also give you tips for riding and how to be safe out there. So, let's go ahead and meet our riders. We'll start over here. So, tell everyone your name and where you're from.

Adam: Hi, I'm Adam [inaudible 00:01:44]. I'm from Los Angeles.

Dustin 1: And tell us your height and your weight, Adam.

Adam: I'm five foot ten, and I weigh 340 pounds.

Dustin 1: And before today you had not been on a bike in, what did you say?

Adam: About 20 years.

Dustin 1: 20 years. And you have written a tricycle?

Adam: Yeah.

Dustin 1: Recently?

Adam: A few months ago.

Dustin 1: Yeah. Rented it or something?

Adam: In a commercial.

Dustin 1: Fair enough. But never been on an electric tricycle?

Adam: No, never been on an electric tricycle.

Dustin 1: Okay. So, first time for everything. All right. Thanks for coming. And Dustin, well, you're Dustin, but tell everyone where you're from.

Dustin 2: Los Angeles.

Dustin 1: And never ridden an electric tricycle.

Dustin 2: Correct.

Dustin 1: And never ridden a tricycle school as an adult, period?

Dustin 2: Not that I can recall.

Dustin 1: Okay. And tell everyone your height and your weight.

Dustin 2: Six one, 400 pounds.

Dustin 1: Awesome. I'm excited to see how you like the trike versus the regular bike. So, let's move on to our next rider. Tell everyone your name and where you're from.

Stella: My name is Stella and I'm from Long Beach, California.

Dustin 1: Ever ridden a trike as an adult?

Stella: No. I've never ridden a trike.

Dustin 1: And never ridden an electric trike, obviously.

Stella: No. First time.

Dustin 1: Okay, cool. And can you everyone, your height, and your weight?

Stella: I'm five-seven, and 270 pounds.

Dustin 1: Okay, cool. Excited to see how you like the trike versus the regular bike. All right, finally, our last rider. Tell everyone your name and where you're from.

Rea: Hi, my name is Rea and I'm from Los Angeles, California.

Dustin 1: Ever been on a tricycle school as an adult?

Rea: I have never been on a tricycle as an adult. Barely as a kid.

Dustin 1: And you just rode a bike for the first time before this in 10 years, did you say?

Rea: Eight years.

Dustin 1: Eight years. And tell everyone your height and your weight.

Rea: I am five foot three and I weigh 326 pounds.

Dustin 1: Cool. So, there we have it. So, all of our riders just got experience for the first time ever riding an e-bike and getting back on a bike for the first time in many, many years. 20 years for Stella, 10 years for the other rider, and 15. so it's been a while since they were on two wheels.

Now we're going to put them on three wheels and we're going to see if there may be an adjustment period. So, I'll go through training them. They'll be up and running in no time. I know it. And then we're going to go for a short little ride. So, stick around. Okay. We are here with Rea and it's going to be your first time on a tricycle. So, do you want to go ahead and get on?

Rea: Sure.

Dustin 1: And you can just step through the frame. So, with the trike, it's a little bit easier. There you go. Yeah. Perfect.

Rea: Oh, yeah. It's so high.

Dustin 1: You're going to be a little higher, but since you don't have to have your feet down because

Rea: I'll balance.

Dustin 1: You balance on three wheels. You can go ahead and put your feet on the pedals even. Just hold the brakes. But don't move. Just pick your feet up. Oh, you want to get the pedals in position?

Rea: Yeah.

Dustin 1: Yeah, there you go. And you can just sit though if you want to get your-

Rea: On both?

Dustin 1: Yeah, you can put them both. Don't move though. Hold the brakes.

Rea: Oh, it's like a chair.

Dustin 1: Exactly. Now that you have these two wheels in the back-

Rea: [inaudible 00:04:50] forget.

Dustin 1: You don't have to do anything.

Rea: Oh, yeah.

Dustin 1: Okay. So, how does that feel, handlebars, everything?

Rea: That feels great.

Dustin 1: Any adjustments you need? Now we have four custom adjustment points, we can adjust it to your body.

Rea: No. How does it look? It feels good.

Dustin 1: It looks pretty good, actually. Now, sometimes people feel there's a tendency to overcompensate when steering a trike. You don't have to balance on two wheels. So, just keep the wheel straight. And you want to make sure, I just want to keep you guys away from the outside here. So, try to stay in the middle. So, right now, actually, I forgot. Okay. You're in gear two, so that should be okay. So, go ahead and just-

Rea: Any other notes? Just go?

Dustin 1: It's just like a normal bike. The brakes are here. One other thing. When you turn, you're going to want to lean into the turn. So, if you're turning this way-

Rea: [inaudible 00:05:51] a little bit?

Dustin 1: Just, yeah. You don't have to help with the bike. Just as you're turning, just shift your body weight to go with the turn. That's just going to help keep the bike balanced and keep the wheels down. And that's about it. Also, when you come in to turn, don't pedal. When you are done turning, that's when you can start pedaling.

Rea: Okay. Into the turn, stop the pedal.

Dustin 1: Yeah, just coast through. Trikes are, again, require a little more adjustment. They ride differently than bikes. And so, we'll see how you do. But yeah, go ahead.

Rea: Okay.

Dustin 1: And be mindful of your breaks, just in case you need those

Rea: Copy.

Dustin 1: Oh, you can turn the handlebars. Yeah. There you go.

Rea: Okay.

Dustin 1: Okay. Here goes Rea. We've moved locations to get around some good flat ground. There we go. Now hit the brake. And now turn. Just do a turn. Turn to the left. Don't be scared because you're balanced.

Rea: Turn around?

Dustin 1: There you go. Feels different, huh?

Rea: Yeah, it does.

Dustin 1: Pedal, Pedal, pedal. Just go a little more straight now. There you go. Now slow down. Now turn. There you go. Getting easier?

Rea: Yeah, it is.

Dustin 1: So there's a definite adjustment period to tricycle skulls. And again, we have other videos.

Ray has had a little bit of practice, you're still getting the hang of it. It is definitely an adjustment getting used to having to steer the handlebars and all of that. Now we're going to introduce her to the electric.

We're going to try something a little different. I'm going to start with the throttle only because I think it'll be easier for her to use that and get a feel for the turning and whatnot. So, just like the electric bike, you've got your power right here. You turn it on and you've got your five levels of assistance.

Now in the case of the tricycle, these numbers actually dictate both the pedal assist power, but also the throttle power. So, if you're in level one, you have one level of power in the throttle, et cetera, et cetera. So, I'm going to move you into three.

Rea: Are you sure?

Dustin 1: Let me explain why. I like to still put it to a higher level because you can dictate the power by how hard you push or don't push.

Rea: Got it.

Dustin 1: So, just ease into it. I'm going to make one suggestion. Let's go ahead and just steer that way. I'm going to help get you all situated. Okay. Before we turn the power on, I'll make a little U-turn. You turn to the left. Get you all lined up here. Okay, we've got a car. Go ahead. And I'm going to stay right by your side. So, let's get lined up. So, you aim towards the street, the middle of the street. Okay, stop right there. So, go ahead and just touch that throttle with your-

Rea: And go straight?

Dustin 1: Just go dead straight. Don't even turn.

Rea: Okay, tricycle.

Dustin 1: And hit the brakes.

Rea: Yeah. Okay. That was about as little as I could do.

Dustin 1: Yeah, you can. I'm just trying to get you comfortable with it.

Rea: Totally. I feel like turning is the hard part.

Dustin 1: Okay. Yeah. Now let's try to turn around if you can. Now just don't be scared of the turn. Just trust the bike. Turn the wheels, and turn the handlebar this way. Yeah, there you go. Exactly. And you can use the throttle to get through. Yeah. There you go.

Rea: I don't feel the throttle.

Dustin 1: Oh, let's see. Is it all the way down? Let's go ahead and give you a little more assistance. Now try. How about now?

Rea: Yeah. Ooh.

Dustin 1: Break.

Rea: So don't throttle in the turn?

Dustin 1: Well, it depends. I mean, you can get a feel for what's a comfortable speed.

Rea: I turned pretty good that time.

Dustin 1: Yeah, I just don't want you flying into the turns. Do you know what's important? On a trike, manage your speed in and out of the turns.

Rea: Okay, that's good.

Dustin 1: So, break. And now throttle out of the turn. There you go. And just be careful as you come by the curb and start to turn away a little bit. There you go. So, whatever is comfortable with the motor too. It's a combination. You can do the pedal assist, you can do the throttle. What do you think?

Rea: I love it.

Dustin 1: Getting more comfortable now?

Rea: Definitely getting more comfortable. Slowly, but surely. It's shockingly different than a bike.

Dustin 1: Make sure to just manage your speed into the turns.

Rea: Copy. Manage my speed into the turns, then we [inaudible 00:11:14].

Dustin 1: And you feel the assistance kick in?

Rea: Oh yeah. The assistance is great. I think that's everybody's favorite part. Slower. I like doing the throttle out of the turns.

Dustin 1: Yeah. Cool. All right. So, we got Rea up to speed. And are you liking it now?

Rea: When I tell you if I could do this anyone could do it.

Dustin 1: All right, well there you have it.

Rea: There you go.

Dustin 1: So, we're going to bring out our next rider and see how they get used to it. Okay, Now we got Dustin on here, Dustin's six-one, 400 pounds. And we could adjust this. The seat looks a little low. Is that ...

Dustin 2: I think I can manage with this for now. If we need to change it we can, but I think I feel okay.

Dustin 1: And you're in first gear. So, why don't you just get comfortable riding it without the electric. Now remember, on a trike, you have to turn the wheel. This is the handlebar. It's not about your body leaning on a two-wheeler. So, it's really like you got to really turn to make a turn. So, keep the pace slow.

I'm going to kind of walk by you. Just go up here, and make a U-turn. Come back around. Let's do a couple of circles just to familiarize yourself with it. And then be mindful too, you're coming over here because there's a dip here. So, ease into the brakes now as you make a turn. There you go. Perfect. There we go. Doesn't seem to be too big of a ...

Dustin 2: No, not too bad.

Dustin 1: Yeah, you seem to get it now. Are you sure the seat feels good to you?

Dustin 2: Well, we'll definitely want to raise it a little. My knees are coming up higher than I thought they would be. But yeah, other than that, it feels good.

Dustin 1: Okay, cool. So, yeah, if you want to just circle back, stop right here. We'll raise the seat up for you. All right. You got the hang of that, no problem. First time on a trike, right?

Dustin 2: First time since childhood, yeah.

Dustin 1: Okay, cool. So, let me raise this seat up for you. Now, the thing about the trike is you don't have to ... You can be a little higher up because you're balanced. So, why don't we give that a shot?

Dustin 2: Okay.

Dustin 1: Okay. All right.

Dustin 2: Yeah, it feels better.

Dustin 1: Okay. And handlebars?

Dustin 2: Yeah, handlebars are good.

Dustin 1: Okay, cool. So, we're going to go ahead and show them the electric now. So, just like the regular bike, got your screen right here. Now, one difference is you have five levels of assistance that also dictate the power of the throttle.

So, one through five will be how much power you get here as well, as how much pedal assist. So, if you want, just go ahead and start pedaling and see how the pedal assists kick in. And maybe push it up. Do you feel it?

Dustin 2: Yeah.

Dustin 1: Okay. And make sure to stay on the break or just be mindful of having your hand ready to break.

Dustin 2: Yeah. All right.

Dustin 1: And sometimes, for me, as you go up in weight, you might want to have that level a little higher so you feel the assistance more.

Dustin 2: Yeah, I'm on a three right now.

Dustin 1: And break into the turn. And then when you come out, lean the direction you're turning.

Dustin 2: All right.

Dustin 1: What level are you in right now?

Dustin 2: I'm on five now.

Dustin 1: And do you feel it more?

Dustin 2: Oh, yeah.

Dustin 1: How do you like it?

Dustin 2: I dig it a lot.

Dustin 1: Now if you want, try to stop pedaling. Just do the throttle in the straightaway.

Dustin 2: All right.

Dustin 1: There you go. And he's out of here. Now, does the power feel good for you with your weight? Does it feel like it can get you moving?

Dustin 2: Yeah, I think so. I'm definitely feeling the pull-on. It feels like it's enough to get me moving at a brisk clip.

Dustin 1: Cool.

Dustin 2: But yeah, I like this nice little leisurely ride kind of feel to it.

Dustin 1: Yeah, exactly. Cool. Well, Dustin got up and going. No problem. Let's move on to our next rider.

Okay. We're here with Stella. Never been on a trike, right?

Stella: No.

Dustin 1: Okay. So, a couple of things. Trikes are different. To steer, it's not just about leaning your body. You actually have to turn the handlebars. So, if you want to turn left, you have to really turn those.

Stella: So, no power steering.

Dustin 1: No power steering. But a lot of people, like with bikes, it's a little bit more of a lean like this. With a trike, the lean won't get that wheel moving. You have to actually turn the wheel. And when you turn, you want to slow down into the turn, don't pedal. And then you want to lean your butt. You want to switch your weight to the butt cheek in the direction in which you're turning.

So, if you're turning left, shift your body weight to the left exactly. That's just going to keep things balanced and it's going to allow the trike to better turn and move. Now let me see, actually, if you want to hop off really quick. Sorry, I'm going to go ahead and put it in speed one for her. Okay. We got her in speed one. So, if you want to just go ahead now. Remember, no need to balance, it'll balance itself. If you just want to ride up a little bit here and then try to make a U-turn, I'm going to stick right by you when you come into the turn, just be mindful of having your hands ready to break as needed.

So, go ahead, and start pedaling. There you go.

Stella: Turn now?

Dustin 1: Yeah, turn the handlebars. You got to really turn them. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, exactly. If you want to go a little bit farther down here. You seem to get this, no problem. Easier or harder? Now steer There you go. Turn, turn, turn. Hit the brakes a little bit too. There you go.

Stella: Okay.

Dustin 1: Yeah, if you want to go straight, you have to actually turn. Can I make a turn? Yeah. There you go. Yeah. You have to trust that the bike will balance. That's kind of the ...

Stella: Okay.

Dustin 1: Now turn to the right so you can go back this way a little bit. Turn them to the right. There you go. yeah. Just trust the bike. Now turn back to the left. Now you're good. You're good. Break. Yeah. You're good. Okay. Do you want to try a little bit of electricity? Now, we'll do what we did with our other rider.

I'm going to give you the electric. We'll turn it on here. Now the difference on this one is there through five, they're also the assistance you're going to get from the throttle. So, on the other one, if it was just turned on, this is at max power. This one is actually the same here. So, with the one, you have one level of power, two, two-level, et cetera, et cetera.

Stella: It goes to five?

Dustin 1: Yeah. So, this indicates five. Yeah, exactly. So, I'm going to give you level three. Now you can push this as hard or as soft as you want. Why don't you just try with the throttle as opposed to the pedaling? It might be a little bit easier to get used to it, as opposed to jumping right into the pedal assist. And you could just put your feet on right there too and let the ... Yeah, and then go ahead and just push the throttle. Yeah, just ease into it. And then turn to the right. There you go. Straighten out the wheel. There you go. Now does that feel easier?

Stella: Yeah. This ...

Dustin 1: Oh, break, break, break. There you go. Try a little more and just do a throttle. See? It's good. Okay. Yeah, there you go.

Stella: I see what you mean about the steering.

Dustin 1: And turn the wheel. There you go. Now give it the throttle. You can come out of the turn. It's completely different than a regular bike.

Stella: Yeah, it is. Okay, then we do a turn. Let's see.

Dustin 1: Now does the motor feel like it's giving you the assistance you need? There you go. Do you feel enough power though?

Stella: Yeah. It's powerful. If it's moving me, it's powerful. I can appreciate the balance it's giving me.

Dustin 1: Yeah, it just takes a little getting used to, because if you haven't ridden a tricycle, it's a different experience and a different feel.

Stella: Because I feel like getting off to hold it, but I don't have to get off. I can just sit here and be balanced.

Dustin 1: And the steering too, it's a different kind of steer.

Stella: And the steering is different. You got to put your body into it. It's not like I can relax and just turn a little bit. I have to move your body with it too, to get a turn. So, the power stays just the same.

Dustin 1: Yeah.

Stella: It's just the turning, use your body and you can balance.

Dustin 1: Yeah. All right. There we have it. We got Stella up and riding. We're going to hopefully get everyone on a short little ride. So, let's go to our final rider, Adam, and we'll see how he does.

Okay. Now we have our final rider. Adam, you have ridden a trike.

Adam: Right.

Dustin 1: A few months ago, but never ridden an electric trike.

Adam: Correct.

Dustin 1: Okay. So, do you want to hop on?

Adam: Yeah.

Dustin 1: And let's just make sure seat, how does that feel for you?

Adam: That's a lot more sturdy than a bike.

Dustin 1: Seat height good, or you want it higher?

Adam: There we go. Can you get it a little lower?

Dustin 1: Sure, sure. Whatever's comfortable. Yeah.

Adam: About there.

Dustin 1: Okay. Perfect. Try that.

Adam: All right. Yeah, that already feels a lot better.

Dustin 1: Cool. So, go ahead and just take it for a lap and make a U-turn and just circle around with no electric.

Adam: Oh, no electric. Okay.

Dustin 1: [inaudible 00:24:19] off anyways. And just be comfortable with it.

Adam: Let's see. Oh, wow.

Dustin 1: Oh, break. You got to turn the wheels.

Adam: Yeah, definitely different than a regular bike. You have to make a lot wider turns. Oh, wow. But it's still got some play.

Dustin 1: And when you turn, lean your butt cheek into the turn.

Adam: Yeah. Okay. So-

Dustin 1: If you're turning left, put the weight on your left butt cheek. Or like that. Yeah, exactly.

Adam: Yeah. Let's see how tight we can get here.

Dustin 1: Pretty tight.

Adam: Are you ready to get bro?

Dustin 1: Do you want to get the electric on now?

Adam: Yeah, let's see that.

Dustin 1: Okay, cool.

Adam: Okay, it's that one.

Dustin 1: So, now this actually will dictate the power output of this as well. On the other e-bikes, it's not. So, level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is the power output here and pedal assist. So, I'd recommend starting with three, and then you can raise or lower it. And remember, you can dictate the power by how hard or soft you use the throttle.

Adam: Yeah. With the throttle there. All right. So, let's assist. Already much better. Don't have to work so hard, but I can still get to work a bit. That's good. All right. Now let's try no pedals.

Dustin 1: Get ready for that. Break, break, break, break.

Adam: I got this. And up a hill here. A little tiny hill. We got this. Just needs a little bit of assistance. Oh yeah, we got it. Just wanted to check out the hills, that's all. I meant to do that.

Dustin 1: It gets away from you a little bit, right?

Adam: Yeah.

Dustin 1: When you get the power up there. Cool. How does it feel? Does the power feel like enough for your weight and your height, and everything?

Adam: Most definitely. Yeah. Even going up a hill, it's pretty good.

Dustin 1: Yeah. Okay, now we're going to all assemble and just do a quick trike ride down the street here and show you how the e-trikes perform for our heavier riders. Stick around. All right. We're off on a ride. Let's do this.

Adam: Let's go again. That start assist with the throttle there. A mile open for an hour.

Dustin 1: Right here. Traffic jam. This is a school right here. Everyone's picking up their kids.

Stella: Good work.

Dustin 1: All right. Can we turn around?

Okay. We just finished our short little ride down the street. And let's hear how everyone liked the trike. So, Stella, what did you think?

Stella: I think this was great. I appreciate the balance that this tricycle has, and it's the same amount of power as the bike. So, the only thing, two things you have to do is use your body to turn, and then you can sit and balance on it.

Dustin 1: And did you think the power of the motor for your height and weight was sufficient?

Stella: Yeah, it's more power than I expected.

Dustin 1: Yes. Cool. And you got the hang of it towards the end. So, good job there. All right. Rea, what did you think?

Rea: I think I am very proud of myself.

Dustin 1: You should be.

Rea: I think I definitely got the hang of it. It's different than a bike. I would argue you could ride this even if you don't know how to ride a bike. It's like a little car. But yeah, definitely once I got the hang of turning the handles to steer, I was ready to do a little bit more with it.

Dustin 1: And did you think for you, the power, the assistance, that was enough for your height, your weight, everything?

Rea: The power was amazing. I was at a two this last ride and I could go up to five, so I didn't even really get into the higher numbers. So, definitely more than enough power.

Dustin 1: Yeah. Awesome. All right, glad you figured it out.

Rea: Yeah, me too.

Dustin 1: All right. Adam, what did you think? We already kind of spoke to you earlier about it.

Adam: It was great. I really liked the assist, especially getting started, like I said earlier, just you don't have to worry about really thrusting in there, and to get started, that gives you a little boost to help you out. And you can pedal as little or as much as you want.

Dustin 1: Totally. So were you running it in three most of the way?

Adam: Yeah, pretty much most of the way it was in three.

Dustin 1: And it felt good enough power for you?

Adam: Plenty of power, yeah, awesome.

Dustin 1: All right, cool. Thanks for coming on the ride.

Adam: Thanks

Dustin 1: Dustin. Last but not least, how'd you like it? I saw you zooming toward the end there.

Dustin 2: Yeah, I dug it. Once I got used to the turning mechanics being way different than the bike, it was pretty easy.

Dustin 1: And were you in level five?

Dustin 2: Yeah, I started off on the lower level, just to see how it felt. And then I was like, "All right, I want to go fast." Popped her up to five and felt good. Felt like it was chugging right along. It was a real nice ride. Awesome.

Dustin 1: Great. Well, thanks for coming on the ride.

All right, there we have it. So, we've got our riders, 250 pounds to 400 pounds that just went on the electric trikes and they all feel like it was more than enough power. We also took them from not riding trikes really to up and learning and riding them. And I think the one takeaway is trikes do ride differently than regular bikes. But you can see our electrics trikes perform for our heavier riders today.

So, if you have any other additional questions, please don't hesitate. Reach out to us or comment below. You can email us the or call us at (310) 982-2877. Also, visit our website. This is the sixthreezero Every Journey electric tricycle. You can find that there. In addition, if you don't know what electric bike you want, you can take our body fit quiz on our website, which will find the perfect bike for you after you answer just a few questions.

In addition to that, we have a Test Ride Your E-Bike policy for 30 days. If you don't love your e-bike within 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. Lastly, be a part of our community before and after your purchase. Before you purchase, you can go to our Facebook Pedals group, talk to other riders, and see how they like their electric trikes and bikes.

In addition to that, with our app, you can see others riding miles and logging miles on their specific bike. See how many miles they're getting out and logging per week. And after you have a bike, download the app, log your miles, and make new friends. It is tons of fun. So, thank you for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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