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Best Value E Trike: sixthreezero EZ Transit Electric Foldable Tricycle: Unboxing, Assembly & Review

We're going to do a complete review of the easy transit foldable e-trike from sixthreezero. From assembly and how it arrives like this, to completely assembled and done like that. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today we're going to do a complete review of the foldable easy transit e-trike and we're going to take it from the box all the way to completely assembled. Also, you can find the EZ Transit linked in the description below if you want to get more information about the price and all the full specs.

This foldable e-trike comes inside this box. I'm going to walk you through exactly how it arrives at your door. We're going to take it out, assemble it, then I'm going to take you through everything in terms of how to ride, how to operate the full process. It's cool because it is foldable. It's going to fold right out and all we have to do is put the front wheel on and we'll show you the basket installation. I'm also going to give you the weight, and specific weights of the trike with and without the baskets so you can have all the information that you need. All right, so let's go ahead and wheel out this fully assembled version. All right, so this box in total is 79 pounds.

Now, the fully assembled E-Trike's not going to be 79 pounds. We'll get into that detail in a bit here. But the width of the box is 41. The height of the box is 27. And the length of the box is... Here we go. 41. So 41... Oops. This is 41. This is 30. And this is 41. Sorry. And the height is... we'll go ahead and put that in some text down below here, is this is 26. So my first measurements were a little bit off. It's also on some pallet feet here. So these are stuck on at the warehouse. They aren't the normal part of the box. All right. So for the easiest assembly, you want to snip off these bands first.

And those will come right out, right off. I have some tin snips, which work great. Scissors will be just fine too. These are not metal, they're plastic. So I also have a mat back here with some tools. Okay. Okay. So if you look down here, this is exactly how your Easy Transit is going to come packaged to you. So I'll just go ahead and remove this piece of foam. So it's right now folded in half. Okay. So you've got your rear wheel right here, your fenders, your basket. And everything in your seat is right there. Now, everything's zip-tied together. So I'm going to come in with my snips or scissors. I recommend a snip or a scissor. It's a lot easier than a box cutter for cutting off the zip ties.

And we're going to go ahead and just snip everything. to get it free. Okay. Come in right here. All right. And then we can start to take things out. And I have a mat back here just to set things on. So let's see. Okay. Now try to be fairly delicate in this process just because you don't want to scratch anything. Trying to see what is loose. Okay, here's our basket. And I also recommend leaving things in the packaging until you need to get to it. Okay, here are two fenders for the rear. Alrighty. Okay. Now let's just see if there's anything else we need to zip off. I think we got all the zip ties. Okay, now from here, There are two approaches.

If you want to be careful and you may have to return the trike for some reason, then you don't want to rip the box. At that point, you'd probably need to get some help to lift this out. But the other option, too, is even if you cut the box you can cut it in a way where you could tape it back up. So I'm just going to make one cut right here. Okay. And make another one right here. There we go. Okay, now from here... Okay. We can fold this... Latched down, we have our drawbridge here. Okay, now at this point, we can remove all this. And we can unfold this part. Okay. I skipped two zip ties here. Let me go ahead and get those.

Okay. All right, now everything is free. All right, so I'm gonna go ahead and fold this out. All right, now you can come down here and take a look. We have our quick-release latch right here, okay? This needs to be pushed up, pushed up like this in order for it to fold. not, you will not be able to get that in, okay? So you're going to push up, put it in. Now from here, you're going to latch it down and latch that closed. So now that is locked in place. So from there, you can leave this right here for the time being. Okay. Okay, go ahead and set that there. All right. Now the next piece I like to get on is the front wheel.

And that just makes it easy to kind of move the trike into a better position for assembly. And then no parts of the trike are sitting on the ground. Okay. So... if you notice here, the fork is backward right now. So we want to turn that around. Okay. So the light obviously should be facing forward like so. And this piece right here is for the front basket as well. So we've got our rotor, which is going to go on the side of your disc brake here, right here. And then this is your connection for the front motor. And we can, we'll do that in a minute but it's got an arrow on here and this has an arrow on here as well.

You'll match up those arrows. So you want to make sure those are on the correct sides. Okay, so it will go in like this. Now there's a washer here with a little bit of a notch on it. That piece needs to be the one that goes facing down because it's going to slip into between the fork. So the washer should come Pretty much, now if you want to see this from the front too, as you slide the wheel on here, you have your disc brake pads in there, and your rotor needs to fit in between those pads, okay? Then your fork can go on the axle. And if you can see now, down here, it's very tight, your washer with the notch is at the bottom.

And that's going to fit into the opening of the fork, which is going to prevent the wheel, or it's just gonna prevent the fork from falling out or the wheel spinning when it shouldn't. So it locks into their place. And then from here, we're gonna just hand tighten these down. Okay. And this is just simply a cover here. So we're just, we're not gonna, we're gonna have to come in with a tool. So we're not gonna do anything. And then this side, just go ahead and hand tighten that down. Now from there, wheels should be, You know, secure enough to the point where we could move it Alright, so now we have that on there. I'm gonna come over here and grab our Stem, Okay.

Now the stem is a foldable stem, so what you have here is a locking piece so the folding doesn't come down while you're riding. You would move that out of the way while you're not riding to allow this to fold open. I think we have to get it in here for me to be able to manipulate it. So this is going to slide in here like this. And now we will pull this down and this can fold open like so. Alrighty. So this, what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to put our handlebars inside the stem first because that is going to help us line it up. So if you see on the bottom here, there's a notch in here.

Okay. And there's a notch. inside here is not a notch, but actually like a peak, so to speak. Okay, so we need to line these up. We can go like this too. Okay, and put those in. Now from here, slide that back in. Like so. Okay. Okay, now what you're going to want to do is these we can tighten this on right here. So what we just put in was this piece. In order to tighten that, you have a quick release right here. To tighten the quick release, you can always find the correct height for you later, but you can tighten this bolt on the right with your fingers. Okay, and then you wanna start to clamp it, and you want it to be relatively difficult to clamp, where it takes a little bit of effort, that's pretty good. Not to the point where you're just putting all your force on it, but it left a little bit of a mark on my hand. Okay, so from here now, you're gonna fold this down. You're gonna need, we're gonna need our Allen key here, which I believe is, let me just confirm here. Okay. So if you look inside here, right here is a six-millimeter Allen key bolt. This is going to keep your stem tight from moving when you turn. Now you need to put your handlebars up like so and find the right position. So hold the tire with your feet like this and then you want to line up the middle of your stem with your frame. OK, that looks good. And then at that point, you want to bring this down. OK, and tighten this bolt. Let's just check it. All right. So it was a little off, so I tightened it enough that it wasn't loose, but I could still manipulate it. Then when you do that, I can adjust it and then put it back down so this won't move. and then come back in and give this final tightening right here. Now it's important that this bolt is fairly tight. I'm using a longer Allen key like this, something I can get some good torque on without breaking anything. And then from there, we can clamp this back up, and looks great. so now those are straight and your handlebars are on.

Now, the actual handlebar adjustment isn't great in this position well actually made one error here. Okay, well, this is a good thing to show you actually on camera. So, I made one error, which is I accidentally put the wires on the inside of the handlebar. So, we're going to pull this down. And we'll have to loosen this bolt again. Okay, pull this out. Now from here, we wanna twist these. Okay, there we go. All right, so that's something to be aware of. You want to make sure you've got the wires in front. Now the display would go like that. So let's go ahead and insert this back in. Okay. Now we've got the wires in the right position. And from here I can just come back and this is a quick thing to do.

So I'm going to go ahead and tighten this, but not all the way. Just tight enough where I can still move it, but it will hold itself in position when I tilt it back down Okay, so the eyeball that brings this down and from here comes in and tightens all the way Okay perfect Just do one more for good measure Yep, that's good. Okay. Now let's reclamp that. Okay. So now the handlebar position, I'll go ahead and show you how to adjust that. This is the Allen key set I have here. It's really helpful, got it on Amazon You've got two bolts up here. This is a five-millimeter Allen key right here. So, You're just going to loosen these. Pull the display back like so.

Okay. Now from there, you've got complete control. So this is something you can figure out later in terms of what is good for your riding position-wise. But I think somewhere around there is pretty good. So come in here. Just tighten a little bit each bolt. Kind of moving back and forth All right Now this is another bolt these are these are bolts that you also want To be pretty tight because you don't want the handlebars to slide at any point all right move your display back. And We're good to go. So now, the front wheel is on and the handlebars are in place. Another thing to point out too is you've got a lot of connections happening up here for the electronics and they're all outside of the um covering here.

Just, you know, you want to make sure if you ever have any issues with things not connecting or not working, you just want to check all these connections to just be 100 certain nothing came disconnected during the assembly process at all. All right, so from here, I am going to move my box out of the way. All right. Beautiful. All right, so we're going to come back to the front wheel now and tighten on the bolts up here. Okay, so this is an 18-millimeter. Everything on the bike, the bolts will be in the metric system. So I have a ratcheting wrench here and we just need to tighten. So I'm just gonna crank this down. Now again, you want to get that as tight as you can get it So on this side, you won't be able to use the ratcheting I'll just use the open-ended part Okay, I'm just gonna come and double-check this side with the open-ended part as well All right, that's pretty tight.

Okay now from here Put your plastic cover on the nut up here. Okay. Now we can connect our front motor. So again, line up your arrows like so. There we go. Oops. There. And it goes in. Okay. And then this tightens on. to keep the connections together. All right. There we go. Perfect. Now we have our front wheel completely assembled. And if you want, you can also toss a zip tie on here to keep this to the fork if you want to secure it, you know, maybe down here. Helps tuck that wire away a little bit. Okay, so let's see. Need to snip this one off right here. At this point, it's pretty safe to take the packaging off the frame now that you have it out of the box and virtually assembled.

All right, so inside of your basket is gonna be your rear fender, okay? So this is going to go on right here. and it's gonna bolt to the front fork. However, before we do that, I'm gonna put the seat in first because what I actually wanna do is I wanna take the complete weight of the trike without putting on the fenders and the baskets so people can know how much you can reduce the weight by if you want it to be in its lightest form. Okay, so the seat comes with the seat post already attached here, so you can slide this in. This is a double-seat post, so you have the ability to adjust the top portion and the bottom portion. Okay? And so, I mean, again, this is just for, we can always, we'll dial this in a little bit later, but just for the sake of the video, okay? And the angle it comes with should be pretty good. um if you need to adjust it, we have another video on that you can reference as well, but the angle should come pretty good on the seat. Okay, so from here, to get, uh, a working trike, we just need to put our pedals on, okay? So now you're gonna have this box, which is gonna come inside the basket. So both baskets will be in here, the front and the rear, okay? So let's go ahead and pop that open. And inside of here, you have your charger.

You also do have tools. If you don't have your tools at home. Okay, so here are your pedals. Now on the pedals, if you can see, they're marked with an R and an L. And that indicates right and left. Now the pedals both tighten by being spun forward. So that means the left pedal is a reverse thread. So the right pedal is righty tighty and you can just hand tighten these on like so and the left pedal is tightens forward as well which is to the left. And the reason for that is so when you're pedaling, you're tightening them, or going in the direction of how they would tighten versus loosening. And these are a 15mm wrench, so you can take your open-ended 15mm, slide it in there, and tighten that down.

You can do a little trick, put your foot like that. Well, that doesn't work for that one. Sorry. You want to lift. There we go. OK, so that's nice and tight. Put my tools away. OK. OK, so from here, you would want to make sure the brakes and the gears are working properly. We have another video or other videos on how to adjust your brakes and gears. They should come pre-tuned from the factory. Take it for a little ride. If you're not comfortable doing that yourself, I recommend taking it to a professional mechanic or having a mobile mechanic come to your house. or you can also reference our other videos for that. So, at this point now, you can see if you want to make adjustments without having the basket on, your derailleur is wide open here, you can see it.

Your brakes are right here, so it's easy to make the adjustments when you have it like this, okay? I can go ahead and just pull a little bit and see. Seems pretty good for the rear and the front. So I'm gonna go ahead and check the weight on this and we'll be right back. Okay, so without the baskets, the e-trike weighs 69 pounds and the battery is six and a half pounds. So 62 and a half pounds if you wanna strip it down of the baskets, the fenders, and the battery. And I bring that up because If you would rather opt for a more lightweight option and you're going to be transporting it frequently, then maybe you want to leave the baskets off.

Or if you're just riding it locally, keeping it stored in your garage or at home, you can put on all the accouterments and accessories. But if you want it for the folding element and the transportation element, it might be more beneficial to leave it without the baskets, and fenders, and then you can take the battery off so it's 62 pounds to lift it on and off of either a rack or inside of a car. By removing all those things, you're gonna save yourself about 10 pounds. We're gonna take the final weight when we put all the fenders and baskets and everything on as well. Okay, let's do the front fender. And before we move on, inside the box where the pedals were, there's a little plastic cap.

This goes on your front axle nut right here. I'll go ahead and show you. So you can just go ahead and pop that on right here. And it's just simply decorative. So it covers up that bolt. All right. Now your front fender is going to be installed. There's a top tab that will go on this bolt right here. So let's take a look here. That looks about a five-millimeter. it is. Okay. And the backside is a 10-millimeter. Let's go ahead and grab that right here. Okay. And we can loosen that now. Okay. And I will hand loosen that. And let's This bolt is threaded in here, so let's go ahead and thread that all the way back, okay? All right, from there, we're gonna slide.

Now actually, this fender tab, let's take a look here. Let's see what the best position is. Okay, I'm gonna put it on the back side here. Okay, I'm gonna put the light first. and then I'm gonna put the fender tab and then I'm gonna come in and hand tighten ok ok Okay. Now let's just leave this loose and we're gonna first attach our fender struts, which are down here. So the bolt for the fender strut is gonna be inside the frame already. So use your five-millimeter. Pull that out. Okay. Come up here. And again, just put that on the loose for the time being. And... Okay. Now you've got the same situation here. The bolt is right here. Okay. Oops. All right. Okay. Now from here, let's put that on and hand tighten.

Just hand tighten as much as you can. Okay. Now kind of look at it from a straight-on view. Just want to make sure it's nice and centered. Okay. The side's good. Now I can come to tighten this side down. Okay. Now from there, we can come and tighten our light and tab back on. Oops, okay. So because it's threaded, I've got the bolt all the way in here. So you're gonna wanna come from the backside and tighten the bolt-on. So I have a 10-millimeter, it's called a tri-tool. And if you have a ratcheting socket, that's gonna be faster than this. And you're just gonna tighten that all the way. Make sure your light is nice and straight. Okay, nice and tight up there, and you're all good up top here. I can come in just to see if this can go a little bit tighter, let's see. That's good, fender. Now, if the fender's off a little bit, you can just, you know, kind of manipulate it with your hands a little. and that's good all right now let's move on to our front basket. So, the front basket is going to mount like so. So the first thing I like to do is, let's go ahead and take these two bolts out right here. And let's see, if you can't get them with your hands, you're going to need your five-millimeter And your 10-millimeter in the back here. Okay, so the brackets to mount the front basket are gonna come inside the box that was inside the basket.

There's gonna be three brackets. There are two that look like this, which will be mounted to the strut. And then there's another bracket like this, which is gonna be used to mount the basket up top here, okay? So this bracket's gonna go on the front here, and then we are going to push, we're gonna push the bracket through like so. Oops. And then on the back there, you're gonna put on your nut, okay? Get this out of here. Okay, there we go. You may need to thread the bolt through just to get it on. Okay, then you put your bolt on the back. And then we will come around to the front one. Okay, now, once we have those hands tightened on uh we can come in and tighten them a little more, but I don't want to tighten them until I do the bracket down here.

Okay, so just enough where I know for a fact it's gonna stay on. Okay. Okay, now, from here, we're gonna mount our bracket underneath, okay? So, you've got, this piece will go on top, and this piece will go on the bottom. Okay, so put your bracket underneath. Okay, I'll come in with our other screw. Now we can start to tighten everything down Okay, now if you want to get a look underneath here You can see I've got the bracket mounted in front of this Wire piece of the basket and then this is clamping both pieces down. Okay All right, so then I come in and I'm just gonna tighten all this down And just tight enough we don't want to squeeze You know, this piece is gonna bend a little bit.

Okay, now we can also do it on these struts here and Probably just want to come in right here and make sure these are nice and tight. So this is my 10mm my 10mm wrench and my 5mm Allen key. And that's going to be able to make sure this can hold some weight. Okay. Okay. And now that's... fully installed. And that can hold, um, I would say 15 pounds is safe. Maybe up to 20 pounds, but I recommend 15 pounds or less all right now we're going to move on to the rear fenders. So one thing to point out is I did have two extra screws in here uh that we did not need for the uh basket assembly. all right, now, rear fenders.

All right, you can just go ahead and pull each fender out. Now the bolts come on the fender here, right here. So you're just going to go ahead and loosen these if you can by hand. If not, then this is a four-millimeter Allen key. All right got my two bolts off. Now you have that. And I think it doesn't matter actually which side the fenders go on. So you can Just make sure it lines up with the screws. And You're gonna line up the inside of the hole like so. And again, I'm just hand tightening until I can't hand tighten anymore. And from here, go ahead and tighten these down. So actually a little tool is going to come And it fits a lot easier in this space to tighten this bolt-on, like so.

There we go. Yeah, much easier. There you go. And then these are solid when they're installed. So we'll move over to the next one. All right, mission accomplished on the rear fenders. Now, the final piece is our rear basket. Okay, there are two brackets you need for the rear basket. Make sure you find them in the box, the big box. I just had to dig them out actually. So they're gonna come in this, Package. And they are going to look like this, okay? And firstly, just see here. Okay, so they're gonna go like they're gonna go like this on top of the basket, okay? So we're going to remove all four of these bolts. Now, when we have that off, your basket is going to sit on top like so, and from here, you're gonna find the middle, so in between these two, and then your bracket is gonna come across like this, okay? I'm gonna move this back, there we go, like that, okay? Alrighty. Perfect. Okay, now, this part can be a little tricky. What you need to do is put this on top of your bracket, and then you're gonna push the screw through the mesh, okay? And you may need your Allen key or Allen tool while you do this. So let's find the place right there. And then from there, you're just gonna tighten it down a little bit. Again, not all the way. Let's wait until we get the other one on. So same thing over here. We're gonna slide that back. So if you wanna see it here, it's a little bit difficult.

Got the bracket in there, and I can see a good spot through the mesh. So put my bolt in, pushed it through, and tightened it. And once we have both bolts in on one of the brackets, you can go ahead and start tightening it down. Okay. So find your opening in the mesh and push through. And line it up to the threads. And you're in. Okay. Okay, I didn't tighten that all the way just yet. Make sure also with your basket when you're installing it that the Opens the opening is facing the rear just going to make it a lot easier for loading and unloading things We got it Once you have all four bolts in, just come around and give a little tightening to each of them and just make sure it feels good and tight.

And there you have it. The rear basket is installed. Now, air in the tires, we want to make sure we do that. That's been something that has been tricky for people with the front wheel. So let me go ahead and get positioned where I can. Last but not least, we have our rear tail light, and uh just remove this little tab. And this is not connected to anything on the top electronics. It's just a button back here. So if you want it on when you ride, you'll have to turn it on. while you're off the bike all right so just remove the two screws on the back. And then this mounts just right here. Like so. And then I can come back. I believe that's an eight-millimeter. Okay, nice and tight. All right. Now. Okay, so, a couple of things here. Very tight space to put air in your front tire. There are some attachments that you can buy that will make this much much easier but if you only have like a head like this, you can just push this valve out a little bit, okay? And then clamp it. And from there, it should be just fine. It's max 65, so I'm going to put it up to about 60. Okay. And I put it up to 62 because when we pull this off, we're going to lose some air. So that's a little trick as well. Just over-inflate just a pound or two because you're going to lose air on the removal and we're good to go.

Now the rear tires are pretty standard. These shouldn't be as challenging. All right. all right, we are done and ready to ride uh I'll walk you through some of the things here. So, what you should do is take your each hike for a ride, and make sure you can shift into all the gears. So, it is a trigger shift, so you shift here to go up, and here to go down. And make sure all the gears go in. Again, we have other videos on how to adjust it, but this is all pre-adjusted, so it should work great all right now turning it on, if you come down here, actually, on this side, I don't know if you can see, your keys are gonna come hanging up here.

I just put one in here. Now, When you're riding, you don't need the key in for this, so you can take your key out, and to remove it, you just unlock and pull out very simply, and then to put it back in, just go like that, and then you can lock and take your key out. I'm just gonna leave it in there for the sake of this. Now, on the other side, sorry if you come back around here, you have your on-off for the battery, and your charging port right here. Now your charger, I'm just going to throw that in the basket here. So your charger will plug in right there. And you can plug it into your wall. Now your battery needs to be switched on for the electricity to, or for the power to work.

So this is the on position. Okay. Then from there, you can come up here and push your power button so you've got your miles per hour, your pedal assist level, your distance ridden, your temperature, and this one is your watt output. So this is a 750-watt motor, but there's a peak um there's a max peak performance of wattage that these are capable of. So that's going to tell you at any given time how much wattage the motor is pulling, and it actually at certain points can exceed 750 watts. Now, You wanna be careful working that too hard because if you were going up a major hill, towing a huge cargo, and this would start going up and up and up, it means the motor's trying to supply the power it needs.

But if you overwork it, you can short out a wire. So something to be aware of. Now if you come over here, you've got your thumb throttle right here. Gonna push that and you can go. And you've got your drive and reverse. So D for drive, R for reverse. and want to go in reverse, put it in reverse, drive to go and drive. You can flip those any way you see fit. And you are off and able to ride. Let me go ahead and get my helmet, and I'm just going to take you for a quick demo test ride. All right, one other thing I just wanted to show quickly here is the parking brake. So you've got parking brakes on either side, and you just pull the lever and then push that down, and now it won't go anywhere.

And you can just click it to pull the lever off. So, easy to operate uh I just adjusted the handlebars, which I think I showed, you know, before was right here. I just wanted them up a little bit higher. Get them close to my body. And, cool thing, show you the reverse. You just click. And you're off. And forward. And this thing is a ton of fun. And you can see how nimble this is right here.

All right, there you have it. If you wanna see more info about the folding e-trike or have any other questions, please reach out to us,, or call us at 310-982-2877. You can find it linked in the description below. Also, we have a 30-day test ride, your e-trike policy.

If you don't love it in 30 days, send it back. No questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for a year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we'll take care of it. No questions asked, no money out of your pocket. And lastly, we have a Facebook group, sixthreezero Pedalers. You may know about it already. If not, go ahead and join there. You can ask existing owners how they like their easy transit. And then once you get yours, post in the group, make friends, and also download our app to track your rides and compete on the leaderboard. It's a lot of fun. So thanks for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. 

Enjoy the ride.


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