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Bike Related Gifts for Father's Day 2022

Don't look now, but June 19, 2022 - perhaps better known as "Father's Day" for all the dads and father-like mentors out there - will be here before you know it. And it goes without saying that Father's Day has a tendency to sneak up on many of us, being it's the start of summer, the kids are out of school and vacations are nearing takeoff. Noting this, it makes sense to plan ahead so you're not left scrambling in mid-June to get Dad something that you'll know he'll love and appreciate. And if your dad is active and loves the outdoors, then there could be no better gift than a new bike or a bike-related accessory. In this post, we'll cover some of the top gifts for dad this year if he loves cycling - here's a look:

Types of Bikes to Consider

If you're going for a Father's Day gift that you know Dad will never forget, a new bike is the perfect purchase. Now, if it's been a while since you purchased a new bike, then you might be surprised to learn just how much things have changed in the cycling world. From electric bikes to hybrid bikes to tricycles, comfort bikes to fat tire bikes - there's a whole slew of options at your disposal these days. Before we get into some of the best bikes and accessories to gift your pops this year, let's first take a look at the various bikes that could make this Father's Day the best one yet.

Electric Bikes

Electric bikes are continuing to trend - and for a variety of reasons. One, you can still get a great workout in with an electric bike, as electric bikes are designed primarily to complement pedaling and maybe spot you a break if you get tired or on uphill parts of the ride. Electric bikes come with two different modes: pedal assist and electric throttle. Pedal assist mode is exactly what it sounds like - you're pedaling and the electric motor complements your efforts. And electric throttle mode is when the bike runs on full electric power. Two, electric battery life lasts longer than ever before - and you can even purchase extra batteries for those long rides where you might need to swap out a depleted battery for a new one. And three, electric bikes are more affordable now than they've ever been before. They're becoming more and more of a staple in the garage.

Last but not least, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention how flexible many electric bike models are these days. With the option to add on storage baskets, car seats and more, electric bikes are as flexible as they are fun to ride.


If your Dad is planning to ride the bike to the grocery store, the market or elsewhere around town, a tricycle bike might be ideal for its enhanced storage capability. A tricycle bike can also come in handy if your Dad has mobility issues, as the three wheels make it more stable to ride. It's not quite like riding a two-wheeler, but it can be a very practical option under the right circumstances.

Comfort Bikes

If your Dad just likes to ride leisurely, then a comfort bike is probably going to be the best option for him. As the name implies, comfort bikes are those that are ridden for pleasure and designed to offer a relaxed and recreational ride. They're typically designed specifically with ergonomics in mind and typically make for a smooth ride over rough terrain. They're a great general purpose option.

Fat Tire Bikes

If your Dad has mobility issues and you don't quite think he'd like a tricycle bike, a fat tire bike is your next best option. They're not only ideal for providing a smooth ride on rough surfaces, but the wider wheels also mean that they're more stable than your typical bicycle. What's neat about fat tire bikes is that they're also good for winter riding, as they tend to grip to the pavement better than other tires, which make them ideal for riding in snow and icy conditions.

Bike Considerations

There are also various considerations that you'll want to keep in mind if you plan to purchase your Dad a bike for Father's Day. Here's a list of some of the things to be mindful of:

  • Proper fit: We also suggest that any rider get properly fit tested so they can ensure that the bike they're deciding on is correct for them. We get how it might be tough to get Dad fit tested if the bike is a gift, so consider seeing if you can submit his size, weight and other key metrics for an online test. You can also surprise Dad by taking him to the bike shop and letting him pick out a model he likes after he gets fit tested.
  • Electric range and battery recharge: How much electric range does your dad need? If he just plans to take leisurely strolls, he doesn't need as powerful of a bike. Also be sure to check on battery recharge time. Most electric bikes these days can recharge in about four to six hours.
  • Weight: Bike weight is another consideration. This is especially true if your Dad lives in an upstairs apartment or will have to store the bike somewhere other than the garage. Weight is also an important consideration if your Dad likes to travel with his bike, as you'll likely want a lighter model that's easier to put in the trunk of the car or onto a bike rack. The lighter the bike, the easier it is to maneuver.
  • Weight capacity: In addition to the overall weight of the bike, take note of the bike's payload capacity. This can influence the type of model you purchase based on the weight of any groceries or other purchases that your Dad is likely to make while riding it around town. Again, for an increased weight capacity, a tricycle or fat tire bike is a good option.

The Top Bikes and Bike-Related Gifts for Father's Day 2022

Now that we've gone over some of the types of bikes that Dad might like this Father's Day, it's time to discuss the specific models and other accessories that might make for a great gift. Here's a look at some of the items you might consider as you're making your buying list for Father's Day 2022:

SixThreeZero's EVRYjourney Electric Bike

Available in 250W and 500W models, the EVRYjourney from SixThreeZero is one of the most popular electric bikes on the market today - and for a variety of reasons. For starters, it's comfortable and versatile. Dubbed "the most comfortable e-bike ever," it's designed so that riders are able to keep their backs straight and upright for maximum comfort. The seat and handlebar grips are also very comfortable and ergonomically designed. Additionally, you can select from either a 250 watt or 500 watt battery, depending on how much electric power you need on your rides. The 500 watt battery, for instance, can take riders up to 20 miles using full electric mode and up to 40 miles in pedal assist mode. It's also very versatile, designed for those who range in height from 5 feet tall up to 6-foot-4 inches in height.

The ultimate all-purpose bike, you can't go wrong with the EVRYjourney from SixThreeZero. You're not going to name a bike "EVRYjourney" unless it's versatile.

Baskets - The Ideal Bike Accessory

We get it - baskets might not be at the top of your shopping list. But if your Dad plans to ride his bike for more than just a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, they should be. After all, baskets can easily attach to just about any bike model and can help Dad safely and securely transport any goods or other items that he may have purchased at the store or local farmer's market. Baskets come in all different shapes, sizes and colors. They can be attached to the rear of the bike or between the handlebars on the front of it. Some will even fold for easy storage when they're not in use. Be sure to select the right one for your Dad.

Safety Accesories

From bike locks to lights to helmets, don't downplay the importance of safe riding and secure storage. You're obviously considering a bike or bike accessory for your Dad this year because he's active and likes to ride. But it's also important to make sure that he's riding safely and he's storing his bike in a secure manner. Helmets and lights can help with the former. Helmets help protect arguably the most important part of the body: the head. We aren't sure how often your Dad plans to ride in low-light hours of the day and at night, but lights can ensure that others can adequately see him. And if your Dad is planning to ride his bike around town and on errands, then it's imperative to ensure that he's properly securing it in public. Bike locks can help do the trick.

Extra Batteries

If your Dad loves to ride his e-bike on long journeys, then an additional battery could serve him well this Father's Day. Let's face it, your Dad doesn't want to be in the middle of a ride and then have to stop or go home to recharge his battery before he can finish it - he wants to keep going. Many electric bikes can be outfitted with an additional battery in addition to the one that they come with to help ensure that riders don't run out of juice on their travels. For instance, SixThreeZero makes extra batteries that work on its 250W and 500W EVRYjourney models.

BodyEase Consistent (SixThreeZero)

Another model from SixThreeZero, this non-electric bike is perfect for your Dad if he's not as interested in bells and whistles and just wants a comfortable ride out of his bicycle. Featuring seven speeds, the BodyEase is designed for maximum comfort. It's frame is lightweight, it features hybrid tires which help with stability and control and it does well on all types of surfaces. If your dad just simply wants a leisurely cruise and doesn't care about any electric assistance, this could be the perfect bike to get him this year.

Gift Cards

Not sure what bike your Dad will want or what accessories he needs? Instead of guessing and then potentially having to go through the hassle or returning the items, you could always just simply pick him up a gift card to let him choose for himself. If a new bike is on the horizon, a gift card will allow him to get properly fitted and then select the bike model that he likes best. Or maybe he loves the bike he has and just wants to pick up some accessories. Many shops and bike brands, including SixThreeZero, offer gift cards. Select one with a pre-loaded amount today to stick in a card on Father's Day.

Contact SixThreeZero Today

For more information on bikes and bike accessories to make this Father's Day the best one yet, contact SixThreeZero today. With a wide range of electric and conventional bike models, not to mention accessories, SixThreeZero products are your go-to this year. For more information on SixThreeZero's industry-leading bikes and accessories, contact us today.


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