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Can a 3 Wheel E Bike Ride in the Sand? It's Shocking How this ETrike Performs on the Beach

Updated On: January 2, 2024

Taylor: Okay.

Speaker 2: I'm not even quite sure if this is possible.

Taylor: We're testing out the sands. First time for everything. Oh.

Speaker 3: [inaudible 00:00:11].

Speaker 2: Could be better, could be worse.

Taylor: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Now, this is not, like, super... It's a little bit packed. It's not super deep, but... Not ideal, but you could do it.

Taylor: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Now I'm going to cruise over to this pathway right here.

Taylor: Okay.

Speaker 2: All right, you want to hop back on?

Taylor: Yep.

Speaker 2: Look like we can go down to the [inaudible 00:00:54] stuff. Let's see if we can do it with you there.

Taylor: Okay.

Speaker 2: I have a feeling it's not going to go well, but... Let me know when you're buckled.

Taylor: Okay, one moment. Okay, buckled.

Speaker 2: Are you allowed to ride bikes on the sand? I don't even know.

Taylor: Not sure. We'll find out today.

Speaker 2: Well, we're still moving.

Taylor: Yeah. Put your surfboard back here. Oh.

Speaker 2: It's getting harder.

Taylor: It's getting harder, but we are moving.

Speaker 2: Here we go. We're going to get some traction on this shrubbery. Feel like it's going to be too much of an angle there, or do you think it will be good?

Taylor: I don't know.

Speaker 2: Hold on.

Taylor: Okay. Do the brakes work in the sand? And we're going for a swim, everyone.

Speaker 2: Lean to the left.

Taylor: Leaning.

Speaker 2: There we go.

Taylor: There we go.

Speaker 2: Nothing like cruising on the hard-packed sand. Coming in hot.

Taylor: Nothing to see here.

Speaker 2: [inaudible 00:03:15].

Taylor: [inaudible 00:03:17].

Speaker 2: Now we're cooking.

Taylor: Yep.

Speaker 2: Hard-packed sand approved.

Taylor: Yep. It's hard-packed. Uh-oh.

Speaker 2: I see tire tracks right here. We did it.

Taylor: Yeah. That was easier than I thought.

Speaker 2: Okay, we made it out of the sand. We did struggle uphill there, but we're back on track now. We're going to cruise back to our car. So I would say stick to the hard-packed sand if you do want to try to ride. The mushy sand, it's not going to work. That was fun, so-

Taylor: It was fun.

Speaker 2: Taylor, you enjoyed the ride?

Taylor: Yeah. I felt safe and wasn't bumping around too much or anything like that, so I think it's doable.

Speaker 2: Nice. All right, thanks for coming along. We're heading back to the car.

Taylor: Bye, guys.

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