E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: March 11, 2025
I'm going on a 10-mile e-trike ride. Come along as we learn about electric tricycles. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today I'm on my EZ Transit foldable e-trike from sixthreezero. And we're going to take a 10-mile ride and I'm going to give you tips and tricks and take you along so you can experience what it's like to ride on this e-trike for a 10-mile ride. And then I'm gonna talk to you through how I turn, how I go uphill, so you can fully understand the experience of an electric trike. Now, this e-trike has a 750-watt front hub motor. It's foldable, so the frame folds in half. And it's got disc brakes in the front and rear.
It's got a reverse option as well, front and rear baskets, and seven-speed gears up here. And very easy to drive. It's got 16-inch tires. So very low center of gravity. Turning is super easy and has lots of power. I'm 220 pounds and it's going to get me up hills easily. You're going to see as we go. So if you're ready, let's do this. Now, if you're in at least level one on the pedal assist, the e-trike is going to go if you push the throttle. Or if you pedal. And so I like to use the throttle to get moving sometimes, it's quite easy, yeah, so let's go ahead and do this. So I'm gonna give it a little bit of throttle.
And we're off and running. And now I'm just gonna ease into some pedal assist as we go. All right, I'm gonna up the ante here and put it in level two. All righty. Okay, now coming down hills, wanna ease into it. The three wheels still stay balanced but I like to brake. Now if you hear a little squeaking, that's just the disc brakes. Sometimes the pads just need to be either a little adjusted or this one's brand new so they're just working themselves in. So don't be alarmed by that. All right, so flat ground riding on a trike is pretty easy. Now the one thing you have to remember if you watch me if I take my hands off the handlebars, the trike won't stay straight.
So I do need to make sure that I'm keeping the wheel in the direction I wanna go. On a trike, now look too, if you lean, the trike doesn't move, right? That's just important to remember that learning doesn't do anything. Now on a bike, when you lean, it kinda moves with you, right? On a trike, I gotta move these handlebars like so if we wanna go somewhere. We're at 3.8 miles right now. So we'll just go ahead and watch as that ticks up and we hit the 10-mile mark. All right. So let's go ahead and start by going up this big hill. Now I've made other videos going up this hill. I'm going to put it in level five here just to be prepped.
Oh, I'm going to give it some throttle. Watch out, Lisa. And... When we're on five on this hill, it'll be no problem. Now, I'm gonna also put my gears into level seven. Now, typically that's a little counterintuitive when you talk about going to the highest gear up hills, but because of how powerful the motor is, I can actually put it into gear seven and it's still easy. I mean, you can see I'm flying up the hill, and if I want, I can just switch to not pedaling at all. You'll be able to see from behind.
All right. And I'm doing pedal assist five and I am in gear seven down here and again this is like no work for me whatsoever. There's the hill very very long and steep hill starting to get to a more level area so our speeds picked up. I'm still going 15 miles an hour uphill here and we got full battery. I'm just going to use the throttle a little bit. Now you can see we are coming into a downhill. Now on the downhill, I'm just going to go ahead and coast it out a little bit. Now I'm not pedaling whatsoever. And again, you can pull the brakes if you want, just to slow your speed. There we go, back to 12. The brakes are very, very responsive.
I'm gonna show you something too. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and go onto the sidewalk here. Lisa, you can stay in the bike lane, but I just want to show you guys, that if you want to come up onto the sidewalk, you can. Now, you want to slow down. Now, look, it's tilted. No big deal. I'm still balanced. Just make sure you shift your weight against the lean, and I'm even comfortable just steering on the sidewalk here. Now, I'm going to go ahead and downshift my pedal assist so I don't need to be in level five. Okay, all right, all right now look coming down the sidewalk let's break a little bit even though I didn't need to do that much braking. So we've gone about 1.2 miles.
Now I have another little hill here. Your choice. I'm just gonna use the throttle. Why not? all right, now check this out. We can go right through here if I want to, easy. And this is the cool part, is that this thing can pretty much go anywhere. Got some pickleball games going on here. Now let me show you too, if you want to park your trike, go ahead and just turn this off for a second. Now parking it's really easy. You're just gonna, all you have to do is lift the front end, which isn't too heavy. Now you're in. Now the other thing you could do if you wanted to is you could put it into reverse. And you want to be careful if you're going to do this.
So stand to the side. And from there, you could give it a little bit of juice. See that? So if you did need to lift it onto the bike rack, but you have trouble getting it off, just give it a little bit of juice. The wheel will turn. And now I can easily pull it out. Okay. Let's go ahead and proceed. Now I want to show you something really quick, too, if you stay right there. If you ever need to... navigate through tight spaces. You can have a little fun and come through these things. All right, now here's the other cool thing. I want to show you a few things. I can go ahead and steer down the handicap ramp, no problem.
And if you want to stay right there, I'm going to come at you. If you look here, this curb is elevated. And no problem, we can get up that. It's a little bumpy, but not too bad. Going down, and even worst case, if you needed to come down this, not ideal, but we can do that. All right, let's carry on. Let's see where we can go. Okay, we're gonna go back down here, and I'm just gonna take you on a quick dirt path jaunt, even though the EZ Transit is not the ideal trike to go on dirt paths. It can handle hard-pack trails as needed. Going up. Going down. Okay, now I'm going to continue to go on the sidewalk just to show everyone.
Here we go. Okay. Now remember, I have to steer to get on here. Now I'm leaning if I'm making sharp turns, but leaning won't work to turn. So right here is an example. I have to turn my handlebars, and I can go ahead and stay on the sidewalk. Now you can see here, too, these cars are actually, well, the bike lane is next to the cars, so if this is a situation where you have a bike lane like this next to parked cars, and actually, this guy's got a bike here in the middle of the sidewalk, which is not gonna be good, so we're gonna have to figure this out. So let's see, oh, he's gonna move it, oh, cool. Thank you. Sorry, thanks.
Hey, no problem. Thank you. How are you doing? All right. So let's go ahead and go in here. A little muddy in here. I'll still go for it. Now this is like a hard-packed dirt slash sand if you will. All right. So you can see, no problem. Okay, how muddy is this? We don't want to get too dirty back in here. I think we may have to... Okay. I think we turn back. Okay, we're going to turn back because it's super muddy. We've had a lot of rain in California, but you can see hardpack trails, no problem. If we don't have huge... puddles and whatnot to contend with all right we're coming down. Now I don't know if you guys can see this hill.
It's a pretty good little hill. So we're putting this to the test on hills here. Oh actually, you know what? Let's go up this hill right here. So we got another hill straight ahead. And I'm just gonna stay on the sidewalk for this one it's let's see. That's what I like about the easy transit and the small wheels are staying on the sidewalks easily. Go ahead and shift that up. See, we haven't even burned one bar in the battery. We've gone almost two miles and taken on some pretty substantial hills. All right, coming up to a little curvature here in the road, no big deal. Okay, we got a dog coming here, so I'm going to go ahead and yield the sidewalk to them.
Now let me go ahead and just bring this down the curb. Let's go ahead and check out. We have some trails down here too. It might be a little bit less muddy. Or more muddy, who knows? Doesn't look less muddy, but I wanna show you. You can easily get up there, and this is kind of cool. These are more mountain bike-type trails. Wow. Got a whole bridge here. I don't want to take that on, but it'd be cool if we could go over there, but a little too muddy, so I'm going to turn around. All right, so we're coming downhill now, and I'm just coasting. And if you're unsure, always keep your hands on top of the brake calipers so you can be ready.
You just wanna make sure you're ready to get your hands there. Also, when you're going downhill on a trike, this is a very important tip. You don't wanna swerve, okay? Now, on a regular two-wheel bike, if you're coming downhill and you swerve, it's a lot more maneuverable. If you come down at speed and you swerve, you're gonna create instability in your trike. So, just easy motions, don't freak out, keep the handlebars straight. And, of course, monitor your speed and go whatever speed you're comfortable at to ensure, you know, you're stable. All right. We're back here. We're going to go uphill again. It's got a little nice downhill in. Now we're going to go back uphill. And still, we have not killed one bar off the battery, so that's cool.
And you saw me leaning there. I'm just leaning to make sure because we were going onto an incline. I wanted to keep all wheels down on the ground. Here are my legs working as I'm in pedal assist level five. And my legs are moving, but honestly, it's not much effort whatsoever. So the bike's doing a lot of the work. Oh, I guess I should probably get in the bike lane. My fault. Okay, so we're almost, we're about just over three miles. And still have not drained a battery, even though we're doing a lot of hills. All right, we're at the pinnacle. Now we're just gonna coast on down. All right, got a big hill here, so I'm easing my brake. I'm just using the rear brake primarily and just giving it a little bit.
Just keep my speed in check. Okay, so we are at 4.2 miles now. And we're gonna head up here. I'm gonna make sure to obey all the traffic laws, okay? No one's coming, let's turn. Stay in the bike lane all right we got another hill. So, San Clemente is extremely hilly, if you haven't noticed. And even with all the hills and my 220-pound body, we've only lost one bar off the battery, which is great. Okay. Now, we are going to wait at the red light here. All right. So we're gonna head back downhill now. We're gonna navigate back to the office because our cameraman's battery is dying. We didn't check and make sure that was charged. Now look, we got some branches here in the way.
So if you can just steer around those. Just wanted to take the bike path. Now you can see, I can get zippy through here if I want. Uh-oh, except our sidewalk ran out. Okay, I got another hill we're gonna take on here. So we got hills galore here. All right, we are recharged, and we've only got, six and a half, three and a half miles to go, so let's go ahead and knock this out now I want to also say that I've been using the throttle for a large portion of this ride, and we've been going up a tremendous amount of hills, so we have lost half the battery but It kind of gives you an idea of how much battery you will drain going up and down hills.
So we'll probably just stick relatively close by, and make some loops. All right, let's go down this way. All right, so we've got officially three miles to go. Still got half a battery. Okay, take a little loop here. Tackling another hill here just about two miles left on our journey still got half a battery as we creep up on our own eight miles. Okay, 2.7 miles left. Let's go this way. Oh, here's the way we just went, isn't it? What? Let's go this way so we can try to find a bigger loop. This will be our home stretch. We got about 1.6 miles left. Now we are on the home stretch here. One more mile to go for our 10-mile ride.
We're at half a battery right now the question is, we've got a pretty steep hill right here, so now this is a serious hill to end on. All right, three-point, thirteen-point one, and hopefully this gets us all the way. Now we are on the home stretch here—one more mile to go for our 10-mile ride. We're at half a battery right now. The question is we've got a pretty steep hill right here, so we'll see how we make out. Now this is a serious hill to end on all right three point thirteen point one hopefully this gets us all the way. It is still half a battery. 13.3 miles. Okay. We made it. 0.4 miles left. Okay, so we just finished a 10-mile ride on my odometer here.
You can see we went from 3.8 miles to 14. And a couple of takeaways. One, man, the EZ Transit is so easy to steer. It's a lot of fun. I can navigate sidewalks and streets, and you can see that I can hit pretty fast speeds. You'll see my speed. I wasn't even looking at the speed, but you'll see it on the screen there. So we got down to just under half a battery. We were right at about half a battery, 10 miles. Now I ran it in level five on pedal assist the entire way. And then if I wasn't in level five, I was on the throttle. So that's pretty good actually for a guy my size.
If we had been running more in like a level two or a level three, we would have gotten double the range. So about 40 miles, 40 miles plus. so up to 50 miles is what we say. And I think that's completely feasible also depending on the weight of the rider. And we rode hill after hill after hill after hill. It was up, plateauing, and some downhills as well. So I don't know if that's gonna be a typical ride on the EZ Transit, but yeah, what I learned is that you can do a 10-mile ride on streets wherever you wanna go on a three-wheel e-bike.
So if you have any questions at all about e-trikes or anything, or the EZ Transit, please reach out to us. You can always email us at theteam@sixthreezero.com or call us, at 310-982-2877. And don't forget, we have a 30-day test ride, your e-bike, and an e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we are going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we'll take care of it. Parts and labor, no questions asked. Lastly, join our Facebook pedalers group, sixthreezero Pedalers. There are thousands of members in there. You can connect with them before you make your purchase. Ask them how they like their bike. Then when you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. It's tons of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.
A folding fat tire electric bike is perfect for long trips. It comes with many benefits which makes this bike so comfortable. So, go through the following section to understand its benefits.
In short, a folding fat tire ebike makes long-distance riding easier and more fun. They are portable, strong, and good for the environment. Thus, these benefits make it a good choice for all kinds of journeys.
If you are wondering how far the best folding ebike can go, you must understand that several factors affect the bikes’ capacity to cover distances. So, here are some factors that affect the distance the electric bikes can cover.
In short, many things affect how far a folding ebike can travel. By thinking about the battery, road conditions, and other factors, you can make your electric bike ride longer and more enjoyable.