E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: August 27, 2024
You're going to see first-time rides on the Easy Transit Reverse E-Trike. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry, and today you're going to see first-time rides on the Easy Transit Reverse E-Trike from sixthreezero. Now, before we get into the first-time rides, I want to walk you through some of the features and specs. It's a 750-watt rear hub motor that can achieve up to speeds of 16 miles an hour, both with pedal assist and the throttle. It has a throttle you can press and go without pedaling at all, or you can do pedal assist mode, where it assists you while you pedal. There are five levels of assistance that you can get when pedaling, one, two, three, four, and five. In addition to that, you have a 10.4 amp hour battery, which is going to give you a range of up to 50 miles. So, the 50-mile range though is dependent on the weight of the rider, the terrain you're riding, and also the combination of throttle and pedal assist that you use on your rides. If you use more throttle, you drain the battery quicker. If you use lower levels of pedal assist, you can extend the range to a farther range. Now, you can see on our website, that we have a gauge and range of the expected range you're going to get out of the battery. Check that out on the website. Now, of course, you have this tilting dynamic steering, which provides a very unique, tight steering experience on a three-wheel bike. And it's also stable and a lot of fun. And you're going to see that in the first-time riding experience. You have a seven-speed derailleur here, which you can shift, not correlated to the electronics, but you can pedal and shift and ride up to seven gears. So if you're taking on hills, shift to the first gear. Also, if you want to ride without the electric assistance, it's nice to have those seven speeds so you can pedal easily and have a variance of gears. In addition to that, you have a nice rear carrier here. As you can see this is easily foldable. You can unlock right here, pull this down and your handlebars will fold. And from there, you can also let me go ahead and lock this back into place, and fold the frame in half. And I have another video of me putting this in the trunk of a hatchback. You just simply lift this and it folds right here. And if you want to see more specifics, check out our YouTube channel and you'll see the folding on there. Now, front and rear disc brakes. And you've got two front disc brakes, so it stops on a dime. Very safe, easy to steer. So you're going to see from the first-time rides how much fun this is. Here we go.
Dustin: OK, so here with Suzanne, who's about to go on her first e-bike ride ever.
Suzanne: Yes.
Dustin: Have you ever ridden a reverse tricycle? This is a reverse trike with two wheels in front.
Suzanne: No. A lot of new things today.
Dustin: Have you ever ridden even a tricycle with two wheels in the back?
Suzanne: Yeah, when I was little. I mean, you know, not in recent years, but yeah.
Dustin: Fair enough. Okay, so now she's 4’11” with a 24-inch inseam so she has a very short inseam. If you want to see in our other videos, we have a sizing video with her. Now she's going to be up on her tippy toes. She's probably got the smallest inseam even possible to ride on this. If you have a 25-inch inseam or above, if you're 4'10", or 4'11", you have a 25-inch inseam, you'll fit. But she said she's comfortable and feels good trying. So go ahead and step on, and then I'm going to walk her through. And we've lost our wireless mics today, so we've got this nice handheld microphone here. Okay, so she's never been on an e-bike. This is your power button here.
Suzanne: All right.
Dustin: You hold that, and now the screen is on.
Suzanne: Okay.
Dustin: So if this is in level one, that means that you get assistance, and it's the lowest level of assistance. So pedal assist level one, which is the least amount of assistance. Then if you move that up, you have five levels of assistance. So you can change those while you ride if you want.
Suzanne: Okay.
Dustin: You're gonna feel what it feels like when you get going. Now, this is a throttle. You can push that with your thumb, like a gas pedal, and it will go without pedaling. Now, if you do decide to do that, so it's on zero, it doesn't work right now. It's, it's a gradual, like a gas pedal, right? Like, you never slam your gas pedal in a car to the floor.
Suzanne: Right.
Dustin: You know.
Suzanne: Right, okay.
Dustin: And I just say that because a lot of people get on their instinct just to just, like, go for it.
Suzanne: Yeah, it's not on and off it's a gauge. Yeah, okay.
Dustin: Gradually. And that's really it so from there, you can start in whatever level you want, or you can start at zero and just get going.
Suzanne: All right.
Dustin: And increase it to something.
Suzanne: So I guess I should put the kickstand up. Yep.
Dustin: I can help you if you need it.
Suzanne: That is one of the parts of my…
Dustin: There you go.
Suzanne: Okay. All right. So I'll do…
Dustin: And then you're welcome to go straight down, make a loop, come back.
Suzanne: Okay. Sounds good. So I'll try an assistant level, maybe two first, just to feel…
Dustin: Try one.
Suzanne: One. Okay. Just to see what it feels like. Yeah. So basically it's going to just help me pedal essentially.
Dustin: That's right.
Suzanne: Okay. Okay. Sounds good. Well, I'll get going. Oh wow.
Dustin: Do you feel it helping you?
Suzanne: Yes.
Dustin: Put it up to level two. And I'll try to tell her to use the throttle here. Now, can you stop pedaling and use the thumb throttle?
Suzanne: Okay, yeah. And then I'll just brake like normal?
Dustin: How does the steering feel?
Suzanne: The steering was... probably the hardest part to get used to, mostly because I wasn't expecting it, even though I knew it was going to happen, it was still like a little bit of a curve to get used to it. But then once I got down and had a few pedals in, started to get used to it and it was very nice.
Dustin: One more loop, go for it and just come back and see.
Suzanne: Okay. I might try to turn around on my own. Oh, it's on the two. There we go.
Dustin: There you go.
Suzanne: Okay.
Dustin: Better the second time around?
Suzanne: Yes, definitely. The steering was much better and getting used to what the throttle should feel like so that was a lot better. Felt much more comfortable, for sure.
Dustin: I mean, the first time with an e-bike, how does that? Seem fun using that?
Suzanne: It was a lot of fun. Absolutely. I was like, I could do this all day. So I loved it. Yeah, it was great.
Dustin: All right. Well, that's Suzanne's first ride ever on an electric bike. Oh, those are reverse trikes we got another five-foot rider we're gonna try for their first ride ever too so let's move on up to them.
Okay, now we're here with Ashley. She's five feet tall and you have a 29 inch in seam, right? 19-inch arms.
Ashley: Yes.
Dustin: And have you ever ridden an e-bike?
Ashley: I have, but not one like this.
Dustin: Okay. This is a reverse trike. So two front wheels. Have you ever ridden a trike?
Ashley: No.
Dustin: Okay. So it's going to feel like a normal bike actually, but go ahead and sit down. We'll just make sure. I don't remember your seat height. So let's see if we need to adjust it up for you a little or if it seems okay. Right. Or do you want to higher?
Ashley: Yeah, it seems fine. I think I'll be good.
Dustin: Okay.
Ashley: Yeah.
Dustin: All right. So if you know, you know how it works, you hold that middle button down.
Ashley: Just turn it on?
Dustin: Yeah.
Ashley: Okay.
Dustin: Okay. Now this is your assistance level. So if it's in one, that's your lowest level of assist and this is a thumb throttle. So it's like a gas pedal ease into it. You can stop pedaling and use that. I would recommend starting in one while you're riding. You're welcome to go put it up. Okay. And, yeah, it's going to ride like a normal two-wheel bike because of the steering. So go ahead and put your kickstand up and then…
Ashley: What side is it on?
Dustin: Your left foot. Nice kick. There you go.
Ashley: All right. Get it going?
Dustin: Yep.
Ashley: Oh, God. Okay. All right, all right.
Dustin: How does it feel?
Ashley: Feels good.
Dustin: Do you want to take one more lap?
Ashley: Sure. Okay, let's see if I can get a tight turn on here. Okay, okay.
Dustin: In tight spaces, sometimes it's easier to downshift the assist, but you're good. Now, how was it? Easy to ride?
Ashley: It was good. I think…
Dustin: Steering's a little different?
Ashley: Yeah, the steering is a lot different. So then it was more of like a wide turn versus like being able to like quickly... You know what I mean? So I wasn't used to it. So I was like, Oh my God, don't fall. Don't fall.
Dustin: Well, you'd be surprised. You can try to turn. I think also it's getting used to that. You can go a tighter turn. Like, but it is different than a two-wheel bike. You know what I mean?
Ashley: I'm just not used to it. So I was like, Oh, this is new. This is new for sure. But it was fun. I enjoyed myself.
Dustin: Cool. Fair enough. All right. Well, there we have it. She's five foot. She rode the reverse trike with no problem. Let's move up to our five-foot-one rider. Okay. Now we're here with Victoria. She's five foot one. And what was your inseam?
Victoria: 29.
Dustin: 29. And you said you've ridden an e-bike before?
Victoria: Yes, twice.
Dustin: Have you ridden a trike, though, like this?
Victoria: No, this is going to be my first time.
Dustin: First time. Okay, so go ahead and sit down. Maybe we'll see what the seat height is for you.
Victoria: No, it's good.
Dustin: Okay.
Victoria: Yeah.
Dustin: Okay, so you hold this button right here to turn it on. So we'll go ahead and turn it on for you. Your screen comes on.
Victoria: Okay.
Dustin: And when it's in one, that means your pedal assist means you'll get assistance when you pedal. You have a throttle here. You can use that when you're going. It has to be in level one for the throttle to work. And then you just are off and running. So you can put your kickst
and up or I can help you put the kickstand up right here.
Victoria: Oh, yes.
Dustin: There you go. And you can go ahead and make a lap down around that street and come back and have fun. First time reverse trike ride. You can try the throttle, too.
Victoria: Okay. Yay!
Dustin: Do you want to try it? You can go all the way down if you want and go around that…
Victoria: Around there?
Dustin: Like, around the actual, like, light post where that…
Victoria: Oh, okay.
Dustin: Yeah.
Victoria: Okay.
Dustin: Go ahead.
Victoria: Yeah, sure.
Dustin: Wow, she's picking up speed.
Victoria: Yeah.
Dustin: Getting after it, huh?
Victoria: That was fun. Wow, this bicycle looks great.
Dustin: It handles pretty well, right?
Victoria: Yeah, and it's really fast.
Dustin: Yeah, you got going pretty well there. All right, well, Victoria's first time on a reverse e-trag. Let's check out another rider on their first ride. Okay, I'm here with Katie. She's 5'2". And 27-inch inseam and 16.5-inch arms.
Katie: That's right.
Dustin: Okay. And you've never ridden an e-bike before?
Katie: Never.
Dustin: Okay. Well, this is a pretty unique e-bike, the Reverse E-Trike. It's going to feel like a normal bike. You have to steer the handlebars, which seems like common sense, but you have to keep the handlebars in the direction you want to go. Go ahead and sit down. I don't remember your seat height, so let's see if we need to raise it for you a little bit. All right.
Katie: Seems good.
Dustin: Okay. All right. So let me walk you through everything here. So power button right here. So you hold that down. Now, this is the level of assist you'll get when you pedal. One is the least, up to five. You can change these while you ride if you want to go faster. If this is in one, you can use this throttle right here. That's like a gas pedal. So if you want to use it, you just ease into it. You don't have to pedal then. It's like a throttle on a motorcycle, if you will. And, yeah.
Katie: So it just needs to be in one, and then you can accelerate?
Dustin: Correct. Correct. That's right. And then you have the parking brake on, so pull the lever. When you engage the lever, nothing will happen. So at any point, if you feel like you're going too fast, just pull the brakes. It will cut the motor. You'll be safe. So, yeah. I'll put you into level one. And I'll put the kickstand up for you right here.
Katie: Thank you.
Dustin: And you can go ahead and make a lap around that lamppost and see how you like it.
Katie: All right.
Dustin: How do you like the throttle?
Katie: That was fun.
Dustin: You can make one more loop if you want.
Katie: Great. Wow, it's really fast.
Dustin: Yeah. What did you think of the steering? Did it seem normal, or different?
Katie: It is different. It's different. And it seems to cut when you turn and cut it if you need to.
Dustin: Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty sharp. You can go pretty sharp on the turns.
Katie: Yeah.
Dustin: Cool. Well, you picked it up quickly. It's Katie's first ride. Let's check out another first-time rider. Okay. We're here with Stephanie. She's five foot three. When was the last time you've been on a regular bicycle?
Stephanie: Eight years.
Dustin: Eight years. Okay. Well, I mean, could you, you can ride a regular bike?
Stephanie: I did. Yeah.
Dustin: Okay. You'll be okay.
Stephanie: I have to bike one, so…
Dustin: Okay, well, the good news is you got these two wheels up here, so that's going to help the balance a little bit. Go ahead and sit down. I don't remember how high we need the seat for you.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: Does that feel okay? Do you want it lower, or higher?
Stephanie: Oh, I think it's okay.
Dustin: Okay. All right. Today's the day…
Stephanie: I know I'm scared. Like, lower, maybe?
Dustin: You face your fears. Okay, so actually, why don't you try this? Why don't you... Try to just pedal right here. We won't put the motor on.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: And then...
Stephanie: Just make sure I don't fall.
Dustin: Yeah. Get a feel for it.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: Oh yeah. Let me put the up to get your momentum going a little bit more before you pick your feet up. There you go. You're okay. You're okay. There's one thing here I'm going to do for you.
Stephanie: Oh, my goodness.
Dustin: Here, let me change the gears.
Stephanie: Uh-huh.
Dustin: Get off for one second.
Stephanie: Yes. Sorry.
Dustin: No, no, you're good. This is all... It's too high of a speed. Let me make this easier for you. So we have it in... Okay. Now, come over here and try... Okay. Go ahead. You're good.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: Just keep the pedals moving. That will keep the bike upright.
Stephanie: I got scared. Sorry.
Dustin: So one thing that's tricky about the reverse trike is you do have to trust that it can make those sharp turns. Because I think it feels like for some people it can't, but it can if you keep it straight. Does the steering feel a little tricky for you?
Stephanie: Maybe it is. Maybe I should have had it be a little lower. I don't know. Or I'm just bad at riding a bike.
Dustin: There's no bad here. Hold on. There's only room for improvement. Okay, that's lower. Okay. Do you want to try again? You know what? Actually... OK, I'm going to show you the electronics because I think it may make it easier for you, to be honest with you.
Stephanie: OK.
Dustin: So here's how you power it on. Five levels of assistance. We're going to leave it in one. If this is in one, you have a little button. This is your throttle. You can push and you don't have to pedal at all. That may be easier for you, too. But I'll bet if we put this into one, get your momentum going and try that at any point. Pull the brakes.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Dustin: The motor stops.
Stephanie: We're fine. Cool. Do I have, okay? So I don't have to do anything though.
Dustin: You don't have to do a thing.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: You can just literally start pedaling and you'll feel it start to help you, but it's not going to be anything crazy. You're not going to like shoot out of here.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: I think it's just going to be enough to help keep you upright. Do you know what I mean?
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: You'll be good yeah.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: Feel it?
Stephanie: Yes.
Dustin: I forgot to put the kickstand up, but that's okay.
Stephanie: I like that. So it kicks it off, doesn't it?
Dustin: Yeah it's okay try pushing the throttle a little bit and don't pedal then maybe you can focus just on the steering.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: Okay. You can take a breath.
Stephanie: It was easier with the throttle on it because then I didn't like pedaling for it. Like, yeah, it kept you like, Oh, you're just going. Yeah.
Dustin: Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's cool. I mean, this is a different, the reverse trike is a different sort of feel. So you jumped into it and you did it. So congratulations.
Stephanie: Thank you.
Dustin: And your first time on an e-bike too, right?
Stephanie: Yes.
Dustin: Okay. All right. Well, there we have it. Let's move on to a 5'3 rider and see their first experience. Okay, I'm here with Maria now, and she's 5'4", 28-inch inseam, 18-inch arm length. She's ridden e-bikes before, but never a reverse trike with two wheels in front. So if you want to go ahead and sit down. Is that seat okay? Yeah.
Maria: Yeah? I think it is, yeah.
Dustin: All right, so it works like all the other e-bikes. You power on right here. You're in level assist one. You can use the throttle. It steers a little bit different. So, but very similar to a regular bike. So, half at it. You just gotta put your kickstand up. There we go. What do you think?
Maria: It's fun.
Dustin: Different?
Maria: Yeah, it's different. I like the positioning. It's a smooth ride.
Dustin: You could try another lap and try to use the throttle.
Maria: Okay.
Maria: That's fun. I like that there's some lean to it.
Dustin: Yeah, you can turn sharp, right?
Maria: Yeah, it's a nice, smooth ride.
Dustin: Yeah, cool. All right, well, there's Marie on her first reverse e-trike ride. She's fixed it up. Let's check out another first-time rider at 5'5". All right, we're here with Tasha. She's 5'5", 29-inch inseam, and 19-inch arms?
Tasha: 18 and a half.
Dustin: 18 and a half, okay. She's ridden an e-bike once, but probably never a reverse e-trike. I tried to raise the seat for you, so go ahead and sit down and see if that's a good height.
Tasha: That feels good.
Dustin: Okay all right so powered on right here. If you're in level one, that means the assistance will give you level one. You can go up to five. You're welcome to adjust it up or down while you ride if you want.
Tasha: Okay.
Dustin: Pushing it up will give you more assistance. If this is in one, your throttle will work. If you're gonna use that, ease into it. You can stop pedaling and use that. It's fun also.
Tasha: Okay.
Dustin: So you can go have that. It's gonna ride very similar to a regular bike.
Tasha: Okay. It does feel like it's leany but it's so…
Dustin: It's because it's the two front wheels, you got to keep them straight.
Tasha: Okay.
Dustin: Like you have to steer. So it's a little bit different.
Tasha: Okay.
Dustin: Here, let's do this. Just try to pedal it without any assistance.
Tasha: Okay.
Dustin: Maybe get out of this little crevasse because sometimes where it's like, there you go.
Tasha: Okay. Thank you.
Dustin: Get the hang of it?
Tasha: Yeah.
Dustin: Different, right?
Tasha: Yeah.
Dustin: And you can make sharp turns. It's like you have to kind of trust the steering. Yeah. You can take another lap if you want to try again.
Tasha: Okay.
3rd Person: A little bit getting used to.
Tasha: Yeah, a little bit of a learning curve, but it's fun.
Dustin: Yeah, it is fun. It's kind of got some nice handling on it.
Tasha: Yeah.
Dustin: Cool. Well, there's Tasha's first ride. A little bit shocked by the steering at first, but then she picked it up, no problem. So let's check out another first-time rider. Okay, I'm here with Madeline. She's 5'6", and 33-inch inseam. And what was her arm's length?
Madeline: 19.
Dustin: 19 inches. She's never ridden an e-bike before, let alone a reverse e-trike. So go ahead and sit down and see if that seat height is okay.
Madeline: Yep.
Dustin: Okay. Okay. All right. So if you want, just let's do some pedaling up here without the motor on. And then once you circle back here, I'll show you all the electronics.
Madeline: OK. Whoa. So what's the benefit of having two wheels in the front? As opposed to in the back?
Dustin: More balanced, sharper turns.
Madeline: Oh, okay.
Dustin: Yeah. So here's your power right here.
Madeline: Uh-huh.
Dustin: You're in level one. If this is in level one, you also have a thumb throttle here you can use, okay? So it's like a gas pedal. You can ease into it. I'm going to leave you in one. While you're riding, if you want, you can shift it up higher.
Madeline: Uh-huh.
Dustin: When you start pedaling, you're going to feel it start to assist you.
Madeline: Oh.
Dustin: So you can go all the way down, make a loop around the lamppost, and come on back.
Madeline: All right. I'll be back maybe.
Dustin: You picked that up pretty quickly.
Madeline: Yeah, this is fun. I like it.
Dustin: How's the steering? Different?
Madeline: It's different, but I think once you get used to it, I mean, it's not hard.
Dustin: Yeah.
Madeline: I like it. It's a cool-looking bike, too.
Dustin: Yeah. Do you want to do another lap?
Madeline: Can I?
Dustin: Sure, go for it.
Madeline: It goes fast! Wow. It's like a moped.
Dustin: Yeah, fun, right?
Madeline: I like it.
Dustin: Cool.
Madeline: Thank you.
Dustin: There's Madeline's first ride. She took to it quickly. Let's check out some more first-time riders. All right, we got Peter here. He's five foot seven, 30 inch inseam?
Peter: Yes.
Dustin: And 20?
Peter: 19.
Dustin: 19-inch arms. Have you ever ridden a tricycle as an adult?
Peter: No.
Dustin: Okay. Have you ever ridden this is a reverse trike, so two wheels in front.
Peter: No, this would be my first time.
Dustin: And only one time on an e-bike?
Peter: Yes.
Dustin: OK, cool. Well, first time for everything. So go ahead and have a seat. And handlebars, do you want them a little closer to you or do you like them there?
Peter: I like it.
Dustin: OK.
Peter: Kind of like cutting my arms up.
Dustin: OK, cool. So push this button. The screen comes on. When this is in more than one, this is your least amount of assistance. Five is your most. While you're riding, you can push this button and go up if you want. When this is in one, you've got a thumb throttle here. Don't push it. You're going to want to ease into that if you push it. It's like a gas pedal on a car. You don't give it full throttle. The reason I say that is because I get a lot of people on here, their instinct is just to jam that thing and then the bike shoots out. You want to just ease into that when you're ready. You can start at level one. Just give it a rip. You can go down there and circle that light post and come back. See how you feel. You can try the throttle. You can pedal. You can put the pedal assist up. You got a kickstand back here, though, so put that up before you go.
Peter: Where's that? Okay, all right. Get a little pedal. Pretty fast for just one.
Dustin: It's fun, right?
Peter: Yeah, it is fun.
Dustin: What about the steering? How?
Peter: I think in the first couple of seconds, it felt a little funky, but when I made the turn, it felt fine.
Dustin: Yeah, it's kind of interesting and cool, right?
Peter: Yeah, I like it. I don't know, it's almost like being on a motorcycle, how deep you can kind of…
Dustin: Exactly, you can lean into it. Did you try the throttle only?
Peter: No, I pedal a little bit, too.
Dustin: But did you just do the throttle at all or not?
Peter: Yeah, yeah, I did.
Dustin: Oh, you did?
Peter: Just throttle, yeah.
Dustin: Yeah.
Peter: For the straightaway.
Dustin: Yeah. But, I mean, you picked it up right away. It feels, I mean, it's kind of an interesting combination of a regular bike, and then, like, you get a little more lean out of this almost, you know?
Peter: Yeah, it's cool. It's fun.
Dustin: Yeah. All right, there you go. Peter's first ride on the Reverse Trike.
Let's check out a 5'9 rider's first time. All right, we got Jason here at 5'9. And what was your inseam?
Jason: A 30.
Dustin: 30, and your arm?
Jason: 21.
Dustin: 21. And have you ridden an e-bike before?
Jason: No, first time. This is going to be my first time.
Dustin: All right, so this is a reverse trike. You have two wheels in front. Go ahead and sit down. I don't remember what your sizing was, so we can adjust it for you. Does the seat feel a little too low?
Jason: No, the seat's perfect.
Dustin: Yeah?
Jason: Yeah.
Dustin: How about the handlebars?
Jason: They're good.
Dustin: Okay. All right. All right. So your motor is turned on right here. I'm putting you in zero so we don't engage. These two buttons are up and down. You can use these while you ride. Level one is the least amount of assistance the motor is going to give you. Five would be the most. So you could put it up to five.
Jason: Okay.
Dustin: If this is in one, you've got a throttle here. Don't push it. You can push it with your thumb like a gas pedal. And you can not pedal at all. Just ease into it when you do do it. Don't just give it a full punch through. And you can go down there and take a rip and put the kickstand up before you head off. And at any time, just hit the brakes and that will cut the motor.
Jason: Oh, these?
Dustin: Yeah.
Jason: Sounds good.
Dustin: Have at it. I see him smiling, so what do you think?
Jason: That was a lot of fun. You would think that it doesn't have stability because of the two wheels in front, but it was well, and you could do the turns perfectly. And the throttle was nice as well. And you can also use the pedals to bike.
Dustin: Yeah.
Jason: I enjoyed the ride. It was a first-time experience. I was well, honestly.
Dustin: Cool.
Jason: Yeah.
Dustin: There you go. Excited first-time riders on their first strike. Let's check out our 5'10 rider. All right, I'm here with Travis now. He's 5'10". And what was your inseam?
Travis: 29.
Dustin: 29. And your arm's length?
Travis: 21.
Dustin: 21. All right. Have you ridden any bikes before?
Travis: Once.
Dustin: Once. Okay, go ahead and hop on. Do you want the seat a little lower?
Travis: I think the seat's fine.
Dustin: Seat's fine? Okay.
Travis: Maybe a little bit lower.
Dustin: A little bit lower?
Travis: Yeah.
Dustin: Okay. Go ahead and jump off. Okay. Try that. Try that.
Travis: Perfect.
Dustin: Okay. How about the handlebars? All good?
Travis: I think it's all good.
Dustin: Okay. All right. Do you remember how to use an e-bike? Want me to walk you through it?
Travis: Walk me through, please.
Dustin: Hold the power button here. The screen comes on. You have five levels of assist that you can change while you're riding. five gives you the most assistance. Level one gives you the least, okay? If it's in level one, you've got this throttle here, which you can push with your thumb. Don't push it right now because you're engaged. You'll shoot out of here. You want to ease into that when you use it. Don't just, it's like a gas pedal on a car. When you start to pedal, you'll feel the assist kick in. If you want more, you push up here. And, that's it. Pull the brakes at any time if you feel like you want to cut the motor or you're out of control and enjoy the ride.
Travis: All right, thank you. I'll be back. Oh, hell yeah. Oh, this is fun. Oh, motor GP, here I come. Wow, this is fun. It's going to... High-end speed. Wow. Coming in hot. Yeah. Hey, this is fun.
Dustin: How do you like that steering?
Travis: I love it. It feels like it's very dynamic.
Dustin: Yeah.
Travis: Yeah.
Dustin: You can take pretty sharp turns. And did you try just the throttle?
Travis: Yeah, just the throttle. I went up to two. Pretty crazy.
Dustin: Easy to control and steer?
Travis: Yeah.
Dustin: Yeah. Cool.
Travis: A lot easier than I thought it would be.
Dustin: Yeah? There you go all right Travis at 5 foot 10 let's move up to our 5’11” rider all right we got Kyle, who's 5'11 now. What was your inseam?
Kyle: 27 inches.
Dustin: And your arms?
Kyle: 22.
Dustin: 22. Okay, go ahead and get on.
Kyle: Awesome.
Dustin: How's that seat height, too low, too?
Kyle: That feels pretty good to me.
Dustin: Okay, and how about the handlebars?
Kyle: Also pretty comfy.
Dustin: Okay.
Kyle: Yeah.
Dustin: Have you been on an e-bike?
Kyle: No, I don't think I have.
Dustin: Okay, so let me walk you through everything here. Were you listening at all?
Kyle: Yeah.
Dustin: Okay, power on here, five levels of assist. You can put them up or down with these arrows. You have a throttle here that you can push, and ease into it while you're going. As long as you're in one, the throttle can work. You can stop pedaling. And it's just like riding a bike.
Kyle: At the different levels, if I pull the if I pull throttle does it go faster?
Dustin: No, if this is in one, that throttle is capable of full power. It's just based on how much you push it.
Kyle: Sounds good.
Dustin: Yep.
Kyle: That is fun! Yeah. Yeah, that's fun.
Dustin: What do you think about the steering?
Kyle: It's pretty intuitive.
Dustin: Yeah, kind of crazy how the kind of angles you can get and whatnot, right?
Kyle: Yeah, I feel like the low center of gravity helps with like, making....
Dustin: Sharp turns.
Kyle: Sharp turns. Yeah.
Dustin: Yeah. It's a lot of fun.
Kyle: It is.
Dustin: Cool. There we go. Kyle at 5’11”. Let's move up to our six-foot rider. All right. We got Braxton now at six foot, 33-inch inseam and 22 inch arms. Go ahead and see if that seat height is good for you.
Braxton: Let's see.
Dustin: He has ridden an e-bike before, but have you ever ridden a reverse e-trike?
Braxton: No.
Dustin: OK.
Braxton: No, no, no. Yeah.
Dustin: And should we see a little higher, you think?
Braxton: No, this feels good to me. If you think we should move it, let's do it, but I'm comfortable.
Dustin: Okay. And handlebars, that's as high as they go. We could move them in or out.
Braxton: I feel good.
Dustin: Okay.
Braxton: Yes, sir.
Dustin: All right. So power button on.
Braxton: All right.
Dustin: Throttle is here. If you're on level one, the throttle works. You can move these up and down. That will give you more assistance or less when you pedal.
Braxton: All right. Let's do it.
Dustin: Enjoy it. Oh, kickstand.
Braxton: Oh, kickstands up. Shoot.
Dustin: There you go.
Braxton: Thank you. Do you have my apologies? Interesting. Huh. All right. Yo, it's entry. Yeah.
Dustin: All right. What do you think? Short ride, but what do you think?
Braxton: Short ride, but like, I've never seen anything like how these front two wheels are configured.
Dustin: Uh-huh.
Braxton: You know?
Dustin: How is the steering? Like, it's…
Braxton: Oh, it's good. I mean, it takes like a second to get a feel for it, especially since I haven't ridden a bike in a long time. But no, it's awesome. Like I could see being able to take, you know, sharper, more aggressive turns, like if necessary. I don't know if you're trying to do that with this, but it's, it's, you know, it's a, it's a great setup for sure.
Dustin: Cool.
Braxton: Yeah.
Dustin: And you feel comfortable.
Braxton: Oh, totally. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent.
Dustin: Cool. All right. There we go. Braxton at six foot, moving on to our six foot one rider. All right. We have Mike now at six foot one, 32 inches inseam, 23-inch arms?
Mike: Yep.
Dustin: Okay. Have you ridden an e-bike before?
Mike: I have not. It's my first time.
Dustin: Go ahead and see if that seat height is okay. Want it higher?
Mike: It could be a little higher.
Dustin: Okay, let's raise it for you. Oops. Okay, give that a shot. All right.
Mike: Yeah, that's perfect.
Dustin: Okay. Handlebars can come out a little bit more if you want, but that's as high as they go.
Mike: That feels good. That feels comfortable.
Dustin: Okay. All right. So power buttons here.
Mike: Okay.
Dustin: Zero means nothing works. If you're in one, you're getting the least amount of assistance. You can go all the way up to five. You can press this as you ride.
Mike: Okay.
Dustin: And if it's in one, you've got your thumb throttle, which can work there. Don't push it until you go.
Mike: Got it.
Dustin: And it's like a gas pedal. Ease into it. Put your kickstand up and enjoy the ride.
Mike: All right this thing is sweet. That's fun.
Dustin: You really can lean into the turns, right?
Mike: Yeah, I think I was going too fast around the first turn.
Dustin: You can make another lap, too, if you want. Go ahead and try.
Mike: Okay. Okay, it's going a little too fast on that turn. I think I was going too fast on that turn. But it's fun.
Dustin: And you've never ridden a reverse e-trike, right?
Mike: No, first time.
Dustin: How did you think of the steering?
Mike: Fantastic yeah I pinned it going around and it was, it was a real, real treat.
Dustin: Well, cool. Yeah. And you felt comfortable?
Mike: Absolutely.
Dustin: Awesome.
Mike: Yeah. Super safe.
Dustin: There we go. All right. That's Mike at six one. Let's move on to our final rider at six two. All right. We got Ryan, our final rider who's six foot two with a 33-inch inseam and 24-inch arms. And have you ridden an e-bike before?
Ryan: No.
Dustin: No. Cool. All right. See if that seat is okay. It looks high from here, but I don't know.
Ryan: Let's see. Let's see.
Dustin: Cool for you or a little lower maybe?
Ryan: I mean, no, I mean, it feels fine.
Dustin: Okay. Handlebars are as high as they go. We could bring them in. Okay.
Ryan: No, it's fine.
Dustin: All right. So you probably heard my spiel over there, but I'll give it to you again. Power button right here.
Ryan: Okay.
Dustin: These are pedal assist levels. You can go all the way up to level five.
Ryan: Yeah.
Dustin: You can increase those as you go if you want.
Ryan: Yeah.
Dustin: Once it's in one, you can also use the throttle. It's like a gas pedal. Just ease the throttle.
Ryan: Right here? Yeah.
Dustin: Don't hit it until. Yeah. Exactly. You're just gonna, you can push it, you can pedal and...
Ryan: Brake right here and?
Dustin: You got brakes on both hands.
Ryan: Oh yeah.
Dustin: Okay.
Ryan: So, okay. Traditional bike status. All right.
Dustin: So if anything goes wrong, you pull those brakes, the motor will cut.
Ryan: All right. Well, let's see how we got here. Actually, can we put the seat a little bit down?
Dustin: Yeah, let's do that.
Ryan: Just a little bit.
Dustin: Yep. Yeah, I think it's... Yeah, there you go.
Ryan: Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's better. Okay.
Dustin: Okay.
Ryan: Okay. All right, let's see.
Dustin: What do you think?
Ryan: Oh, I like that.
Dustin: How's the steering?
Ryan: I like that. No, the steering's good. I didn't trust it at first because I was like, ah, but I was like, okay, wait. This trike right here, now I know why we used these when we were younger. This is the move.
Dustin: Yeah, you can lean into the turns on this thing.
Ryan: Yeah, and you're still balanced.
Dustin: Exactly.
Ryan: Versus like leaning in, you're like, I'm going to fall right now, you know?
Dustin: Yeah, you got to start, once you start to trust it, you know what I mean? It takes a little getting used to.
Ryan: No, 100%.
Dustin: Cool. All right, well, there's Ryan at 6'2". We had a fun ride.