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EBIKES for Baby Boomers: 5 Reasons Why Seniors 60 - 80 Need an Electric Bike

Baby boomers, five reasons why you need an e-bike right now. Stick around to hear them. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today, baby boomers, I'm going to give you five reasons why you need an e-bike. Now, before I do that, don't forget to hit that subscribe button below, stay in touch with us here at Sixthreezero. Learn about all the new products we're releasing, giveaways we do, and of course, all the new content we're putting out.

All right, right before we get into it real quick, these two bikes and e-bikes are linked in a description below as well. Perfect for baby boomers. Low step-through, easy-to-ride comfort. I'll talk a little bit more about them later, but they're linked in the description below and up in the corner of the video.

All right, so if you're a baby boomer, you've been sitting on the sidelines and thinking about getting an e-bike, I'm going to give you five reasons why you need an e-bike. All right, let's start with number one. The number one reason baby boomers need an e-bike: it can breathe new life into their cycling habits. It's going to keep you riding longer.

E-bikes generally have two options with the electric motor. One is a throttle. You can either have a twist throttle like this one does where you twist, or you can have a thumb throttle like this one has. And of course, all e-bikes also have a pedal assist, meaning when you pedal, the bike is going to give you assistance. So if you struggled to get uphill or you live in a hilly terrain, or you didn't want to ride real far in fear of getting back, having the assistance is great because now you can ride further, you can take on hills. If you just didn't feel confident in your leg strength before, now the assistance can help you build your leg strength and also take you on farther rides.

So if you had given up biking because you just didn't want to deal with the riding or, again, you didn't feel confident, the motor now can give you that confidence, and it's going to keep you out riding longer. Now, I'm going to piggyback off of that. The number one reason was to keep you riding longer, but the number two is health.

And I think a lot of people think about e-bikes and they think, oh, it's electric, it's cheating, it's this, it's that. Not true at all. I always use this analogy of there's a pull-up machine at the gym that helps give you assistance when you do pull-ups, right? And just because you can't do a pull-up on your own, well, how do you build the strength to do a pull-up on your own? You do other exercises: a lat pull-down or the assisted pull-up machine. An e-bike is very much the same principle, and it's exercise regardless.

Now, if you go out there and you use the throttle the entire ride, of course, you're not getting any exercise. But if you use the pedal assist and you still work your legs, but you use a little bit of assistance, you're still getting cardio, you are still building muscle strength, and you are still getting exercise. And I've seen lots of people on social media, posting about how their e-bike helped them lose weight, helped them stay active. So there's a huge benefit to prolonging your cycling and getting healthier.

So reasons one and two. Number one, it's going to keep you out riding longer. Number two, it's going to keep you healthy. Number three, it can replace your transportation, and your car, and save you money. The great thing about e-bikes is now they can now be used for shorter transportation trips. Under five miles, it's probably more practical to use an e-bike in a lot of situations than it is to use your car. Now, this depends on where you live, and what sort of accessibility you have. But if you live in a community, you go to the pool a lot, or you play tennis, and it's maybe a mile or two-mile trip to get to where you need to go, and you've been driving, the e-bike is going to be a way better option.

And although it doesn't seem like much, let's say it saves you a mile or two a day, multiply that time seven days a week, and all of a sudden you're saving 14 miles a week, right? From taking out your car. So now you're not putting gas in your car to drive that 14 miles out every day, you're using your electric bike. And charging your electric bike is going to be much more inexpensive than putting gas in your car to drive those 14 miles.

So, it's going to save you money. And if you're trading the car for your e-bike, you're getting the exercise, right? So the money saving is real, especially if you're on a fixed budget and you don't want to put that gas in your car. The e-bikes are going to get you up to about 50 miles on a charge, depending on how you ride it.

If you use the pedal assist a lot, you could even get more, depending on if you have strategies to preserve the battery even more than that. So first three reasons. Number one, it's going to prolong your cycling. Number two is the exercise. Number three is it's going to save you money. Number four is the social aspect. There's a huge community of e-bike riders right now, especially in the over 60 that are getting out using their e-bikes and riding together. So if you're looking for a hobby, looking for a way to meet friends, and connect with other people, an e-bike is a great way to be social. Find a riding group in your area.

The other thing is you could join regular cycling groups that maybe you couldn't before because you weren't confident on a regular two-wheel bike. But now with an e-bike, you can use the assistance and that can help power you, and you can be a part of riding groups that perhaps you weren't going to be a part of before. So it's a ton of fun, and it's a great way to continue to be social into your 60s, into your 70s and to continue to enjoy two wheels like you've done your whole life.

All right, number five, baby boomers, why do you need to get an e-bike? And to me, the best reason for it all, it is so much fun. If you've never ridden an electric bike, I guarantee the first time you do it, you're going to be blown away, you're going to have a smile on your face. And of course, into your retirement years, you still want to be having fun, you still want to be enjoying the wind in your face and feeling invigorated. And by the way, you can go fast on e-bikes if you so choose, or you don't have to. But to feel that exhilaration, to have that excitement, it's important to hold onto that into our later years, into our sixties and seventies. I truly believe e-bikes can provide that.

I think all ages feel that excitement and that joy when you go for a ride down a long trail, down a long beach, and the wind is in your face. It just keeps us alive, right? As opposed to being stagnant or being at home or being on the couch. E-bikes are just so much, so much fun.

I'm a huge advocate for seniors and baby boomers getting on e-bikes because I truly believe in the benefits, and I believe that it just brings so much more enjoyment to life post-60s, 70s, and even 80s. So, those are my five reasons why I think baby boomers need to get an e-bike right now. If you have any other questions at all, please comment below or reach out to us, at, or call us: at (310) 982-2877. And in addition to that, you can find these two e-bikes right here that I think are great for baby boomers. Link to the description below, also in the corner of the video up there. And we have a 30-day test ride on your e-bike policy. If you don't love your e-bike in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket.

In addition to that, we're going to warranty the e-bike for the first year, parts and labor included. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we're going to take care of it to keep you up and riding. Lastly, we have a Facebook Pedalers group with thousands of members. Before you ride, join the group. It's called the Sixthreezero Pedalers Group. Ask them questions, and see how they like their e-bikes. Talk to them about their experience as a baby boomer with an e-bike. Then once you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. It's tons of fun. You can also download our app, the Sixthreezero Pedalers app, track your rides, and compete on our leaderboard, which is a lot of fun. Thanks for sticking around and don't forget: it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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