E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: July 6, 2023
Hey everyone. I'm Dustin. I've nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry, and today I'm going to tell you three really important things you need to know about e-bikes with a throttle. Stick around.
Okay, so let's get into it. Three really important things you need to know about e-bikes with a throttle. The first thing you need to know is there are two options for throttles on e-bikes. One, if you come in a little closer, is you have what's called a thumb throttle. So in the case of a thumb throttle, it's exactly what it says. You would push this lever here and as much or as little as you push, is as much as little as it engages the throttle of the e-bike. Now, still the most important one, number one is you're either going to have a thumb throttle or a twist throttle. Now, this is a gearing twister for the derailleur, but for most other brands, if they have a twist throttle, it's going to be on the right hand. And if you have a thumb throttle, most times it's going to be on the left hand, but I've seen it on the right hand as well.
So usually the twist throttles here, and it's just like that you would just twist and that would engage. And again, the same thing. The more you twist, the more it engages the motor. So those are two options. So that's the number one most important thing to know. If you're looking for a throttle, figure out what is most important for you and which one you like better. To be honest, they both have some positives and some negatives. At sixthreezero, we only use thumb throttles. I do prefer it a little bit because, on a lot of our bikes, we have gears and derailleurs, so we couldn't double up or we wouldn't want to double up with the derailleur shifter and a shifter here, we could put it on the left hand but yeah. The reason I like the thumb throttle is it's right here and it's away from your hand, so you can't as easily accidentally pull the throttle here and shoot off if you didn't want to.
Okay. The second most important thing is when you have an e-bike with a throttle. Let me go ahead and flip out the battery here. You're going to have some sort of display here, and if this is in level one or higher, the throttle is going to be engaged. Now, the reason I bring this up is I see people get into precarious situations where they accidentally hit the throttle or they accidentally twist right here, and the bike takes off, right? So it's important to know you got to keep that in zero. If you do turn the motor on, you got to turn this completely off to disengage the throttle. All right, so we'll go ahead and turn that back on right now. Okay, and the last most important thing I think you need to know about a throttle is brakes. So the brakes are going to cut the motor no matter what.
If you accidentally pull the throttle, engage those brakes, and that will cut the motor regardless. So it's important to have an e-bike that has that function. I think most e-bikes would have that function, but as you're riding an e-bike, if you have a throttle, I've seen the, like I said, accidental pressing or the accidental twisting. Hit the brake. If you can't remember anything else to disengage your hands completely, hit the brake. One other bonus thing I'll tell you about e-bikes with throttles, they're a lot of fun, but they're actually a huge benefit for a couple of reasons. But number one, with a throttle, it helps the starting because especially if you stop your bike in a higher gear or it's just harder in general for you to get the bike going because, for whatever reason, your legs don't have the strength, the throttle offers a nice option to just get the bike up and moving a little bit so you can then take over.
And that's why, again, I like the thumb throttle because I just feel like personally, I have really good control over how much power output I give right here. And again, then it's separated from any of the other basic controls of the regular bike, like the shifter for the derailleur here. So three important things to know about e-bikes with a throttle. Number one, you can have two options, the thumb throttle or the twist throttle here. Number two, if that's engaged in level one or above, your throttle is engaged and ready to go. And number three, pull the brakes. That'll cut the motor. And the bonus one throttle is great for getting going from a dead stop. So I hope that helps. If you have any other questions at all about e-bikes with a throttle, comment below or email us at theteam@sixthreezero.com. Or you can call us at 310-982-2877.
And if you're in the market for an e-bike, go to our website sixthreezero.com. Take our proprietary body fit quiz, and answer a few questions about your body and your life. We'll recommend the perfect E-bike for you, and we have a 30-day test ride on your e-bike policy. If you don't love it in 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. And lastly, be a part of our community. A Facebook Pedallers Group is a great place to go in advance of purchasing, ask existing riders questions about the e-bikes they already have, get their opinion, and download our app. See how people are logging rides, and how far they're going. Then once you have your e-bike, track your rides on the app and make new friends in the Pedallers group. It's tons of fun. So thanks for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.