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Electric Rickshaw E Bike is Crazy! Seniors Ride 3 Wheel EBike for Passengers for First Time!

Updated On: October 20, 2023

Speaker 1: Okay, guys. So we have Anna and she's going to try out our electric rickshaw with the passenger seat. No passenger now, we're going to get her comfortable, and then we're going to throw John on there and see how he feels. So this one is pretty similar to our other electric trikes with the same kind of features. So I'll just give a quick little rundown. Anna kind of knows the drill.

But we have the display here. She's on pedal assist two. She felt like she needed a little power on the last one, and this bike is heavier, so I think that'll feel good to start with. She has a throttle here if she needs to use it. She has the hand brakes here if she, well, she will need to use those. Not if she wants to. We have a little horn here if she needs someone to move out of her way.

Anna: Oh, that's very sad. We need a big old truck.

Speaker 1: If you hold it down, it'll be a little more intense. So yeah, this one has 750 watts of power, so you should be, you'll move a little more quickly on this one, although it's heavier, so it could feel kind of similar to the last one you rode. And then, yeah, that's kind of the spiel of it. So I'll kind of let you ride and show us how you feel. You can turn down the pedal assist if it feels too much. There she goes. She does own an electric trike, so we'll see how she feels on an electric rickshaw by herself first. There she goes. She looks like she's doing good. Oh, she's going up the hill. She feels confident. Great. She's got another e-bike passing her. Oh, she's going to take the grass. Okay. Looks like she's doing good on pedal assist level two. We will pick back up when she picks John up and see how she feels with the passenger on the back.

Anna: Feels more stable.

Speaker 1: More stable. Yeah, I feel that way, too.

Anna: Easier to turn on this.

Speaker 1: Okay, so here's Anna. She's back from her loop. We're going to have John hop on the back.

Anna: Are you sure you want to do this?

John: Sure.

Speaker 1: It might feel even more stable with someone on the back.

John: [inaudible 00:02:33] We do have a little seatbelt here.

Anna: Good boy, John, put your seatbelt on.

John: Just in case you make any crazy turns, Anna.

Anna: Yeah. Good boy.

Speaker 1: Cool.

Anna: Are you ready?

Speaker 1: You can do a loop. You can even cut through the grass if the loop feels too long, but whatever you feel comfortable doing. And here they go. So, John and Anna are going for a passenger ride together. They're both over 60 and they feel safe with the seatbelt and with the pedal assist at level two taking on this loop. So we'll see how they're riding. Looks like they're doing good. Good speed. They might need to kick up the speed. Let's see. They took a little stop. Oh, there they're going. I think she wanted to up her pedal assist level or use the throttle, which is a good idea for these hills. So here they go on their ride together. Everything looks like it's going smoothly and we will pick back up when we get their feedback about how the ride felt, but it looks like they're going, everything's going well. They're just finishing up their loop.

Anna: Like having some sandbags in the back. Keeps a little more stable.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it is a little more stable. How did you feel, Anna, driving?

Anna: I like this one because of the bigger tires and it just feels more stable.

Speaker 1: Stable, yeah. Has bigger tires, too, so that helps with the stability.

Anna: Let you out first.

Speaker 1: John, how did you feel though?

John: Very safe.

Speaker 1: Safe? Okay, good.

John: Very safe.

Speaker 1: How tall-

Anna: He was the driver, right?

John: Not right. She did a really good job.

Speaker 1: You can't feel too many bumps or anything back there either because of the tires, which is nice.

John: Yeah.

Speaker 1: How tall are you again?

John: 5'10".

Speaker 1: 5'10". Okay. So he fit back there. He does have long legs, so they're sticking out a little bit. It looks like he fits without having to touch the seat or anything. Could you see yourself using this if you had someone you wanted to ride with or anything like that?

Anna: Absolutely.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Okay.

Anna: My two pups would be perfect back here.

Speaker 1: Yeah. People like to put their kids, their pets, whatever.

John: Kids, grandkids.

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Anna: Groceries.

Speaker 1: Yeah, for errands too. Okay, great. So we have John and Anna, they just finished riding the electric rickshaw from sixthreezero and everything went well. Okay, guys, we have John back again.

He's going to try out the electric rickshaw. This time he's the driver, not the passenger. So he is going to see how the maneuverability and everything works like we just showed you in Anna's video. We have throttle over here. We have the display here and the pedal assists here. He's going to start on level two. That's what Anna recommended, based on their ride. And there's a few little hills over here in the park area. So I think that's a good place to start. Have you ever ridden anything like this with the passenger seat rickshaw?

John: No.

Speaker 1: Okay, great. Well, that's a good start then. He did try out the electric tricycle, so it's a good little tool to start so you know your balance and everything, but if you want to go ahead and get riding, I'll kind of follow you as you go. This is the throttle right here, but you can just pedal and use pedal assist like you did on the other bikes, but you might need a little throttle up the hills. There you go. Here he goes. Just pedaling. It Looks like he prefers pedaling a little more on the e-bikes than Anna did. This is my first time on a rickshaw. He's going to go up this hill here. Let's see. Looks like he turned up his power a bit, so he easily got up that hill. Well, so we'll let him kind of do his loop and then when he gets back we'll give you some feedback on how he felt on the electric rickshaw. Okay, John is back from his ride. Oh, we need a little tuneup on those brakes, but you want-

Anna: Do you want your sandbags in the back now?

John: Sure.

Speaker 1: So he'll see how he feels with Anna on the back. But how did you feel riding by yourself?

John: Pretty good.

Speaker 1: Good. Yeah. How did it feel in comparison to the normal three-wheel strike?

John: More stable.

Speaker 1: More stable? Okay, yeah. I think that's a general consensus.

John: What does this one weigh compared to that one? You said 70 pounds on that one. This one?

Speaker 1: This one is, yeah, I believe so. I don't know the exact number. We'll put that. We can put that in the comments or the description, but yeah, definitely heavier. Yeah. Anna said she likes to go camping, so she would maybe want to tow it or get some sort of special part that she can put on her car rather than towing a car behind.

Anna: A rack.

Speaker 1: A rack? Yes. That's the word we're looking for. So yeah, people like to use it for camping. They have kids with disabilities, grandchildren on the back, wife, husband, whatever it may be. Okay. So go ahead and-

Anna: Be gentle, John.

Speaker 1: You might need to turn up a little bit.

Anna: More assistance.

Speaker 1: Yeah, there you go. Okay. John and Anna are off on their first ride together as John rides with a passenger in the back. They're off. Looks like their turns and everything are going well, too. So we'll let them take this same loop, this park loop. Then we'll meet them back here and we'll get their feedback. Oh, they're going up the hill over here. Looks like they made it. They might have turned up their pedal assist or used the throttle. And Anna looks like she fits comfortably on the back as well. So yeah, let's see how they feel when they come back from their loop. Okay. Here they come back from their big loop and we'll get their feedback here in just a second. Oh, they're going on.

Anna: He's not as crazy. I told him to keep going and he wouldn't do it.

John: I'm a rule follower.

Speaker 1: Okay. That's okay.

Anna: I'm not a rule follower.

Speaker 1: No? Okay, awesome. How did it feel, John, having someone on the back different at all, or was it okay?

John: A little bit, yeah.

Speaker 1: A little bit.

John: She's so lightweight. It wasn't very different.

Anna: The first time I've been called lightweight.

Speaker 1: No. So Anna looks like, yeah, she fits on the back great. And John had no problem driving her around.

Anna: Wait, I'll show her the knee. I weigh about 160 pounds.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Anna: So I still have three inches between my knees.

Speaker 1: Okay, great. That's good to know. Yeah, perfect. Okay. Yeah. So John felt comfortable driving her, too. Did you pick up the pedal, assist, or the throttle at all, or did you kind of keep it?

John: Yes, I did.

Speaker 1: Yeah. What level did you end up on?

John: Two.

Speaker 1: Two, okay. Did you use the throttle though? Is that what you picked up?

John: Yeah, I did.

Speaker 1: Yeah. How the throttle feels more in control on this bike, maybe.

John: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Okay. Okay, great. Well, here we have it. John and Anna did two passenger rides, they swapped driver to passenger, and they both felt comfortable. Remind us of your ages one more time.

John: I'm 74.

Speaker 1: 74.

Anna: 66.

Speaker 1: Okay, perfect. And they felt comfortable on the electric rickshaw in the back and as the driver, so thanks, guys.


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