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EZ Transit Foldable E Trike Sizing for Riders 4'11" to 6'3" - Folding Electric Tricycle Fitting

Hey everyone. I'm Dustin, CEO of sixthreezero. And today we are going to take you through a fitting sizing video with our EasyTransit Folding Electric Trike 750W. We're going to show you riders from 4'11" to 6'2", how they can perfectly fit on our EasyTransit Electric Trike, and how we adjust it ideally and perfectly to their bodies so they're in an ergonomic, comfortable riding position. So, stick around.

All right. So before we get into our fitting and sizing with all of our men and women, I wanted to just walk you through the EasyTransit Folding Electric Tricycle a little bit. So, what makes this electric trike so great for so many varying heights is the fact that we have a double adjustable seat post. What I mean by that is we have two seat clamps here. So you've got this, and then you've also got right here another seat. So, it's a double adjustable seat. Now, the beauty of that is we can accommodate heights from 4'9", 4'8", all the way to 6'4". Now, we don't have riders here today, 4'8", 4'9", 4'10". We do have a 4'11" rider, and our tallest rider's going to be 6'2". But you're going to see when we adjust to their bodies that we could go shorter and even taller because of this double-adjusted seat post.

Now, in every video, you're not going to see me adjusting everything, but I just wanted to explain that you're going to have that ability. And you've got about eight to nine inches of variance in this seat post. You've also got the adjustable handlebars right here. You can raise and lower four and a half inches. In addition to that, you have a bolt right here that can be loosened to bring the handlebars in and out, closer or farther away from the rider's body. So, these four adjustment points. Now, I didn't mention you can tilt the saddle as well. So you have five adjustment points on this bike because you have the two points of height adjustment, the raising and lowering of the handlebars, the tilting of the handlebars, and the tilting of the seat.

Now, in addition to that, if you're looking for more details about EasyTransit, check our YouTube channel. We've got riding videos, spec videos, measurement videos, the whole nine yards. This is a 750W electric tricycle. It's going to take you, top speeds, up to 16 miles an hour. Riders up to 350 pounds can easily ride this up hills around town. In addition, you're going to get 15 to 50 miles of range with the battery that this comes standard with. So, stick around, and let's get into the sizings of our riders 4'11" to 6'2".

Okay, we're with our first rider at 4'11". And what was your name?

Brynn: Brynn.

Dustin: Brynn. And Brynn, what was your arm length and your inseam?

Brynn: My arm length was 17 inches and my inseam is 29 inches.

Dustin: Okay. And how much do you weigh?

Brynn: 105 pounds.

Dustin: 105 pounds. If you want to go ahead and step on. We'll see what seat is good. Height is good for her. Now, obviously, with a tricycle, you don't necessarily have to have your feet all the way to the ground because you can balance just like Brynn. So, how does that feel when you pedal you're... Or go backward with your right foot. So, at the very bottom... I just want to see it. Put the pedal at the very bottom. So, her legs were a little bit hyperextended.

So if you want to get off really quick, I'm going to lower it down just a little more for you. So, we still have a little bit more we can go down. Right about there. Okay, try that. There we go. So we want to have a little bit of bend at the downstroke for her so she's not overextending her knee. Now, the handlebars look a little bit high to me, so let's bring those... Those are down there. So, let's go ahead and tilt them forward to bring them down just a little bit for her. Oops. Okay, now you can bring them forward. Does that feel better or worse?

Brynn: That feels better.

Dustin: Better? Cool. Good right there?

Brynn: Yeah.

Dustin: All right. Yeah. So you can see when you adjust, the bars come really into the body, easy on her elbows. How does that feel? Comfortable?

Brynn: Yeah, really comfortable.

Dustin: Cool. So I think we have a good fit for our 4'11" rider. Let's move up to 5'. Okay, now we're with our 5' rider. What is your name?

Sandy: Sandy.

Dustin: Sandy. And Sandy, what's your arm length and inseam?

Sandy: My arm length is 19 and my inseam is 28.5.

Dustin: Okay, and how much do you weigh?

Sandy: 120.

Dustin: 120. All right, Sandy, if you want to go ahead and get on. We will see if we can get a good fit for your body.

Sandy: Oh, that feels good.

Dustin: Okay. So, her leg is pretty bent. Feels comfortable to you?

Sandy: Yeah.

Dustin: Do handlebars feel okay?

Sandy: Yeah, it feels great.

Dustin: Perfect. Well, no adjustments from our 4'11" rider. Sandy feels comfortable. We've got fit. Let's move up to our 5'1" rider.

Okay, now we're with our 5'1" rider. What is your name?

Theresa: Theresa.

Dustin: Teresa. And Teresa, what was your arm length and inseam?

Theresa: 22 arm length, inseam is 30.

Dustin: Okay. And how much do you weigh?

Theresa: Approximately 130.

Dustin: 130. Okay, if you want to go ahead and step on. Okay. So, I think we need to raise the seat a little bit so you're going to get a better leg extension on the down pedal. So if you can get off really quick, I'm going to raise the seat for you.

Theresa: Okay.

Dustin: And we have the double seat post on this model, so you can get a lot more height as you need it. Go ahead and try that. Now, let me see. Pedal backward with your right foot. Here we go. Pedal backward and then leave it at the lowest point with your right foot. So pedal backward, pedal backward, pedal backward. Stop there.

Theresa: Okay.

Dustin: Okay. So, that looks pretty good. She's got a nice bend on the downstroke. And how do the handlebars feel to you?

Theresa: Feel good.

Dustin: Comfortable?

Theresa: Very comfortable. Yeah.

Dustin: Yeah. Cool. We've got her in a nice ergonomic position. Look how relaxed her arms are and her shoulders are back. I think we've got a great fit for our 5'1" rider. Let's move up to 5'2".

All right. Now, we're here with our 5'2" rider. What's your name?

Jerry: Jerry.

Dustin: Jerry. And Jerry, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Jerry: My arm length is 19 and my inseam is 33.

Dustin: And how much do you weigh?

Jerry: 120.

Dustin: 120. Okay. If you want to go ahead and step on. And let me see. So, that looks really good. Her knee is bent and her right leg looks great. And how does the handlebar position feel for you? Comfortable?

Jerry: Very comfortable. Yeah.

Dustin: Cool. I think we don't need to make any adjustments. Her back's nice and upright. Her arms look relaxed. She looks fully in control and comfortable. So, let's move up to our 5'3" rider.

All right. Now, we're here with our 5'3" rider. What was your name?

Rohini: My name's Rohini.

Dustin: Rohini. And what's your arm length and your inseam?

Rohini: My arm length is 15 inches and my inseam is 28 and a half inches.

Dustin: And how much do you weigh?

Rohini: I weigh 135 pounds.

Dustin: Okay, perfect. If you can go ahead and step on, we'll see if we can find a good fit for your body. Okay. So, let me see you... Can you pedal backward with your right foot and leave it at the lowest position? Right there. So, that's pretty good. On her downstroke, she still has a slight bend. You want to have a little bend so you're not hyperextending, overextending your knee, but you want to make sure you're getting as much power on the down pedal. And how do the handlebars feel for you?

Rohini: They're good. Can we bring them down just a tad bit though? Just curious.

Dustin: Down. We could bring them in. Let's see. So, you'd have to tilt them like that. Yeah.

Rohini: Yeah.

Dustin: Better?

Rohini: Yeah, that's good.

Dustin: Okay. Feels comfortable?

Rohini: Yeah.

Dustin: Perfect. And you can see she's not straining. Her arms are relaxed and her back's nice and upright. Does it feel like a good fit?

Rohini: Yeah.

Dustin: Perfect. So we've got a fit for our 5'3" rider. Let's move up to 5'4".

All right. Now, we're here with our 5'4" rider. What was your name?

Deidre: Deidre.

Dustin: Deidre. And Deidre, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Deidre: My arm length is 19 inches and my inseam is 31 inches.

Dustin: Okay, perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Deidre: 130.

Dustin: 130. Okay. If you can go ahead and step on, we'll see how we can adjust perfectly to your body.

Deidre: [inaudible 00:08:36].

Dustin: And let me see your pedal in the downstroke. Yep. Stop right there. That looks pretty good. So you can tell I haven't made many adjustments for our riders from 4'11" to 5'3" because of the difference... The inseams and heights. There are so many variables that they all kind of like a similar adjustment, which again, all bodies are different and we have the ability to adjust as we need. So, how do the handlebars feel? Comfortable?

Deidre: Feel good.

Dustin: No adjustment? Feels good?

Deidre: [inaudible 00:09:05].

Dustin: Perfect. All right. Well, there we have it. We've got a good fit for our 5'4" rider. Nice ergonomic position. Let's move up to 5'5".

All right. Now, we're here with our 5'5" rider. What is your name?

Alicia: Alicia.

Dustin: Alicia. And what's your arm length and inseam?

Alicia: The arm length is 17, inseam is 30.

Dustin: Okay, perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Alicia: 145.

Dustin: Perfect. Well, if you go ahead and step on it, let's go ahead and adjust it perfectly to your body. And then go ahead and put your right foot on the pedal and pedal backward. Yep. So, we can get it in the downstep right there. Okay. So, let me see. Put your left foot on the pedal as well. How does that feel for you?

Alicia: Yeah, it feels good.

Dustin: Okay. And how about the handlebars? Too close? Do you want-

Alicia: It's a little close.

Dustin: Okay. Yeah, let's go ahead and adjust them. Okay. Let's pull this back and then you can push them.

Alicia: Oh.

Dustin: Go ahead and grab on anywhere you like.

Alicia: Yeah, right there. That's good.

Dustin: Perfect. How's that feel?

Alicia: There we go.


We've got her back nice and upright. Her arms look in a great position. I say we have a fit. How about you?

Alicia: I agree.

Dustin: Yep. Perfect. Let's move up to our 5'6" rider.

All right. Now, we're here with our 5'6" rider. What is your name?

Brianna: Hi, I'm Brianna.

Dustin: Brianna. And Brianna, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Brianna: My arm length is 15 and my inseam is 29.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Brianna: I weigh 130 pounds.

Dustin: Awesome. So if you want to go ahead and step on, we'll see if we can adjust perfectly to your body. Okay. And go ahead and put your right foot on the pedal. And can you pedal it backward? Here, let me see. Take your foot off and go ahead and put your foot on the pedal there. So, I'd say that bend is maybe a little too much. So if you want to get off real quick, I'm just going to raise the seat a little bit. Let's see here. Okay. Bring that right there.

Now, the beauty of a tricycle, is that it's going to balance when you get on, so you don't have to have your feet flat on the ground necessarily. So, go ahead and step on again. Let's try that. And let's see her foot in the downstroke. That's much better. So, now she has a little bit of bend, but her knees not hyperextended. That's exactly what we want to get maximum efficiency out of the pedal stroke. And how do the handlebars feel for you?

Brianna: They feel good. Mm-hmm.

Dustin: Perfect? Good?

Brianna: Perfect. Yeah.

Dustin: All right. Her back's upright, her arms are relaxed. We've got a great fit. So, let's move up to our 5'7" rider.

Okay. Now, we're here with our 5'7" rider. What is your name?

Salvador: Salvador.

Dustin: Salvador. And Salvador, what was your arm length and your inseam?

Salvador: My arm length is 18 and my inseam is 30.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Salvador: I weigh 181.

Dustin: All right, awesome. If you want to go ahead and step on, we're going to go ahead and try to adjust perfectly to your body. Okay. So I would say we could maybe lower the seat just a little bit. His leg's a little bit straighter than I would like typically. But can you shift your foot back just a touch on the pedal? Move your foot back just a little. Nope. Here. Pedal down. And then actually shift your foot back. Don't pedal. There you go. Little forward. Little more forward. There we go. So I think, yeah, with just changing the foot position, we've got a good bend in the knee there. How does it feel for you? Okay?

Salvador: It feels good.

Dustin: How about the handlebars?

Salvador: On spot.

Dustin: There we go. No adjustment is needed. So our 5'7" rider's fit. Let's move up to our 5'8" rider.

Okay. We're here with our 5'8" rider. What is your name?

Thomas: Thomas.

Dustin: Thomas. And Thomas, what was your arm length and your inseam?

Thomas: 19 arm, 29 inseam.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Thomas: 195.

Dustin: 195. Awesome. Can you go ahead and step on? We'll go ahead and get it set up for your body.

Thomas: Okay. [inaudible 00:12:58]-

Dustin: And go ahead and grab the brakes. So, it doesn't-

Thomas: Oh, [inaudible 00:13:00]?

Dustin: Yep. Okay, perfect. Go ahead and pedal backward for me so the pedal's at a stop at the lowest position. Go ahead and pedal down, down, down. Stop there. Stop there.

Thomas: Yeah. This is a really good fit.

Dustin: So, your leg looks a little straight. I might lower it just a little bit. But does it feel good for you?

Thomas: Feels good for me.

Dustin: Okay, perfect.

Thomas: Yeah, I like it a little straighter when I ride.

Dustin: No problem. And how about the handlebars? Feel good?

Thomas: Perfect, perfect. Tight. The back is straight.

Dustin: Awesome. Yeah, looks like a great fit.

Thomas: Excellent. It's perfect. Perfect reach, everything. It's a really good fit.

Dustin: Awesome. Well, there we have it. He's got his back nice and upright, he's relaxed. So, let's move up to our 5'9" rider.

All right. Now, we're here with our 5'9" rider. What is your name?

Avis: Avis.

Dustin: Avis. And what's your arm length and your inseam?

Avis: My arm length is 23 inches and my inseam is 33.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Avis: 131.

Dustin: 131. All right. If you want to go ahead and step on.

Avis: Okay.

Dustin: We'll get it all set up for her body. Okay. And put your foot on the pedal. So, it looks like... Let me raise it just a touch. If you want to go ahead and step off for a second.

Avis: Sure. Yes.

Dustin: And again, we have this double seat post, which makes adjusting very easy. Okay. So, try that. I just raised it just a little bit so she can get maximum pedal power on the downstroke. Put your foot on the pedal for me. Perfect. I like that a lot more. And how about the handlebars? Does that feel okay to you?

Avis: They could come down a-

Dustin: Yeah, let's go ahead and-

Avis: [inaudible 00:14:29]. Yeah, perfect.

Dustin: Good there?

Avis: Yes, that's perfect.

Dustin: There we go. Wow, it looks comfortable. How does it feel?

Avis: It feels really good, feels easy. I'm not straining anywhere. I like it.

Dustin: Perfect. Yes, her back's nice and upright. Arms are bent and relaxed. We've got a great fit for 5'9". Let's move up to our 5'10" rider.

Okay. Now, with our 5'10" rider. What is your name?

Aaron: Aaron.

Dustin: Aaron. And Aaron, what's your arm length and inseam?

Aaron: 19 and 31.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Aaron: 170.

Dustin: 170. Awesome. Can you go ahead and step on? We'll see how we can adjust perfectly to your body. Oh, yep. Hit the brakes.

Aaron: Rolling away.

Dustin: Yeah. Here, go ahead and clamp the brake. There you go. Okay. So-

Aaron: This is nice. Yeah.

Dustin: Your leg looks way too bent, so go ahead and hop off for a second.

Aaron: Okay.

Dustin: Oh, actually here, let me try this. Okay. Rewind. Get back on real quick.

Aaron: Uh-huh.

Dustin: And let's try that now with the pedal all the way down so I can get a look. Okay. Actually that looks pretty good. Maybe even a little too... Slide your foot back on the pedal. Just a touch. There we go. How does it feel for you?

Aaron: Feels good to me.

Dustin: Okay. And how about the handlebars?

Aaron: Yeah, it's a fit.

Dustin: Perfect. He likes it. So, we've got a fit for our 5'10" rider. Let's move up to our 5'11" rider.

All right. We're with our 5'11" rider now. What was your name?

Brian: Brian.

Dustin: Brian. And Brian, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Brian: It is 19 and 33.

Dustin: And how much do you weigh?

Brian: 155.

Dustin: Perfect. Do you want to go ahead and step on?

Brian: Sure.

Dustin: We'll get this set up all perfect for your body. Okay. So, it looks like we probably need to get the seat a little higher. I don't like how much bend he has in his knees. So, if you want to get off quickly.

Brian: Sure.

Dustin: Now, the beauty of the EasyTransit is we do have the double adjusting seat posts, so we can bring this up even higher here and bring this bottom one up even higher as well. So, try that.

Brian: All right.

Dustin: That may be too high, but we'll see.

Brian: [inaudible 00:16:28] Wow. Look at that.

Dustin: Actually, I think the leg extension's pretty good. Yeah.

Brian: Feels good.

Dustin: Now, how do you feel about the handlebars? Okay? Too low?

Brian: Maybe a little low.

Dustin: Okay.

Brian: Yeah, let's-

Dustin: Perfect. So, we've got a quick release here. We can bring it up.

Brian: Oh, that's great. Perfect there?

Dustin: Perfect. And let me just tighten this down here. And there we go. So you've got about four and a half inches of room to adjust on the handlebars, and we've got about eight or so inches on the seat post, so that looks good. We've got his back nice and upright. The arms look bent. How does that feel for you?

Brian: Yeah, it feels great.

Dustin: Cool.

Brian: Appreciate it.

Dustin: We've got a great fit then for our 5'11" rider, let's move up to 6'.

All right. Now, we're here with our 6' rider. And what is your name?

Nick: Nick.

Dustin: Nick. And Nick, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Nick: My arm length is 20 and my inseam is 30.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much did you weigh?

Nick: 256.

Dustin: All right, awesome. If you can go ahead and step on for us. All right. And there you go. Put your foot on the pedal there. So, actually, his leg's a little bit more extended than I would like. So if you want to jump off really quick, I'm going to lower it just a touch for him-

Nick: For sure.

Dustin: ... so we can make sure he's got maximum efficiency on the downstroke there. Okay. Give that a shot. And you can step through the frame and then step onto the pedal. There you go. Now, there you go. Makes it a little easier to mount.

Nick: A lot better.

Dustin: Perfect. So, that looks a lot better. He's got a little bend in the knee. How do the handlebars feel?

Nick: They feel great. Yeah, very relaxed.

Dustin: Perfect. Yeah, he's got his back nice and upright. Arms are relaxed. Looks great. Let's move up to our 6'1" rider.

Okay. Now, we're here with our 6'1" rider. What is your name?

Brendan: Brendan.

Dustin: Brendan. And Brendan, what's your arm length and inseam?

Brendan: My arm length is 26, my inseam is 32.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Brendan: 161.

Dustin: 161. If you can go ahead and step on it, we'll see if we can adjust perfectly to your body.

Brendan: You got it.

Dustin: Here you go. Go ahead and step onto the pedal.

Brendan: You got it.

Dustin: And then step up to the seat. Yeah, you can hit the brakes. There you go. Okay, let me see. Okay. Now, his leg's way too straight so we're going to drop the seat just a little bit. So, if you want to get off.

Brendan: You got it.

Dustin: And we can easily just go ahead and take that down a little bit for him. Right about there. So, try that.

Brendan: You got it.

Dustin: Okay. That looks much better. He's got a nice bend in his knee on the down pedal. And how do the handlebars feel?

Brendan: Really good. That feels really nice.

Dustin: Cool. Yeah, his elbows are nice and bent, looks super relaxed. His back's upright. Feels like a fit for you?

Brendan: Yeah, feels like a good fit.

Dustin: Perfect. So, we've got a fit for our 6'1" rider. Let's move up to 6'2".

All right. Now, we're here with our 6'2" rider, our tallest rider. And what is your name?

Leif: Leif.

Dustin: Leif. And Leif, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Leif: The arm length is 25 inches, inseam is 33.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Leif: 215 pounds.

Dustin: 215. If you want to go ahead and step on, we'll see if we can adjust for your body. Hold the brakes when you get on so it doesn't... Cool. How does that feel for you? Your leg looks pretty straight.

Leif: Yeah.

Dustin: Go ahead and pedal backward so you have the pedal... And stop right at the bottom with that right foot. Keep going. Right there. So, it's a little bit extended actually. Hop off, I'm going to lower it just a little bit for you. The good news is you can see, even for Lathe, we still have to play in the seat here to raise and lower. So, we could go taller than 6'2" if we needed to. Go ahead and try that. I just want to make sure we're not hyperextending the knee on the downstroke. There we go. We got a little bend now, which is what we want. And handlebars. How does that feel for you?

Leif: The handlebars feel great.

Dustin: We can bring it up if you think higher might be better.

Leif: Yeah.

Dustin: Better? Worse?

Leif: That's actually better.

Dustin: Okay. There we go. So you can see even for 6'2", you can bring the bars up right into the body. The bars are right there to steer. His back is nice and upright. Do you like it?

Leif: I love it.

Dustin: Perfect. So, we've got a fit for our 6'2" rider. That's all the riders. Stick around as we wrap it all up.

All right. So, there you have it. You just saw riders from 4'11" to 6'2" have the EasyTransit Folding Electric Trike perfectly adjusted to their bodies. Because of this double-adjusting seat post and the ability to adjust the handlebars, we were able to perfectly dial in this electric trike to their bodies so they could have a comfortable riding position. So, there you have it. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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