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Have You Seen an Electric Trike Turn Like This?!?! Unreal Turning on E Bike Rickshaw for Passengers

Hey, everyone, I'm Dustin. I have 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today, I'm on the sixthreezero EVRYourney electric rickshaw. And we're going to show you how easy this is to steer, how agile it is, and how stable it is both with and without passengers. Now, if you want to check out this rickshaw, it's linked in the description below. There'll also be a link, up in the top corner of the video. 

Cool. So right here, I've got a bunch of cones set up, you want to take a look? And I'm going to show you how I can weave in and out of these cones without a passenger on the back. And then once we get through that, I'm going to show you how I can do it with a passenger. Now, the cool thing is, it's got a 750-watt, front hub motor, and I've got a throttle right here and pedal assists.

Now, for the real nimble, tight spaces like this, I'm going to use the throttle and show you how I don't even have to pedal and I can go in and out. If you want to take a look here, I can just show you quickly as well how everything operates. So right here, I've got my power button and my display. So I just hold this button down and my display comes on. And then I have a throttle here, right on my right thumb. And I have my pedal assist levels right here if I want to turn those up or down. Now for this, they won't matter, because the throttle, as long as the motor is engaged, the throttle will give me full power if I need it.

All right, so let's do this. So, I'm going to go ahead and zigzag in and out of all these. Now the other thing, too, is, if you see here, this is sloped and the cool thing is, with these big four-inch-wide tires, it stays balanced. This one's a little bit tighter, no problem. All right, now let's come back. And the cool thing on a trike is, because you have the two wheels in the back, I can essentially turn the handlebars as far as I need to and the bike won't tip over.

Alrighty, and for good measure, I'll do this cone and I'll even come right in here. Back to my starting point. Okay. Now, let's go get our 200-pound passenger. We're going to put him on the back and still steer through here. All right, we got Colton on the back now. He's 6'2", 180, and we're going to do our cones again and just show you how versatile and nimble the trike is, even with him on the back. So let's go for it. And honestly, the steering is not much different at all, with or without passengers. 

Dustin: How does it feel back there? 

Colton: Good. [inaudible 00:03:07].

Dustin:  All right, final cone. Let's make our U-turn. Throttle makes it easy to navigate through here. I don't even think I've clipped a cone yet, in fact. Probably spoke too soon. 

Colton: [inaudible 00:03:47].

Dustin:  Honestly, the key to turning a trike or even an e rickshaw, you've got these big, four-inch tires. You have to trust that you'll stay balanced and you can even just, I mean, you can turn the wheel as steep as you want, and Colt and I can just do circles and nothing will tip. So that's the secret to getting used to it. And then, when you take turns, again, with this trike, it's balanced in the back. I would argue maybe even more balanced with the passenger back here, but it's super easy to steer and navigate.

All right, so you can see the e trike rickshaw is very easy to steer. You can navigate through tight spaces. The other cool thing is you can buy a basket to mount on the back here instead of the seat. If you want to replace the seat or if you want to change between the seat and the basket, you can always do that. So again, if you want to find out more information about the rickshaw, check it out, link in the description below, or find the link in the upper right-hand corner.

We also offer a 30-day, test drive on your e-bike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we will take care of the parts and labor to ensure you're up and riding. 

Now, the last thing is we have a Facebook group, called sixthreezero Pedalers, and we also have an app. Pedalers Group is a great place to go before you purchase. You can ask existing rickshaw owners questions about theirs, see how they like it, and get comfortable with purchasing before you dive into it. Then once you have your rickshaw, post photos in the group, make friends, and download the app to track your rides, see how many miles other riders are riding with their specific bike, and compete on the leaderboard. It's a lot of fun. So thanks for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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