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How to Adjust Pedal Assist on Your EBike - Understand Pedal Assist on Electric Bike


Dustin Gyger

Updated On: January 29, 2025


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

How do you adjust your pedal assist levels on an e-bike?

Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today I'm going to show you how to adjust your pedal assist levels on an e-bike. All right, right here, I have the Simple Step-thru Electric Bike from sixthreezero. Also available in four colorways, teal, cream, navy, and matte black, because it has an easy step-through. Now, if you get an electric bike, you're going to have a way to adjust your pedal assist levels, usually on the handlebars. Now, if you want to come in for a close-up, I'm going to show you. There are many options. So a lot of e-bikes may have a screen right here in the middle. And then they may just have buttons on the side here.

sixthreezero Simple Step-Thru 7-Speed 500W Electric Bicycle


sixthreezero Simple Step-Thru 7-Speed 500W Electric Bicycle


Simple Step-Thru 20" 500W E bike


Simple Step-Thru 20" 500W E bike


Now, in this case, we have a screen combined with the buttons. So your plus is up here, your minus is up here. So you hit the power button, right? And you go one, two, three, four, five, right? And that's it. One, two, three, four, five. And you can do this while you're riding. You can do it while you're stopped. Totally up to you. And you would have also, so if you have a screen here. There's just gonna be a little mechanism here with up and down arrows. You would push those up and down. Any e-bike you ride, you can adjust your pedal assist level when you're stopped or riding. Now, I recommend when you're starting to ride, keep your assist levels lower than when you get up to speed, you can start to go up. Now you can see in this one, that when you have an e-bike, you want to have your pedal assist to be able to be reachable with your thumb while you're keeping a nice grip, right? So if you do have a separate up-down mechanism and your screen is over here, just make sure you can reach with your thumbs to be able to push up and down. Okay? And that's it. Then you can also turn it off right here and you're off and running.'

Steps To Adjust Pedal Assist On A Beach Cruiser Electric Bike​

Changing the pedal assist on your electric bike beach cruiser makes riding more enjoyable. Hence, this guide will show you how you can adjust pedal assist on a cruiser e-bike.

  1. Find the Display Console: The majority of bikes have a digital display panel on their handlebars. This is where you will find all the settings for pedal assist.
  2. Power On Your Bike: Turn on your electric bike beach cruiser by squeezing the power button, generally located near the display.
  3. Visit the Settings Menu: Use the buttons on the digital display to explore the menu. Then you must look for a “Settings” or “Assist Levels” section.
  4. Adjust the Pedal Assist Level: You will likely see options for different assist levels. Then, you should choose the appropriate level that suits your individual riding style.
  5. Test Ride Your Bike: After adjusting the pedal assist level, take your beach cruiser bike electric for a short ride to see how it feels.
  6. Consult the User Manual: If you come across any difficulties, you should consult the manual for your e-bike model. It will inform you of any further instructions.

By learning how you can adjust pedal assist on a beach cruiser bike electric​ better on different paths. Enjoy a smoother ride and take in all the beautiful sights.

Different Types Of Pedal Assist On A Electric Beach Cruiser Bike

A beach cruiser electric bike​ comes with different types of pedal assist, which can further make riding easier and more fun. The following section will help you to find the best setting for you.

  1. Torque-Based Pedal Assistance: This pedal assist mode provides the rider with a small boost to your bike pedaling. It further makes the bike great for carrying out relaxed rides on any flat path. It also helps them to ride at a controlled and comfortable speed without putting in a lot of effort. Hence, it is perfect for relaxed outings with family and friends. The rider can also adjust the amount of help they want, further making the ride feel right for them. Some beach cruiser bike electric​ lets the rider use a throttle as well, so they can go without pedaling.
  2. Cadence-Based Pedal Assistance: In this mode, your beach cruiser electric bike provides a strong boost. Furthermore, it also helps the rider pedal more easily. Hence, it is great for covering longer distances and climbing steep hills. Riders can also go faster with less physical work, which a lot of riders love for exciting riding experiences. These e-bikes generally have smart sensors as well that know how hard you are pedaling. As a result, it conforms to the power, further making the rides efficient and smooth. This feature also helps the rider to save battery life so that they can enjoy longer rides.

Knowing the different pedal assist options will further help you to enjoy your rides more. So, pick the right setting for your electric beach cruiser bike and make every ride a great experience!

So it's very simple to adjust your pedal assist. So if you have any other questions at all, please reach out to us at or call us at 310-982-2877. And don't forget, we have a 30-day test ride your e-bike policy. If you don't love your e-bike in the first 30 days, send it back. No questions asked. No money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we'll take care of it. Parts, labor, so you can keep riding. In addition to that, check out our Facebook group called sixthreezero Pedalers. There are over 7,000 members in there. You can ask existing members questions, and see how they like their e-bike. Then when you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. It's tons of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, what's your journey or experience? Enjoy the ride.

sixthreezero Simple Step-Thru 7-Speed 500W Electric Bicycle


sixthreezero Simple Step-Thru 7-Speed 500W Electric Bicycle


Simple Step-Thru 20" 500W E bike


Simple Step-Thru 20" 500W E bike



Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

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