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How To Choose A Comfortable Bike Saddle

Finding a bike saddle that offers the body fit you want doesn’t have to be hard. Sure, there are many types of saddles to choose from and you probably have some pretty specific criteria for comfort. But, with a bit of information, you can select just the right saddle for you.

Bike saddles are extremely subjective. We get that. If you ask 2 dozen riders what they prefer in size, shape, and comfort, you’ll likely get 2 dozen answers. Part of the reason one bike saddle doesn’t feel right for one person but it fits perfectly for another has to do with the rider’s body type.

When you ride, you put your weight on a set of bones that are called collectively the ischial tuberosity. Many people just refer to these as the sit bones. They’re positioned uniquely from rider to rider, which is a good reason for various cyclists preferring one style of saddle over another.

Riding style and bike design also play a part in the comfort of a saddle. The way you ride and the style of your bike affects the pressure that is put on different areas of your body.

Generally speaking, here are some things to think about when it comes to finding your ideal bike saddle or choosing custom bike saddles:

Why Do You Want a New Bike Saddle?

You can try to avoid buying saddle after saddle if you think about the reasons you need a new saddle. Is yours just uncomfortable all around? Does the shape bother you or is it simply too heavy for your cycle?

Bike saddles come in a range of designs and prices, and you can limit the options to what will likely best suit you if you consider the main reason for the upgrade. Try to pinpoint exactly what isn’t working for you and what parts of the saddle, if any, you actually like.

Some riders find that they’re constantly having to correct their seating position. This might mean that a saddle with a more pronounced dip could be all it takes to experience a more comfortable ride. Maybe your legs rub together when you ride or the seat is just too narrow. When you identify that cause of the discomfort, physical or mental, it makes it easier to find a saddle that fits you correctly.

What to Look for in a Bike Saddle

There are huge differences between comfort bikes, trail bikes, mountain bikes and racing bikes, which means that are big variations in the types of saddles on the market. Most saddles today are made with synthetic materials, so make sure the craftsmanship for any saddle you choose is above par. You don’t want to buy anything with bulky seams or awkward seat shapes that will chafe and impair comfort.

The base of the saddle is important because it affects how springy your ride is. The top saddles have all-carbon bases that make for a smooth ride. Long-distance riders also need to pay attention to the cutouts or grooves on saddles that relieve pressure and heat around sensitive nerves and veins. And, of course, padding is critical. However, padding shouldn’t slide or move around when you ride.

Customize Bicycle

To customize a bicycle so that you get just the saddle you want for the way you ride, check out sixthreezero’s options. All of the sixthreezero bikes for sale make it easy for you to configure your ride the way you want.

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