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OVER 70 YEARS OLD? It May be Time for a Tricycle - Here's Why! Adult Trikes are Great for Seniors

Are you over the age of 70? It may be time for a tricycle, and let me explain why.

Hey, everyone. I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. Today we're going to talk about, if you're over the age of 70, it may be time for a tricycle. Before we get into it, hit the subscribe button below. Stay in touch with us here at sixthreezero. Be the first to know about all the new content we're putting out, giveaways we're doing, and of course new product releases.

So at sixthreezero, I've done hundreds of rides with senior riders over the age of 60, 70, and even 80. I've witnessed firsthand a lot of the nuances of seniors' bodies, things that start to not move like they used to, and also how their bodies react to different positioning on bikes and e-bikes. The reason I bring up the topic of if you're over the age of 70, it may be time for a tricycle because what I've seen is a lot of riders that start to move in for retirement age haven't been on a bicycle for years, and years, and years, and a lot of them want to get back into two-wheel riding, but all of a sudden they're a little more scared than they used to be.

I see this with a lot of riders who have stayed off bicycles for many, many years. Unfortunately the term, like riding a bicycle isn't always true. Like I said, I think it's because a lot of times, number one, arthritis has crept up on them. So the way they remember, a lot of people walk up to a bike and they remember throwing their leg over like this, and maybe their hip or their bodies don't move like they used to.

I see this with a lot of riders who have stayed off bicycles for many, many years. Unfortunately the term, like riding a bicycle isn't always true. Like I said, I think it's because a lot of times, number one, arthritis has crept up on them. So the way they remember, a lot of people walk up to a bike and they remember throwing their leg over like this, and maybe their hip or their bodies don't move like they used to.

Then all of a sudden, they get on a two-wheel bike and they feel scared. They feel scared of falling, and that fear is there to protect us. I think in a lot of situations, having a little bit of fear is a really good thing, especially as we get older. Our bodies become more fragile. We can break bones a lot easier, things like that.

So the reason I say riding a tricycle or getting a tricycle if you're over the age of 70 may be a good idea, or it may be time for a tricycle is that having a trike is going to eliminate some of the risks that riding on a two-wheel bike presents. Number one is the balance situation. If you're dealing with any kind of balance issue, having a three-wheel bike is going to eliminate that risk of falling.

In addition to that, it's going to be the mounting and dismounting. Mounting a tricycle is going to be much simpler because you don't have to balance the bike in any way, shape, or form. You can just step on and sit down on the bike, and the bike's going to stay balanced at all times. So the need or even the thinking around having to balance is nearly eliminated. The mounting and dismounting is going to be so much easier on a tricycle because when you get off and when you stop, you don't have to put your feet down. There's no need for it. You can stop with your feet on the pedals like so and just get off easily.

Now the one thing I will say too, what's cool is these are electric tricycles. The beauty of something like this is it can keep you riding at the pace that you want to ride at. So even though it may be a little more difficult to pedal a tricycle, now with electric assistance, it allows the bikes to go just as fast as you could go on a two-wheel bike. Now I don't recommend that, but at a cruising pace of six miles an hour, seven miles an hour, the assistance is going to vastly help you.

If you're not comfortable with an electric one, that's cool too. It's just the option where if you're transitioning from a two-wheel bike to a three-wheel bike and you still want to do certain hills or go certain distances, having electrical assistance is going to be very beneficial. These are two great options we have here at sixthreezero.

This is a sixthreezero Easy Transit folding trike that can be put in your car and transported with you. You can find that link in the description below. Also, we have our EVRYjourney trike here with a new seat with a backrest. This is great for cruising, neighborhoods, long rides where you're just going to go for enjoyment, ride around basically. The Easy Transit is good for that as well, but this is also very nimble and mobile where you can take the shopping into small spaces. It's a great option. Both have baskets in the rear where you can take things with you. So these are just two options for an e-trike that exists out there.

If you're over the age of 70, really consider where you're at physically. What's the risk to you when you start to get on a bike or an e-bike? Are you at a fall risk? How bad or severe is any arthritis you may have that physically limits you? Again, I see a lot of people that remember having to wing their legs around like this and they can't do it anymore. So, mounting and dismounting becomes a little bit more dangerous than it once was. So again, with the tricycle, it eliminates that.

The other thing too is maybe you've taken a fall recently, and now you're considering a trike. I just want to say that that's okay and that there are options out there that can still keep you riding the way that you were once riding. We're in a whole different era of tricycles, what they look like, what they feel like, and again, with the electrical assistance. So, don't think riding a trike is a bad thing by any means.

I guarantee you, on the right trike you'll be able to keep up with any friends that maybe are still doing two-wheel bikes. I just want any riders over the age of 70 to make sure it's the right choice for them. A two-wheel bike or a trike, it's the right choice for them. The right choice for their body, and you're just doing what is most safe and best for you.

If you want more information about riding a trike or trikes in general, you can check out our YouTube channel. We have tons of videos of seniors riding trikes, and others riding trikes to show you more details of these two products as well. We're really big advocates here of e-trikes and trikes at sixthreezero because we think it keeps so many riders riding that couldn't otherwise be out in riding.

So if you have any other thoughts on the topic or questions, please pop them below, email us at, or call us at 310-982-2877. Again, both of these two e-trikes are going to be linked in a description below. Find them on our website,, and we have a 30-day test ride on your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we'll take care of it, and get you the parts or labor needed to make sure you can keep riding.

Lastly, we have a Facebook Pedalers group with thousands of riders and a lot over the age of 70. Connect with them before you buy a bike, e-bike, e-trike, or trike. Ask them questions, and see how they like their bike. Then once you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. It's tons of fun. We also have an app. You can track your rides, and talk to other riders. That's a lot of fun as well. So, thanks for sticking around, and don't forget. It's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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