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POWERFUL 3 Wheel EBike with 750 watt motor that Fits Riders 4'11" to 6'5" - 3 Wheel Electric Bike


Dustin Gyger

Updated On: July 5, 2023


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


Hey, everyone. I'm Dustin, CEO of sixthreezero. Today we're going to take you through a sizing and fitting video for our new electric bike, Rickshaw 750 watt, with the passenger seat. We've got riders from 4'11" to 6'2". We're going to size them and fit them and show you how they can fit perfectly on our rickshaw. So stick around.

All right, so before we get into our sizing, I want to introduce you to our electric bike rickshaw, the 750-watt passenger tricycle, and just walk you through a few of the details before we get into it. Now, number one, you have an adjustable seat clamp here, which is going to allow you to raise and lower the seat, which is why I'm going to be able to accommodate various heights. You can also raise and lower the handlebars and tilt the handlebars. So again, you can adjust to the rider's height, weight, and body type, and you're going to see that upcoming here with all of our riders and the different body types, how we can easily adjust to them to make sure they have a comfortable riding position. Also, when you're carrying passengers in the back, you want to make sure you have complete control of the tricycle. So, you'll see how we can get the handlebars dialed in, get it set up perfectly for their bodies so they have complete control, and it's safe to ride.

Now, obviously as our electric rickshaw, so you've got the seat on the back here. You've got a footrest for your riders. The 750-watt front hub motor is going to take you up to 16 to 20 miles an hour. This thing can really, really go fast. In addition, we've got the huge battery right here, the 21 amp hour, 48 volts. You're going to get up to 50 miles on this electric rickshaw, even with passengers. So, it is a lot of fun. You've got the throttle here, as well, and the pedal assist modes. And if you want to see more details or info, you can check out our YouTube, and you can find tons of other videos on the electric bike rickshaw. All right, so without further ado, let's get into our riders and check out the fittings.

Okay, we're here with our 4'11" rider. What was your name?

Brynn: Brynn.

Dustin: And Brynn. What's your arm length and your inseam?

Brynn: My arm length is 17 inches, and my inseam is 29 inches.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Brynn: I weigh 105 pounds.

Dustin: Okay, awesome. Can you go ahead and step on? Let me actually get the pedal in the right position for you here. Okay, go ahead. Perfect. Okay, so that's as low as the seat's going to go for Brynn. Now her leg is a little bit fully extended, but she could still ride. And don't forget you have a throttle also, so you don't even have to pedal if you don't want to. But how does it feel for you? It's not bad, right? The handlebars look maybe a little high.

Brynn: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dustin: We can lower those down for her. Let's go ahead and loosen our adjustment bolt right here. Oop, better?

Brynn: Yeah.

Dustin: Feels good?

Brynn: Yeah.

Dustin: Okay. Okay. Now obviously with a tricycle, she doesn't have to balance, so as long as she can get on and off easily, I think we've got a good fit. How does it feel for you?

Brynn: It feels comfy.

Dustin: Yeah?

Brynn: Yeah.

Dustin: Now, how about stepping on off for us? Get off the bike so we can just see. There we go. Perfect. So she did it, 4'll". Would you feel okay riding that?

Brynn: Yeah, I would totally feel okay riding it.

Dustin: There we have it. So we've got a good fit for our 4'11" rider. Let's move up to five feet. Okay. Now, we're here with our 5' rider. What was your name?

Sandy: Sandy.

Dustin: Sandy. And Sandy, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Sandy: My arm length is 19 inches, and my inseam is 28.5.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Sandy: I'm 120.

Dustin: Perfect. So, if you want to go ahead and step on. Hold the brakes when you get on, so it doesn't roll away. Yep. Just go ahead and step up. Perfect. And let's go ahead and get the pedal, go ahead and pedal backward right here. And let's see your foot in the lowest position. There we go. So her legs, ideally, are a little bit straighter than I would like; but, of course, you have the pedal-assist and the throttle, so the bike can do the work. So even if you don't have maximum efficiency on an e-bike, it should be okay but looks like an okay fit. Do you feel comfortable?

Sandy: Yeah, my legs stretched out kind of, a little bit more than I want, but I feel pretty secure with it being three wheels.

Dustin: Yeah. How about the handlebars?

Sandy: Oh, that feels fine.

Dustin: Yeah?

Sandy: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dustin: Okay. Well, yeah, we've got her in an ergonomic position. Looks relaxed. The other thing I'll note is we do have a suspension seat post on here, and that raises the seat about two and a half inches. So in Sandy's case or our 4'11" rider's case, if they wanted to bring the seat down a little bit, you can easily swap the seat post out, and you can also contact sixthreezero, and we could send you a different seat post, which is going to lower the seat two and a half inches. That would give Sandy that little bit more knee bend that I think she would be looking for. So either way, we can make it a fit for her at 5'. And let's go ahead and move up to our 5'1" rider. Okay. Now we're here with our 5'1" rider. What was your name?

Teresa: Teresa.

Dustin: Teresa. And Teresa, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Teresa: My arm length is 22. My inseam is 30.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Teresa: Approximately 130.

Dustin: Perfect. If you can go ahead and step on. Hold the brake when you get on, and step onto the pedal. There you go. And step up. Perfect. Okay, looks good. She's got a nice slight bend in her knee on the downstroke. How does that feel? Feel comfortable? Okay?

Teresa: Feels good.

Dustin: Cool. Any adjustments you think you'd want me to make?

Teresa: No. I don't think so.

Dustin: Okay. Well, there we have it. So at 5'1", we've got a good fit. Her back's upright, and her arms are relaxed. Looks like she's ready to take on the road. So, let's move up to our 5'2" rider. All right. Now we're with our 5'2" rider. What was your name?

Jerry: Jerry.

Dustin: Jerry. And Jerry, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Jerry: My arm length is 19. My inseam is 33.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Jerry: 120.

Dustin: 120. Okay. Can you go ahead and step on? Hold the brake when you get on there. And okay, let me see. Go ahead. Let me pedal backward so we can get your foot in the lowest position. There we go right there. Perfect. That looks pretty good. You've got a nice bend in the leg on the downstroke. Actually, the back looks upright. I don't think we need to make adjustments, but what do you think?

Jerry: No, it feels good.

Dustin: Perfect. We've got our back. Nice and upright. Arms are relaxed. Ergonomic position. I think we've got a great fit at 5'2". Let's move up to our 5'3" rider. All right. We're with our 5'3" rider. What was your name?

Rohini: Rohini.

Dustin: Rohini. And Rohini, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Rohini: My arm length is 15 inches, and my inseam is 28 and a half inches.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Rohini: 135 pounds.

Dustin: Great. If you can go ahead and step on. Hold the brake when you get on right here. Hold that just so it doesn't roll away. And go ahead and step onto the pedal and then you can step up. There you go. That looks pretty good also. How does that feel for you? We could raise the hammer bars or your leg, maybe, could be raised a little bit, do you think?

Rohini: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dustin: Pedal all the way back so your foot's in the downward position. Stop right there. Maybe a little bit. How does it feel for you? Good. Any adjustments or do you think you'd be good with it?

Rohini: Ah, we could probably bring this down a little bit or inwards.

Dustin: The handlebars?

Rohini: Yeah. Yeah.

Dustin: Let's see. Okay, so you've got two bolts to adjust here. Let's see. I'm going to go right here. Well, there we go.

Rohini: Like right here.

Dustin: All right.

Rohini: Yeah. Just a tad bit.

Dustin: And again, you've got the four custom adjustment points, so it's really easy. Does that feel better? Perfect. So you've got a great fit for our 5'3" rider. Let's move up to 5'4". Okay. We're with our 5'4" rider. What was your name?

Deidra: Deidra.

Dustin: Deidra. And Deidra, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Deidra: My arm length is 19 inches, and my inseam is 31 inches.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Deidra: 130 pounds.

Dustin: Awesome. Can you go ahead and step on?

Deidra: Yes.

Dustin: And then step onto the pedal? Yeah, I can get you. There you go. And let's see now. Go ahead and pedal backward with your foot like this and stop right there. So that looks pretty good in terms of the height. How does everything else feel?

Deidra: Feels good.

Dustin: Any adjustments you'd want to make or feel okay?

Deidra: Can the bar come closer?

Dustin: Maybe a little. Let's see. You just loosen these two bolts right here, so they can bend in that way.

Deidra: I see. Yeah. This-

Dustin: Better?

Deidra: Yeah. Good.

Dustin: Okay. There you go. How's that feel? Not bad.

Deidra: Good.

Dustin: So, we've got her in a good upright position. Her arms are a little bit outstretched, but not too bad. She still doesn't have to lean forward, which is what we want. And she got on easily. So we've got a fit for our 5'4" rider. Let's move up to 5'5". Okay. We're with our 5'5" rider now. What was your name?

Alicia: Alicia.

Dustin: Alicia. And what's your arm length and inseam?

Alicia: Arm length 17, inseam 30.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Alicia: 145.

Dustin: 145. Awesome. Go ahead and get on for us, and we'll adjust it for your body. Perfect. So the leg extension looks pretty good to me. I wouldn't mess with the height. How do the handlebars feel?

Alicia: Um, pretty good.

Dustin: Good for your body. Okay, perfect. Well, there we have it. No adjustments from our 5'4" to our 5'5" rider. Let's move up to our 5'6" rider. Okay. We're with our 5'6" rider now. What was your name?

Brianna: Brianna.

Dustin: Brianna. And how long are your arms and your inseam?

Brianna: My arms are 15, and my inseam is 29.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Brianna: 130 pounds.

Dustin: Awesome. So go ahead and step on, and we'll get it all set up for your body. Perfect. Now how does that feel? Actually the leg, we've had a lot of our riders from 4'11" to 5'6" have a similar height for the seat. How does that feel for you, okay?

Brianna: Yeah, this is perfect.

Dustin: Handlebars? Do you want those adjusted? I think maybe tilting them up a little bit.

Brianna: Yeah, a little higher.

Dustin: Okay. So let's go ahead and loosen these. Whoop! So, how about that?

Brianna: Perfect.

Dustin: And then we can raise them too. Sorry, go ahead. Okay. How's that? Better?

Brianna: Yep. Awesome.

Dustin: All right, there we have it. We've got a good sit fit for our 5'6" rider. Nice ergonomics, straight back, and relaxed arms. Let's move on to our 5'7" rider. All right. We're with our 5'7" rider. What was your name?

Salvador: Salvador.

Dustin: Salvador. And what's your arm length and your inseam?

Salvador: My arm length is 18, and my inseam is 30.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Salvador: I weigh 181.

Dustin: Awesome. Go ahead and step onto the trike, and let's see how we can fit it perfectly into your body. Okay. And how does that feel? The leg and the bend are okay by me. How does the position feel for you?

Salvador: I mean, it feels great. Feels natural to me.

Dustin: Cool?

Salvador: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dustin: His back looks up right? He's not reaching too far. I would say it's a fit. Let's go ahead and move on to our 5'8" rider. Okay. We're with our 5'8" rider now. What was your name?

Thomas: Thomas.

Dustin: Thomas. And Thomas, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Thomas: 19 and 29.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Thomas: 195.

Dustin: Awesome. Go ahead and step on. We'll get it all set up for your body.

Thomas: Excellent.

Dustin: Okay, great. So I raised the seat a little bit up for Thomas in advance before and after our 5'7" rider. And actually, can you bring it down to the bottom? Pedal backward so it goes down.

Thomas: Pedal backward. Okay.

Dustin: Yep. That looks good to me. He's got a slight bend at his knee. How do the handlebars and everything feel?

Thomas: Feels really good. My back is straight. The posture is perfect. I can reach them exactly.

Dustin: Awesome.

Thomas: Feels really good.

Dustin: Looks good to me. His back's upright, arms are relaxed. Let's move on to our 5'9" rider. Okay. Now we're with our 5'9" rider. What was your name?

Avis: Avis.

Dustin: Avis. And Avis, how long are your arms, and what's your inseam?

Avis: 23 inches on the arms, and 33 inches on the inseam.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Avis: 131.

Dustin: 131. Awesome. Can you go ahead and step on?

Avis: Sure.

Dustin: Okay, great. So it looks like the seat is actually well adjusted from our 5'8" rider as well. Does that feel okay to you? On the legs?

Avis: Yeah. My legs feel good.

Dustin: How about the handlebars in that position?

Avis: Maybe a teeny bit high, so they could go a little lower.

Dustin: Bring them to lower?

Avis: Yes.

Dustin: Okay.

Avis: Just a little bit.

Dustin: All right. Let's go ahead and lower them. Okay. Grab onto them because they're going to fall.

Avis: Yeah. Oh yeah, that feels good right there.

Dustin: Perfect. And again, real simple, easy adjustment. And there we go. We've got our arms nice and relaxed. Her back is upright. Great leg extension. I think we've got a great fit at our 5'9". Let's move up to 5'10". All right. We're with our 5'10" rider now. What was your name?

Aaron: Aaron.

Dustin: Aaron. And Aaron, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Aaron: 19 and 31.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Aaron: 170.

Dustin: Awesome. Go ahead and step on and we'll go ahead and get it adjusted for your body. Okay.

Aaron: Feels pretty good.

Dustin: Yeah.

Aaron: Yeah.

Dustin: How about the handlebars? Okay?

Aaron: Yeah, I think so.

Dustin: Cool. There we go. So no adjustments from our 5'9" to our 5'10" rider. He's got good leg extension, he likes the arm positioning, his back's upright, and he's not leaning forward. We've got a good fit. Let's move up to our 5'11" rider. Okay, now we're with our 5'11" rider. What was your name?

Brian: Brian.

Dustin: Brian. And Brian, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Brian: It is 19 and 33.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Brian: 155.

Dustin: 155. Awesome. Go ahead and get on.

Brian: Great.

Dustin: And we'll see if we can get it all adjusted for your body. Okay. So I raised the seat a little bit from our 5'10" rider. It looks good on the leg extension to me. How do you feel about the handlebars?

Brian: Yeah, they're feeling really nice, actually.

Dustin: Okay. No adjustment?

Brian: I don't think so.

Dustin: There you have it. So the other thing I mentioned is it's all about the rider's body and what they like, which is why we have easily adjustable points. You can tilt, you can raise, you can lower. That doesn't mean that a rider who's shorter or taller will want them raised or lowered. And so, but we can't adjust it if need be. So we've got a great fit for our 5'11" rider. Let's move up to 6'. All right. We're with our 6' rider. What was your name?

Nick: Nick.

Dustin: Nick. And Nick, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Nick: My arm length is 20, and my inseam is 30.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Nick: 256.

Dustin: Awesome. Can you go ahead and step on, and we'll get this all adjusted for your body? There we go. Great. How does that feel on the leg extension?

Nick: The legs feel good. I just feel like the handlebars are a little low.

Dustin: Totally. Yep. So let's go ahead and raise these for you.

Nick: Sounds good.

Dustin: Let's bring our cap down here. Okay. What do you think?

Nick: That feels good.

Dustin: Okay. Awesome. So let's go ahead and tighten that down. Perfect. Yeah, there we go. We got your arms a little more relaxed now. Your back's upright? Feels good?

Nick: Yeah. Feels great.

Dustin: Perfect. Got a fit for our 6' rider. Let's move up to 6'1". All right. We're with our 6'1" rider. What was your name?

Brendan: Brendan.

Dustin: Brendan. And Brendan, what's your arm length and your inseam?

Brendan: My arm length is 26, and my inseam is 32.

Dustin: Perfect. And how much do you weigh?

Brendan: I weigh 161.

Dustin: 161. Awesome. Can you go ahead and step on? We'll get it all set up for your body.

Brendan: You got it.

Dustin: Okay. How does that feel on the leg extension down there?

Brendan: Pretty good, weirdly.

Dustin: Okay. And the arms and things, comfortable?

Brendan: Yeah. Pretty comfortable.

Dustin: Yeah. You got a good bend. It's relaxing. Your shoulders are upright. You're in a nice ergonomic position.

Brendan: Yeah, I feel really good.

Dustin: So, we didn't need to make many adjustments from our 6' rider. Brendan's a fit. Let's move up to our final rider at 6'2".

Brendan: Alrighty.

Dustin: Okay. We're with our tallest rider now, our 6'2" rider. And what's your name?

Leif: Leif.

Dustin: Leif. And what's your arm length and your inseam?

Leif: The arm length is 25 inches. The inseam is 33 inches.

Dustin: Awesome. And how much do you weigh?

Leif: 215 pounds.

Dustin: Perfect. Go ahead and jump on. Actually, let me raise the seat before you get on. I'm just noticing it's a little bit low. Let's go ahead and put it up here. Go ahead and try that. How's that feel on the leg extension?

Leif: It feels good.

Dustin: And how about handlebars? A little low?

Leif: That could be a little bit higher.

Dustin: Yep. Let's go ahead and start here with the tilt.

Leif: That's good.

Dustin: Good there. And bring them up a little higher maybe?

Leif: Yeah.

Dustin: Okay. Go ahead and adjust this.

Leif: Sorry.

Dustin: How's that? Better?

Leif: Yeah, that's pretty good.

Dustin: Okay. Perfect. All right, there we go. Got his back upright, arms relaxed. Does that feel comfortable?

Leif: Feels comfortable.

Dustin: Cool. So we got a fit for our 6'2" rider. That's a wrap on all the heights. Stick around as we wrap it up. Okay. So we've just fit and sized riders 4'11" to 6'2" on our electric bike rickshaw, and you can see everybody is a fit. They all can ride and be fit perfectly. And, actually, I think we could have riders even shorter than 4'll" and taller than 6'2". Especially on the taller end, we could get the seat higher, the handlebars higher; and on the shorter end, we could probably accommodate 4'10"-4'9", if need be. But you can see our rickshaw accommodates various heights. You can take passengers with you. It's a lot of fun. You can find it on our website now. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.

sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy



Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

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