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Reverse E Trike w/ Two Wheels in Front! You MUST SEE this INNOVATIVE Tadpole Trike That's Electric!


Dustin Gyger

Updated On: March 22, 2024


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

The brand new two front wheel easy transit e-trike from sixthreezero.

Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry and today I'm going to introduce you to the two front wheel easy transit foldable e-trike from sixthreezero. Now this is a brand new foldable electric tricycle that has tilting front wheels so it's easy to steer, can steer on a dime and turn on a dime. I'm going to introduce you to all the components and the specs and then I'm going to demonstrate some videos, take you through some cones, take you uphill, and show you the full spectrum of how this two-front-wheel electric trike can perform. Now let me walk you through everything. So first of all it's an electric trike, it has five levels of pedal assist and it also has a throttle up here. You also have reverse on this e-trike so if you want to go in reverse at any point you can do that as well. You toggle between a switch up here, drive, and reverse.

sixthreezero Two Front Wheel Electric Bike


sixthreezero Two Front Wheel Electric Bike


All right so let me walk you through all the specs and the features of this two-front-wheel easy transit trike. Now this is a 750-watt rear hub motor. You've got your 750-watt rear hub motor right here and it's got a 10.4 amp hour battery. So top speed is going to be limited to 16 miles an hour and your range is going to be up to 50 miles an hour depending on how you use the pedal assist, the throttle, also the weight of the rider, and the terrain are going to impact your range. So like I said you have five levels of pedal assist which are located right here. So you hold the power button down. What this means is your motor can assist you with levels one to five, one being the least amount of assistance, and five being the most. So when you pedal the motor will kick in if you have it set in one of these levels of pedal assist. Now you also have a thumb throttle here. Now the thumb throttle works just like a gas pedal in a car. The harder you push it the more acceleration you will get. So if you ever use a thumb throttle or a twist throttle you don't want to just go real fast push it all the way.

You would just ease into it and give it a little bit of power. Okay, I'm going to turn this power off quickly. Now you also have drive and reverse. So you have a reverse option on this three-wheel e-trike if you should want to use that you can go backward. Okay, cool another feature is you have a front headlight here as well. I can go ahead and hold down my up button and you can see the light comes on and I can go ahead and hold this down and now turn it off. All right and I can turn the power off. Now this two-front-wheel trike also has seven speeds right here. Now these seven speeds operate independently of the motor but they work together. So one two three four five six seven first gear would be for hills seven speeds would be for flat ground trying to achieve high speed. Now the way they work independently is the gears have nothing to do with gears in the motor. What I explained to you about pedal assist is how the assistance works of the motor but if you're in level five of the pedal assist you'd want to be in level or gear seven of the bike to make sure you can match the cadence of your pedaling to the power output. If you're getting a lot of power from the pedal assist you don't want to have the bike in a low gear because you'll be spinning your feet and not powering the bike equal to how much assistance you're getting from the motor. Now one of the cool features of this EZ Transit two front wheel is how low it is to the ground. So the seat right now is in the lowest position and the top of the seat is 30 inches off the ground.

So the mounting and dismounting I can bring this down just a touch more. There we go to drop it to 30 and you can see 30 inches. So getting on and off of this seat is very very easy. In addition, while I have it up the step over height which is just about 11 inches. So you have 11 inches to step over you also have a very big gap here of 22 inches which makes it easy to step through. In addition to that you've got a rear 20-inch tire and two front 16-inch tires which are both 2.25 inches wide. Now we have the higher tire in the rear to set the bike down to put more weight on the two front wheels to add to the stability. We wanted the smaller wheels in the front to be able to keep the frame lower to the ground to make the mounting and dismounting very easy and simple. I also have a basket here which is an option that can be added on and if you see in the front here there are four bolts where the basket would mount on right here. So you would just remove those and mount your basket on if you want to transport items on your rides. Now I skipped over one thing here with the seat. Let's go ahead and show you how high up this seat actually can go. So that's the marking of the seat right here and now we can loosen this and bring the seat up all the way to this high. Now this is a little bit extreme but you can see a big difference from the lowest point. So the highest point we can get the seat all the way up to 40 yeah just about 40 44 inches.

So it's 14 inches of distance we can get here. Now I wouldn't advise having it quite this high. I would bring it down to a more reasonable level but you can see this trike can accommodate both short and tall riders quite nicely. Now if you see here the handlebars are very low right now as well. These can be adjusted too and there's also a marker right there. Now you can bring them all the way up and we have these mini ape hanger handlebars which are cool. I've got them tilted into the rider's body right now and you can tilt them away so if you're taller you have longer arms you can tilt them back. You can also raise it here and I've done another video taking all the specs and all the measurements so if you want to reference that video you can find out more as well but right here you get four inches of travel on the handlebars and it's quick release so you can bring it down or you can bring it up totally up to you. So this can accommodate riders from about 4'11 all the way up to six foot four. Check your inseam if you want to confirm the mounting height to get on and off what will work for you. Okay, now what else can I show you? Okay, a cool feature here is that it's also a foldable trike so I can fold up my pedals right here, and right here in the middle of the frame is your folding mechanism so I can unlock this pull this up, and from here the bike easily folds in half and now from here I fold it in half and I can set that down there's a little block under here that I can rest on now the handlebars fold down as well okay it's got we have to make our handlebars compact they're down all the way there we go and from there, it folds down and again if you want to reference all the specs and measurements you can check them out on our website

So there it is completely folded down now we can take the seat out as well and from there you have a very compact foldable e-trike there's going to be another video on our youtube channel as well showing how this can fit in the back of a hatchback car as well and getting it back together is pretty simple okay and this e-trike so now this e-trike weighs 68 pounds but the battery is 8 pounds so you can remove the battery take the weight down to 60 pounds the seat weighs 2 pounds so now you're down to 58 pounds which makes it a little bit easier to load and unload into the car removing the battery is pretty simple you just turn the key like so and the battery comes out there we go turn the key the wrong way and so from there now going to be much easier to lift and get it into the back of a car i can show you like that nice and easy it'd be a little less awkward if i took the seat off actually but again you can reference the other video to see exactly how that goes and then getting the battery back in it's quite simple just put it in like that, push down, let's see i'm gonna move my quick release, there we go. Okay, and we're in and you can lock it and remove your key. I'm going to leave it in there so we don't lose it, okay? Okay and now folding it or unfolding it I should say okay, let me just turn these, there we go. Okay get those away from the seat now from here you just put your clamp up there we go like that. Okay now you need to pull this mechanism up and then that clicks into place and then that locks in like so and your pedal is very easy you just pull this back out that pops into place and now it's completely unfolded. And from here I would put these back to where I like them a little bit higher up.

Let's see, there we go now you'll notice on this trike we have a kickstand. Now, it can actually balance without the kickstand so if you see here, you can see that it does balance without the kickstand but it would not balance if it gets pushed in a direction because it has the tilting front wheel so i'm going to put the kickstand down okay so this is the kind of trike that is more nimble it's going to take turns very balanced much different than a rear wheel trike two rear wheel trike now on a two rear wheel trike you can sit on it and it balances on this one you cannot just sit here and have it balance so this is sort of for in terms of balance when you're riding you're going to get great balance out of the trike. Okay but as I'm sitting here right now it's not going to balance on its own and this is because of the steering mechanism that tilts when you turn. So it's a little bit difficult to explain but you'll see me ride. When I go for a ride which is that these help with balance but they're not going to completely balance you so if you're someone that's in between a trike and a two-wheel bike and you want some assistance this is a really good option. If you just like having the wheels for extra balance and you want something that can be a little zippier and a little more nimble, then say a three-wheel trike with two wheels in the back. But you can see here that I can't balance just by standing here now you have your kickstand which you could lean on if you were a little bit less weight than me take a look at the steering mechanism. So both wheels move in unison. So if you turn this way, they turn together.

They don't move up and down okay they tilt side to side so when you turn it's not only going to turn it's going to lean okay it's a very nimble mechanism that steers really really sharply and it's very balanced but again it's just not the same as a trike with two wheels in the rear in that you can't sit on and bounce. So the key to this is once you get moving I'll just show you quickly once you get moving so yeah I pretty much can balance. But I can't just sit here so then from here you can get going and you can see it's quite easy to balance even at slow speeds. I'm going to put my helmet on and give you a full demonstration now of exactly how it works and we'll take you on a little bit of a ride along with us also. All right got some cones set up here. Just want to show you the versatility. You're going to be looking back from behind me as well. You're going to see how the tires work and turn and lean and this thing is really fun to ride and it's just so easy to turn. All right here we go and I'm just using the throttle to navigate right now. There we have it okay here we go I have to remember it's narrow in the back and you can see my front wheels leaning okay. I'm gonna zip around one more time. This trike is very nimble because it doesn't ride like a trike typically rides. So because the wheels tilt you can actually lean with it a little bit more and once you get the feel for it, though it's like you're in the slalom, I didn't even really brake that time so if you see me coming straight on you can see how it leans and navigates and it's so smooth now without the cone so you can see like this now that's what you wouldn't get on a two rear wheel trike and it just makes the steering and the handling very very precision and easy to turn.

Now I'm just going to go on a little ride up a hill. Take you with us and you can see how it rides there on the street. I'll go up some curbs and do some other stuff also. All right take on a little ride. One other thing I forgot to mention is we have front and rear disc brakes you have two discs on the front so a disc on each front wheel and a disc on the back and I'm going to start out with the throttle. I like that so let's just go ahead and get going. So you can see how easy it is for me to take turns. I can go up and down curbs. I'll just show you a little more right here, so for example, here's how one difference with this trike as I said it does require steering on a rear two-wheel without the tilting you don't really need to steer in the sense that it'll go straight this. You have to hold the handlebars and decide you know you have to keep it straight because it will lean in either direction but it's so nimble. Okay, I just want to show too so there are parking brakes on both brakes and you can see I don't have the kickstand down. Kickstands right here. I have it up so we can get this to balance without the kickstand and then I can put the brakes in and it can balance on its own. So it does balance on its own but if you tilt it it's going to go over because of how the wheels tilt and move. So okay now let me just take you on a little demo. I'm going to see what my top speed is in level five. All right so I hit 16 now I'd recommend staying a little slower than 60 miles an hour but you still have good handling and yeah it's a lot of fun. Another thing is with turning. While you do have the lean, you have to get used to how much lean you have but you can still see the amount of leaning and turning I can do on this trike is pretty unbelievable because on a three with two wheels in the back, you can't get nearly that sort of versatility and steering so cool a lot of fun. Take it back to the beginning and recap our ride.

All right so this is the two front wheel easy transit folding e-trike 750 watt. Walked you through all the specs, we took you on a ride, this thing is a lot of fun. It's so nimble much different than a trike with two wheels in the back. A lot more versatility, rides differently, a little more sporty, so if you have the okay balance, just looking for a little extra balance in the front but are still okay to steer is a cool and great option. Now if you have any other questions at all please contact us at or call us at 310-982-2877. And don't forget we have a 30-day test ride your e-trike policy. If you don't love it the first 30 days send it back no questions asked no money out of your pocket. We're also going to warranty everything for the first year. Anything goes wrong in the first year we'll take care of hearts and labor to ensure you won't keep riding. And lastly, join our Facebook group called sixthhreezero pedalers, there are thousands of members in there. You can jump into the group, and ask existing members questions about their e-trikes and e-bikes. Get comfortable in advance of purchasing, and then once you have your e-trike, post it in the group, and make friends. It's so much fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget it's your journey your experience.

sixthreezero Two Front Wheel Electric Bike


sixthreezero Two Front Wheel Electric Bike



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