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Reverse Trike Independent Steering is Amazing!


Dustin Gyger

Updated On: March 11, 2025


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Hey everyone, Dustin here, CEO of sixthreezero. I wanted to show you in a little more detail how the steering mechanism on the EZ Transit Reverse Trike works. Now you can see how the wheels lean together. They do operate independently in terms of if one goes down, the other goes up. Now they're not on completely independent axles, they're working in unison where if one goes one way, the other goes the other way. But if you want to look down here and come in a little tighter, I'll show you. If you were to roll over a curb at an angle like so, you're going to see that the first wheel is going to come down first. Then your rear wheel is going to come down.

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sixthreezero Two Front Wheel Electric Bike


Now, what's cool about that is you can see now if it's kind of hard to bring it back up, but you can see how it's keeping both the wheels on the ground at all times. so this one's coming down then as you come down this one's coming down as well now that's what makes this even more stable going over curbs or other bumpy terrain is if you have one uneven side you know on a conventional trike your wheels hit the heights differently one may roll over if it's higher on the other side you're going to slam into it, in this case, you have the ability with this drive system this axle you have the ability for it to move in accordance with however high it is on a given side. So again, this side comes down, and then this side follows with it. So it's a pretty cool, unique system. Now, in the situation that if you came straight on, they're going to come down together, if you drop both wheels together. Now in that situation, I didn't, but if you came down like this, They're gonna come down at the same time. It's, if they hit at a different point, I can do even a more extreme angle right here, and you can see, there comes that wheel dropping down. Meanwhile, this one is following up, okay, So it's pretty cool. Now, I'm going to go ahead and try to do this.

Different Types Of Frame Designs In Reverse Etrike

There are different frame designs for reverse tricycle, and each one has its own advantages. Knowing about these designs helps you pick the best one for comfort, stability, and performance. so, here are some different types of frame designs in folding reverse e trike you should know about.

  1. Folding Frame - A folding frame will allow you to fold the trike easily for storage as well as transport. It is further perfect if you have less space or want to carry it in your car. Moreover, it is compact, convenient, and easy to store.
  2. Step-Through Frame - The step-through frame in the reverse tricycle has a low top bar. So, you can step onto the trike easily without lifting your leg too high. Hence, it is great for riders with limited flexibility or mobility, further making it simpler to mount the bike.
  3. Step-Over Frame - The step-over frame also has a high-top bar, further giving it a classic look. Thus, it is sturdy and also offers a stable ride. However, you need to lift the leg over the bar and get on the bike.
  4. Traditional Frame - The traditional frame in a folding reverse e trike is strong and has a simple design. As a result, it has a horizontal top tube as well as is highly durable. While reliable and stable, it can be difficult to mount for riders because of the higher bar.

To wrap up, choosing the right frame design for your reverse etrike depends on what you need and where you ride. The right choice will further make your ride smoother, safer, and more comfortable.

Environmental Impact Of Tadpole Tricycle

Riding a tadpole tricycle is a greener option instead of cars. Looking at their environmental impact shows how they cut down on pollution. Moreover, it also helps create healthier communities. So, here is the environmental impact of this tricycle.

  1. Reduced Carbon Emission: A Tadpole tricycle can run on human power. It further means they do not generate any harmful gasses. Hence, this is helpful for fighting climate change and lowering air pollution.
  2. Lower Resource Consumption: Building a tadpole tricycle uses minimal materials than regular cars. Thus, this means less energy and less mining is important, helping to protect our planet.
  3. Enhanced Urban Mobility: This tadpole tricycle makes it easier to move around without a car. This further improves air quality and minimizes traffic jams. Apart from this, it also makes cities quieter and cleaner.
  4. Sustainable Materials Usage: The tadpole tricycle is made from various eco-friendly materials. Thus, this reduces the environmental damage caused due to traditional manufacturing.
  5. Reduced Waste Generation: These tricycles last longer and do not need to be replaced as often as regular cars. Hence, this means minimal waste from old vehicles and their parts.

A tadpole tricycle is good for the environment. By using them, we can reduce pollution and live in a more sustainable way. Apart from this, we can further work towards a cleaner future for everyone as well.

Now the one thing is, with our 16-inch wheels, we don't have the capability of going over boulders here and in the front tire, if you had bigger tires, this would accommodate even more curbs But let me go ahead and just demonstrate here. I'm gonna take it at a nice gingerly pace. Okay, rear wheel, front wheel, rear wheel. Let me try one more time. And again, this is a pretty large drop-off. I'm just doing this as an example here. All right. Here we go. Front-wheel, second wheel. Nice and stable. So it makes it where, again, you're keeping all the wheels on the ground at the same time. If you were to have two wheels in the front where you didn't have this capability and you took a dip like that on an angle. That would create a lot of instability and the risk of the e-trike falling over. So, cool drive system uh how they work together and keeps the e-trike very very stable.

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sixthreezero Two Front Wheel Electric Bike



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Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

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