E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: October 19, 2023
Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and E-bike industry and today I'm going to show you a 20-inch fat tire folding E-bike that's cool. Stick around.
All right, so today I am going to show you this Zip n' Fold, folding 20-inch E-bike. But before I get into it, hit the subscribe button below. Stay in touch with us here at sixthreezero. Be the first to know about all the new content we're putting out, giveaways we're doing, and of course new product releases. All right, so right here I have the brand new sixthreezero Zip n' Fold 20-inch fat tire E-bike that folds. This thing is cool for many reasons, so let me show you all about it. Now you can find this on the sixthreezero.com website. It's also linked in the description below. You can check it out there.
Now this is a 20-inch fat tire E-bike, but this packs a lot of power. It has a 750-watt rear hub motor. It also has a 48 volt, 15 amp hour battery. So you're going to easily hit top speeds of 20 miles an hour with your twist throttle or pedal assist. But also that extra power is going to get you uphill. So riders up to 300 pounds are going to have no issues going up major hills with the 750 watts of power. Now it can accommodate riders up to about 350 pounds and you'll still be able to get up hills, but you may just have to give a little bit more exertion to get you up major hills. Now, different grades of hills have different impacts on how much exertion you'll need. I'm 225 pounds and it can get me up hills quite easily by just using the throttle. So the 750 watts provides a lot, a lot of power.
Now with the 14-volt, 15-amp hour battery, you're going to get up to 50 miles on rides. And I would say full throttle, you should expect about 20 miles depending on the type of hills you're doing, the weight of the rider, and the conditions, and with pedal assist you can go even farther. But it's a very large battery that can take you great distances. Now the cool thing about this is these three-inch wide, 20-inch tires. These are great for on-road and off-road on certain trails. Now if you're going down loose rocks, I wouldn't recommend them. They may slip a little bit. You can see they have a little bit of a slicker tread, but still, if you're going on some gravel, hard pack trails, dirt, these are going to do well and the motor's going to perform as well.
And it also provides a very cushy ride. The three inches are going to absorb a lot of the vibrations. Take that vibration away from your body so you're not feeling it when you ride. It's smooth and a lot of fun. Now in addition to that, you have seven speeds as well. Now these seven speeds function just like the seven speeds on a typical bicycle. You can shift those gears. You don't have to be using the electric if you don't want to choose to. And you have these seven speeds here. So you have gears one through seven. One is going to be for climbing hills, seven's going to be for flat ground when you want to go faster. And the benefit of that is if you're going up really big hills, you're still going to want to have it in gear one to make it as easy as possible to pedal.
But when you're in pedal assist five, you're going to want to have it in level seven so you can keep up with the assistance the motor's going and go as fast as you would like to go, up to 20 miles an hour, that is. Okay, now, in addition to that, let me show you a few things regarding the folding. Now the seat is quick-release, so I want to tighten that down a little bit. Now, cool things, one, you have a quick-release seat, and you also have quick-release handlebars. So you can raise and lower the handlebars to the height that you see fit and just make sure you clamp those down. Now in addition to that, obviously this folds, so watch how easy this is. On the front, you're going to pull up on the lever. This is going to fold or come out, handlebars are going to fold down.
Now from there, you release the lever right here, unlock it, pull this, and now the bike folds completely in half. And if you're transporting it, you have a stand down here and you can go ahead and rest that. Well, in this case, we have the pedal down there, otherwise, you could rest that down on the little stand there. And it sits like this. And this folds up to 22 inches wide. And I just took the measure for the length. I believe it was about 38 inches long. So fits into tight spaces. You can easily transport it. And the height here is also very low. Let me grab my tape measure to give you some exact measurements.
Okay, so if you're looking to transport this folding E-bike, the highest point is going to be 28 inches because you can remove the seat if you need to fit it in a car. Now, if you want to leave the seat in, just pull your seat clamp down here and we can drop that down. So that's going to be a little bit higher. So that's going to be more like 29 inches. You can also fold it forward or push it forward like this, so I take it off the pedal. Now it's folding forward. Now you've lowered that down to 28 inches right there with the seat. And again, if we take that seat out, now our highest point becomes about 22 inches. So really low, really low measurement. Then from there, if you're looking at the lengthwise fully folded like this where the handlebars are upfront there, we're looking at about 42 inches long.
So it folds up very compactly. You can also fold up the pedals, which I'll show you in a second here. And let's put my tape measure down and then show you how easy this is. So let's say you had it in your car just like this. Okay, so actually your lowest point of folding would be to have it sitting on the pedal like this. And that's going to put it at 27 inches. Now if you take the seat out, it's going to take it lower. It's 28 inches here on the folding mark. So 28 inches is the lowest point. Now when I shifted it forward, it did bring the rack up quite a bit higher. So now we're at 33 inches. So your best bet actually would be to rest it on the pedal like that. That's going to leave it at the lowest point. And from there, you can fold it in half nice and easy and it'll be easy to transport.
Now the cool thing is you can find the configuration in your car that will work best. You can fold it all the way, you can unfold it a little bit, you can tilt it forward, you can leave it like this. A lot of people get some buckets and they put their folding E-bikes in their trunks that way. That works as well. But yeah, it folds up nicely and is compact. And if you're looking for a full video where we do all the measurements, you can check that out on our YouTube channel as well.
All right, so let me go ahead and show you how to get this back. Real simple. You just unfold or fold it back like that. Get your kickstand, come here, clamp this back down like so. Put your lock-in, handlebars come up, and from there, clamp this down and you are all set to ride again. Now let me go ahead and get my seat nice and tight here. Now let me show you the battery. This is a 48-volt, 15-amp hour, like I said. Now in order for it to work, you have to have the key in, in the on position. If you want to take the battery out, that's no problem. Okay, take out the seat here and from there you'll want to unlock it. Okay, there's a little piece back here that moves in for the lock. Now from there, you just lift this out and you can easily take your battery indoors if you want to charge it. If you're locking your bike up outside and you don't feel comfortable leaving the battery out there, no problem, just bring it in with you.
And once you're ready to put it back on, it's just going to slide on like so. And then from there, turn your key and you're good to go and you would put your seat post back in, clamp that down, and you're off and running. Okay, now I'm just going to show you a few things close up on the display here with the controls too.
Okay, so let me just show you the controls up here. All right, so very easy. Now down here, like I said, you have your key and your lock. And you can see right here when it's in the on position it's down here and this piece is popping through and if it's unlocked, you can see it disappears. Okay, so that's just locked and this is on. Then from here, you'll just come up here, push this power button, okay?
And you'll see your screen come on. Now right here you have your battery power, your speed, pedal assist level, and your odometer, and you can move through here and see a couple of other things. So this is how far on your recent trip and let's see, and then that's your total riding time for each ride. And then a couple of other features too. If you hold this plus button up, that's going to turn your light on in the front here. So you can turn that off.
And now if you hold this down, it's going to turn on what's called walking mode and the bike will move if you want to walk it up a hill or something. Now I was trying to control that a little bit, but that's good if you have some places you need to walk with it and you don't want to have to push it under your power. So pretty cut and dry, nice display, easy to operate. And just real quick for charging, give you a quick walkthrough here. Your charging port is under here, so you'd flip that up. On your charger that will come with the bike, you have three prongs that will slip in there. You'll plug it into a wall and you'll be good to go. Never, ever, ever stick anything in there besides the charger. That has an electrical current. Don't ever stick anything anywhere on the battery that shouldn't go there.
Okay, now one thing I want to show you real quick too, it's a twist throttle here. So I have it in pedal-assist zero, so nothing will work. And from there you just pull back to make the twist work, okay? It's really easy to operate. And if it's zero, the bike will not work or run. It has to be in at least level one. And from here you have your external derailleur, your seven speeds. So to push up a gear, you push here. To push down a gear, you push here. It's called a trigger shifter. Now, typically don't shift while you're not moving. I just accidentally pushed that. Okay, now I'm just going to take a quick test ride and show you how it works and yeah, show you how much fun it is.
Okay, going to do a little test ride now. I'm going to keep it at some low levels as we get going. Now this is a 750-watt motor. It's got some good getup on it. Again, I'm 225 pounds. You'll see how easily it even handles me. So I like to start with a throttle. I'm just going to twist and go, pick my feet up.
Now this is a torque sensor, or sorry, this is a cadence sensor. So when you pedal, it's going to feel that the cadence and the motor's going to kick in.
Now, disc brakes, a lot of disc brakes squeak until they work themselves in. That's completely normal. I've ridden bikes that are thousands and thousands of dollars and they still may squeak a little bit. No big deal as long as the stopping power is ample. And that's one thing I didn't mention, this has disc brakes front and rear. They are Tektro. They work great. They stop the bike on a dime. And I'm just going to go ahead and turn the motor off quickly and show you what it's like now riding with no assistance. Now I'm in gear six, so it's a little harder. Let me downshift here. There we go. Still pedals quite nicely. So I am not using any assistance right now and then I can just put it into one. Does have some good zip to it.
Okay, well, there you have it. The Zip n' Fold from sixthreezero. It's an awesome little 20-inch fat tire folding E-bike. Check it out linked in the description below and on sixthreezero.com. And if you have any other questions at all, please comment below or reach out to us, the team @sixthreezero.com or call us at (310) 982-2877. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything on the bike for a year. We also have a 30-day test ride E-bike policy. If you don't love it in 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. Lastly, we have a Facebook pedalers group of thousands of sixthreezero riders. Ask them questions in advance of purchasing, and see how they like their E-bike before you jump in. Then once you have one of our bikes, post in the group, and make friends. It's tons of fun. Thanks for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.