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SENIORS & ADULTS! The 3 Wheel Bikes You MUST See! Electric & Standard Tricycle Models

Updated On: July 26, 2023


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Looking for a three-wheel bike and you're a senior? You've got to see these three right here. Stick around.

Hey, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and E-bike industry and today, I've got three-wheel bikes that are great for seniors and I want to show you guys all about them. But before I do, hit the subscribe button below, stay in touch with us here at Sixthreezero. Be the first to know about all the new content we're putting out, giveaways we do, and of course new product releases.

All right, three-wheel bikes are very popular with the over-55 community because they're a great way to get around your community. They're a great way to get exercise. And especially if you just don't have it in you to ride a two-wheeled bike like you once did, having the three wheels is awesome because it keeps you firmly planted on the ground and you don't have to worry about those balance issues. But how do you find the right three-wheel bike for you?

Let me show you three right here that I think are awesome options. Now, the one thing I want to point out as well is these three bikes that I have right here are all electric. And I'm going to explain to you why I think electric is the way to go if you're a senior looking for a three-wheel bike. Now, this one is right here on our website,, we do carry it in electric and a standard version, but the other two are only available in electric.

So before I get into it all, all these products are going to be linked in the description below. Go ahead and check there and navigate to our website if you want to take a look at them. Also, for all three of these bikes, we have tons of other videos on our YouTube channel. You can see product demonstrations, real riders riding these bikes, different body types, and sizing videos. Go ahead and check it out if you're interested in any one of these three.

Now, the reason I'm going to show you three electric bikes today is because I've done hundreds of hours of rides with seniors over the age of 55. And I've gone on 10 mile rides, 20 mile rides, and I've witnessed them first hand utilizing standard bikes and E-bikes. And I see the massive benefit for the over 55 community to have electric, especially on their tricycle. Now, there may be some fear out there and you may not like the idea of it. The benefit of all of these is that you can ride them like a standard bike, meaning you don't have to use the electrical assist in any capacity if you don't want to. But the benefit in having it is so great that I believe anyone that has the electric will enjoy it and be happy that they went with that option as opposed to not going for that option.

The main reason, it's going to expand the possibilities. Now, this can become a personal mobility device. You have a throttle on all of these. You can go farther. You can tackle hills. If you're looking at a standard tricycle, you're going to be much more limited in the kind of terrain you can tackle, the kind of hills you can tackle, and also the distances because now push yourself farther knowing you have that electric motor to get you back home. So my belief is if you're a senior in the market for a three-wheel bike, please consider electric. And let me show you these three bikes, E-bikes and why.

Okay, so first upright here I have the Sixthreezero Easy Transit folding electric tricycle. This has a 750-watt front hub motor. This thing can power riders up to 400 pounds all over the place. You want to tackle hills, you want to go into tight spaces. Cool thing, this has 16-inch wheels, 16 inches with a very low step-over. So mounting and dismounting is so simple and once you're on, you're seated in an ergonomic riding position where the handlebars come into your body. Fully adjustable, might I say, up and down with an easy quick release right here, just like that. And you can see that I can have my body in a relaxed position and be navigating and steering so simply on this.

Also has a reverse option. So if you get stuck in tight quarters, you can reverse out of it. The cool thing about this tricycle is this could double as your personal mobility device. So if you need assistance going into stores or shopping, this is a great option for an indoor-outdoor electric tricycle that again, do your grocery shopping with because you've got a basket in the back here. Put everything you need in there. Get your basket in the front here.

Also, if you're going to go do activities, like go to the pool, go play pickleball, go play tennis, and you need to carry some weight with you, having that electric assist is going to make that ride so much easier where it won't put a strain on your body to bring these things along with you on the ride. So cool.

You also have the 10.4 amp hour battery. So we're talking a range up to 50 miles. Now that's going to depend on how much pedal assist you use, how much throttle you use, and how much you don't use electric during the ride. Also, the weight of the rider will impact the range that you're going to get. Now what I said also is you have a throttle pedal assist and you can ride it without electrical assistance. So if you want to just use the throttle, this turns into a completely electric mobility device. Don't pedal at all. Cruise around using the throttle just like you would on an electric scooter, but you have the pedal assist option.

So if you want to get some exercise for your legs but let the motor assist you, that option is there. That's a great option for seniors to keep moving their bodies, keep their legs moving, and get exercise while helping the motor help you as you see fit.

Now, you also have a seven-speed derailleur like on a normal bicycle. So if you want to turn the motor off completely and ride this like a normal bicycle, that option is there as well. So lastly, this folds up. So if you do a lot of RVing or you travel and you want to take it with you, you can fold this up, put it in your car, and put it in your RV. The benefit also is whenever you get to your destination, this can be your short-range transportation.

So if you go RVing and you have grounds you need to get around, you can use this. You can take it to go into town if it's a couple of miles away. I know once you park that RV, you need some method of going to other places. This can be it. And it's really simple. You just take this right here, click that open, and this is going to fold in half very easily right here. And then you can easily fold it back by pulling the frame just like that. And then you just clamp that down, click that in. And the handlebars will also fold down very easily right here as well. So it becomes very compact, easy to transport, and easy to set up once you get to your destination. So a cool, fun three-wheel bike for seniors if you're looking for something transportable. Also, indoor-outdoor transportation, also very nimble, can navigate tight spaces.

Now moving on here, this is our EvryJourney electric tricycle. This is the cruising tricycle. So if you like to get exercise and get out, riding a standard tricycle, it's great, but sometimes it's harder to get them moving because you have so much rubber contacting the road. So there's a lot of resistance, right? This is a 250-watt motor, so it's not going to blow you away, but it's enough power to get you going up to 15 miles an hour. Now this one's going to be 16 miles an hour. This one's going to be 15 miles an hour.

This is great for those flat-ground cruising rides. Want to ride around your community? You can put it in level one or two assistance and it's just going to give you that little bit of bump to make your rides that much easier so you can push a little farther, go a little farther, and enjoy the ride just that much more. As I said, on a standard tricycle, they're great, don't get me wrong, but there's a lot more resistance to it. If you have some weight in the back, it's going to weigh it down a little more. The benefit here is that if you do throw a bunch of weight in here or you go grocery shopping, you can use the motor for those rides or don't use it at all when you're just cruising around. The choice is yours.

If you remove the battery, you're going to reduce the weight of this tricycle down to nearly what the weight of a standard tricycle is. So the option is there to ride it without electric if you want to do that at any point. And you have the seven-speed derailleur on here too, so you have that gear ratio of one to seven. One is going to be easy to pedal. Seven will be harder and more for your top speeds. And you have the two front and rear hand brakes as well.

And again, another step through ergonomic design here. You're going to be in an upright riding position, really relaxed on your arms and your back. And I'd like to point out that all three of these three-wheel bikes have four custom adjustment points so you can adjust them perfectly to your body, which I know is essential for our over 55 riders because you want to reduce pain and enjoy the ride. You don't want to have back pain, have shoulder pain. By being able to tilt and lower the handlebars and tilt the seat and lower and raise the seat, find the position that is best for you and your body. So top speed, like I said, 15. The range is the same thing up to 50 miles, but again, depends on the usage.

All right, now moving on to the last three-wheel bike that I think is awesome for seniors. This is our Passenger three-wheel E-bike. Check out our YouTube channel. You're going to see some other videos of our over 55 community riding this with a partner on the back. And this is cool because if you or a loved one or a partner want to ride together, but one person either can't ride or they want to take a break, put them on the back here. You've got a seatbelt. And the cool thing is that this can accommodate up to 500 pounds.

So we've had one single passenger on the back that's been about 400 pounds. We've had the combined weight on the back of just over 400 pounds. And up to two adults can fit depending on the size of the adult as well. Now you can also remove that seat. So if you're looking for a trike with bigger wheels, this has 20-inch by four-inch wide rear wheels, 24 inches by four-inch front wheels.

The cool thing is it's set lower in the back here. It's going to be safer for the passengers with the bigger wheel in the front, the lower in the rear, but you have these four-inch tires. So if this is for yourself and you're going to do any kind of trail riding, this is going to handle that no problem. Also, these wide tires are going to give you a safe base and keep this thing super balanced, especially if you have a passenger on the back. And again, check out the other videos because this is a very nimble and easy-to-steer tricycle. And I think you'll be surprised by how easy it is when you see the videos of our other riders riding it.

So this has a 750-watt front hub motor. This is going to hit speeds of up to 20 miles an hour. It has a throttle as well as a pedal assist, so your choice. So this can be like a personal transportation device for you and up to two other people or you can ride around a community. You can go places, bring them around, go together, go to your pickleball games together, and do what you see fit. Really, cool.

The range is again up to 50 miles. This has a 21 amp hour battery. So this is the biggest battery out of all three. If you're not bringing passengers with you, this thing could last up to 80 miles because of how big the battery is. And like I said, you can remove the seat and we have an optional basket you can buy separately to install here as well. So that's cool. So this also can just be your trike. It can be a passenger trike, whatever you see fit.

So these are three three-wheel bikes for seniors that I think are awesome. They are all electric. I touched on why I believe having an electric three-wheel bike as a senior can be a huge benefit. And if you have any questions at all about anything related to three-wheel bikes, comment below or email us at or call us at (310) 982-2877. In addition to that, if you're in the market for a three-wheel bike and you don't think anything here is for you, take our proprietary body fit quiz on our website. Answer a few questions about your body and your life, and we'll recommend the perfect three-wheel bike for you. Also, we have a 30-day test ride your bike policy. If you don't love it in 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket.

And lastly, we have a community of thousands of riders. Join them on our Facebook Pedalers group and download our app. It's great to connect with them before purchasing so you can ask them questions, and see how they like their bike in advance of purchasing. Also, once you have your bike, make new friends, post in the group, and also track your rides on the app. It's tons of fun. So thank you for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.

sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 750W Rickshaw with Passenger Seat, Navy


sixthreezero Easy Transit 750W Folding Electric Trike


sixthreezero Easy Transit 750W Folding Electric Trike



Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

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