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sixthreezero EVRYjourney 3 Wheel Electric Bike Fitting - Electric Tricycle Sizing Riders 5'1" - 6'

Hey guys, I'm Dustin, and today we're going to have women five foot one to six feet get fit and test ride the EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle. Stick around.

So this is the electric tricycle you're going to see in the video today. This is the sixthreezero EVRYjourney 250 watt electric tricycle. It has a 250-watt front hub motor. This is going to take you up to top speeds of about 16 to 18 miles an hour by just pushing the throttle here on the handlebars. In addition, you have pedal assist. If you want to do pedal assist, your top speed is going to be anywhere from 16 to 20 miles an hour. With this electric tricycle, you have three options. You can either ride it just like a regular tricycle, you can keep the motor off, or you can use the pedal assist where when you pedal the motor gives you assistance, or lastly, you can push this throttle here and let the trike do all the work. You don't have to pedal or do anything.

In addition to that with the battery, you're going to get anywhere from about 15 to 50 miles of range. Now there's a huge variance because it depends on a lot of factors like the rider's weight, the conditions, and also how you use the bike. Meaning if you use the pedal assist, what level do you use? If you use level five, that's the most assistance, you will drain the battery quicker. Also, if you use the throttle, that will drain the battery more quickly. Generally speaking, you can get about 15 miles if you just use the throttle. And you could get up to 50 miles if you use the pedal assist, depending on how you use the pedal assist and what levels. We've actually test-drove this before and just used the throttle. Personally, I weigh 215 pounds and I got in excess of 20 miles throttle only. Now, in addition, you have the large basket in the rear, the comfort bucket saddle, and the beautiful design.

You have an easy step-through frame here, and you also have an ergonomic riding position. So when you get on, your back is going to be upright, your arms are going to be relaxed, and you're going to be in a perfect ergonomic position to keep your upper body nice and relaxed. That's going to equate to a very pain-free, easy ride so you can go on those longer 15, 20, and 25-mile rides and not feel any pain. So this is the sixthreezero EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle 250 watt.

Dustin: Okay, now I'm here with Kaori. She's five foot one, 26 inches inseam, and 18-inch arm length. So go ahead and get on the bike for us Kaori, and let's go ahead and get it fit for you. One of our shortest in seams today. So we're going to see now how we can adjust for her height. So we've got the seat pretty low. I think that actually looks great for her leg length and the handlebars. How does that feel? We can actually maybe tilt these up a little bit for you. So make sure to hold onto the grips and they're going to drop. Now tilt them to where they feel good for you. I was thinking maybe here. How's that?

Kaori: Yes.

Dustin: Good. Okay. Okay, there we go. Perfect. So at five foot one, you can see we've got her in a nice ergonomic riding position. Her arms are nice and relaxed, and she's got good leg extension on the downstroke.

Dustin: Okay, now I'm here with April. April's five foot two. She has a 29-inch inseam and 19-inch arm length. If you want to go ahead and get on the bike for us April, we'll see how we can get it to fit your body. Okay. So actually the seat seems a little bit too low. April has actually a taller inseam for her height. So I think we need to raise the seat a little bit for you. So you want to get off again.

April: Okay.

Dustin: Okay, and you can see at five foot two, even for April, it's easy to mount and dismount the bike. Okay. Okay. Try that. I think that's going to be a little bit better for you. Yeah. Perfect. And then in terms of the handlebars, how does that feel?

April: Feels good actually.

Dustin: Let me see. We're going to loosen this. Hold onto those grips because it's going to drop. Okay. Now you can kind of play with it a little bit. Yeah, I think that might be a little better.

April: Yeah, you're right, actually, it does feel more comfortable.

Dustin: Cool. Yeah, just get her arms in a little more of a relaxed position. Now again, with these four custom adjustment points, it's really easy to dial it in for varying heights. So now we've got a nice bend in her arms. Her back is totally upright. She's in a great ergonomic, relaxed riding position.

Dustin: Okay, now I'm here with Mel. Mel is five foot three. She has a 30-inch inseam and 16-inch arm length. Mel, if you want to get on the bike for us, we'll see how we can get it to fit your body. Okay, perfect. So actually the leg extension I think looks pretty good. The handlebars seem to be a little bit too tilted up for her. So we're going to just tilt them down just slightly to relax your arms.

Mel: Oh yeah, that's better.

Dustin: Much better. Perfect. Okay. So you can see we've got the seat post a little bit lower than some of our taller riders, obviously. We've got a nice even-keeled tilt and we've got her back totally upright and her arms nice and relaxed. She's in a great ergonomic position for riding.

Dustin: Okay, now we're here with Kathryn. She's five foot four. She has a 30-inch inseam and 19-inch arm length. So Kathryn if you want to hop on and we'll see how we can get it fit for you. So actually she's got pretty good leg extension right there. That looks not bad. How do the handlebars feel for you?

Kathryn: Pretty good. Yeah. Feels awesome.

Dustin: Seat higher or lower or all good?

Kathryn: I think you nailed it. I think this is good.

Dustin: Okay, cool. Well, we got her in a good ergonomic riding position. Her arms look relaxed.

Dustin: Okay. Now I'm here with Shanequa. She's five foot five. She has a 32-inch inseam and 19-inch arm length. Shanequa, if you want to go ahead and step on the bike, we'll get it to fit your body. Okay. Actually, the seat looks good. She's got good leg extension on the downstroke. She'll be able to get good power and her arms actually look pretty nice and relaxed to me as well. How does that feel for you?

Shanequa: It feels perfect in my opinion. I can go for a ride.

Dustin: Perfect. Yeah, we got her back nice and upright. She's in a good ergonomic position. Her arms are nice 90 degrees. So I was able to hit that one right on the mark with my pre-adjustments.

Dustin: Okay, now we're here with Anna. Anna's five foot six. She has a 33-inch inseam and 20-inch arm length. Anna, if you could please get on the bike and we'll get it to fit your body. Perfect. Actually, it looks really good. The extension on her knee on the downstroke looks great. She'll be able to get nice power. And the handlebars actually, I think, how does that feel for you?

Anna: Feels pretty good. Yeah.

Dustin: Yeah, it looks great. She's got her arms in a nice relaxed position. Her back is totally upright. I think she's all set up to ride, so I'm not going to make any adjustments. So I was able to pre-adjust it perfectly to her body, in my opinion.

Dustin: Okay. Now I'm here with Raeanne. Raeanne is five foot seven, 32-inch inseam, and 20-inch arm?

Raeanne: Yeah.

Dustin: So go ahead and get on the bike and we'll go ahead and adjust for your body.

Raeanne: All right. Oh goodness. Okay. And you said to hold the brakes?

Dustin: Hold the brakes. Yep.

Raeanne: Okay.

Dustin: Okay, so I think we need to put the seat a little bit higher because I want to see a little bit more extensions if you want to get off really quick. And again, I try to pre-adjust the seat based on what I think, but everyone has different inseams, which makes it a slightly different adjustment. Okay. Let's go ahead and try that. Okay. So get back on for me one more time.

Raeanne: That's good. Okay.

Dustin: Beautiful. Okay. And I think we can tilt the handlebars up a little bit for you. Go ahead and hold those grips.

Raeanne: Hold the grips, okay?

Dustin: You're good. And they're going to loosen so you can pull them up.

Raeanne: Oh, that's cool. I'd say there.

Dustin: Okay.

Raeanne: Does that look right?

Dustin: Yeah.

Raeanne: Okay.

Dustin: It's really about adjusting for comfort for your body. We have these four custom adjustment points. Okay. There we go.

Raeanne: All right.

Dustin: So we've got Raeanne in a nice ergonomic position. How do you feel?

Raeanne: Good. I think. Yeah. Okay. Yes. Great.

Dustin: Yeah, it looks good.

Dustin: Okay. Now we're here with Liz. Liz is five foot eight. She has a 33-inch inseam and 19-inch long arms. Okay. Liz, go ahead and get on the tricycle and we'll get you fitted properly. Okay. So her knees look a little too bent. Oh. So I'm actually going to go ahead and raise the seat for you. So if you want to step off a second. So let's go ahead and raise this up so we make sure she's getting good leg extension. I think right about there. So go ahead and you can step on the pedals first to get on if that's helpful as well. Just hold the brakes. There you go. How does that feel?

Liz: That feels good. I feel tall.

Dustin: And I think actually let's raise these up a little bit for you.

Liz: Okay.

Dustin: So go ahead and hold those right there. Does that feel better?

Liz: Yeah.

Dustin: Bring this down. Okay. Go ahead and hold them for me. Okay. And now we can also, let's tilt these up a little. So hold onto the grips. They're going to drop a little bit. And then find where you like that position. You can tilt these up or down.

Liz: About here.

Dustin: Yeah. Okay. Perfect. Okay, so we've got Liz in a good upright riding position.

Dustin: Okay. Now I'm here with Bianca. She's five foot nine. She has a 34-inch inseam and 22-inch arm length. Bianca, if you want to get on the bike and we will fit it into your body.

Bianca: Actually feels great right here.

Dustin: Yeah. Now your leg looks like it's maybe a little too extended, so I may lower it just a touch. So if you want to get off just for one sec. Now I try to pre-adjust for every height on what I believe to be the right height. Let's just try a little bit down. Let's try that. Okay. Go ahead and give that a shot. I think that's just going to give you a little more bend here so your leg doesn't hyper-extend while you're riding. There we go. I like that a little bit better. And how do the handlebars feel?

Bianca: They feel great.

Dustin: Perfect. So yeah, we've got the handlebars up and a little bit tilted up. Bianca's on the taller side of our women riders, but you can see her back straight. She's in a nice ergonomic position. I think she'll be set up perfectly to ride the etrike.

Dustin: Okay, now I'm here with Samantha. Samantha's five foot 10. She has a 35-inch inseam and 23-inch arm length. Samantha, if you could get on the bike for us?

Samantha: Sure.

Dustin: We will see how to adjust for your body. Okay. Now I can see her leg is a little too bent down here. We're going to go ahead and raise the seat up. The handlebars don't look too bad, but let's go ahead and raise the seat so you can get proper leg extension. If you want to step off completely.

Samantha: Absolutely.

Dustin: And with the quick release, it makes it so easy to do it yourself at home. So Samantha's one of our taller riders today. Let's try right about here. Okay. Okay, go ahead and give that a shot.

Samantha: Great.

Dustin: Okay. That looks a lot better with the downstroke on her leg. Now I think on the handlebars what we can do for you now since we've raised her up, she's sitting higher on the trike, obviously, so they're going to loosen. So go ahead and tilt them up. I was thinking somewhere maybe there.

Samantha: Yeah, that feels great.

Dustin: Okay, cool. Oh, slide it back just a little bit. There we go. Let me go ahead and tighten this. Oops. Perfect. So now we've got her in a nice upright ergonomic position. Her arms are relaxed and she's got great leg extension on the downstroke.

Dustin: Okay, now I'm here with Arly. She's five foot 11. She has a 36-inch inseam and 23-inch arm length. So one of our taller here today. So Arly, if you want to go ahead and get on the bike and we will see how we can adjust it to fit your body perfectly. Okay, so her legs are a little bit cramped I think. So I'm going to try to actually bring the seat even higher up for you. So if you want to get off for a second. We want to make sure her legs aren't too cramped. So if she is choosing to pedal, she's getting good leg extension and power on the downstroke. So let's go ahead and bring this up. Okay, let's try right about there. And we have a really long seat post. So the benefit is you're really able to adjust the height for varying riders. Okay. Go ahead and try that. Oh good. That looks great. So you can see now she's got good leg extension on her knee on the downstroke.

Actually, her arms look pretty relaxed. Okay, hold those because when I loosen them they're going to drop. So go ahead and tilt them now to a position that may be up. Does this feel a little better being higher up or lower? Find wherever you feel is good. Probably right about-

Arly: Feels great.

Dustin: Okay, perfect. Perfect. So there we go. Arly has a 36-inch inseam and 23-inch arms and we've got it dialed in perfectly for her. How does that feel for you?

Arly: Feels amazing.

Dustin: Cool. Okay. Last but not least now I'm here with Tasha. She's six foot tall, 39-inch inseam, and 23-inch arm length. So our tallest rider today with the longest inseam of 39 inches. So I'm excited to see how Tasha fits. So go ahead and get on the bike for us. Okay. So you can see she's got great leg extension here. So the height's able to go high enough for her. Now the handlebars do look a little bit low. We've got her in a nice ergonomic position, but I think to relieve some tension off her arms, we can go ahead and loosen these. So they're going to drop. Okay, so now let's go ahead and tilt them up. Yeah, I'm thinking somewhere maybe like that. Does that feel better than it was or worse?

Tasha: Probably that's a little bit better.

Dustin: Okay. Now she's obviously sitting up very high on the bike because of her height. So we can try to actually bring these up just a touch. Let's see if we can bring the bars up anymore for her.

Tasha: Oh yeah, great.

Dustin: There we go. Let's try that. Okay, there we go. How's that feel?

Tasha: Much better. Much, much better.

Dustin: Perfect. We got her a nice ergonomic position. Her arms are relaxed. She's a great leg extension at six feet tall with a 39-inch inseam, we still could get the electric trike to fit her body.

So that completes our sizing video for the EVRYjourney Electric Tricycle with our varying heights. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at or call us at (310) 982-2877 or you can comment below and we're happy to answer. And if you're in the market for an electric tricycle, go to our website, You'll find them under our electric bikes page and tricycles. And if you don't know what electric bike or trike is right for you, take our body fit quiz. Our proprietary algorithm will recommend the perfect bike for your body and your life.

Takes just a few minutes and you answer a few simple questions. In addition to that, we have a test-ride your ebike policy for 30 days. If you don't love your ebike, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. And before you purchase, download our app and join our Facebook pedalers group. You can talk to actual riders before you purchase, see photos of their bikes, ask them questions, and make new friends. And on the app, you can see people logging actual miles with the bike you may be interested in. It's a great place. Then once you have your bike, it's a great place to make friends, share your rides, and see what other riders are doing. So thank you for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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