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Switch Your EBike Rickshaw Seat for a Basket: Passengers or Cargo You Choose on this Electric Trike


Dustin Gyger

Updated On: March 7, 2025


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Hey everyone, Dustin here, CEO of Sixthreezero. I've got our rear basket for the Rickshaw that you can put in place of your seat. And I'm going to show you exactly how to install this. But before we get into it, I want to give you the dimensions here. So the basket is 11 and a half inches tall. The inside depth is about 10 and a half inches. The width is 20 and a half inches, or actually 21 and a half inches, but on the inside, width is 20 inches. And front to back on the inside width is 16 inches, 17 and a half inches to the very outside. And that's it. So again, the inside width, the inside front to back is 16 inches. The width inside is 20 inches. The depth of the inside is 10 and a half inches. Now, if you installed your seat yourself, you'll know that on the inside, there are 4 bolts. So you wanna come in here. So we have one, two, three, four. Now, to install the basket, we are gonna need to remove those, which is not too difficult. If you have a ratcheting wrench, it's gonna make this job quite a bit easier. It's gonna come down. All right, there we go. Okay. Once you get it loose enough, you can just hand loosen it. Okay. And then I'm just going to go ahead and repeat this process for all four screws. And I'll do it in real time, so you can see it doesn't take that long. I'm actually gonna switch these two wrenches. I think that'll be a little bit easier. Okay. These are locking nuts, which are for safety, so you may have to unscrew them pretty far. There we go. This one is out now. And just make sure you don't lose any of your washers. Put everything right here.

Alright, one more. I don't know if you can see from this side. Yeah, all right. Okay. Now, one thing I just want to point out is, if you did the assembly, you'll notice under here those struts that attach from the frame to the bass to the seat, so just make sure when we install the basket, you want to ensure that those bolts go through. OK, so now you can lift this up. Now, one thing to point out is the fenders. If you want the fenders on the basket, you would have to take the fenders off of the seat and put them onto the basket here. Now you can see there are connection points for it here. Okay. And from there, pretty easy. Drop that in. And I'm going to put all 4 of the bolts in loose just to make sure I match up all the holes. There we go, first one's okay, next one's okay. Now, if you want to just take a look down here, I just want to show you one more time. If you want to go to the front, it'd be easier to see. So right here are those struts, and you can see my bolt is through there. And from there, you want to make sure that that's in there. And then just get all four of your nuts on. And just hand-tighten them down. Okay. And lastly. All right. Now, this may be a little trickier because of the depth of the basket, but the one cool thing is if you see on the top of the bolts here, they are Phillips heads. So now that we have access to it, I'm going to grab a Phillips head screwdriver, and it'll be easier to bolt it down. Okay, so it's got my wrench underneath and just come on top here and tighten it down. Let me actually use this side.

Okay, all tight. Let's come over to the next one. Okay. One thing I didn't mention is that the basket weighs 14 pounds. So, the seat is 28. So you'd be decreasing the weight by quite a bit. Well, 15 pounds. There you go. There you go. Okay, so it's all installed and tight. Now, I'm gonna show you all the different bags we have that can fit in this basket as well. Okay, got your basket installed. Now, you can do different customizations with our accessories. This is our liner. If you just wanna throw a liner back here, now, ignore the filth of the liner. This is our demo, but you can put that on there or have some other great options here. This is a bag and this could be taken with you. And this is really cool. It's got a nice top on it. And let's unzip this so I can push it down there. You can see it fits nicely. I have an inside pocket and a top pocket like that, or you have a duffel bag here as well; you can put it right in. And this one's really cool. You have a handle on the top. You can bring that with you. Push that in like so, and you do have a strap here that's supposed to go over the sides. You don't necessarily have to buckle it on if you don't want to. And there you go. So, about 10 minutes or so to change from the seat to the basket and back. And you can put these bags in here, and if you don't want to bring passengers, you don't have to. So if you have any other questions at all, please reach out to us at or call us at 310-982-2877. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

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