E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: October 26, 2024
How do each of these electric tricycles take a corner? Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today I've got six electric trikes behind me. And I'm going to show you how each of them takes a corner. We're going to try it at different speeds and show you exactly how you need to ride each type of electric tricycle as you go around the corner. All right. So let me walk you through what we've got here on the far left. I've got the Easy Transit 16-inch wheel foldable e-trike. Next to that, I've got our Two Front Wheel Reverse E-trike. Right here, I've got the Simple Glide Recumbent E-trike. Our Rickshaw here with the four-inch wide tires. Our Simple Step-Thru e-trike with the four-inch wide tires. And last but not least, our EvryJourney Electric Trike. Now, I'll get into the specifics of each model when I go to demonstrate. So we're going to move over to our corner. I'm going to get on our first e-trike, which is the EZ Transit, and we're going to take you through the demonstration of how each one of them goes around a corner. All right, first up, we've got the EZ Transit foldable e-trike. Also, go on our YouTube channel. We have lots of other videos on all the electric trikes. So it's got 16-inch wheels, a 750-watt front hub motor, really zippy e-trike.
We've got a thumb throttle here. Now, with the lower wheels, and low center of gravity, this one stays very stable around corners. So let's go ahead and give it a shot. And I'll do both of them, both pedal assist and just throttle. Now, I always recommend slowing down into turns on a trike, but I'm going to show you this one. Now, I back off the throttle a little bit. Now you can see it stays very stable at a good pace. Let me look at the miles per hour as we do this to try that one more time. And actually, I should be leaning to the outside of the turn. OK, here we go. All right, I'm at five, seven miles an hour. Was able to make it through that turn, no problem. Now don't mind the brakes as they get adjusted. Those work themselves in. So you can see we can take the turn fast on the easy transit. All righty. Now let's go into pedal assist. Go into a pedal assist two. Now, the cool thing is you notice I was able to keep pedaling through the turn. Now, a lot of times I advise you not to go into the turn. So I'm just showing you what these trikes are capable of. Let's see if we can go a little faster. Now we're in level three. I'm going to keep pedaling. Not too bad at all. I like the EZ Transit. I think it's balanced. It's very stable. I like the lower wheels. It's easy to get on and off. Now, the way I recommend turns for new beginners, is you want to slow into the turn. Then you want to take the turn. Then as you come out, you can accelerate. That's the proper, safe way to take a turn on a trike.
Or electric trike, but I'm just kind of showing you, once you get the hang of the weight shifting and balancing, how fast you can take these turns. Okay, coming around for one more time. There we go. The corner's nice. Oh, we got a truck coming. Let's turn around. All right, so that's the easy transit. I like it. It's stable around the turns. You can see I was able to even keep speed through the turns and keep all three wheels down. Now, you do have to get the hang of how you lean and ride if you want to take turns at that pace. Now, I don't recommend it. I always recommend slowing down into the turn, making the turn, and then accelerating out. This is a big reason a lot of riders have issues on trikes with tipping too many people trying to come in too fast on a turn. Let me just demonstrate one more time the correct way. And again, I'm just showing you what these trikes are capable of today. But the correct way is to come in slow, then make your turn, then accelerate out of your turn. And once you just get that becoming a natural instinct for you, turning on your trike will be very easy.
All right, I'm going to grab the next trike and we'll move on. Okay, so now I have the Two-Front-Wheel Reverse Electric Trike. Now, this one is unique in that it's not going to corner or ride like a traditional trike with two wheels in the rear. The wheels tilt, which allows for very sharp, tight cornering. Now, the difference on this trike is it can balance on its own. Let me get it centered here. So it can balance on its own, but it can also tip over. So the rider does have to balance, not balance, sorry, keep the wheels straight. So you have the assistance from the two wheels, but to stay balanced, you do have to keep the handlebar straight. So it differs a lot from a trike with two wheels in the rear. Now, the advantage, you can go much faster, steer much tighter, and take corners much faster as well. It's a unique design and a lot of fun. So let me go ahead and show you. Now, if you're somebody who cannot balance at all on a bike, this would not be a good option. So let's just show you right now with the throttle. You can see I can come into this turn. And I can accelerate and lean into that turn like on a two-wheel bike let me show you one more time. Now on this one, you want to lean into the turn like you would on a two-wheel bike. So I want to come into it like that. Now again, I'm trying to take that turn as fast as possible. Let me slow down just a little bit. And just come in. Oh, I don't want to hit that red pole. But you can see, even at a similar pace as I did on the trike, I can hug the corner and make that turn very easily. One more time. There we go. And let me just show you pedal assist now around the corner as well. Okay. Now again, it's like a two-wheel bike I can pedal into the turn. And make a tight turn. So on this trike, you don't necessarily have to slow down into the turn. Now, if you're unstable or unsure, I always recommend it. And I've got this little dip here to contest with too on the corner. One more time. Now look, I can keep pedaling. I'm in pedal assist three. Oh, cut that one a little too tight. But you see how tight you really can. Let's try one more. I'm going to go a little wider around the corner. So if I come a little farther out, you can check out. I can lean into the turn. All right, so that's the two front-wheel reverse e-trike. This is 750 watt motor, so you can see how nimble it is, and how tight the steering is. It's a lot of fun. Now, it is different than a conventional trike with two wheels in the back. Corners differently, more like a two-wheel inline bike. All right, so let's grab our next trike and show you how that one corners.
All right, now I've got the Simple Glide 500-watt Recumbent E-trike. One of the most comfortable e-trikes with this backrest and this forward pedaling position. So this has got a twist throttle. Now this has an elongated frame with a longer wheelbase with the front wheel out in front more. We've got the 20-inch wheels in the back and the 16-inch wheels in the front. So set it lower. Very stable I'm just pulling this back a touch. There we go very stable and now this corner is completely different from the other trikes as well. The longer wheelbase stays very stable on the ground and you can take turns pretty fast as well on this. So let's go ahead and get lined up and we'll give you a demonstration. All right, I'm going to give it throttle here. Now you can see on this one too, now I'm not flying through the turn, but I don't have to slow down and all the wheels stay stable on the ground. Let me see if I can increase the speed just a touch. Okay, let's try this. All right, I can't go quite as tight. I tried to go fast there. But you can see we still stayed stable. Now let me try pedal assist through the turn as well. Let me pull our seats up. Okay. All righty. Let me pack down the pedal assist just a touch. All right. Not too bad, right? Now, again, let me show you a more conservative turn. All right, let's see. So at a slower pace, you can see I can take the turn with no problem. And honestly, I don't feel unstable at any point in turning. Now let me try the throttle one more time all right so the appropriate way to take a turn, it would come into the turn like so. I would back off the throttle just a touch. Turn and accelerate very smooth very easy very balanced. All right, Simple Glide is a lot of fun. This is a very balanced trike because of the wheelbase. You can see, I try to take turns quickly there. It worked out just fine. And this is a 500 watts of power. So our first two were 750, this is 500. Now let's move on to our next trike.
All right, next up we've got our EvryJourney E-bike Rickshaw. The passenger seat on the back has a 750-watt front hub motor. Powerful, really comfortable. I've got the add-on seat here with the backrest. Now a lot of people may think this one doesn't corner well, but we've got the four-inch wide tires. The corners are nice with or without passengers. I don't have a passenger right now, but I'm going to show you how stable this can stay on the ground. All right, here we are coming in. All right. Now, because we're up a little higher, you can see in a perfect world, I'm going to slow down a little bit more. So let me take that at a little lower speed. All right. So if I come in here, I like to back off. I'd even break a little. There we go. So a corner is nice. Now I do...
Think we want to go slower on this e-trike than the previous two but we do have the two-wheel four-inch wheels so it keeps it nice and balanced. I will say that dip is throwing me off in terms of my cornering capability comes out a little wider here keep the throttle down the whole way. All right, let's go ahead and try pedal assist and see what we can do on the corner here. Just gonna fix our seatbelt back here because it's hanging off. All right there we go. Perfectly okay. Mount it up, let's do pedal assist. I'm going to put it in pedal-assist two. So you can see when pedaling around the corner at an appropriate speed, we stay balanced, no problem. So you just have to monitor your speed. You can continue to pedal through the turn. You just don't want to be flying at a crazy, crazy speed. Let's try that again. Come in.
There we. Now you see me leaning my body as well. Now if I had a passenger, if I wanted to take this turn appropriately, let me show you. So I would come in here, stop pedaling here, brake a little. Make my turn and come through the turn. So any turn on a trike, if executed properly, you stay balanced. So on this one, you got the four-inch tires that stay balanced, but it's a heavier bike. So I recommend coming into the turn slower than you can on the other ones that are a little bit more nimble. But still stays balanced, still easy to turn. All right, let me grab our next e-trike.
All right, so now we have our Simple Step-Thru Fat Tire E-trike. Very similar to the Rickshaw. A little shorter wheelbase. We have the low step through. Here, it's gonna corner fairly similar to the previous, Rickshaw model. But let's go ahead and demonstrate. This is also a 750-watt motor. Let me go ahead and put the seat up just a little bit more here. Okay, there we go. All right. Oh, coming in hot. I think I tried to go a little too fast on that one. Let me try again. So again, it's really important to regulate your speed around these corners. All right, let's try like this. All right, so that was easy. My hand, unfortunately, slipped a little bit on the throttle, which messed with my speed. Let me try one more time. No problem at all. All right, let's try pedal assist. Here we go. I'm going to have to back off a little bit. Okay, too fast. All right. Let's turn down the pedal assist. Now, again, I can make the turn. It's just about what degree I'm trying to make the turn at. So I'm going to slow down. There we go, nice and smooth. So it's really... This one corners quite nicely. I just was trying to give it a little too much oomph around the corner there, but the four-inch wheels are very balanced. And this is a 750-watt motor and without the seat, you know, this trike weighs 90 pounds versus the Rickshaw weighs 132. So you've got a lot more zip with this 750-watt motor coming around here. So no problem at a leisurely pace. So you just got to get used to finding the appropriate speed around the turns. Now, if I were riding, I would show you how. I'll show you how. I'm going to take this turn. And I'm trying to make a pretty wide turn, let's try to take a, let's try to come out here and take a turn. So like that, we can fly. And this one has a rear differential, so something I wanted to point out. Now we have a rear differential, so when you pedal, you're getting power to both rear wheels. so now the thing is, is about taking turns on a trike. It's about keeping all four wheels on the ground. So the differential will help so long as you keep all the wheels down and you pedal through. You may get a little more traction through the turn. So the Simple Step-Thru each trike's got a lot of oomph to its really powerful motor, so make sure to regulate your speed into the turn on this one, but the four-inch tires are nice the differential is nice if you're pedaling nice and stable.
All right, so let's move on to our, I believe, final e-trike. Okay, last but not least, I have our EVRYjourney E-trike. This one's great for cruising. You got the big cargo basket here. You can put your dog back there or any kind of cargo. We have different bags that fit in there as well. Cool around in the neighborhood cruising e-trike. This is a 250-watt motor, now a little less powerful. And we're also up a little higher with the 26-inch wheels. So still stable. You just want to manage your speed into the turns a little bit differently than the other ones. We're going to want to come in a little slower because we're higher up. We want to make sure that we're appropriately managing the speed through the turns. So let's give it a shot here. All right. Now you can see I'm trying to take a little bit more of a gingerly pace on this one. But as long as you do that, I accelerated through and everything stayed perfectly balanced. Let's try it one more time and I'm going to try to up the ante on the pace here. I can't keep this going. Yeah, no problem at all. Felt very smooth.
And going over that dip with the taller tires, I kind of feel it a little bit less, to be honest with you. Like over this little dip right here. Yeah, it kind of handles it a little bit better. All right, let's try pedal assist. Take it down just a touch. I feel good about this. No problem. All right. Now let me show you how I would appropriately take turns on this one. Now again, I would come up to the turn and I would break a little bit right here. Ease myself in and accelerate out. So all the trikes are balanced in their way. It's just about how you regulate and some you can go a little bit faster. You can see on this one, I can come around pretty quick on this side. Not bad at all.
So every e-trike is balanced in its way. I would say the lighter, lower to the ground, you can take the turns a little bit faster. With the two-front-wheel one, you can come in even sharper on the turns. With taller wheels, you want to come in a little slower to regulate around the turns. On the bigger, fatter ones, you can go faster, but they're a little heavier. You probably want to slow in to make the complete turn. So let's go over all the e-trikes and we'll review everything. All right. So there you have it demonstration of taking corners on all these different electric trikes. They corner all a little bit differently. Some you can go a little bit faster, but you can see if you appropriately manage your speed on taking corners on an e-trike, they'll all stay balanced. So get comfortable doing that. Take your time. And as you get used to it, it'll become second nature.
If you have any other questions at all, please reach out to us at theteam@sixthreezero.com, or call us at 310-982-2877. In addition to that, we offer a 30-day test ride on your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back. No questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we are going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we're going to take care of it, parts and labor. Now, lastly, be a part of our community. We have a Facebook pedalers group called sixthreezero. So we have a Facebook group called sixthreezero Pedalers. Thousands of members are in there. Jump in there, and talk to existing members before you purchase so you can get comfortable making your decision. Then when you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. And lastly, download our app to track your rides and compete on the leaderboard. It's a lot of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.