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The Best Affordable Electric Beach Cruiser Bike: 500 Watt Cruiser EBike Can Tackle Trails & Pavement


Dustin Gyger

Updated On: November 19, 2024


Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

An electric beach cruiser for under a thousand bucks. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry and today I'm going to show you an electric beach cruiser for under a thousand dollars. All right, so right here, I have the Around the Block 500-watt Electric beach cruiser. There are two different versions. We've got a high-top tube we call men's. We also have a lower top tube design we call women's. This is our mint green, our teal, men's steel blue, and our matte black. This is a 500-watt cruiser e-bike with 2.125-inch tires and a 10.4 amp hour battery, so you're going to be able to get up to 22 miles an hour max speed and pedal assist and a range of up to 50 miles with this battery. Now, if you come in here as well, you've got a thumb throttle, so you can use this e-bike either pedaling or not pedaling. You can push this throttle with your thumb and the e-bike will go without any effort. Or you've got five levels of pedal assist here. You can turn this on and you can put this as high as level five for assistance when you pedal. Now, front and rear disc brakes for maximum stopping power. You've also got a seven-speed derailleur. So if you choose not to ride with the electric, you have those seven speeds and also pull this off here so you can see. And also when you're going up hills, it's going to be much easier putting it into the lower gear. Also on the top speeds, you can shift into the higher gear to pedal faster. Coming down here, you can just see we got the white wall tires, your batteries back here. It's easily removable for charging. And there's your derailleur down there and your seven gears. Now, a couple of other things, too. This has a nice ergonomic riding position. So when you sit on it, you stay in a very upright position with your back upright. Your arms are relaxed and you don't have to lean forward. Now I could make a few little adjustments here to make this better for me, which I'll do before we get out here and take a ride with you. So I'm going to get on this. We're going to take you around, let you see how it performs, and yeah, walk you through it so you can see how me.

I'm 230 pounds, so you'll see how it does on hills and how it accelerates as well. All right. So we are ready to ride. I've got it in level one. I'm gonna use the throttle to get going. And you can see it takes off nicely. So comfortable. I'm just gonna not pedal. For a minute here. And now you can see on my right hand here, I've got derailleur, so I'm going to shift that up into seven. And I'm only in level one. Go ahead and put it in two. Oh, big bump. All right, cruising at about 12 miles an hour, and we're only in pedal assist two. Now, if I crank this up, we can get going. Up to 19. If you can see that, almost 20. Come to a stop here. All right, now I'm going to show you how easy it is to tackle this hill. Okay, I like to use my throttle to get moving. We got a big car, a big truck here. Now again, I'm 230 pounds, and I've got it in level five, and I've got it in the seventh gear, so we could shift this down into one if we wanted to make it easier to pedal, but cadence feels good to me, not too tiring at all. And you can see we're still moving up the hill at a good pace here. All right, now, if I'm just a little tired, take a break, use our throttle. Now, if I push the throttle all the way down, you're going to see our miles per hour start to climb. Up to 18. 19, there we go, 20. Now when you hit 20 with just the throttle, or we're getting above 20 because we're going downhill, typically if you hit 20 on a flat ground, it's gonna, the motor's gonna start to cut back. Okay. Now there's a little bit of a steeper hill here. Let me go ahead and show you. Now I'm gonna shift down. There we are. Now I'm in first, so you can see it easier for me to pedal. But we're going to move at a little slower pace. Now, if I put this in the second. There we go. Pretty big, long, steep hill here, but. Not exerting myself at all. All right, now I'm going to go ahead and shift it up. All right. All right, we're coming back down to a big decline here and I like to just ease into the brakes sometimes so you don't have to slam on them so you can control your speed on the downhill. All right, so we're up to 20. 21.

Around the Block 500W Men's

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Around the Block 500W Men's

$999.99$1849.99(Out of Stock)

AroundtheBlock 500W Men's NEW


AroundtheBlock 500W Men's NEW


It's nice to have these tires that are a little bit thicker too when you're doing this kind of speed. So I'm going to ease into the brake. And we got down to 17. Now we have an even more extreme downhill right here. All right, I got the brakes engaged as we go all the way down. I think I'm going to go on the trail. All right so we're going to show you how this can perform on a hard pack trail because these 2.125-inch tires have some crevasses here and can do pretty well on this a little bit slippery here it was a little dusty but a couple of weeks ago this was all muddy now it's dried out so the only challenge with this is just navigating these dips in the trail here. But you can see once you get onto the hard-packed, you can cruise around with the 500 watts. Now again, I'm gonna go on the other side just in case if this was muddier, this really wouldn't be possible, but. So yeah, these tires are good for hard-pack trails, and pavement. Just makes it so fun. We got a beautiful day up here. Now a little hill I could go ahead and oh it's like some poop. All right. And I'll just enjoy the ride with the throttle here. A little bumpy through here. All right. I think we can kind of get a sense of what we're doing up here. All right, we can turn around. All right. All right, where are we going? 17 miles an hour through the trail, is not bad. Now, again, you probably want to be mindful of the brakes. Getting back to a little bit flatter. OK. I see too how easy this is with the throttle. Get up no problem. And sometimes I like to push the throttle while I'm also pedaling just to ensure I've got all the power I need for any given scenario or for whatever scenario I'm encountering, especially up a hill. Trying to find the best route here. I think straight is the best option. All right. Now we're back on the pavement. Now I'm gonna go ahead and shift into a lower gear for this hill climbing because this is a big, long hill we got here. I don't know if you can see this. Doesn't look maybe like much on camera, but it's long I can tell you without the motor, this would be very tiring. Okay. Okay, so I'm in gear three. Almost to the top here. Strong headwind. It makes it even nicer having the pedal assist. All right. Pretty much at the top of the hill. Now we're about to go into our downhill. Let's take a little break. Let the throttle do the work here.

All right, we're up to 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. I'm going to start easing into the brakes. All right now you can see how easily the brakes stop us go ahead and push the button here to cross. All right. So I am down to three bars now. A lot of that has to do with we went up some pretty major hills and I kept it in pedal five or level five the whole way. Also on the trails, I was in level five and I'm 230 pounds, so. You know. It depends on the type of riding you're doing. We just went about, maybe five miles. And we've got, you know three-fourths of a battery or three-fifths of a battery left. And, I was in no way, shape, or form conserving battery at all. Okay. I like to use my throttle to get moving. It makes it so easy. Now again, on any e-bike ride, the more throttle you use, the quicker you'll drain the battery. Also, if you run it in level five, the whole ride, you're gonna drain the battery more too. So I can take it down to level three and go into pedal assist and we're gonna drain a lot less battery but I like to go fast so let's go ahead and pump it up again so, all right, let's see how fast we can get going on this downhill just to show you how good the brakes work. 26, 27, 28. I'm going to pull the brakes 28 miles an hour into the turn safely and easily. And now we can just dial this back. Go for a nice leisurely ride. And we're back. And my battery came back to life. We're at four bars now. So sometimes that happens while you're riding. It might go down because you exerted heavy on a hill and then it goes back up. So we've still got a lot more range left on there. So that's the around-the-block e-cruiser bike. Awesome, versatile electric beach cruiser. You can use it by the beach or anywhere else. Pavement, hard-pack trails, you name it. And you can see how fast we got going and also how well those brakes worked on those downhills. I was coming down at 29 miles an hour. No problem with the disc brakes.

Any questions or comments at all, please reach out to us at, or call us at 310-982-2877. We also offer a 30-day test ride on your e-bike policy. If you don't love your e-bike in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we'll take care of it, parts and labor. Lastly, be a part of our community, our sixthreezero Pedalers group on Facebook. There are thousands of members in there. Join the group before you purchase so you can get comfortable that you made the right decision. Then when you have yours, post in the group, make friends, and then download our app to track your rides and compete on the leaderboard. It's a lot of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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Your PERFECT BIKE Starts Here97% of customers that use our proprietary fitting system love their bike.

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