E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Cycling offers many benefits, both as a form of exercise and as transportation. Because cycling's an outdoor activity, one might think that younger and fitter people would flock to this kind of exercise. Surprisingly, a FiveThirtyEight study found that adults over 55 were typically more adept at bike riding than those younger than 35. A cycling boom during the 1970s, when these older folks grew up, might explain the difference in skill and comfort with riding bikes.
Today, cycling's enjoying another resurgence in popularity, led by both Baby Boomers and Millennials who want a pleasant, low-impact exercise to help them maintain overall fitness, build muscles, and lose fat. Find out how to approach cycling to enjoy the best results for weight loss and fitness.
How Much Fat Can Cycling Burn?
The speed that cycling can burn calories will vary between people. For instance, the amount of fat burned during a bike trip may depend upon speed, inclines, wind speed, and other environmental factors. Also, two people can ride together and burn different amounts of fat, depending on their weight and other metabolic factors.
Harvard published some average expectations for calories burned during a typical bike ride for people of different weights who average about 14mph for just 30 minutes:
This calorie burn compares very favorably to running, but cycling doesn't feel as strenuous as running to most people. Even people who have not exercised much recently should find this activity accessible and easy to start. People can cycle to enjoy effective exercise without feeling out of breath. Also, riding a bike offers a low-impact form of exercise that's easy on joints.
In comparison, running consists of pounding the pavement, often leading to pain and injuries. Walking generates more impact with each step than cycling does with each pedal.
Cycling also does more for weight loss and fitness than just burning calories during the cycle. As cyclists build muscles, they will boost their metabolism, burning more calories all day and night long.
What's the Best Way to Cycle to Lose Weight?
Think of consistency as the golden rule for any form of exercise, including cycling. The U.S. Army enjoys plenty of experience with getting people into shape, and they caution against starting with intense or long durations to guard against exhaustion and injuries.
For people who haven't engaged in much physical activity lately, the Army Health Clinic suggests this fitness plan:
Again, keep the speed at a comfortable pace. The regularity and duration of the ride matter more than its intensity, especially for people who have not exercised much lately.
Consider the Climate
Indeed, the weather may not always cooperate with the best-intentioned fitness plans. For cycling, wear a helmet, carry water, and dress appropriately for the weather. A ski mask or balaclava can keep cheeks warm against a chilly wind, and some helmets also have full-face visors. In the heat, carry extra water, consider a vented helmet, and consider biking during cooler parts of the day.
The Army Health Clinic also suggested strength training to complement more aerobic types of exercise. Some cyclists may want to alternate cycling days with light weights at first. On those days when schedules or weather will not make riding sensible, weight days can fill in the gaps.
Pay Attention to Cycling Safety
Starting a new fitness activity will not yield benefits if it results in injuries. Just a few prudent precautions can keep cycling safe and fun:
A bike-mounted rear-view mirror can help cyclists see behind them without having to strain or take their eyes off of the path in front of them. For example, SixThreeZero offers a side-mounted bike mirror with a reflector.
Finally, cyclists can grow dehydrated in any weather and in a remarkably short time in hot weather. Attach a water bottle cage to the bike to keep water within reach. Prudent riders may also want to bring a spare water bottle for longer rides.
Comfort Cycles
Comfort cycles suit bicyclists who plan to most ride on paved streets or bike paths. The specially designed RelaxedBody Comfort bicycle offers a relaxed body position that will not put undue stress on muscles and joints. The position of the handlebars aligns the arms perfectly to prevent strain on the shoulders and backs. The slightly forward mount of the pedals allows riders to extend their legs even when they lower the seat to make it easier to start and stop.
This bike comes with slightly wider tires than most street bikes to ensure better control and a smooth ride. An extra-wide comfortable seat, soft handgrips, and a high-quality seven-speed shifter also contribute to the value of this cycle.
While primarily intended for streets and trails, riders may enjoy short jaunts along firm sand or packed dirt. This cycle excels for commuting, running errands, and exploring towns and cities.
Hybrid Bikes
Manufacturers make mountain bikes heavier and more durable to handle rough terrain. In particular, wide tires for extra control and comfort on uneven or wet surfaces can also help absorb shocks on city streets. Still, a mountain bike's weight reduces pedaling efficiency on paved roads, so a mountain bike might not work well for people who primarily want to travel around town and need encouragement to ride regularly.
A hybrid cycle offers a great compromise with wider tires and a more durable frame than a typical street or racing bike. Hybrids don't weigh much more than comfort cycles, handle very well on the road, and competently tackle such surfaces as sand, snow, and grass.
The seven-speed EVRYJourney hybrid cruiser provides a versatile choice for city streets, mountain trails, or wherever adventure calls. The two-inch tires offer control and the feeling of gliding on air over various surfaces, while the durable, lightweight aluminum frame can handle a jolt or two.
The foam set, soft handlebars, and an ergonomically designed upright sitting and pedaling position ensure riders enjoy the most comfortable experience possible.
Electric Bikes
Some people might feel surprised when they see electric bikes suggested for weight loss, and they might assume that the cyclist won't burn any calories if the motor does all the work. The motor best assists the rider while pedaling, allowing for faster progress and longer journeys, and pedaling also conserves the battery, allowing for longer rides.
A study by Brigham Young University found that e-bike riders maintained a heart rate of about 93 percent of the heart rate of cyclists on conventional bikes. In the test, fitness trackers showed that all participants enjoyed vigorous exercise. At the same time, e-bike riders said the experience did not feel like a strenuous workout. Motor-assisted pedaling makes exercise feel less harsh and more fun.
Three-Wheel Bikes
Some people suffer from balance problems or never acquired confidence as a bike rider for various reasons. High-quality three-wheel bikes don't weigh so much more than other comfort cycles, and they offer extra stability and even more room to carry things by balancing on three wheels instead of two.
The somewhat wider frame makes three-wheel bikes harder to navigate on narrow paths and less graceful on corners. For less-adept riders, not constantly needing to balance on two wheels makes adult tricycles a good solution.
Consider the BodyEase Tricycle as a fantastic solution for weight loss and all kinds of cycling adventures. Because of the generous back between the rear tires, cyclists can enjoy exercise while they take their groceries, a picnic lunch, or even a pet with them.
The intentionally comfortable design allows for a restful sitting position, easy stops and dismounts, and smooth glides over streets and paths. SixThreeZero also offers an electric tricycle to combine the benefits of stability and a power-assisted ride.
The Best Cycles for Weight Loss and Overall Fitness
Hopefully, people who want to cycle to lose weight will remember the primary takeaways from this article. For instance, a bike that gets ridden regularly will always win the contest for the best type of weight-loss cycle.
That means people who hope to buy a bicycle to help them lose weight should:
With these requirements in mind, look at the ergonomically engineered, durable, and surprisingly affordable selection of excellent weight-loss bikes from SixThreeZero. To find the optimal cycle for weight loss, consider comfort cycles, hybrid bicycles, electric cycles, and adult tricycles.
Which Type of Cycle Works Best for Weight Loss?
The best bicycle for weight loss depends upon an individual's preference, fitness, and budget. For instance:
Most of all, remember that succeeding at a weight-loss plan feels much more like a marathon than a sprint. Cycling offers the perfect complement because bikes can make exercise feel a lot more like fun than working out.
Why Bicycles Make the Best Fitness Machines for Weight Loss
People have increasingly begun to use cycles not just for exercise but also for commuting, shopping, and social activities. That makes a bike a good investment because it can serve as a fitness machine while also performing other essential functions.
Even better, cyclists can get to work, ride with friends, or run an errand while exercising at the same time. Buying a bike isn't just an investment in fitness, but it can also save money on transportation, provide a social outlet, and offer a fun new hobby.