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The Perfect Tricycle for Riders w/ Multiple Sclerosis! This E Trike is Great for People w/ MS

The perfect tricycle for those with multiple sclerosis. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today I'm gonna show you the perfect tricycle for riders with multiple sclerosis. All right, this is the Simple Glide 500-watt Recumbent E-trike. It is a great electric tricycle for riders with MS. We've had a lot of riders with MS come and test ride this, and depending on the severity of their condition some riders can't ride at all under their power. But for those who can, this is a great way to keep their body moving. You can see we've got a nice, relaxed position here. Also with the backrest, it keeps riders very comfortable. And the handlebars are right here and can be adjusted to find the perfect riding position for you. Now, the other huge benefit is if you don't have the leg strength, but still want to get outdoors and enjoy it, the world if you're someone battling MS, there's a twist throttle here where you can press and you don't have to pedal at all. If you want to see additional videos about the Simple Glide, go to our YouTube channel. We have lots of videos on there about this particular product. And you can find me riding around showing this. We also have had riders with MS take demos of it and also cerebral palsy riders as well. So all those videos are on our YouTube channel if you want to see more specifics. Now, the benefit, like I said, is if you are struggling with your leg power, you can use the throttle. Let me demonstrate here. You can use the throttle and move your legs, but the bike can do most of the work if you so choose. So you have your power up here on the screen. So a couple of cool features I want to show you. Number one, there's a reverse. Okay. So you can move backward. So if you are riding, you don't have to get off at all. If you get backed into a corner or you need to turn around like so. Now, the cool thing, like I just said, is there's a twist throttle here. If you see this.

I'm going to twist it and I start moving. So again, if you're battling MS and you don't have leg strength or it's difficult for you to keep a bike upright, you can twist this and you can still pedal. So your legs are doing some work, but you're also letting the motor do work. So it's a good way to get exercise. And the other cool thing is you're nice and balanced. There's an elongated frame, so it's very stable. You don't have to worry about tipping because of the wheelbase. And with the 16-inch wheel in front and 20-inch wheels in the back, it's got a nice center of gravity to it. So again, it's a very safe, easy-to-ride option, and you can decide how little or how much you want to work. Now, if you just want to use the throttle, I don't have to pedal at all. You can also just pedal. Let me back up here. Now you also can, if you just want to pedal and not use the throttle, I can just pedal like so, and then the assistance will kick in and I get a little help from there. So again, there are five levels of pedal assist. So if you're somebody that needs a lot of assistance, you can put it into level five. I'll just demonstrate quickly. And when you put it in level five, you're going to start to go fast. You see, okay, it's a little too fast, but maybe you just want level one, right? I'm going to back up again. Alrighty. So again, I just had it just for acceleration purposes. I'll put it into level two here and I just get going. And there we go. And the other great thing is that this 500-watt motor, so 500 watts of power can propel riders up to 300 pounds. You can see me on some other videos, again, taking this out and demonstrating uphills. Other cool stuff, like I said, it's fully adjustable right here at the handlebars. You can also fully adjust right here. OK, like so. So you can find the perfect position for you. Oops, I that down. I like to get the handlebars right into my body, right about here, like so. Okay. And it has front and rear disc brakes. The handlebars also fold down if you want to put it and transport it somewhere.

The seat is not easily removable, so if you were to transport it, you would have to leave the seat on. Let me back up here. Okay. All right. I'm going to park here. You also have a parking brake so you can get off. Turn the power off as well. There we go. And you can see the seat here. Very comfortable. And I put an extra pad in there because I like it, but you can also adjust the seat forward or backward depending on how tall you are. There we go. And you can get off like so. Your battery is down here. It's a 15 amp hour battery, so you're going to get a range of up to 50 miles depending on the terrain you're taking on. Now, it depends on if you use the pedal assist or the throttle when you're out for rides. If you just use the throttle, you're going to get less range than if you use the pedal assist. So that's something to pay attention to. But the other cool thing, and I've made a video about how easy this is to mount and dismount, is how easy it is to get on and off. So I see a lot of MS patients that come to see us with some of the trikes, they're not as easy to mount and dismount. So you can lift the armrest. And because of the seat height, which is nice, you don't have to get super low to the ground. Some of the recumbents are very low. So in this case, you can come right here and you can sort of shift, you know, twist your body in and then twist your body out. The other thing is to get out, you know, you're here and you can brace yourself and push up. So having a seat about this height makes it easier to get on and off. You don't want to be too low. Makes it even more challenging to get on and off the trike. So That's the Simple Glide 500-watt. It's a great tricycle for multiple sclerosis people. And again, if you want to find out more, check out our YouTube channel. We've got other videos about it.

Now, any questions or comments, please reach out to us at, or call us at 310-982-2877. In addition to that, we offer a 30-day test ride on your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back. No questions asked. No money out of your pocket. Also, we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we take care of its parts and labor. No questions asked. Lastly, join our Facebook group, sixthreezero pedalers we have thousands of members in there. Join the group before you purchase so you can talk to existing riders so you make the right decision before you buy. Then when you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. It's a lot of fun and lastly, download our app. You can track our rides on the app and compete on the leaderboard. That's a lot of fun as well. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey or experience. Enjoy the ride.


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