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The Two Beach Cruiser Bikes You Must See! Stylish & Comfortable Classic Cruiser Bikes


Dustin Gyger

Updated On: September 14, 2023

Two beach cruiser bikes you've got to see. Stick around. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike industry, and today I've got two beach cruiser bikes you've got to see, but before I get into it, hit the subscribe button below. Stay in touch here at Sixthreezero. Be the first to know about all the new content we're putting out, giveaways we're doing, and of course new product releases. All right, let's say you're in the market for a beach cruiser bike. I've got two right here that I know you're going to want to see. These are two of the most affordable, best, most comfortable cruiser bikes out there in the market right now. Both of these are linked in the description below, so if you want to check them out on the website,, you can find them there.

All right, now I've got two similar but different cruisers right here. On the right, I have the Sixthreezero, Around the Block. On the left, I have the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney. Now the Around the Block is your traditional cruiser, simple, elegant, available in six different colors, teal, mint, green, cream, navy, plum, coral, actually more than six, and also matte gray and matte black. This is going to be your traditional cruiser. Now, this is also available in single, three, seven, and 21-speed. So if you're looking for that classic single-speed cruiser, with no cabling with a coaster break, this one is available in that. Perfect for cruising by the beach around your town. If you just want something with very little maintenance and easy to ride, great option.

Now, if you love that traditional feel, but you also want gears, this has that as well. You can get this in one, three, and seven speeds. This is the seven-speed right here, and it features front and rear hand brakes. The cool thing is you've got that classic cruiser upright riding position where your back's upright, your arms are relaxed, and you're going to be ultra comfortable while venturing out on those rides. Now the other thing is it follows suit with all those traditional design elements, which is the 2.125 balloon tire. So you've got a lot of rubber on the road. Keep you balanced. Also, it absorbs a lot of the shocks when you're out riding so your body won't feel it, but the bike will absorb it, so that's cool.

You've also got the oversized saddle here. Awesome to sit on. Covers a lot of space so your butt doesn't have to adjust to this because it has ample space for your butt to sit on it, and it curves nicely to the shape of a bottom side. So comfortable, and awesome. Another huge benefit of this cruiser is everything's painted.

So if you're going to leave this out by the beach, don't worry about rust because the handlebars are painted, the rims are painted, the frame's painted, everything's painted. I know that can be an issue if you live close to the water and you leave your cruiser out, you're going to accumulate rust. So with a painted version, don't worry about that. The other thing is that we've got color-coordinated bags that you can purchase, you can customize, and you can also add fenders if you choose to add fenders. So there are a lot of great options and things you can do about this. A great affordable entry to mid-level cruisers for around-town easy riding.

Now, if you're looking for something that's going to give you a little bit more, maybe be better for a little longer distances, the EVRYjourney is just that. Now, this is available in three, seven, and 21 speeds. This is an aluminum frame. It's very light and easy to pick up. Now you can see there's some resemblance, similar handlebars, and tires are just a little bit narrower. These are 1.95-inch tires versus the 2.125-inch tires. So they're going to roll a little smoother, roll a little easier, and be better for those longer-range rides. Now, in addition to that, it still has an upright ride, but it has what's called a forward-pedaling design. You may or may not have heard of this. What it is typically the pedals are directly below the seat. In this situation, they're shifted six inches forward, which means that the seat can be lower while you're still getting ample leg extension when riding.

So you can see I'm sitting down, my feet can be virtually flat or all the way flat, but when I'm riding, I'll get perfect leg extension because of the pedals being moved forward, I get the leg extension from that as opposed to having to raise my seat and you can see I've got the ergonomic riding position. My back is upright, my arms are relaxed. The handlebars swoop into my body. It's so, so comfortable and so easy to ride. So if you're looking for a little bit longer range, the EVRYjourney may be a better option just because of the thinner tires. Both can do it. Just depends, Are you looking for something classic, a little something more modern? The EVRYjourney has a little bit of an upgraded seat and, a little better foam, but a similar shape to Around the Block as well.

In addition, it comes standard with the fenders as opposed to the upgrade Around the Block. The Around the Block is steel. The journey is aluminum. The aluminum means it's going to be a little lighter, which is going to mean that the pedaling is a little more efficient, and a little easier to ride. Now what both bikes feature is something called the four custom adjustment points. You can raise and lower your seat, you can tilt your seat, you can raise and lower the handlebars, and you can tilt the handlebars, so you can customize either of these two bikes to your body perfectly with those four custom adjustment points.

That's something at Sixthreezero we like to offer because we want people to be able to dial in the bike frame to their body. So there you have it, the Around the Block, your classic cruiser, your EVRYjourney, your modern forward pedaling, design cruiser, two different types of bikes, both great for around-the-town riding.

If you have any other questions or comments about either of them, put them below or email us at or call us at 310-982-2877. In addition, both these bikes are linked in the description, but if you don't know what you're looking for, take our proprietary body fit quiz on our website, answer a few questions about your body and your life, and we'll recommend the perfect bike for you and we have a test ride your bike policy for 30 days. If you don't love your bike in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket, and we have a one-year warranty.

If anything goes wrong in the first year, we'll send you the parts or reimburse the labor to make sure you can be up and riding. Lastly, we have a Facebook Pedalers Group with thousands of riders. Talk to them in advance of purchasing, ask them questions, and see how they like their bike before you purchase. Then once you have a Sixthreezero post photos, make friends. It's tons of fun, and you can also track your rides on our app and compete on the leaderboard. That is a lot of fun as well. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.

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