E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: March 24, 2023
Dustin: Hey, everyone. I'm Dustin, CEO of Sixthreezero. I've got Peter here, my right-hand man. Combined, we've got 45 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today Peter's going to demonstrate the stopping power of our Easy Transit electric folding e-trike.
He's going to go down our runway right here. Show them at home. We've got our measuring tape and our stopping line. He's going to show us how quickly our Easy Transit trike stops at five miles an hour, 10 miles an hour, and 15, and if Pete's up to it, we may even push it up to 20 miles an hour. Let's give it a rip.
Peter: [inaudible 00:00:36] burn rubber. Let's do it.
Dustin: Saddle up, and let's do this.
Peter: Five miles?
Dustin: Five miles an hour. Give us a stopping power ... stopping distance. It is truly an exciting moment right here for everyone at home just to see how quickly and easily this Easy Transit folding trike is going to stop. Here he is. He's ramping up ... five miles an hour. Are you up to speed?
Peter: Here we go.
Dustin: Here he comes.
Peter: Coming in at four points. Yep, five right here.
Dustin: Five? Brakes! An immediate stop. Okay, so at five miles an hour, it only took him 14 inches to stop.
Peter: 14 inches.
Dustin: Okay. Run it back ... 10 miles an hour. Let's take this up a notch. Now you can see-
Peter: 10 miles an hour.
Dustin: Okay. He's coming [inaudible 00:01:27]. He's coming around quickly. 10 miles an hour. Line it up at 10 ... 10 miles an hour? Okay.
Peter: We're at ... Let me try ... That was eight.
Dustin: Okay, well, eight miles an hour, he stopped at about four feet. All right. Make sure to get it up to pace. Oh, he stopped quicker. Slammed ... Oh no, it's a little bit farther. So 10 miles an hour ... 62 inches, five feet, two inches. Good stopping power. All right, let's run it up to 15. This is exciting. 15 miles an hour. Give yourself ample runway. Okay, here he goes ... 15. I'm excited. Okay, squeaking out a little bit.
Peter: That was exactly 15 miles an hour when I hit the [inaudible 00:02:27].
Dustin: 15 miles an hour. 127 inches, which is the equivalent of 10 feet, seven inches, to stop at 15 miles an hour. That's pretty good. Can you get it up to 20?
Peter: Let's see if we can take this baby up to 20.
Dustin: Okay. That is a powerful folding e-trike here. The cool thing is with these low centers of gravity in the back here, you've got good balance and good turn. Watch Pete here. He's going to take this turn like a wild man. Oh, he's going deep in. There we go. Beautiful. All right, bring it up, Pete, let's see it. Let us know when you hit 20.
Peter: Coming at 20 exactly.
Dustin: Okay. Ooh, wow. That's a stopping [inaudible 00:03:14].
Peter: Burnout right there. Look-
Dustin: Straighten your wheel out. Okay, it looks about 17 feet, eight inches, nine inches.
Peter: I was about landing a 747.
Dustin: At 20 miles an hour ... incredible. The brakes seem powerful. Yes?
Peter: Very powerful. I've flown jets before, and this is right up there with it ... on aircraft carriers.
Dustin: I don't know where he is going, but there you have it. That's the Easy Transit folding electric trike. Super, super powerful brakes. You don't have to be worried about any speed you're traveling at. It's going to stop amply. And honestly, Pete here, he actually would've stopped sooner, but you can see the wheels. I don't know if you can get a close-up on that. The wheels skidded out there. There he goes. So he clamped and the wheels stopped, but just skidded on the pavement. And again, when you're coming in at 20, you don't want to slam the brakes that hard necessarily. You want to ease into it to be a little bit safer.
Peter: [inaudible 00:04:11].
Dustin: Yeah, so you want to ease into the braking, but just to show you what the brakes are capable of, there you have it. So if you have any other questions at all, check out the Easy Transit folding on our website, sixthreezero.com. You can always email us, at theteam@sixthreezero.com or call us at (310) 982-2877. So thanks for sticking around. And don't forget it's your journey, your experience, enjoy the ride.