E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
The popularity of electric bikes continues to surge as people discover their many benefits. A power-assisted cycle can help increase speed, extend cycling range, and make riding uphill a lot easier. Cyclists can pedal an e-bike just like a traditional bicycle, but riders also have the option to enjoy a boost from an electric motor.
The battery-powered motors just need a charge from a typical electric outlet, require little maintenance, and don't pollute the way gasoline engines do. Even better, e-bikes give cyclists a chance to exercise while commuting, running errands, socializing, or enjoying the outdoors. People who need to get back in shape find that the motor provides them with enough extra assistance to make cycling fun from the first day.
After cyclists understand the value of e-bikes, they need to make choices to determine which type will best suit their needs. Choosing the suitable motor for unique cycling preferences and body type offers an excellent place to begin comparing e-bicycles.
Read this comparison of 250W vs. 500W motors to help make an informed decision between these two standard battery power levels. After learning how to compare motors, find out about popular types of e-bikes.
Why Choose Motors Between 250W and 500W?
Some manufacturers produce e-bike motors with over 1,000 watts of power, so prospective buyers might wonder why many high-quality choices top out at 500W. When it comes to electric bike motors, bigger ones won't always work better. Smaller motors ensure the government will classify the cycle as an e-bike, and less-powerful motors offer practical advantages over huge ones.
Ensure the Government Considers the Vehicle an E-Cycle and Not a Scooter
The National Council of State Legislatures published information about the federal definition of an e-bike. The cycle must have less than 750W, or one horsepower, and a maximum speed of less than 20MPH when ridden solely with the motor by an adult weighing 170 pounds on a paved road.
That means 500W and 250W e-cycles will prevent the government from classifying the vehicle as a scooter or motorcycle, requiring additional licensing and registration requirements. A few areas specifically limit the size of the e-bike motor to 500W, but only six states require riders to have a license to ride power-assisted bikes.
Practical Reasons to Choose 250W or 500W E-Cycles
Avoiding additional licensing and registration will motivate many consumers to limit the power of their electric bicycles. In addition, prudent cyclists will also consider safety, cost, and efficiency. For example:
With e-bikes, more power often equals too much of a burden. That's especially true because a 250W or 500W will provide plenty of power for almost any cyclist. If people want to ride much faster than 20MPH, they should probably consider a motorcycle or scooter.
Compare 250W Vs. 500W E-Cycle Motors
The simple difference between 250W and 500W lies in the power the motor can produce to assist cycling. Cyclists who weigh less and mainly ride on flat terrain should find 250W satisfying. With 250W, expect a top speed of about 15MHP with the throttle fully engaged. Heavier people, cargo, and more uphill traveling will probably justify 500 watts. Expect a top speed of 20MPH with 500W fully throttled.
Why Choose a 250W Electric Bicycle Motor?
Average casual cyclists on traditional, pedal-only bikes average 10 to 15 miles per hour. That's the top speed for a 250W motor for an average rider on flat ground without pedaling, though pedaling may allow somewhat faster speeds.
People who want to use an e-bike for typical bike rides can engage the motor to ride further, take over when they get tired, or offer a nudge over an occasional incline. The cyclist will probably have to pedal to assist the motor for steep or prolonged hills, though that's the point of an e-bike anyway. A 250W motor can make climbing hills more effortless, but it probably won't perform well enough on its own.
A 250W motor should offer plenty of momentum to maintain a typical pace for smaller adults who mostly plan to ride on reasonably level roads or bike trails. In addition, the lighter motor will make the bike easier to pedal without battery power, and that action can also preserve battery life.
For instance, an e-bike reviewer who weighed 154 pounds tested 250W motors and experienced a pleasant, comfortable ride on flat surfaces. The reviewer noted that hills slowed the bike down considerably. Even on flat surfaces, acceleration felt somewhat sluggish. The reviewer also expressed concern that extended strain on the motor might overheat or damage it.
This extra wattage can provide better speed, acceleration, and hill-climbing abilities. On flat surfaces, these motors will top out at 20MPH without assistance from the pedals. With twice as much power, these bikes should accommodate larger people and take over more of the workload when riding uphill. They will also provide improved acceleration on flat ground.
How to Decide Between a 250W or 500W Motor?
Many cyclists use their e-bikes for errands and commuting, so prospective buyers should also consider the weight of any loads they plan to carry. Most e-bike shops will suggest a 500W motor for cyclists who weigh more than 150 pounds, especially anybody who intends to engage in a lot of hill climbing or carry heavy groceries in the basket.
Professional cyclists generate about 400W from their legs alone to put this question in perspective. At the same time, most people plan to pedal along with the motor to improve their fitness. Pedaling along with the motor also helps preserve the battery charge and allows the bike to travel even faster.
Thus, even people who weigh 175 to 200 pounds might find that a smaller motor suits them well because they'll make up the difference with their pedal power. Even some people who weigh closer to 200 than 100 pounds find that a 250W motor offers plenty of assistance because they prefer to travel at a slower pace. Also, smaller motors will generally cost and weigh less than larger ones.
For more perspective on the difference between these two sizes of electric bicycle motors, revisit this SixThreeZero post and video: Compare 250W Vs. 500W E-bikes.
The Best 250W and 500W Electric Bicycles
Even if retailers or manufacturers advertise 250W or 500W e-bikes that look relatively similar, they can vary wildly in quality and performance. For instance, beyond the wattage rating, the bike and motor's overall design might make one 250W cycle feel sluggish while another seems perky.
Also, cyclists know that they need to consider how the overall bike will perform for comfort, ease of handling, and performance. In other words, no motor can make up for a bike's poor design.
To compare various high-quality 500W and 250W e-bikes, contrast the durable, comfortable, and accessible electric cycles from SixThreeZero. This company offers bikes engineered for comfort, easy handling, and strength. These e-bikes all look like other stylish bicycles, and onlookers might not even guess that they're powered by both pedaling and a motor.
250W Electric Bikes
SixThreeZero offers a select group of 250W e-bikes to customers. Some popular examples include:
Find a complete collection of 500w electric cruisers, comfort bikes, hybrids, fat tires, and commuter cycles at SixThreeZero. A couple of highlights include:
Do e-Bike Motors Require Much Servicing?
All bicycles require some maintenance, including electric ones. As with any vehicle, prudent cyclists check their tires before every ride and keep the gears and brakes free of contaminants. Underinflated tires will require both the cyclist and the motorist to work harder, and they could be a sign that the tire needs patching or replacing.
Even more than regular bikers, e-cyclists should also take a few minutes to check the brakes and gears before leaving home. Since e-bikes can travel faster and weigh a little more than traditional ones, they put more pressure on the brakes.
Some considerations for the battery and motor include:
On the positive side, the electric motors on electric bicycles don't need spark plugs, oil, or air filters changed. They're much easier than gasoline engines to maintain, plus they don't generate harmful emissions, and to "refuel" electric motors, the cyclist just needs to plug them in. These facts explain why many people have replaced many trips they formerly took in their car with e-cycle rides.
Even non-powered cycles require tuning at least a couple of times a year. Some people learn to perform periodic maintenance on their own, but others happily visit a nearby bike shop.
Work With SixThreeZero to Find the Perfect e-Bike
SixThreeZero thoughtfully designs its bikes to provide customers with comfort, performance, and durability. The company also offers an online fitting guide to ensure the cycle can accommodate cyclists of various sizes and weights.
Adjustable seats and handlebars on these e-bikes can adjust to fit most people. If certain types of cycles don't appear to fit a particular rider, SixThreeZero can offer custom models to satisfy almost any customer. Shop on the website or contact SixThreeZero by phone or email.