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Hey, all y'all you're out there. Peter Kaltreider here with sixthreezero Bikes. Another great question. A lot of people don't know. Where are bikes made? China. Stay tuned.
You have a great question today. Where are bikes made? Okay. It's about 88% are made in China. That's just how it is. It happened in the eighties or so. Moved to Taiwan from America. In America, they used to be made mostly in the Midwest. And then the seventies or so, it moved to South Carolina, where labor was cheaper. And then global economics and other factors moved it over to Taiwan and then mainland China. So, China. But anyway, that's going to change too. Everyone, including ourselves, are looking for other places to manufacture because of a whole lot of reasons. But right now, most bikes are made in China.
All right. Thanks for watching. I really hope that was helpful. If you need any more help, please don't hesitate to contact us at 310-982-2877 or theteam@sixthreezero.com. Sixthreezero is spelled out: S-I-X T-H-R-E-E Z-E-R-O. Also, subscribe to our channel. And remember, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.