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Which Electric Tricycle Will These Seniors Choose?!? They Test Ride 5 E Trikes & Pick Their Favorite

Today we have Phyllis who's 67 and Constance who's 81. Our two over 60 senior riders are going to ride electric trikes for the first time and choose their favorite. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And as I said, today I'm joined by Phyllis, who's 67, and Constance, who's 81. Neither of them has ridden electric bikes or electric trikes before. So today you're going to witness it on camera firsthand, their reaction. And we've got five electric trikes behind us, different styles, and they're going to try each of them and tell us which one is their favorite. And you're going to get to come along for the ride, hear their remarks and their reactions as they do it for the first time.

Dustin: So you guys ready? Okay, so we're going to start. And we're going to walk you through each one, one by one. Okay, so let's come over here. Does anybody want to ride, or be the first rider?

Phyllis: Sure.

Dustin: Okay, so go ahead and sit on there and see. And then Constance, if you just want to listen to my explanation, so you'll be all ready to ride. You can come right here and I'll come on this side. How does that seat feel?

Phyllis: Feels good. Cushy.

Dustin: Okay.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: All right.

Phyllis: All right.

Dustin: So let me walk you through everything. So this is, we have a parking brake engaged right now. So this, go ahead and pull the brake. Don't pull that. Just pull the lever.

Phyllis: Pull the lever.

Dustin: Yep. See how it pops out.

Phyllis: Wow. Simple.

Dustin: Now if you pull it back in and you go ahead and pull it in and then I click this and I'll let go.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Now the parking brake's engaged, so you won't roll away.

Phyllis: Nice.

Dustin: On any electric trike or bike product, if the brake is engaged, the motor will not work. So if you're ever in a situation where you feel like the motor's doing something it shouldn't, you can either stop pedaling, pull the brake, brake will disengage. Just a, you know, recommendation there. Now this is for like gears.

Phyllis: Wow.

Dustin: Those are like gears on a bicycle. Like if you've ever had a 7-speed or a 21-speed.

Phyllis: Right.

Dustin: These are not related to the electric components in any way, shape, or form.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: But they work kind of in unison. So you can shift it to a higher speed, a lower speed.

Constance: How do you shift it?

Phyllis: Yeah, how do you shift it? Down here?

Dustin: Don't do it as you're sitting here, though.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: This you have to be moving. So this would push it up a gear.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: And then pushing this would move it down a gear.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: What I can do is I'll put this into a lower gear for you before you start.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Because it'll be easier for you to pedal. First gear is the easiest to pedal. So if you're climbing hills or you just want it to be easy, you'd put it in one.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: If you want to go faster, you would put it into seven and it becomes harder to pedal.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. More tension.

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: Oh, he's got a little screen here.

Dustin: Yeah, so what we have here is your power button. And you hold this and it turns on your screen. Now we have a very low battery here, but this tells you your miles per hour. This tells you your pedal assist level. So on e-bikes or e-trikes, you have typically five levels of assistance. One gives you the least amount of assistance. Five gives you the most amount of assistance. You can change this at any point in time. Before you start, during the ride, you name it. So like if you're climbing a hill and you need more power, you can just push this button up and get more assistance.

Phyllis: And also have this at one if you're going a hill. When you said assistance, I thought of somebody behind me pushing me.

Dustin: You could have that too. Okay. So there's a perfect combination sometimes of how you use the electric assist in conjunction with the gears of the bike.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Personal preference. You may find, oh, when I'm in level five, I need to be in level gear seven. When I'm in level one, I want to be in gear one or two. You know what I mean? So, okay. So the other thing we have is we have a throttle here. So this is a thumb throttle. You can try to reach your thumb down there. Yep. This is like a gas pedal. So, and I always say this because a lot of times when people get on for the first time, their inclination is to just jerk the thing all the way down. It's like your car pedal. You would never just floor it, right? You would ease into it. And you would let the bike. So that's the same way. So you just kind of give it a little bit and you'll start to feel it go. It's turned off right now. You can push it to feel it. Nothing's going to happen.

Phyllis: And what does it do again?

Dustin: It's a throttle.

Phyllis: Oh, it's a throttle.

Dustin: So you don't need to pedal at all.

Phyllis: Oh, wow.

Dustin: Yeah. So e-bikes and e-trikes have that option where you could just use the throttle. So if you're on a bike ride, and your legs get tired, you can just use the throttle and not pedal at all. Totally up to you. This is a reverse option. So this is driving in reverse. So in this trike in particular, if you were to use it for a mobility device or someone who may drive it onto an elevator or you back it into a parking spot, you can hop on and hit reverse. Now for reverse, you have to pedal backwards. And you have to push the throttle too. So as you push the throttle, the pedals will start moving backward. You can go backward. We can try that after maybe you get comfortable.

Phyllis: Most of the time, though, unless you're going in reverse, it just stays in D.

Dustin: Correct.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Drive and reverse.

Phyllis: Okay. And that's just for the electric function. Is that right?

Dustin: Correct.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Yep. And this is a 750-watt, so it's pretty powerful. The motor's here in the front. But again, we can adjust the levels so you don't have to use all the power.

Phyllis: These are the brakes, right? That's the important thing. Yeah. Okay.

Dustin: And let me, if you want to mind getting off quick, I'll just put it into speed one for you. So, or two at least. So it's not too difficult for you to start because right now, yeah, it's a little bit Let's see. Okay. All righty. So maybe just... Go ahead and take a ride.

Phyllis: It's very sturdy. There's no kickstand like an old-fashioned bike, is there?

Dustin: Well, trikes, you don't need a kickstand.

Phyllis: Oh, duh. You got one built in. All righty. Sometimes I miss the obvious.

Constance: What's the first thing you do now?

Phyllis: Let go of the parking brake?

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: Pedal?

Dustin: Yep, exactly.

Phyllis: And I'm in three.

Dustin: Yep.

Phyllis: Okay. All right, I'll see you guys in a couple of days. Okay. Or not. Oops. Okay, I can do this. Woo! Okay. All right.

Dustin: First time on a tricycle.

Phyllis: Yes. Whoa.

Dustin: Okay. There you go.

Phyllis: Turn it in, right?

Dustin: Yep. Steer.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Yeah, now see, that's why I mean you have to steer and then you have to trust that you'll stay balanced. A lot of people are not used to how a tricycle feels.

Constance: Okay.

Dustin: But you'll pick it up quickly. We'll move slowly.

Constance: She's doing okay. Now how is she stopping? She's grabbing the…

Dustin: Yeah, the brake levers, yep.

Constance: Are your hands always on the brakes, or not?

Dustin: So when I ride, sometimes I like to keep my hand like this…

Constance: Resting.

Dustin: Okay yeah, so you're ready to pull it, you know. Yeah, I recommend that. A lot of first-time riders don't do that and it makes me nervous because then they're not ready to get their hands.

Constance: Okay.

Dustin: Do you feel what I'm talking about with the steering?

Phyllis: Yeah, it's almost like when I get in sync with it, all is well, but yeah.

Constance: You did well.

Phyllis: Really? Yeah. That was a little rough there.

Dustin: Do you want to try to make just another quick circle or do you want me to put the electric on?

Phyllis: Oh, what would you prefer?

Dustin: Are you ready for it? Here, can we turn around?

Phyllis: Oh, why not? Can we? I don't know, Dusty.

Constance: Go around that way, like he did. No?

Phyllis: Yeah, maybe. I'll just go around you. Okay. All right, I'm trying to get you to turn.

Dustin: You can always use the reverse option.

Phyllis: Should I try it? Maybe next time. I'm cheating. I'm using my feet. Is that okay?

Dustin: That's okay. Okay. Whatever works.

Phyllis: All right.

Dustin: All right.

Constance: Well, I think you do well.

Dustin: Try to, when you go down, just stay as much in the middle as you can. It'll give you that buffer of drifting.

Phyllis: Yeah, I noticed that. Is that normal to drift a little bit like that when you're not used to it?

Dustin: Yep. Pretty much everybody does it.

Phyllis: Okay.

Constance: What is that kickstand thing?

Dustin: So this is a foldable e-trike.

Constance: This is foldable?

Dustin: Yeah. So this can fit in your car. This is the Easy Transit 750-watt Folding Etrike. So I can show you guys. We can fold the frame. What that is is a little stand. So if you fold it, you can put it down on the stand and then you put it in your car or something.

Constance: Wow. What does it weigh?

Dustin: It weighs about 69 pounds. But you can take the battery off, which reduces that by 8 pounds. And then the baskets are obviously, our trike comes with it.

Constance: Yeah, I love the baskets.

Dustin: Okay, so you're all powered on.

Phyllis: And I put the parking brake on.

Dustin: Okay.

Phyllis: Momentarily, I'll take it off.

Dustin: Yep.

Phyllis: Powered on and what's, I don't have to pedal, right? If I don't want to.

Dustin: You can use the throttle and maybe try.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Oh, what were you going to say? Maybe try what? Is this what I use to keep going on with the electric?

Dustin: Or you can pedal.

Phyllis: Or I can pedal.

Dustin: And as you make a full rotation, the assistance will kick in. And I'm going to kind of hover next to you just to ensure we don't have any…

Phyllis: And the assistance is... Oh, it's at one now. So how do I change that again?

Dustin: I don't think you need to go higher than one, but if you wanted to, you would push this up or down.

Phyllis: Oh, does it make you go faster?

Dustin: Yes.

Phyllis: Okay, well, yeah, we'll start at a reasonable pace. Oh, yeah.

Dustin: Keep one hand by the brakes, too.

Phyllis: I can do what? What brakes?

Dustin: All right, all right, she's good, she's good. Right. We never can tell what the result of a first ride is gonna be, so. Do you feel nervous or excited?

Constance: No, I don't feel nervous. I'm eager to try it. Try manual first and then electric. Look at her go.

Phyllis: Oh my gosh, this is so much fun. Can I do this?

Dustin: Maybe come over here and then you can make a big loop.

Phyllis: That's what I'm thinking. Well, it's sensitive to the touch, isn't it?

Dustin: Yeah, that's why you got to ease into it.

Phyllis: Yes.

Dustin: You got the hang of it though.

Phyllis: Yeah, it was super fun. I can see why my girlfriend has an electric bike. I can see why she likes it. Yeah. I can see where you kind of need to finesse it as you're, you know, both, both ways. Super fun though. Very responsive.

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: It's like, whoa.

Dustin: Did you feel better on your second trip down with the steering?

Phyllis: I did. Yeah. I did. Yeah. I stopped fighting it. I started, you know, trying to get in sync with it more. Yeah.

Dustin: Cool.

Phyllis: That was fun. Thank you.

Dustin: Yeah. Thank you. All right. We'll have, now make sure whenever you get off an e-bike, let's turn it off.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: And then, yeah, put the parking brake on. Perfect.

Phyllis: Okay. Warmed it up for you, my friend.

Constance: There we go.

Dustin: And let me get the seats a little crooked. There we go. Okay. And if we need the seat lower. And how tall are you Phyllis?

Phyllis: Five foot five.

Dustin: Okay. And you're a little taller.

Constance: Yeah.

Dustin: Five foot six? Six, seven almost.

Phyllis: Ah, those were the days.

Constance: Okay.

Dustin: You can step onto the pedal with your right foot if you want to help boost you up. Oh, you're good.

Constance: Okay, wait. Okay. Okay. Here we go.

Dustin: Are you ready?

Constance: No.

Dustin: Okay.

Constance: I'm not ready yet.

Dustin: Do the handlebars feel okay? Does the seat feel okay?

Constance: Yeah.

Dustin: Okay, okay. Any questions before you're off and running? I'll stick by your side, too, just to…

Constance: Okay, so to get started... I'm going to release those. I'm going to keep my hand here. Now I'm going to pedal.

Phyllis: Oh, well done.

Constance: Here I go. Whoa. I need to hold. Uh-oh, it's trying to go over that way. I'll make it go this way.

Dustin: Yeah, there you go. See, it feels like it's trying to go, but you just have to keep the wheel straight. There you go.

Constance: Here I go. Whoa.

Dustin: Yeah, make sure you have one hand up by the brake lever in case you need it. Yep, steer to the left, steer to the left. There you go. There you go.

Constance: I don't know if I can make this. I don't think I'm good at this.

Dustin: What'd you say?

Constance: I don't think I can do this.

Dustin: No?

Constance: I don't.

Dustin: Okay. Do you want me to drive it back? You're doing good.

Constance: Oh. I'm sorry.

Dustin: No, you're good. Is it harder to pedal on the incline or the steering?

Constance: I'm just worried about... falling over.

Dustin: Okay, well you were doing good. We can also stay over here where it's more flat. Yeah. It's a… There's also a thing with a lot of people that have ridden a lot of two-wheel bikes.

Constance: Yeah?

Dustin: It feels like you're gonna fall over, but you're not. Do you know what I mean? Because you're not used to having the two wheels. Do you want to try it?

Constance: Get it back on. Where it's more flat? Yeah.

Dustin: There you go. Here, let's try the, or there you go. I could also put it into first gear, which would be even easier to pedal.

Constance: I just can't do this.

Dustin: Okay.

Constance: I'm sorry.

Dustin: No, you're fine.

Constance: I'm sorry. I'm just not the candidate for this.

Dustin: Do you feel like you're going to fall over, or is it too hard to pedal?

Constance: I just feel totally out of control.

Dustin: Okay. Well, we've got another one that may feel better for you.

Constance: I mean, it's a tricycle.

Dustin: It's different, though. It is.

Phyllis: Yeah. It looked smooth, though, the whole way down there. You were much smoother than me.

Constance: I got afraid.

Dustin: First reaction. It's normal. We have a lot of people that get on trikes for the first time. And our brains are wired to... A lot of us ride two-wheel bikes. And when you get on a three-wheel bike, and it's been riders from 20 years old... To your age and older. It's the same kind of reaction, so you're not alone in that. Trust me.

Constance: What is it it's like you're not in control.

Dustin: You feel like you're gonna tip but you're not.

Phyllis: It's probably more stable than the other ones, right? Because of the extra…

Constance: It seems it would be.

Dustin: Yeah, and it's a different type of riding. It's a different type of how you shift your body weight. But we can also walk through these different trikes, and you may feel differently. I was going to say, why don't you get on this one? Because this one's got a wider base. This is our Electric Rickshaw. And we've got four-inch tires on here. So we'll move on to this one.

Phyllis: Did you try the electric part of that other one or was it just manual?

Constance: You need to help me get off this.

Dustin: Okay, sure, sure.

Constance: Just lift this off. Okay. I can't do this. I'm not physically able to. I'm sorry.

Dustin: Okay.

Constance: I'm just going to... Cut.

Dustin: All right. Do you want to try this one?

Constance: Oh.

Dustin: Because this one's a little bit different in that you kind of just sit right in here.

Constance: Maybe that's more my speed.

Phyllis: There you go. Okay. There you go.

Dustin: Now, how does that feel?

Constance: Well, this feels... Is this a two-wheeler?

Dustin: Three-wheeler.

Constance: Three-wheeler. Yeah. Okay.

Dustin: Do you like that better?

Constance: Yeah.

Dustin: Are your feet okay? Are they too close? I think we can move the seat back a little if you want.

Constance: Okay.

Dustin: Yeah?

Constance: Maybe two inches?

Dustin: Two inches back. Okay.

Constance: Here?

Dustin: Yep. There you go.

Phyllis: Nice.

Constance: Okay. Yeah, okay, let's try this.

Dustin: Okay, all right, so we're moving on now to the Simple Glide. Okay. This one you're gonna probably need assistance. Let me go ahead and turn your battery on down here. Okay. Okay, the batteries are turned on. Okay, now from there, we power on right here. mm-hmm okay, yeah, and we have the parking brake on as well. Now, this one's a little bit different in that it's a twist throttle. It's going to show you something here really quickly. So just.

Constance: OK.

Dustin: So you just twist that a little bit.

Phyllis: Oh.

Dustin: And you'll go. And if at any point you want to pedal your feet, you can do that also.

Phyllis: OK. Oh, that's neat.

Constance: I'm going to head that way.

Dustin: OK.

Phyllis: Lisa's like, ah.

Dustin: Yeah, there you go.

Phyllis: Yay.

Dustin: There you go.

Constance: Here I go.

Phyllis: Oh, that looks great, Constance.

Constance: Oh yeah, this is my speed. Oh, this is delightful.

Dustin: I knew we had something for you.

Constance: Oh yeah, this one, this is a winner. Look at Nana go.

Dustin: Is that easier for you to steer too?

Constance: Oh yeah.

Dustin: Try pedaling just to see. You can also do the throttle while you pedal.

Constance: This guy's going to run me over.

Dustin: Well, she's out of here. I think she's going to come around that way.

Phyllis: Oh, wow.

Constance: No hands. Oh, this baby's cool.

Dustin: Is that fun?

Constance: Oh, yeah. Like a little kid. Okay. Back to the garage. Did you think I was not coming back?

Dustin: Well, I saw you. I figured you were going to make a big loop, so…

Constance: I'm not getting off this one.

Dustin: Comfortable, right?

Constance: Oh, yeah.

Dustin: Yeah?

Constance: This is very cool.

Dustin: Yeah.

Constance: This one's great.

Dustin: I want to show you something, actually, too. This one has reverse also, so I want to just see if you can do the reverse quickly.

Constance: Okay. Okay.

Dustin: Okay, so let's just power it on again.

Constance: Mm-hmm.

Dustin: Okay, so this is cool. So you push this down to here. Now put your wheels straight and then just give the throttle a little bit and your pedals are gonna start to move backwards.

Constance: Okay.

Dustin: Yep, so if you were to like wanna backup, you could use that.

Constance: Okay, now I wanna go forward.

Dustin: So push that plus up till it says one.

Constance: This one?

Dustin: One more time. You don't have to hold it, you just press it. Yep, there you go. Now you can just do the throttle to go forward.

Constance: Do you want me to do another runaround?

Dustin: Sure, why not? Here, let's get a close-up so we can show everyone the controls, and what she's got going on here. So it's a Simple Glide, 500 watts. So she's got a twist throttle here. This is a kill switch on your throttle, so if the button pops out, the throttle won't work, so for safety reasons. And then up here is her display. And I was showing her, that you just hit the minus button down to zero, then one more. And now you're in reverse, but we're going to keep her in first. And, yeah.

Constance: This is, this is great. All right. I'm right behind you. We. Going left. Is this fun?

Dustin: Nice way to enjoy the day, right

Constance:? Yeah. Oh my gosh. This is so cool. Going left.

Dustin: All right.

Constance: Did you want to get in front of me?

Dustin: No, I'm good. Oh. Oh, picking up some speed. She's going 15.

Constance: I feel the need to speed up.

Dustin: I'm glad you're liking it.

Constance: Oh, man, this isn't cool. Whee!

Dustin: Do you want to bring it back and park it?

Constance: Okay. I'm going to be parking that way. I mean, just dial your ride. Whoa.

Phyllis: Wow. That looks super fun. Was it all electric that right?

Constance: Yep.

Phyllis: Nice.

Constance: I love this. It's so smooth. Yeah, I know I do love the throttle thing.

Dustin: You want to try that one now, Phyllis.

Phyllis: This one?

Dustin: The one she's on.

Phyllis: Well, sure.

Dustin: Maybe we'll just go straight to the Simple Glide.

Phyllis: Simple Glide. Okay.

Constance: I hope I have it off.

Dustin: Let's see. Yep, yeah, you did it.

Constance: I did it?

Dustin: And then here, this is, push this in.

Constance: Oh, push it all the way in, okay? Oh yeah, that's better.

Dustin: Easy to get on and off too, right?

Constance: Yeah, that's nana speed. This is for 80 and up. You're too young for this.

Phyllis: Well, I don't know. You were a smooth rider on that one.

Dustin: How do the pedals feel, okay? Are they too far away?

Phyllis: Yeah. I think they're fine.

Dustin: Because the seat can actually…

Phyllis: Whoa. That might be a little too close. Let's see. Huh?

Constance: Here's the throttle, miss. This is the throttle. These are your brakes.

Phyllis: That I know. I'm trying to figure out... Okay, the red button?

Constance: Oh, that's for reverse.

Dustin: This is a kill switch.

Constance: That's a kill switch.

Phyllis: Oh, that's the kill switch. 

Constance: And that's how to get it started.

Phyllis: Oh, that's a power. Should I hit it?

Constance: Yeah, go.

Dustin: Yep, hold it down. Push and hold it down.

Constance: And then you'll see the display.

Phyllis: Okay. Okay. Great. And plus and minus again are…

Dustin: Yep, that'll give you more or less assistance.

Phyllis: And the assistance is an extra oomph?

Dustin: Correct. Yep, think of it like a…

Phyllis: For lack of a better word, an extra oomph.

Dustin: Yeah.

Constance: Oh, you're going to love this one.

Dustin: Oomph. This one is…

Phyllis: I know.

Dustin: So this is a twist throttle.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: So you twist it back just a touch for it to go.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Right here. Yep. When the brake is on, nothing will work. So you got to pull that. Just this one. Pull it. Pull it again. There you go. When that pops out.

Phyllis: And didn't you say if something goes wrong, you could push that in or something?

Dustin: Or just pull the brakes.

Phyllis: Oh, well... That's easier, wouldn't it be?

Constance: Look at me.

Dustin: You're an expert now.

Phyllis: What was the red one again?

Dustin: That just is a kill switch. So if this is popped out, now the throttle doesn't work. If you push it in, now the throttle will work.

Phyllis: Okay. Bye-bye.

Constance: Bye-bye.

Phyllis: Woo! Okay.

Constance: Was that fun?

Phyllis: Oh my gosh, yes.

Constance: That is so easy to use that one.

Dustin: Yeah.

Constance: And what is that one called?

Dustin: Simple Glide.

Constance: Simple Glide.

Dustin: Yep. Here she comes. Let's see.

Phyllis: Ooh, this baby has some get up and go.

Constance: Is that fun?

Phyllis: Yeah, it's great. Is it easier to steer, or is it just I'm getting used to it, maybe?

Dustin: It's a different wheelbase, so yeah, it's…

Phyllis: Super fun. Very responsive.

Constance: The tires are bigger, right?

Dustin: The tires, yeah.

Phyllis: Whoa! This baby has some pep. Let me tell you. Right? Yeah.

Dustin: Yeah. So you like this one better than the…

Phyllis: I do. I mean, that one is... I think I could have been okay on that other one if I'd gotten more used to it. But this one's pretty user-friendly.

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: You know?

Dustin: Yeah. Well, it has a longer wheelbase, so I think it maybe feels more stable, too.

Constance: It looks like a chopper, you know? Does it?. It looks like a chopper.

Phyllis: Yeah, it does.

Dustin: Here, stay on. I'll take a ride with you, too.

Phyllis: Okay, cool.

Dustin: Might as well.

Constance: Look, it's got a little light.

Phyllis: Is it just as easy when you're just pedaling it? Because I just use the electric the whole time.

Dustin: Well, try the pedals. Let's do a lap and... Here, I'll film her. You can also hold the throttle and pedal while you're holding the throttle as well.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. Oh yeah, maybe I'll do that. Because that throttle is fun. See ya.

Dustin: Try pedaling a little.

Phyllis: Okay. Okay, I need more resistance.

Dustin: Well, this one right now has an automatic hub so it will give you the resistance as you go.

Phyllis: Yeah. I feel it now. 

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: And so it senses it, huh?

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: Wow, how cool is that? Okay, I’m cheating. I’m pedaling in using the throttle.

Dustin: That's okay.

Phyllis: Okay, cool. I'm like Maria Andretti. The Maria Andretti of tricycles right?

Dustin: This thing's like, it's fun, right? It's zippy.

Phyllis: It's super fun. Zippy's the perfect word, Dusty. Yeah.

Constance: That’s so cool.

Dustin: Do you want to try the reverse too?

Phyllis: Oh yeah. All right.

Dustin: So push the minus button until you hit zero, then push it again. Now do the throttle a little bit.

Phyllis: Okay. Oh yeah. That's so funny. Okay. Look, I'm parking. Huh?

Dustin: Now you can just push plus again.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Until you get to one.

Phyllis: Got it. Can't get easier than that, right? Woohoo! Dusty, I think Zippy is the perfect word for this.

Dustin: Yeah?

Phyllis: Yeah. Nice.

Dustin: All right, well, there's still three more to try.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Now, Constance, I think you found your winner, right? So you're gonna stay off the rest of them? 

Constance: Yeah, I found my winner.

Dustin: But Phyllis, let's get you to try the fat tire, the rickshaw. It's going to feel a lot different. Now…

Constance: Do you want me to get in the back?

Dustin: Sure, yeah.

Phyllis: Do you want me to? Is it okay? Is it going to be harder to steer?

Dustin: Why don't we have her try it first and then we'll have her get in the back?

Phyllis: Let me try it because I don't want to dump you. Wouldn't that be awful? I mean, I'm sure it'll be fine, but…

Dustin: All right, so everything is the same, premise-wise. You turn the power on here.

Phyllis: Okay, here's my little screen.

Dustin: Yep. And your parking brake is engaged. Your throttle on this one is right here on your right thumb this time.

Phyllis: Oh, wow.

Dustin: So it's pushed down.

Phyllis: Yep.

Dustin: Okay. Same thing.

Phyllis: Why do they have the throttles in different places? Just preference?

Dustin: Yeah, different.

Phyllis: Or give a variety of options?

Dustin: Yeah, in a perfect world, we'd probably have it over here.

Phyllis: Uh-huh. Okay.

Constance: The tires on that one's beautiful.

Dustin: Yeah, so these are nice and wide. You can have passengers back here.

Phyllis: Uh-huh.

Dustin: So it's going to be different than this one. So you're going to have to steer. It's going to feel more like the first one you rode.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: And…

Phyllis: What's the green button here?

Dustin: That's a horn, but unfortunately, it doesn't work right now.

Phyllis: Aw, darn it.

Constance: Is there a horn on this one?

Dustin: Uh, there is not.

Constance: I would buy that.

Dustin: But we probably should put a horn on there.

Phyllis: All right, forgive me, but you've already told me these numbers here.

Dustin: Those are the gears.

Phyllis: Those are the gears. So right now we're in two, which is how you want to start, just like a stick shift in a car. You don't want to put it into fifth gear.

Dustin: But I'm going to put you in one for pedal assist because, with the bigger tires, this is a little harder to pedal because it's heavier. So I think you'll appreciate having a little assistance.

Phyllis: I will. Thank you. How did you know? Okay.

Dustin: You can pop that breakout and this one, too.

Phyllis: Oh, they're both set. Okay. And this and this. That's the power. Oh, that's the assist.

Dustin: Yep.

Phyllis: Duh.

Constance: Where's your throttle on this one?

Phyllis: It's this little puppy right here with your right thumb.

Dustin: Yep. Yeah, you can push it a little bit if you want. Watch out there, Constance. Yep.

Constance: Is that cool?

Phyllis: Yeah. So it's okay to use a throttle and pedal?

Dustin: Yeah, I mean, or…

Phyllis: Or should I try it just one way and then the other, or what do you think?

Dustin: I think doing both is great. And, here, let me ride with you. I'll go next to her while she goes.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: I'll take this one because this will be nice and easy for me to film you while you're off and running. Okay, whenever you're ready.

Phyllis: Okay. Whee! Ooh. This one's got some good pickup too.

Dustin:  Good kick?

Phyllis: Yeah. Now I'm just gliding here.

Dustin: Yep, turn the wheel. Don't be afraid. Turn it, turn it. There you go. And so if you want to put that into level two, push that arrow up by your left finger, by your left hand.

Phyllis: Oh, my left hand.

Dustin: Push it up to two. Now pedal.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. When I do, it does the assist.

Dustin: You can do the gears but the assistance is really what's gonna help get it moving.

Phyllis: Very sturdy.

Dustin: Yeah Powerful, right?

Phyllis: Yeah, very powerful.

Dustin: Are you ready for a passenger?

Phyllis: Sure.

Dustin: Constance, are you ready to take a ride on the back?

Constance: Sure. Look at this, it has a seatbelt.

Phyllis: Oh my gosh, that's very funny.

Constance: I am going to use that.

Phyllis: Oh, ye of little faith.

Constance: Okay, so here we go.

Phyllis: Oh, you can manage that very well, I'm sure.

Constance: I put on my big knees. Uh-oh, okay. Now we're going to…

Dustin: How tall are you? You're pretty tall.

Constance: I am very tall. You know what? I've been doing stretch exercises, and I went from like 5'5 to almost 5'7 in three months.

Phyllis: Okay. Oh, my gosh.

Constance: Yeah, but that's not back to where I started at 5'9.

Phyllis: Well, I'm going to have to get those stretch exercises from you. All right.

Constance: Here we go.

Phyllis:  Hang on. All right. Are you good?

Constance: I'm good.

Phyllis:  I'm taking the brakes off.

Dustin: Now just ease into it. You might want to use the throttle to get going. It may be easier.

Constance: Ease on down. Ease on down the road. Ease on down. Ease on down the road.

Dustin: Comfortable back there, isn't it?

Constance: Ease on down. Ease on down the road.

Phyllis: I think you like it.

Constance: Oh my god, this is so fun. Go faster. Oh no, I'm just teasing. You'll do fine. You'll do fine. Ease on down, ease on down the road. Better ease on down, ease on down the road. Oh my gosh, this is so much fun. Ease on down, ease on down the road. Ease on down, ease on down the road. You can't go fast enough for me. Woo! Woo! Oh my gosh, that was so fun.

Phyllis: Isn't that great?

Constance: Oh my gosh.

Phyllis: Look how well it steers, too.

Constance: We're from San Diego. We can do it. You're a good driver.

Phyllis: Thank you. I was well trained.

Constance: That was close.

Dustin: All right, well, Constance loved it.

Phyllis: Yeah. Show does.

Dustin: What do you think?

Phyllis: I thought this was great.

Dustin: And it's not too bad to steer, right, with the passenger in the back?

Phyllis: No. You know what? I didn't notice any difference.

Dustin: Right. Yeah.

Phyllis: Which was pretty amazing.

Constance: Should she go again?

Dustin: Do you want to go again?

Constance: Do you want to go again?

Phyllis: She wants to go again. Sure.

Dustin: Go for it.

Constance: Go for it. Go. Go.

Phyllis: Okay, okay, okay.

Constance: Go before he says no.

Phyllis: Ready?

Constance: Ease on down. Ease on down the road. Oh. Oh my gosh, this is living.

Phyllis: Isn't it great?

Constance: Oh my gosh, Phyllis, you're such a good driver. I mean, you took to this so fast. Ease on down, ease on down the road. Okay, we're gonna take a curve. Woo!

Dustin: Nice steering Phyllis.

Constance: Are you having fun?

Phyllis: It handles well.

Constance: Oh you are such a good driver that's why. Okay. Oh my gosh gosh, I love this  bike.

Phyllis: You know, it's kind of like the BMW of bikes. It grips the curve, seriously.

Constance: It is.

Phyllis: Because normally I'd be worried about flipping over.

Constance: You're good at handling the passenger.

Phyllis: Oh, well, you know what? Honestly, again, I don't feel a difference with you.

Constance: Really?

Phyllis: Yes.

Dustin: And how do you feel back there, Constance?

Phyllis: Oh my gosh. She's having fun.

Constance: Should she go again?

Dustin: We can in a few minutes.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: But you feel safe back there, don't you?

Constance: Yeah, I love being back here. I mean, it's very safe. You have a seatbelt, and you have hard, you know, metal.

Phyllis: Oh, your seatbelt. Do you want me to help you?

Constance: No, I got it.

Phyllis: You got it? Okay.

Constance: Am I getting off?

Dustin: Um... Probably. We'll do another video of just that one, though, after we're done with all these.

Constance: Oh, my God. That was so fun. Oh, dear.

Phyllis: Yeah, that was it was interesting. I didn't expect it to have that much get-up-and-go for its size.

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: And it made no difference with her in the back. Really?

Dustin: I know. It's crazy, right?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: All right, Phyllis, we're going to get you on this one now. This one is even more different. This is a Two-front-wheel trike. So this rides more like a bicycle.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Did you design all these two?

Dustin: We did. Yeah.

Phyllis: That's amazing.

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: I've never seen anything quite like it.

Dustin: So this one when's the last time you rode a bike? Let me lower the seat for you a little bit.

Phyllis: Probably, well at the gym. Does that count? But a regular bike, probably about five years ago.

Dustin: Okay.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: Okay, so this one's going to feel different.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Is that seat too high?

Phyllis: I think it's okay. Okay, so you kind of have to have your feet down before you start.

Dustin: Exactly, yep.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: And I can raise the handlebars for you.

Phyllis: I think that's all right. That's good.

Dustin: Okay.

Phyllis: It's dusty.

Dustin: Okay. So everything's the same in principle with the motor. I think it's best if you start without the motor and just pedal because this one is going to feel different.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: I'm going to put the kickstand up for you.

Phyllis: Should I be scared?

Dustin: A little bit of fear is okay, but you'll figure it out.

Phyllis: Okay. I usually don't mess with this, but I know what it's for. It's like shifting gears.

Dustin: Yep.

Phyllis: The plus is... Oh, that's how you shift it? No.

Dustin: Yeah. Yeah. Plus goes up. This goes down.

Phyllis: Oh. Okay. Okay, thank you. How many times have I told her that, right? Okay.

Dustin: No, you're good.

Phyllis: Okay, I'm gonna, oh wait, I'm gonna start pedaling so I don't need the power.

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: Okay, brakes, all good. This is, okay, okay. So we're just pedaling right now.

Dustin: Yep.

Phyllis: What's this?

Dustin: That's the throttle.

Phyllis: Oh, that is the throttle.

Dustin: Yep, now it's on your left hand.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Yep.

Phyllis: Interesting. You know, it's nice though, because then you have, you know, different options so that's great. And this is if I wanted to. Oh, I see that manually changes that. Oh, that goes down, that goes up. I'm to get this. I swear. All right. Ready?

Dustin: Yep.

Phyllis: OK. I'm giving myself a little kickstart. Woo. OK. A little different. OK, we're getting there. Oops, for some reason I want to go that way. All right. Hmm. This is more of a balancing act, isn't it? Or is it just me?

Dustin: There you go.

Phyllis: All right.

Dustin: There you go.

Phyllis: There we go. You know, once I got the hang of it, it was nice. It's just different.

Dustin: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Phyllis: But it's almost like you have... two wheels, it's like extra security in the steering, right?

Dustin: And you've got tight, you can corner tight and…

Phyllis: Uh-huh.

Dustin: But yeah, you also went from a traditional trike to this.

Phyllis: Yes.

Dustin: So it's gonna feel a lot different. So yeah, you can even turn, yeah, see how it stays balanced?

Phyllis: Yeah. I think, you know, it's interesting, I find so far with all the bikes I've tried, when I stop fighting the process, it's easy.

Dustin: No, it's true, it's true. 

Phyllis: This is unusual, but it's neat.

Dustin: I think the assistance may help you.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Try pedaling and just leave it in level one.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: It's going to make it easier for you to keep your momentum. And if you want, then try the throttle also.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Just ease into it. Don't go too crazy.

Phyllis: Yeah. One of the ones earlier, and even this one, they hug the corners when you go around.

Dustin: Oh, yeah?

Phyllis: Yeah. All right. Well, here we go. Wow, this one's got a lot of pep. I even took my hand off to wave at the postman who saw me coming and was thoroughly intimidated and said I better wait.

Dustin: How do you feel about the cornering on that?

Phyllis: You know, yeah, actually, once I got used to it, it was I felt very secure, felt very stable. But I'm surprised, too. It's like, again, just, you know, I gave it a little throttle and went, who, just takes off, which is fun. All right. Are you ready, Dusty?

Dustin: I'm ready. Let's do it.

Phyllis: OK. Oh, dear. OK. The extra assist, that's like kind of a little more resistance when you pedal, is that right? Or is it, how would you describe it?

Dustin: The assistance?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: No, it's gonna make it easier.

Phyllis: Oh, make it easier?

Dustin: If you wanna push that button up to level two.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: On your left hand.

Phyllis: Here. Yeah, oh, okay.

Dustin: Do you feel more?

Phyllis: Yeah, oh, I see. I'm not burning as many calories, am I?

Dustin: That's true. And you can also just do the throttle if you want to not pedal.

Phyllis: Yeah, I did that around the side.

Dustin: You did?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. And that's why I was amazed at how it just jumped. Here, I'm going to wait until I get around this corner. Yeah. The throttle works great on this, too. A lot of pep. Oh, yeah. Here we go.

Dustin: I can't even keep up. She's going about 16.

Phyllis: I do. Yeah, I just had to get used to it. And then it was great. Oh, now I'm doing all this. Whee! Yeah, nice turn ratio. I swear I'm going to park it.

Dustin: All right. Okay, we got one more for you to try now.

Phyllis: This was, yeah, this was super fun. Now I'm curious. Bye. Whoa! Okay, maybe I'll wait on that.

Dustin: Oh, yeah, we don't need to revert.

Phyllis: No, I was trying to show off.

Dustin: Reverse on that one is impossible. We're going to take that off.

Phyllis: Oh, now I feel better. Okay.

Dustin: Yeah. You can park it right there. It's fine.

Phyllis: I'm going to show off for him. Not quite. Okay.

Dustin: Okay. Now, last but not least, we have Constance's favorite color.

Phyllis: Oh, he has a kickstand, this one.

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Now, this is our Evryjourney. So, you've tested the more powerful ones.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: This one... Is our least powerful, but a lot of riders like it because it's good for cruising.

Phyllis: And you can put your pet in the back.

Dustin: That's right. And you got a lot of accessories.

Phyllis: OK. Well, it looks simpler to me.

Dustin: Yeah, it is simpler in a way. So you've got…

Phyllis: No parking brake?

Dustin: No parking brake on this one.

Phyllis: That's probably a kickstand I'm guessing.

Dustin: No kickstand.

Phyllis: What!

Dustin: So yeah, same premise. You got your throttle. So this one is a twist shifter for the gears.

Phyllis: Oh!

Dustin: But you still have your plus and minus for the assistance there.

Phyllis: And the upper gears…

Dustin: Are harder to pedal.

Phyllis: Harder to pedal. Let's put these in the middle. Where's the middle? Is that the middle? Oh, that width is, wait.

Dustin: Yeah, typically we don't want to shift this while you're standing still, though.

Phyllis: Oh.

Dustin: Because it's connected to the chain. No, you're good. What gear are you in now? Six?

Phyllis: Oh, no. I think I'm going to leave that one alone for now.

Dustin: All right.

Phyllis: Okay. Should I start pedaling?

Dustin: Sure.

Phyllis: And then maybe add the throttle? Oh, yeah. Okay. Okay. Here we go. Hmm. How do I get more resistance?

Dustin: Oh, you know what? Just use the throttle on this one.

Phyllis: Okay. Nice. Very smooth.

Dustin: Oh, there we go.

Phyllis: Nice. Hello.

Dustin: What do you think?

Phyllis: I like it. It's, you know, it's not as much oomph if you will, but it's smooth. It's steady. You know, it's yeah.

Dustin: A little bit more gradual on the throttle.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: We're missing a chain back here, so we're going to get you one more so you can pedal. Try pedaling on it as well.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. Yeah, I pedaled a little bit, but yeah, great. But yeah, it was super fun.

Dustin: Do you like the more power?

Phyllis: You know what? I have a cat that's semi-trained. If I had him in the back, I would want this one. The ones with more power are... They're a little fun too, yeah.

Dustin: But you don't need to be that fast, you're saying if you have your cat in there.

Phyllis: Right.

Dustin: Okay, fair enough. Alright, let me get you the other one with the chain, then we'll swap and we'll do another lap around.

Phyllis: Okay. Ready?

Dustin: Ready.

Phyllis: I like the way it pedals.

Dustin: Yeah, it's a good cruising trike.

Phyllis: You're cheating. You're using your throttle. Okay. This one feels faster.

Dustin: This one feels faster.

Phyllis: Yeah, it does.

Dustin: Oh. Came around that corner a little too fast.

Phyllis: I leaned into it and I kind of put the body into it, but yeah, it handles well. I just got a little carried away. Okay, I'm doing a little throttle here. Whoo! All right. Coming through. All right.

Dustin: All right. So you said that one feels faster.

Phyllis: Yeah. For some reason, it just…

Dustin: It is a little lighter than the other ones.

Phyllis: Is it? Okay.

Dustin: And how did you feel about the power? I mean…

Phyllis: Yeah, the power felt a little bit more, too. Maybe it's just my imagination, but yeah.

Dustin: Well, it's less powerful than every other trike you've ridden.

Phyllis: Really? Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Dustin: So this is a 250-watt front hub.

Phyllis: Maybe it's the color. I don't know.

Dustin: But pedaling was nice…

Phyllis: Like pedaling was super easy. Perfect amount of tension. The throttle was like, you know, felt like instantly responded, which was great. You know I've also noticed riding these, like, I sometimes I've been hitting like potholes or, you know, bumps. And I never feel like I'm losing control, which is great.

Dustin: That is great, yeah.

Phyllis: Because we don't want to lose control.

Dustin: No, that would be bad.

Phyllis: Not at this age. No, I can't.

Dustin: Now, we're going to play a game. We're going to line them all up.

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: And you're going to stand or go sit on the one that you like best. Well, take your time. Think about what you liked. Maybe there's something you liked about each one of them.

Constance: Oh, there's no doubt.

Dustin: Except for Constance. So what did you love most? Now you only tried this one and this one. What were the differences and why love this one so much?

Constance: I don't know why this one felt like I was completely in control. I could handle it. It was more my size. I think, I don't know, it was just really easy and I felt comfortable on, oh, that's what it was, the seat.

Dustin: Did you like the seat?

Constance: Yeah. It's like a real, you know, like a car seat, you know, it's like a seat. And I think with, with that one, I was just, you know, afraid of falling off, even though it's impossible to fall off. Um, so this one.

Dustin: Okay, cool.

Constance: So thank you very much.

Dustin: Simple glider company, but he tried for her. And now how about you, Phyllis, which one is yours?

Phyllis: I mean, I enjoyed the different features of each of them. I, I like this one for the maneuverability, manageability, speed, and just fun factor. But Constance is right. I did have an affinity for this one. I did because it had to get up and go, the stability. But also how fun is it to have, you know, somebody in the backseat?

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: So that was cool. Although now I'm waffling.

Dustin: You like this one, too.

Phyllis: Yeah. This one, I love the idea. Steady, sturdy, but still pep. And you can put, know, groceries in there or your trained cat. You may not like it, but he could…

Dustin: Or untrained cats if you want to do that too.

Phyllis: Yeah, you can do that too. Just make sure you tie him up well. No, they're... But yeah, it's... Do I have to pick a favorite?

Dustin: Well, you can... I mean, you don't have to.

Phyllis: Maybe this one.

Dustin: Okay.

Phyllis: I'm going to pick this one.

Dustin: What did you think of the two front wheels? I mean, we kind of went through it, but…

Phyllis: And this one's a close second. That's the one I started on, correct?

Dustin: Yeah. You may be judging that hardest, though, because that was when you learned to ride.

Phyllis: Yes. Yeah. And once I kind of got the feel of it, that was pretty fun, too. And the same thing with this one. Once I got used to the two wheels in front. I mean, I like them. I just think these.

Dustin: Yeah. Those are your two favorites.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: Fair enough.

Phyllis: But I mean, I listen, I would be happy with any of them. I'm quite sure.

Dustin: Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Dustin: Well, cool. Do you want to get back on your favorite? And then as we said, bid farewell to our viewers. So there we go. We've got Phyllis and Constance just took their first-ever rides on each trip and they picked their two favorites. Constance at 81 loved the Simple Glide and Phyllis at 67 liked the Fat Tire you tried, but she's waffling. She also liked the Simple Glide and the EvryJourney on her right here as well. If you have any other questions, reach out to us at, or call us at 310-982-2877.

Don't forget, we have a 30-day test ride on your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in 30 days, send it back. No questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we warranty everything for one year. Take care of everything, parts, and labor in the first year if anything goes wrong. Lastly, connect with our community, our Facebook group called sixthreezero Pedalers, and download our app. Before you purchase, talk to existing riders so you can get their experiences firsthand. Then when you have your trike, post in the group, and make friends. And track your rides on the app and compete on the leaderboard. I know Constance would love that. So would Phyllis. Yeah. So that's it. If you guys want to power up go ahead and take a lap. I'll follow you, okay?

Phyllis: Okay.

Dustin: Are you turned on? Oh, you're all turned on. And if you guys just want to look at the camera on three, our tagline is, don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride. So can you say it with me?

Phyllis/Constance: Sure.

Phyllis: Are we moving or stationary?

Dustin: You can go. You can start going as we say it. Ready? One, two, three.

Together: It's your journey. It's your experience. Enjoy the ride. All right. Enjoy the ride.

Phyllis: Can we do that again?

Dustin: It's all right. Go ahead. Oh, let me pop out the brake for you here. All right.

Constance: Wait, catch up. Wait.


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