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Wine Tasting & Exercising on an E-Bike | Weight Loss Vlog Episode 2

The diet's gone a little bit off track. In the last episode, I did my first weigh-in and I blurred the scale because I was just nervous about broadcasting my weight on YouTube. But a few people pointed out that, that's what validates the whole process. You have to show your beginning and ending weight if you want to actually prove that I made progress. So I've decided to go ahead and show my starting weight. And plus people have been so supportive in the comments and I really feel like I'm not alone in this. So I feel less nervous about sharing my weight now after reading some of the supportive comments and hearing about other people's stories. So here it is, my starting weight.

So today's the day we're finally biking the 17-mile drive. I think we both really need it. We've been at Nate's house for four days now. And every day we've eaten so much food. It was fun, but we definitely need to exercise. So that'll be a good opportunity. I am hoping it won't be too challenging. But no matter what, we're definitely going to finish. We have e-bikes. So if we have to we'll ramp up the pedal-assist or use the throttle. But my goal is to have my heart rate in a cardio zone for at least most of the ride so I can burn those calories. But I'm really looking forward to it because it seems like a really scenic route and I've never been on the 17-mile drive. So it'll be my first time.

We're starting here at Lovers Point in Pacific Grove. And I think it's just about a mile to the actual starting point for a 17-mile trip. So let's go. Stopping for our first water break. We've been biking for 30 minutes and it's been really nice. The road isn't that busy. The weather's perfect. It's a little overcast, so it's not too hot. I've been using pedal-assist for the hills and I haven't gone higher than one. So I think that's good. And my heart rate's been in the cardio zone. I do feel like I'm getting a workout. As we were biking... So there's the golf course to the left and a golf ball flew right above Nate's arms.

Oh my God.

Crazy. 13 miles in my legs are starting to feel a little wobbly. Let's get back on the road. Okay, we just finished the ride. So we completed the whole 17-mile drive and some. So ride stats. It took us two hours. Our average speed was 11 miles per hour. We covered a total of 23 miles and our average pace was five minutes per mile. That's fast. So max elevation was 784 feet. And our elevation gain was 745, which is a lot. And I know I definitely used pedal-assist for those hills and even the throttle a few times. And so I burned 600 calories, which is a lot for me.

It didn't feel like two hours at all. It went by really fast. And I think that's the good thing about picking a really scenic route is that it'll fly by because we have so much to look at. I feel really good and I'm happy with that ride. I think I'm getting better. Ready for more long rides like that.

Okay. So we're here up North and we're hanging out with some old friends. So the diet's gone a little bit off track.

What do we have here?

We're wine tasting. We've got the mixed flight. Things got a little out of hand while we were in Monterey. It was the first time seeing family. And so we had a big family celebration. I ate so much food. I basically did not hold back at all the whole time we were there. It felt like a special occasion and the food was too good to turn down. Brisket, fried rice, all of the Filipino favorites that I haven't had in so long because I don't make Filipino food. So it was my only chance to eat it and was a home cook. I really didn't restrict myself and I didn't feel bad because it was only day one. But then we had all the leftovers. We went to a winery. So I did end up having a few glasses of wine, several, a few. And I ate a lot too. The food was so good. We hit up all of the Monterey favorites that we don't get to usually eat because we're in So Cal.

I did go overboard but luckily didn't gain weight because I biked a lot. I did the 17-mile ride, which was more like a 20-mile ride. Plus I did a couple of regular 30-minute rides while we were there too. And I didn't gain weight, but I didn't lose weight either. Now that I'm back home in LA, I feel like I got all of the eating and drinking out of my system. I had a whole week to just do whatever I wanted, eat whatever I wanted and now I'm ready. I feel really motivated to focus and get my biking routine down, start eating healthy. I'm ready to make some changes.

So I just picked up a tunable from Tender Greens. Trying to make healthier decisions. So this has sear tuna, carrots, cucumbers, greens, and rice. Not too bad. I think it's a good start. It's time for me to really focus on eating healthy. So this is my attempt at that.

I think I had a pretty successful week. I went on four bike rides. All of the morning rides, 30 plus minutes each time. The Average was 35, 40 minutes. And I'm really happy with that. I feel great. I have to say the feeling after a bike ride is awesome. And that's why I really like biking in the morning because then I feel ready to tackle the rest of my day. Now that I'm pretty confident in my routine... It's still challenging to ride four times a week, 40 minutes, 30 to 40 minutes, but I feel like I could do more. And so I have something in mind to spice up my bike rides. It's a surprise. It's something I saw that I wanted to try and it looks really fun. I'm really excited to do it.

It's pretty early. This is the earliest I've been up in a year because we're doing something exciting in Santa Monica. You'll see what we're up to when we get there. All right, we're here in Santa Monica at the beach. It's 7:00 AM. At this point, I've been biking pretty consistently, at least half an hour, three to four times a week. And so today I'm going to mix it up. I think I need to intensify my rides.

That looks so sick.

Thank you for watching. Subscribe so you don't miss episode three. That's when I'll be doing my week three weigh-in. We do a surprise workout, which is cool. And something crazy happens that basically changes my whole life. So you won't want to miss it. Tune in subscribe, and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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