E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: July 18, 2024
First-time riders on the Easy Rider Compact Electric Mobility Scooter. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today we're gonna have first-time riders, heights 4'11” to 6'2”, experience this e-trike for the very first time. Now before we get into that and see their experience, let me walk you through some features of this electric trike, electric mobility trike. Now, it's got a 500-watt front hub motor and a 15 amp hour battery. You can tackle hills on this, riders up to 350 pounds can ride on this, and you can tackle hills on it, and also hit top speeds of 16 miles an hour, in throttle, 16 miles an hour in pedal assist. Also, you're going to get a range of up to 50 miles, depending on how you use the pedal assist and the throttle, also the weight of the rider and the terrain will impact the range. Now, what I mean by that is you've got a throttle here that you can twist, and this will just go on its own, or you can put it into a pedal assist as well. Now, if you use more throttle, you would drain the battery quicker. Using lower levels of pedal assist or no pedal assist will extend the range. Gonna have a seven-speed derailleur on here that you can shift the gears if you wanna ride without assistance, totally up to you. Now, we have these pads here as well that are used for sizing and fitting different riders. So, riders 4’11” need two pads, and riders about five, five, five, six, five, and seven can use one. Over five, seven, five, eight, don't need them at all, and you are going to see in the video exactly their experience and what they think and how they feel. In addition to that, it is very stable and very easy to steer. You've got this office chair backrest, which is nice and comfortable while you ride. You're going to see this perform, be sized and fitted, the Easy Rider Compact E-Mobility Trike.
Dustin: Okay, we're here with Suzanne who's going to take her first ride on the Easy Rider Compact electric mobility trike. So go ahead and sit down now. She's 4'11 with a 24-inch inseam. So we've got two back cushions here for her, which is an option if you're looking to get the Easy Rider Compact. You could do one or two cushions to bring you forward. And how are the handlebars for you?
Suzanne: They feel good. Everything, yeah, feels comfortable.
Dustin: Okay, cool. Yeah. So she just took her first-ever e-bike ride. Now she's going to take her first ride on this.
Suzanne: Yes.
Dustin: Again, she's 4'11", 24-inch inseam and arm length was..
Suzanne: 17 inches. Yes.
Dustin: Okay, so it works similarly.
Suzanne: Okay.
Dustin: We do have to turn the battery on down here, so let me go ahead and do that for you.
Suzanne: Okay.
Dustin: Now, from here, go ahead and push and hold that down.
Suzanne: Okay.
Dustin: All right. So it's the same thing in principle. Okay, you have a parking brake on right now so you have to pop that out. Sorry.
Suzanne: Oh sure.
Dustin: There you go and yeah you pedal it's gonna go.
Suzanne: And this is the throttle?
Dustin: This is a twist throttle so…
Suzanne: Okay.
Dustin: This is a kill switch so if it's popped out the throttle does not work.
Suzanne: Gotcha.
Dustin: If it's popped in the throttle does work and you can twist it.
Suzanne: Okay gotcha, gotcha.
Dustin: And, just ease into that don't go full bore on the twisting.
Suzanne: Sure and Sounds good. This doesn't have to be plugged in, right?
Dustin: That does have to be plugged in.
Suzanne: Oh, okay.
Dustin: That came out here. Let's go ahead and put that in. Okay. Yep.
Suzanne: All right.
Dustin: Okay, maiden voyage.
Suzanne: Here I go. I'm going to start with the pedal first. It says it's on two.
Dustin: Yeah, put it in one. Give it a little throttle to get it going. Oh, okay. Just a little bit. Oh, that one. Okay.
Suzanne: All right. All right. Very cool. Awesome.
Dustin: It's like a…
Suzanne: It's like a moped. Yeah. Kind of, yeah. That was awesome.
Dustin: And you go fast when you do the throttle.
Suzanne: Yes, definitely. It took a little... It took me a minute to get used to the steering for a second, but... Very quickly, I did, and it was fun.
Dustin: How did you feel about the pedaling?
Suzanne: Fine, actually. Yeah, it was fine. I wasn't even thinking about it, so that's a good thing.
Dustin: And you're comfortable with the backrest?
Suzanne: Very. Extremely comfortable.
Dustin: Cool.
Suzanne: Yeah.
Dustin: All right, well, there's Suzanne Maiden Voyage on the Easy Rider Compact. Let's check out a five-foot rider. Okay, I'm here with Ashley. She's five feet tall. She's got a 29-inch inseam and 19-inch arms. Go ahead and have a seat down.
Ashley: Yes, sir.
Dustin: Okay. How do the handlebars feel?
Ashley: I like them a little closer.
Dustin: Closer.
Ashley: Yeah. I like that one. Perfect.
Dustin: Okay. Clamp them down. So this works just like the other e-bike you tried out. She's five feet tall. So hold this down. Turns it on. Now this one's a little bit different in that it's a twist throttle. So you're going to twist that to go.
Ashley: Okay.
Dustin: And you just want to ease into it. This is your parking brake, let's pop that out for you.
Ashley: Okay.
Dustin: And you can go ahead and give it a try. All right yeah, there you go.
Ashley: Okay, what do you mean to skirt off like that?
Dustin: Push the button up to two.
Ashley: To two?
Dustin: Push it up to two.
Ashley: Okay.
Dustin: Now pedal.
Ashley: Oh, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, because it was like taking off and I was like, okay, okay, wait. I was like, I need to relax.
Dustin: Yeah, it's got power.
Ashley: Yeah, it has a lot of power.
Dustin: How do you like the riding position and how was the pedaling? Was it easy for you to reach the pedals?
Ashley: Yeah, the pedals are easy to reach. It's comfortable to lean back. It took off a little bit. It took a second, like warmed up almost, and then like took off. And I was like, oh, OK. Turning was different because I like to think of it more like this. So it was more like side to side. You know what I mean? So that was like out of my comfort zone. But I was like, oh, OK. And once I got used to it, I was like, oh, OK, cool.
Dustin: Different.
Ashley: Yeah. But I like it. I think it's fun.
Dustin: Cool. All right, well there's Ashley at five feet tall. She has a 29-inch inseam, so we made a big jump from our 4'11 rider which was 24 inches. Let's check out a five-foot-one rider. Okay, we're here with Victoria, she's five foot one. And what was your inseam again?
Victoria: 29.
Dustin: 29 and your arms were?
Victoria: 17.
Dustin: 17, okay. She just rode on an ebike for the first time. Go ahead and have a seat. All right. Yep, great.
Victoria: Okay, that's cool.
Dustin: How do those handlebars feel for you?
Victoria: That feels good. Yeah.
Dustin: Okay. All right. So it's very similar. We're just going to push the on button here.
Victoria: Okay.
Dustin: Okay. Your screen. I can't see there. Sorry. Okay. Now your screen comes on. Victoria: Yeah.
Dustin: Now the difference on this one is it's a twist throttle right here. Don't do it just yet, but you're going to want to ease into it. So you don't just crank it back. But everything else, when you pedal, it's going to go.
Victoria: And this is?
Dustin: This turns it off. Yep. So, you can go ahead and like, you can move that up or down if you want to go to more assist as you feel free.
Victoria: Okay. So I'll be back. Yeah, oh my oh shit shit shit shit. Okay. Okay.
Dustin: A little different steering.
Victoria: A little different is when you turn.
Dustin: And the throttle, you got to kind of get used to how much you.
Victoria: Yeah.
Dustin: Did you like it? Different?
Victoria: It's different, but I like it.
Dustin: Have you ever ridden a tricycle like this before?
Victoria: No, this is my first time.
Dustin: Yeah, got it. Got it. Powerful though. Right?
Victoria: Powerful, so powerful. Fear, so you need to be very careful when you touch this.
Dustin: Cool. How did it feel reaching the pedals though? Was that okay?
Victoria: Oh, that was okay. And that was very comfortable to see.
Dustin: Yeah.
Victoria: Everything. Yeah. Just this is so new for me.
Dustin: Fair enough.
Victoria: Yes.
Dustin: All right. There's Victoria at five foot one. Let's check out her five-foot-two rider. With Katie. Katie's five foot two. She has a 27-inch inseam, 16 and a half inch arms.
Katie: Yes.
Dustin: Okay. All right. So she just rode an e-bike. Was it for the first time?
Katie: Yeah. Yes.
Dustin: Okay. So go ahead and have a seat. All right. Do you like the handlebars there? Want me to adjust them?
Katie: I kind of feel like it'd be nice if they were up a little bit.
Dustin: Up a little bit. We can do that for you. Go ahead and find what's good for you.
Katie: This is good.
Dustin: Good. Okay. Clamp it down there. All right. So it's very similar to the other one. You are going to, let me go ahead and pull the parking brake out for you.
You can just hold the brake now if you want. So the difference is that this is a twist throttle. So if you twist that, it's going to go. You just, you want to be like, you know, it's like, well, you have the brake actually, so it won't work, but. You want to be gradual on that. And then you've got it in level one. If you want it at any point, you can put it into two or three. Totally up to you.
Katie: Is that like a gear?
Dustin: That's how much assistance you'll get from the motor. So level one is the least amount, and then you can go all the way up to five.
Katie: I see. Okay.
Dustin: So feel free. Have at it. All right. Fun?
Katie: Yeah, it's fun.
Dustin: Now do you feel like you can reach the pedals okay to pedal?
Katie: I could, yeah. I could be pedaling. Let me just do a little round. Yeah, so in that case, yeah, the steering's nice. When you're going pretty fast on this one, you feel things a little more.
Dustin: Interesting. Okay.
Katie: But the pickup was nice.
Dustin: Did you feel stable, though, with the wheels in the back?
Katie: Yeah, I mean, knowing that there are two wheels back there makes you feel a little more stable.
Dustin: Cool. All right. Do you want to take another lap and pedal maybe down there or not?
Katie: Sure.
Dustin: Okay. Well, you're smiling anyways.
Katie: I do like that assist.
Dustin: Yeah. It's a fun kind of riding. It's like a bike meets a scooter, a moped-like mobility device.
Katie: Yeah, it's like dynamic, the different options.
Dustin: Yeah. Cool. Where's Katie's first ride? Let's check out our five-foot-three rider. Okay. We've got Stephanie up now. Who's five foot three and you're in seams 26 and your arms were how long?
Stephanie: 17.
Dustin: Okay. Now she hasn't ridden a bike in a long time. Now I think this one's going to be a whole different experience for you. So have a seat.
Stephanie: Be fine.
Dustin: Do you want to try actually with level one? I think you'll be fine. You want the handlebars lower. Do you like them there?
Stephanie: Maybe a little lower.
Dustin: Is that okay?
Stephanie: Yeah. I think like there?
Dustin: Okay. Oops, cables out of here. Okay.
Stephanie: I can always brake, right? Brake or put my feet down.
Dustin: Yeah. Anytime you pull the brake, you'll be good. So this one's a little different in that it's a twist throttle right here. So if you twist this, let me show you. If you twist this. So you just want to go very easy on that if you want to use that.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Dustin: And you can start pedaling and go. Now, you're going to be way more balanced on this with three wheels.
Stephanie: Okay. So I shouldn't crash it.
Dustin: All right. So you're free to go.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: I'm going to sort of walk with you.
Stephanie: Yes, I know. Liability.
Dustin: Just stay in this direction away from the cars.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Dustin: There you go.
Stephanie: So I make it wide here. Oh, okay. Okay.
Dustin: Easier?
Stephanie: Yes. I haven't even hit the brake yet.
Dustin: Do you want to try the throttle or is that beyond the scope of what you want to try?
Stephanie: I can try a little bit. Should I like to go around?
Dustin: Yeah, try this. Now twist the throttle a little. Just a little.
Stephanie: This one?
Dustin: Towards you, yeah. Just a little. Just a little. Just a little. To get them straight away.
Stephanie: Okay.
Dustin: What do you think?
Stephanie: It did it!
Dustin: Do you like that better?
Stephanie: Yes.
Dustin: Easier?
Stephanie: A lot. I would ride this.
Dustin: Do you feel stable?
Stephanie: Yes. I'm feeling more in control, even though I was going faster.
Dustin: Yeah, no, it's nice. It's balanced. It's very, yeah, it's a fun fun ride I like it. Cool. Stephanie did it. Let's check out another first-time rider at five foot four, okay I'm here with Maria she's five foot four 28-inch inseam 18-inch arms go ahead and have a seat. Okay, now, you're all turned on, level one. Now it's a twist throttle. So you'll twist it to go.
Maria: Okay.
Dustin: And, the parking brake is on, so pull the brake till this pops out. There you go. And you're free to ride. Use the throttle maybe just to give you a little, just ease easy not the whole way. What do you think?
Dustin: I like it. Smooth ride.
Maria: Yeah, comfortable. I just like the twist throttle. I like that. It gives you a nice little bit of juice.
Dustin: Yeah. Cool. And did you reach the pedals OK? Were your feet?
Maria: I felt comfortable the whole ride.
Dustin: Awesome.
Maria: Back and everything.
Dustin: Yeah. All right. Well, there's Maria. First time ride. She liked it. Let's check out a five-foot-five rider. OK, I'm here with Tasha. She's five foot five. And she just wrote, wait, have you ridden an e-bike before?
Tasha: Once, yes.
Dustin: All right, so go ahead and have a seat. But never a trike like this, right?
Tasha: No.
Dustin: How do the handlebars feel, okay?
Tasha: They feel a little high.
Dustin: High, okay. Do you want to bring them down closer to you? Maybe like that?
Tasha: Yeah, that's probably good.
Dustin: All righty. So pretty similar to the other one. You've got your levels of assistance here. Now, this is a twist throttle. So if you twist this, it'll go. You don't want to just crank it. You want to just ease back into it.
Tasha: OK.
Dustin: And yeah, you can pedal. So go ahead and pull that brake till this pops out. There you go.
Tasha: OK.
Dustin: So you're off and running.
Tasha: OK.
Dustin: Use the throttle to help you get going. There you go.
Tasha: This one's fun.
Dustin: It's kind of like, yeah, it's like a mobility, it's like a…
Tasha: Yeah, it's like a moped meets a beach cruiser.
Dustin: And isn't it nice with the handlebars kind of right here?
Tasha: Yeah, that is nice. Yeah.
Dustin: How did you feel about your feet reaching the pedals?
Tasha: Oh, great. Yeah, very good. Yeah, that's good. Very comfortable.
Dustin: All right, there's Tasha at 5'5". Let's go on to our 5'6 rider. Okay, we're here with Madeline now. She's 5'6", and she has a 33-inch inseam, and what was your arm length?
Madeline: 19.
Dustin: 19. Go ahead and have a seat. So for her, she only wants one back support there. Okay, feels good for you?
Madeline: Yeah.
Dustin: How do you like the handlebars?
Madeline: They could be a little further away.
Dustin: Farther away, okay.
Madeline: Just a little bit.
Dustin: Go ahead and find what's good for you.
Madeline: Right about here.
Dustin: Okay.
Madeline: Thank you.
Dustin: So it's pretty much the same as the last one, except now this is a twist throttle. So if you're going to do that, you're just going to ease into it. So go ahead and take your voyage.
Madeline: I like it a lot. It's fun.
Dustin: Did you pedal at all or not really?
Madeline: No, not really.
Dustin: Why don't you try one more time down and do the pedaling?
Madeline: Do the pedaling.
Dustin: Use the throttle to help you get going.
Madeline: Oh, yeah.
Dustin: You're stuck on a hill right here. There you go. You got a smile, so you enjoyed it.
Madeline: Yes, very much.
Dustin: It goes fast, too.
Madeline: Yeah, it does. It feels almost like a moped.
Dustin: How did you feel about the steering and stability and stuff like that?
Madeline: It felt great. It felt great. Yeah. It feels different because it's a tricycle, but I like it.
Dustin: Cool. All right. There's Madeline at five foot six. She loved it. Let's check out another five-foot-seven rider. All right. We got Peter here who's five foot seven and... Thirty.
Peter: Thirty. And nineteen.
Dustin: And nineteen. OK, cool. Have a seat. So he likes the backrest back here so he can reach the pedals. All righty. Now, do Handlebars feel okay?
Peter: Yeah, they're perfect.
Dustin: So he just got his first e-bike ride, right? Previously. So same kind of deal. You hold this down. I got to turn the battery on down here for you. Okay. Now go ahead and hold that middle button. The screen should illuminate. There you go. Cool. So same principle as the other one. Now a little bit different in that this is a twist throttle.
Peter: Okay.
Dustin: So twist. So you don't want to, you don't want to crank it back. You want to ease into it. Same deal. You've got a pedal assist. Go ahead.
Peter: Double brake.
Dustin: Yep.
Peter: Cool.
Dustin: Sometimes it helps. Yeah, there you go. Okay. It's always people's instinct to just give it full throttle and zip out of here, you know?
Peter: Nice, that's fun.
Dustin: Fun, isn't it?
Peter: Yeah, it's comfortable too.
Dustin: Comfortable, yeah. And it gets going pretty well, right?
Peter: Yeah, it does. Cool.
Dustin: How did you feel about the steering? Was it easy to get used to?
Peter: Yeah, I think so.
Dustin: Yeah? Cool.
Peter: I felt like I was doing pedaling and the throttle at the same time and felt pretty good like that, too.
Dustin: And you can reach the pedals okay?
Peter: Yeah.
Dustin: Okay, cool. Yeah, that was awesome. All right, well, there you go. Peter at 5'7". Let's move up to our 5'9 rider. All right, we're here with Jason, who's 5'9".
Jason: Inseam 30 and sleeve 21.
Dustin: Inseam 30. arms 21 go ahead and have a seat. Now he doesn't need the backrest we've sized him already and you can reach those pedals okay? Now the principle is the same, you've got your pedal assist. I can put you into one here. I've got the parking brake on as well. Now this is a twist throttle so you're going to twist this like that to go. Don't crank it back, ease into it, and have fun.
Jason: Sounds good.
Dustin: What do you think?
Jason: That was fun it was it was a bit different because you twist for the throttle, but once you get used to it, oh, it's smooth and it's really fun and great.
Dustin: How do you feel about the riding position?
Jason: Oh, yeah, it was good. It was good. And you can also lean back, and the chair helps for support as well.
Dustin: And you could reach the pedals.
Jason: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you could also pedal with them or use the throttle, so it was real good.
Dustin: Cool. Glad you liked it. All right let's move up to our five foot ten rider. All right we got Travis with us now is five foot ten and inseam?
Travis: 29.
Dustin: 29 and…
Travis: 21.
Dustin: 21. All right go ahead and have a seat. All right, how do the handlebars feel? Okay, adjust them. Can you reach the pedals? We can put the backrest in for you, too.
Travis: Yeah, probably.
Dustin: Let me see.
Travis: I think it's fine.
Dustin: Do you think it's fine?
Travis: Yeah.
Dustin: Okay. How about the handlebars?
Travis: Great.
Dustin: Great? Okay. All right, so it's the same as the other one. You're in zero. You can put it in one, except this is a twist throttle. So you're going to twist that if you want to use that. And then, yeah, enjoy the ride.
Travis: We learn, we learn. Chill, chill.
Dustin: What do you think?
Travis: It's nice. I think the…
Dustin: Oh, is the parking brake on maybe?
Travis: The parking brake?
Dustin: Oh, no, no, it's not.
Travis: No, I think it was great. It was a bit of getting used to. I think I played around with the numbers a little too much just to test out the system, but it was fun.
Dustin: Yeah?
Travis: Yeah.
Dustin: Easy to steer, or was that a little bit different?
Travis: The steering was a bit different, but you get used to it quickly.
Dustin: Yeah?
Travis: Yeah.
Dustin: Cool. All right, that's our 5'10 rider, Travis. Let's move up to 5'11". All right, we got Kyle up next here. He's 5'11". What was your inseam?
Kyle: 27 inches.
Dustin: And your arms?
Kyle: 22 inches.
Dustin: 22 inches. All right, go ahead and have a seat there.
Kyle: All right.
Dustin: And can you reach the pedals okay with your feet?
Kyle: Yeah.
Dustin: Okay. And how do the handlebars feel?
Kyle: They're comfy.
Dustin: Good position?
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Dustin: Okay. All right, so you're all turned on here, except this is a twist throttle. And, yeah, you just pedal, and you're in level one. You can raise and lower as you pedal as you see fit. So you can let it rip and go for it.
Kyle: Awesome.
Dustin: Testing out the brakes there. Now there's one thing I can see Kyle's struggling with. He's probably not ridden a trike before, which is that you need to steer and turn the handlebars. Now it sounds intuitive, but for a lot of people, there's a big adjustment between tricycles and bicycles. So like right now, there he goes. Yep. You have to get used to how it turns, right?
Kyle: Right. Yeah, it took a second there. The brakes work well, though.
Dustin: Once you figure it out, how does it feel?
Kyle: Right. Then it was, like, super streamlined and, like, made a lot of sense.
Dustin: Comfortable?
Kyle: Very. It feels sort of like a... Almost like a motorcycle. Yeah.
Dustin: And how's the leg extension and everything like that?
Kyle: It was super comfy. Yeah. And I feel like even though they're small wheels, like, it's... Like, I feel like it would... Handle, like, rough terrain well, too.
Dustin: Cool.
Kyle: Yeah.
Dustin: All right, well, there you have it Kyle's at 5’ 11” let's move up to our six-foot rider we got Braxton here. He's six feet tall and has a 33-inch inseam and 22.
Braxton: 22, yes sir.
Dustin: All right have a seat. All right. Ever ridden a trike before?
Braxton: No, not this kind, at least, you know?
Dustin: Okay. All right. How do the handlebars feel?
Braxton: Good. I like them. You know, I don't need them super far out. I like it here.
Dustin: So everything's the same. Your pedal assist levels are here.
Braxton: All right.
Dustin: But this is a twist throttle.
Braxton: Okay.
Dustin: So you twist that and you go.
Braxton: All right. Excellent. All right. Let's do it.
Dustin: Have fun.
Braxton: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the first turn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is nice. Sweet. All right.
Dustin: What do you think?
Braxton: I had to take a second on the turn
Dustin: Yeah.
Braxton: You know I wasn't trying to take it too fast, but you got to feel yourself shifting a little bit. But, you know once you have it and you trust it, it's nice and relaxing.
Dustin: That's the key.
Braxton: Yeah, yeah.
Dustin: Actually you don't need to lean. You just need to turn. That's kind of the…
Braxton: So just do it and get into it? Okay, yeah.
Dustin: See, that's the brain. When we learn to ride the two-wheel we think we've got to lean, but actually, it does nothing on a trike.
Braxton: Okay, gotcha. Yeah, because it's exactly how I thought I'm like, on the turn, I'm like, up I got to lean. It's like, no, just lean into the turn, turn more into it.
Dustin: Well, you'd want to lean the opposite way. In reality, this one's balanced. But on a trike, you lean in the opposite direction if you want to keep both wheels on the ground.
Braxton: Gotcha.
Dustin: So it's a little counterintuitive, you know what I mean? But comfortable, right?
Braxton: Oh, yeah, most definitely. This is sweet.
Dustin: Cool. All right, there's Braxton at six foot. Let's check out our six-foot-one rider.
All right. We got Mike at six foot one in the seam. It was thirty-two and a half.
Mike: Thirty-two inches in the seam. Twenty-three-inch arms.
Dustin: All right. Have a seat. I think you're going to like this ride. All right. So same thing here is your pedal assist levels. Now, this is a throttle instead.
Mike: All right.
Dustin: So our twist throttle. So that's how you're going to go. And it's a trike. So you got to steer it. What do you say?
Mike: What's the red button do?
Dustin: That kills the throttle.
Mike: Okay.
Dustin: So if you release it, then the throttle doesn't work. So it's a safety feature.
Mike: All right.
Dustin: Have at it. Easy on the throttle out to the gates. So we know the acceleration is good and the brakes work.
Mike: Took me a minute to get the steering.
Dustin: Yeah, tricycles are a little bit different.
Mike: But, yeah, once you get it, it's fun.
Dustin: Yeah. And just trusting that it's going to stay balanced, you know?
Mike: Yeah.
Dustin: How do you feel about the power? And how does it feel, like, for your taller, the riding, the legs, everything?
Mike: I think I tried to push it too hard out of the gate, but once I got a feel for it, it zips.
Dustin: Yeah, yeah. How do you feel comfort-wise?
Mike: Very comfortable.
Dustin: Yeah?
Mike: Yeah. It's chill. It's an easy rider.
Dustin: There you have it. All right, that's Mike 6'1". Let's move on to our final rider at 6'2". All right, we got Ryan at 6'2 now, 33-inch inseam, 24-inch arms. Go ahead and have a seat. All right. All right. How do you feel comfort-wise, handlebars?
Ryan: Good, good.
Dustin: We could adjust those if you like.
Ryan: Yeah. Get a little Harley moment here, yeah.
Dustin: Do you like that better?
Ryan: Yeah.
Dustin: All right.
Ryan: Okay.
Dustin: Okay. It's a twist throttle. You're going to want to ease into it. You've got the same pedal assist. It is a trike, so trikes are different in that you have to steer. Leaning will not steer the trike, so you have to steer the trike, all right?
Ryan: Okay.
Dustin: So enjoy the ride.
Ryan: Let's see. And the twist throttle is right here?
Dustin: Yep.
Ryan: And twist it back? Towards you.
Dustin: There you go. Okay. Do you like it?
Ryan: I do. It does take this trike.
Dustin: Turn it, turn it, turn it. Yeah, you just gotta trust that the wheels will.
Ryan: Will do it.
Dustin: Will do it, yeah. Yeah. But it takes getting used to.
Ryan: Yeah, but once you, I mean, once, you know, after five minutes, it'd be a breeze. Dustin: Uh-huh. How did you feel comfort-wise?
Ryan: Oh, extremely comfortable.
Dustin: And leg extension was okay?
Ryan: Yep, everything was great. I probably would have, up here, I thought I would like it here, but with the trike, I probably want it down here for more.
Dustin: Let's try it again.
Ryan: Yeah.
Dustin: Okay, sorry.
Ryan: Oh, yeah.
Dustin: Okay, go ahead. Right there?
Ryan: Like right here. Yeah.
Dustin: Give it one more try.
Ryan: Yeah.
Dustin: More comfortable like that?
Ryan: Yeah, it's more, uh, same comfort level, I'd say, but very much easier to maneuver.
Dustin: Got it. yeah got it yeah cool all right well there you go. Ryan's first experience on a tricycle. He did it.