E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Choose your color, speed, and accessories. It's like a canvas, but for your bike.
Choose your color, speed, and accessories. It's like a canvas, but for your bike.
Pick a color combination and pair with the right accessory.
Choose from one of our top bikes and build your personalized ride.
With high gloss chrome components and a frame with a glistening sheen, the EVRYjourney classic hybrid cruiser looks like a sleek, modern showpiece. But if you think it only excels at being a showstopper on the street, you’re sadly mistaken.
Say hello to your new bicycle bestie. Supremely comfortable, super low maintenance, and ready to ride whenever you are, living the bike life has never been easier. Become the queen of your neighborhood as you cruise Around the Block.
Our extended frame and forward pedaling design delivers a smooth, superior riding experience, and looks mighty fine in the process. Add in specially crafted comfort mechanics, and you’ve got ultimate cruiser for leisure riding.
Say hello to your new bicycle bestie. Supremely comfortable, super low maintenance, and ready to ride whenever you are, living the bike life has never been easier. Become the queen of your neighborhood as you cruise Around the Block.
With high gloss chrome components and a frame with a glistening sheen, the EVRYjourney classic hybrid cruiser looks like a sleek, modern showpiece. But if you think it only excels at being a showstopper on the street, you’re sadly mistaken.
Our extended frame and forward pedaling design delivers a smooth, superior riding experience, and looks mighty fine in the process. Add in specially crafted comfort mechanics, and you’ve got ultimate cruiser for leisure riding.
At sixthreezero, we are all about creating desirable bikes that give our clients exactly what they want: a ride that is as cool as it is crazy-comfortable. We’ve dealt with our share of bikes that left us hobbling around the next day and unwilling to get back on two wheels. Those days are over thanks to our convenient online system and the availability to customize your own bike.
From custom beach cruisers to city bikes and beyond, we make it easy to help you build the perfect bike. Simply visit our customizer page to choose your perfect frame, color, seat, grips, tires, and accessories, including the always-handy cup holders. Spend a little time implementing what you want and let us do the rest. You’ll enjoy the oh-so-cool, oh-so-comfortable bike you need to stay fit, get to work, or do just about anything else requiring a set of wheels.
Perhaps you want to choose from our extensive selection of bikes, such one of our Women’s Cruisers or hybrid bikes for sale. Don’t fret for one minute hoping the bike will meet your needs! Use BodyFit, our convenient bike fitting tool to obtain the perfect bike for your body type. Simply enter your height and weight to discover which bikes are ideal for your rides around town. The best option for you will feature a green thumbs-up sign, while those that do not match your form’s needs will include a red thumbs-down sign. It’s that easy.
What’s the point of breaking in a bike and spending a few days in pain? Treat your body to one of our bikes, such as your very own custom cruiser bicycle or another custom-made bike you can’t wait to show off to your friends and neighbors. With our bikes, you don’t have to be uncomfortable. Ever.