This electric bike display is for all our EVRYjourney FAT Tires and Simple Step-Thru 500 Watt bicycles. This can be mounted on the left side of handlebar close to its grip.
- 24V/36V/48V Power Supply
- Rated working current: 10mA
- The maximum working current: 30mA
- Off-state leakage current: <1μA
- Working temperature:-20℃~ 60℃
- Storage temperature: -30℃~ 70℃
- Battery level
- Motor output power
- Assist level
- Speed indication (incl. current speed, Max. speed and Avg. speed)
- ODO and Trip
- Push-assistance function
- Trip time
- Backlight ON/OFF
- Error code indication
- Various Parameters Information and Settings (e.g. wheel diameter, speed limit, battery power bar, assist level, current limit, maximum speed, password enable, etc.)
- Recover Default Settings